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WA Police seize lethal new drug!

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Nicole Cox, police reporter

December 04, 2008 01:00pm

EXCLUSIVE: WA POLICE have made what is thought to be WA's first seizure of the potentially fatal hallucinogenic drug DMT, and arrested three men.

Police yesterday seized two grams of the drug, known as dimethyltryptamine, and arrested three men after raiding two properties in Denmark and Walpole, in the South of WA.

Police were called into investigate after a patient was admitted to Denmark Hospital with a suspected drug overdose of the drug.

``We believe this may be the first seizure of DMT by police in WA . . . And we also believe it is the first arrest as a result of this drug,'' Denmark Sergeant Dave Dench told PerthNow this afternoon.

``This is new (to WA). It's not new to the world. . . it's been used for 300 or 400 years overseas, but it's new to WA. We have never come across this in WA before.

``Even though we've only seized 2 grams, the fact that we've locked up three men, we believe we've put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities.''

DMT is extracted from the bark of certain trees and is manufactured during a `` complex cooking process''. Once ``cooked'', the yellow-coloured drug takes a crystalline or powder form. It is usually smoked, sometimes by lacing cannabis with the drug, police say.

Sgt Dench said intelligence suggested that the drug was being sold in 1 gram packages for $200.

He said chemists believed that each ``dose'' was 15 to 25 mg.

``Our concern is that if someone who hasn't taken the drug before and doesn't know anything about it and takes 1 gram, which is way over the dosage that chemists recommend is sufficient, then it may potentially have some major health effects for them.''

He said police did not have any evidence that the drug, which is believed to have originated in South America, had been manufactured in the South West or from local trees.

``There are about six or seven types of tree that this substance can be extracted from....But we don't have any direct intelligence to suggest it's been cooked locally,'' he said.

A 25-year-old Walpole man will be charged by summons with supplying a prohibited drug (DMT), possessing a prohibited drug (DMT) and one count of possessing cannabis.

A 22-year-old man from Denmark will be charged by summons with one count of possessing a prohibited drug (DMT) and possessing a smoking implement.

The third man, a 23-year-old from Denmark, will be charged by summons for possessing cannabis and possessing a smoking implement.

The three men will appear in Albany Magistrates Court in January.

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Our concern is that if someone who hasn't taken the drug before and doesn't know anything about it and takes 1 gram, which is way over the dosage that chemists recommend is sufficient, then it may potentially have some major health effects for them.''

Lol, then de-schedule it, and educate rather than incarcerate.

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What like alcohol & cigarettes?

How many people have died from DMT usage?

Fuck the media piss me off :uzi:

Edited by gromit

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lets demonize a homogenous neurotransmitter shall we?


Edited by _e_

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I hope one day the average person will read articles like this and put them in the 'reefer madness' category.

That's all this is. Demonisation.

Kinda like the 'terrorists' in India being on LSD. :slap:

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I would of thought that the fun would of been all over by the time it took them to get the person to the hospital!!!!

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Propaganda breeds mistrust :slap:

This is considered a sacrement by some cultures :slap:



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lol..I would love to see someone try and take a gram of DMT..for a start they wont get past the 50mg point if smoking...and if they..can't stop laughing wait...lol..if they eat it lol..then nuttin happens LMAO..oh yeah death for sure...


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Yer man, this is quite fucked. I am in the process of reading DMT: spirit molecule... 0.6mg/kg IV is considered a large dose... So say a lad weighs 85 kilo, 0.6 x 85... And that's IV. Mainline mother fucker.

Ehh what can be done? Now this has happened I bet there will be a 60 minute report on the new drug epidemic. Cunts


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I blame Dr Karl's disclosure on Aunty

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Even though we've only seized 2 grams, the fact that we've locked up three men, we believe we've put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities.
Hahaha, quite the contrary. Since they made such a big deal about a few guys being caught with a personal-use amount of a 'powerful new drug hallucinogenic drug' people will now learn of its existance and start asking their dealers for it, then they may read a book and learn that 1) they are surrounded by it, and 2) the 'complex cooking process' to make it is actually one of the most simple processes you can think of!

The more they freak out and terrorize the public trying to 'fight this new menace to society' the faster it will spread.

You just created a new drug craze officers :slap:

Bad Cop, No Donut!

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So true, but we gotta remember, these are COPS, these people enforce the law for a living, if toilet paper was illegal they would GLADLY arrest people for it's use, that's what they are paid to do.

So...we have 3 young men locked up now, getting possibly bashed,arse raped and generally exposed to actual criminals....how wonderful for society.

Easier to lock up drug users than violent crims isn't it.

They don't care, it's just a job, they don't care WHO or WHAT they step on/over to execute it, and i have heard this from the horses mouth.

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We do need traditionalist authoritarians but this doesn't stop everyone knowing they are half witted morons.

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BAHAHAHAA!! Again, what is it with hopelessly hopeless journoes??? Yeah the cops did their jobs, they caught several people with illegal substances and paraphenalia, but they dont deserve much more than a stern talking to (give or take, depending on their history with law enforcement) for breaking an unjust law. The fact that a cop reporter has managed to spin a story that will most likely encourage new interest in something that has a very low profile when the whole thing was about 2 tiny little grams of powder is hilarious. Imagine the hype they'll have to create if they come across a substantial amount - like a kilo of dmt. Now that would be worthy of the above rubbish - not two fcking grams...

Even though we've only seized 2 grams ... we believe we've put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities


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What a fucking joke..

``This is new (to WA). It's not new to the world. . . it's been used for 300 or 400 years overseas, but it's new to WA. We have never come across this in WA before.

``Even though we've only seized 2 grams, the fact that we've locked up three men, we believe we've put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities.''

Pick any line from the article and there is something stupid written...e.g, 1. New to WA, 2. used for 300-400 years, 3. Locking up 3 men with 2 grams "put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities."

And totally agree with you Auxin, way to put it in the spotlight.

Peace and anger

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Make some noise...

Edited by The Alchemist

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What a fucking joke..

Pick any line from the article and there is something stupid written...e.g, 1. New to WA, 2. used for 300-400 years, 3. Locking up 3 men with 2 grams "put quite a dint in the potential for this drug to hit Denmark in large quantities."

And totally agree with you Auxin, way to put it in the spotlight.

Peace and anger

Problem with that quote is that DMT is everywhere in a variety of plants. You just have to know how to extract it. This is crappy journalism.

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This is new (to WA). It's not new to the world. . . it's been used for 300 or 400 years overseas, but it's new to WA. We have never come across this in WA before.

Say what?

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It's cop-speak for "i don't know shit about this substance"

Has anyone ever seen anything, anywhere, that states DMT bearing plant use is only 400 years old?....i mean they obviously get all their "facts" from Google....i would have thought the knowledge was around a bit longer than that.

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Do they even use Google..? sounds more like they use Reverend Fred Nile as their source for information... :wacko:


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I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is so freaking funny, but at the time it's scary because they get away with bullshit like this. There should be repercussions for police/journos/pollies that make up crap. I mean, this isn't just a slight distortion of the truth, this is just one-hundred percent a load of crap. Funny how it doesn't say anything about encountering entities who have so much more fucking authority that police. hahaha

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Say what?

Seriously that is the worse researched article I have ever read

firstly according to erowid ld 50 for DMT is 110mg/kg or for 5meo-dmt 115mg/kg so based on that unless the person taking the gram weighs only 9kg I don't really see a risk of that. It would be intresting them creating a big crack down on something with such a myriad of natural sources. I mean technically if you outlaw DMT and anything containing it , you effectively outlaw humans as we contain our very own natural source of DMT.

I would seriously doubtt anyone would ever use these substances habitaully or if it actually even has a viable markket , many inexperienced users would be scared away after the first try. Although i believe it would be highly irresponsible for any person making it to distribute it to such people

SIK smoked around 60mg ( actually thats still a quite conservative estimation) of 5meo dmt lungs shutdown for several minutes , however have heard of cases of 100mg + in one go that resulted in convulsions and a lot of other unpleasant reactions however personn recovered fine with in an hour, the SIK who had the lung issues needed mouth to mouth to resusitate but was fine , after breathing re-started :

actually note common factor and I'm not sure if this rings true for DMT but people on 5 meo actually forget to breathe , never use either without a straight sitter and someone who is experienced.

Note also LD 50 was found using rats other factors that may solely effect human anatomy were not considered

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Has anyone ever seen anything, anywhere, that states DMT bearing plant use is only 400 years old?
Yes, if memory serves there was a period many decades ago when the oldest archeological evidence of ayahuasca was like 400 years ago. Nowadays thats outdated since much older tombs have been found with aya stuff inside but those old '300-400 years' papers still exist on google where lazy cops and journalists may mistake them for current.

It is easy to laugh at DMT being called lethal and call them lying goat arse lickers but it is important to keep in mind that people with heart problems should avoid DMT. Its just easy to forget to say that because most people with serious heart issues are over 50 and most drug users over 50 are past things like smoked DMT and even those who arent are experienced enough to read up on things before hand, so its rarely an issue.

So, laughable to call it a 'lethal drug'? yes

A harmless drug? no, not universally

Sensationalist trash, yup :slap:

Next week in the news:

Lethal New SEX Toy Being Given To Children in SCHOOLS!!!

A Mr. Harry A. Ballzac, a 78 year old resident of Melbourne, dies of heart attack after achieving orgasm by means of a zucchini in his bum. The Anti-Zucchini Coalition (AZC) has mobilized to have these lethal sex toys banned from schools.

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