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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Seldom

  1. Seldom

    meme loves

  2. Seldom

    meme loves

  3. Seldom

    Cold showers

    have recently started cold shower regime, can't speak highly enough of the positive effects Here is a collection of info which i've found explaining the basics " The underlying premise of cold showers is that briefly and somewhat regularly exposing the body to certain kinds of natural stresses (like cold water) can enhance health. The advantage over hot showers seems to stem from a modification of the “sensory functions of hypothalamic thermoregulatory centres to lower heat loss and produce less heat during cold exposure.” The researchers concluded that regular cold showers produce “metabolic, hypothermic and insulative” kinds of adaptation to cold temperatures. ...Some of the specific benefits? A German study examined oxidative stress associated with cold showers and found that cold-showerers showed an “adaptive response” through enhanced “antioxidative defense” as measured by several blood markers. When we hop in to the cold water our blood vessels tighten instantly draining them of blood making you feel numb. When you climb out of the water, your blood vessels will open up again, allowing new blood carrying fresh oxygen to your muscles, which will invigorate them leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to take on a new day. Other research highlighting cold water’s effect on immunity shows an increase in both the number and activity of peripheral cytotoxic T lymphocytes in those regularly exposed to cold therapies. " positive effects on the endocrine system and hormone production, from what i've read, also seem fairly substantial I think in the end it’s all about upregulating the body, taxing it in a healthy, natural way like intermittent fasting. Again, i've only been doing it for < a week, but benifits to circulation, better skin, increased oxygenation producing clearer mind, heightened concentration and increased energy, it's worth it.there are alot of claims out there -> http://www.cold-showers.com/a-doctors-view-on-cold-showers/ about it's effects, but from what i've read so far the scientific basis seems solid. Do you guys have any experience with this or cold water therapy?
  4. Seldom

    Cold showers

    still have cold showers every day, it's still a little death every morning, and i love it does anyone else do this ?
  5. Seldom

    Define God

    yes we all do
  6. Seldom

    Quotes of the day.

    "how bout usin' ya fucken indicator mate" - Australian proverb
  7. Seldom

    don't cha hate it when..

    when you rub your head and dandruff goes in your eyes and your eyes water but it's really not from the dandruff it's just because life is sad sometimes
  8. Seldom

    meme loves

  9. https://www.facebook.com/549407148511768/videos/vl.863380057079088/792954847490329/?type=1&theater&__mref=message_bubble
  10. Seldom

    meme loves

  11. Seldom

    don't cha hate it when..

    when you're doing all this stuff at once, and something ordinary happens, and you saw it but didn't care enough to respond, and you go back to doing what you gotta do, but it's not the same, and you try to tell them but it's no use, you just gotta breathe in & out, even though it will never be the same, you still need to sit down, reflect, but it doesn't impact your life or your choices, and deep down you don't care that it doesn't, you need to do it anyway
  12. Seldom

    Quotes of the day.

  13. Seldom

    don't cha love it when...

    taking a woman on holidays is like taking a sandwich to a restaurant
  14. Seldom

    Why are we here?

    i am here to play KoЯn to my dmt plants, smoke blunts all day & do sex stuff https://video-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xtf1/v/t42.1790-2/11932705_792959244156556_479951076_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjMwMCwicmxhIjoxMzQ0fQ%3D%3D&rl=300&vabr=87&oh=d84318a52670ad875ab7ab5d654b5938&oe=55ED4A0F
  16. Seldom

    The Random Thread.

    the word "autumnal"
  17. Seldom

    Quotes of the day.

    my bed is a pile of leaves
  18. Seldom

    Quotes of the day.

    living is dying by loving
  19. Seldom

    Post a random picture thread

    awesome post ^
  20. Seldom

    Cabin Porn

    first 2 are awesome but that ^ looks like nightmares!
  21. Seldom

    don't cha hate it when..

    when you've been walking all night with no shoes and your feet are bleeding and the police begin to realize they cannot calm you down and your wife is crying
  22. Seldom

    Youtube vids

  23. Seldom


    this comes from a place of great compassion, if only people could get the fact that advocates are not saying these things just because we want to get high. well done LikeAshesWeFade . i endorse this whole heartedly, feel free to pm the page details
  24. Seldom

    Cabin Porn

    click the picture http://www.bluemts.com.au/news/lionel-bucketts-spectacular-clifftop-cave/