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The Corroboree


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About Bert&Ernie

  • Birthday 06/25/1993

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  • Interests
    Cacti, cacti, cacti, animal welfare, video games, gardening, horticulture, sustainable living, vegie and herb growing and more cacti

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    western australia

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  1. Good to hear! hopefully she'll be right! could try graft the tip onto something for fun
  2. not sure if any one watches Joe Rogan's podcast but Dennis McKenna was on today so thought id share! Hes got some other pretty decent podcast with other cool people aswell
  3. What time is everyone getting there?
  4. Whoops was meant to say Mammillaria. Need more sleep I think... But I has some growing on a Windowsill.. Was Mammillaria elongata or something similar.
  5. Some good old Turbinicarpus would work well imo have had them in mostly shade with them flowering and stuff...very pretty flowers too!
  6. It could have started from a tiny little scratch. I haven't been keeping up with cacti knowledge so my advice is probably not the best atm.. But sounds like some kind or rot or fungal thing. I can only recommend cutting the tip off until you get to a non squishy part... Then dust the top with some sulfer to stop the rot getting back in.. uhh I'm sure someone else should chime in... Also some better pictures could help us figure out what's wrong with her...
  7. Damn... Is it squishy at all? Might be worth cutting the top off and dusting with sulfer powered.
  8. Hopefully should be able to make it have not seen you all in too long
  9. Could also be because the spot where the roots are growing out of is in the shade...
  10. Happy birthday to both of you this place wouldn't be the same without you two! Love you both xoxo
  11. I obviouslt had a biy much the other night and didn't register what the title said at all but anyone know of any up closer to perth?
  12. Are these down south of WA? would love to go picking these but am not sure if there would be any around perth sort of area...
  13. Nice pricing man! Lucky people who ever get these....One day I will be able to afford more cacti hehe
  14. haarp But seriously it looks pretty weird I also would love to know what its all about!
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