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The Corroboree

Desperately seeking ayahuasca


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Good morning all!

I have almost finished putting the details together for my overseas wandering.

Unfortunately time and money constraints (what other sort are there??) have dictated that this time around, there will be no South America leg of my trip. Basically I will be spending 3 months between Northern Thailand, Laos, India, Holland and the UK before coming home.

It was a major downer having to cut South America out of there but I am going to be pushing it budget wise as it is.

So this leads me to my dilemma; I reached a point a fair while ago where I started to actively seek people who have the knowledge, experience and materials to prepare an ayahuasca brew. So far all I have come up with is sparse offers of small crystaline extractions of yellow goodness.

If I am to give up my search and try to use this type of material along with a suitable MAOI...how on earth does one go about dosing it? This is not something I'd be prepared to guess at or do unless I can find someone with the know-how.

Alternatively, does anyone have any information on Yage for any of my aforementioned destinations?

I'm sure it will find me eventually.

Many thanks!

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I belive there are some Australian Santo Daime chapters around if you look hard enough.

IME these kinds of things tend to find you rather than you finfing them. They come to people when the time is right and when this time comes all the pieces will fall into place.

I hope you find what your looking for.

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dont worry man ive been trying to get aya to drink for the last 6 years!!!!! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blink.png

hopefully itarrives all esoteric like on my 30th birthday !!!

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IME these kinds of things tend to find you rather than you finfing them. They come to people when the time is right and when this time comes all the pieces will fall into place.

Excuse me, but that sounds like some kind of elitist crap to me.

Bandario, don't be discouraged just keep searching, most things do not fall in your lap from some mystical benevolent universe, but usually come as a result of someone spending time and energy... there are plenty of opportunities out there. As far as your dosing question goes, why don't you ask the people you get it from? Best luck in your search.

Edited by IllegalBrain
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sounds likeu have alot of research to do dude, id start firstwith the search engine here and maybee ayahuasca.com if its still up.

i dunno IB, but i do think andy is on the money with the 'u wont find it, it will find you' thing, just something ive encountered through my own personal experience, like trying for months togetshrooms, really stressing over it, then when ive given up, driving to tafe, parking and a whole bunch of subs are there right nextto my right fron tyre!!! But its his opinion dude, and hes well entitled to it and well entitled to share it here.Ive no idea how u could misconstrue that as an elitist comment.?

Geez i havent been abe to get it and ive been actively searching for 6 years! what does that make me then? i really think im not ready for it, hencethe delay, and is something ive experienced with all of the powerful hallucinogens ive encountered.

To write someones esoterical thoughts off as 'elitistcrap' aint cool man. Different strokes for differentfolks ay?

thats what makes the world so interesting?

BTW andyamine is possibly one of the most humble guys ive ever met, to bad im gonna fish his ass into the ground.

But yeah mate definatelyresearch dosages ,prep methods and definately research what u can eat

before administeriung an maoi.

I really want to drink aya on my 30th bday night (2nd dec) but alas i think i still aint ready.

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i dunno IB, but i do think andy is on the money with the 'u wont find it, it will find you' thing, just something ive encountered through my own personal experience

Yup, I completely agree with this! Leave it to fate, she knows best!

BTW andyamine is possibly one of the most humble guys ive ever met, to bad im gonna fish his ass into the ground.

I really want to drink aya on my 30th bday night (2nd dec) but alas i think i still aint ready.

LOL sounds like your fishing for something else as well old mate

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ha that wasa joke..

hmmm not at this meet, my attention will be focused on dominating all things piscatorial, not andys bot. be it the cute one that it is, im afraid i am going to hafto shun it! foolsbreath on the other hand...it will be a loooong hard drive.....

Edited by jono
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i dunno IB, but i do think andy is on the money with the 'u wont find it, it will find you' thing, just something ive encountered through my own personal experience, like trying for months togetshrooms, really stressing over it, then when ive given up, driving to tafe, parking and a whole bunch of subs are there right nextto my right fron tyre!!! But its his opinion dude, and hes well entitled to it and well entitled to share it here.Ive no idea how u could misconstrue that as an elitist comment.?

Geez i havent been abe to get it and ive been actively searching for 6 years! what does that make me then? i really think im not ready for it, hencethe delay, and is something ive experienced with all of the powerful hallucinogens ive encountered.

To write someones esoterical thoughts off as 'elitistcrap' aint cool man. Different strokes for differentfolks ay?

thats what makes the world so interesting?

I didn't intend to bag AndyAmine, from what I have seen I think he seems like one of the nicest people on this forum!

It's just that when people say things like that, it rubs me the wrong way, because I know if I had just waited for the universe to give me things, I would have nothing... I mean, isn't the desire and the searching an indication that it is 'the right time'? I don't really know many people who are into the stuff I'm into, and if I just waited for opportunities to present themselves, I would never do anything fun! So my experience is very different from that.

So, the reason I said elitist was that it sounded a bit like if you haven't managed to track down a certain plant yet, then you are not 'ready' to take it. It's different if you don't think you are ready for it, but if you think you are (and you would be in the best position to know) and make enquiries but meet a kind of secret knowledge kind of attitude, I feel like it would be really discouraging.

But I don't think AndyAmine meant it to come over this way, which is why I said "sounds like.." not "you are.." I wasn't bagging him, just disagreeing with what he said. I will try and be more tactful in future.

Yep, everyone is entitled to their opinion, different strokes for different folks, horses for courses...

Unless your name happens to be IllegalBrain, then you better fucking start agreeing with everyone a lot more, because your ideas and opinions do not make the world more interesting, just more irritating

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I thought the next post would actually be about Ayahuasca."

No its just u with ur usual something to say about absolutely nothing bullshit.

U can expect a lot of this from Teo if we let him stay... hint...hint

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IB, the way I look at it. God Reveals himself WAAAAAY outside the Bible when souls harmonise and things come together and.. drugs find you. I tend to think of Drugs or at least the mystical state they induce as much larger entities than the chemical itself, and as such having a greater cause-effect puppetry power. They can use us as tools, they are themselves a tool, or consciousness catalyst. In fact all the universe is using itself to learn about itself.. through various tools and guided intentions, the ultimate intent is self-awareness.

point is nobody gets anything by waiting for it, however by focusing your intent and Remaining active in your life, it may be weird how 'unconnected' activities will lead you to your intent. I'd agree that some expereinces are magnetised to your being at a given moment, they were meant to happen just then as you were ready, by the same token many an expereince has happened when the subject was NOT ready.. maybe for the very reason that a good arse kicking is a very humbling experience.

Teotz', I have a brilliant suggestion for harmonising with the universe and the intentions of the spirit plants containing the ayahuasca mixture, GROW THEM! They'll love you for it and Magically present to you Ayahuasca when your time is right.. ie: when they've grown to a harvestable size it will mean that YOU are ready... unless it finds you some other way, I guess whenever you get it you'll be "ready"

...Really you could say that god reveals himself in mysterious ways so who the fuck knows how / when / why aya will choose you, cuz it may have nothing to do with 'readyness'...

Really its a secret society run by adepts that are themselves running/being run by the invisible force of the all seeing eye - the force above the pyramid or heirarchy of thought power or govern-mente (mind control) and it is only through the synchro-mystic direction by this ruling elite together with the collective desires and inputs of the collective (mostly directed by the elite) that situations arise and drugs land in laps. They will not manifest in front of you but how you meet people and things come together may appear 'miraculous'.

So I guess you may be right that the esoteric hidden mysteries of synchronistic 'drug-finding-you-ness' is elitist but God chooses his disciples, his chosen ones, although no book is going to tell me who god and the chosen people are.

Hey I wonder if anyone (like me) got a sudden rush of delusions de grandeur.. I'm the chosen one!! - cuz drugs found me!

-all those junkies laying in that corner there, god chose them to experience bliss, but who will deliver the message?


Teotz' don't expect any answers now, IB and I like to periodically find a young unsuspecting thread and rape her till she's dead. Even after that a bit of necrophilia never hurt anyone...

Ah man this over-association of symbolism superimposed onto my whole reality has got me feeling really REALLY bad about hijacking threads, IB, lets never rape the poor threads again, unless I get firstsies cuz I aint getting sloppy seconds.

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Wow mate, already sounds like one of those trips of a lifetime, even without the latin american leg. (although with that combination of destination stamps in your passports, and if your lucks anything like mine, youll be spending a bit of time with customs haha)

Maybe it might be worth your while trying to cultivate some penfriends in India and Holland and see what they can tell you about your chances in their respective countries.

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i really wouldnt recommend importing aya prods in thecurrent climate.

but yeah teotz has a point, i hafta stop using this forum as a chatroom!! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blink.png

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at the sake of continuing all chatroomesque... ur worried u will get a weak strain? this may limit u a little.

like really worried?? have some kava and grow a plant. i believe this is how u get in tune with the plant spirits that u would like to commune with, but dont mind me im bein all esoterical (i LOVE that word!)

seriously dude, dont stress grow the plantand see. u worry to much bro. i recommend klinkava (the instant flavored gear) r u in australia? pm me ur addy and ill slip u a bit!! poor bugga!! i will take u under my wing!!

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