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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Bert&Ernie

  1. Bert&Ernie

    jwerta's heart break thread!

    well i have a date on Wednesday night with the prettiest girl ever I cannot wait! any advice so i dont stuff it up?
  2. Bert&Ernie

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    Damn maybe I need yo make my bed bigger
  3. Bert&Ernie

    jwerta's heart break thread!

    Sorry to hear that bog I hope you are feeling okay.
  4. Bert&Ernie

    jwerta's heart break thread!

  5. Bert&Ernie

    New member ? Come and introduce yourself

    about time we had a thread like this!
  6. Bert&Ernie

    id of unknowns pls

    pachanoi doesnt mean pc My understanding was pc was a var of pachanoi...
  7. Bert&Ernie

    Cestrum parqui - anyone experienced?

    Had foaf who smoked some and it did nothing even with 10 grams smoked
  8. Bert&Ernie

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    Stop fighting now boys and girls. The whole universe has already told me im going to dominate this competition!
  9. start with what ever you want this is an open discussion
  10. Bert&Ernie

    Free to good homes

    good on ya mate
  11. Bert&Ernie

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOGFROG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy birthday boggy froggy Hope you are having a lovely day xoxo
  12. I have so many view some i don't understand fully and some that are pretty solid but still have a weak point. my biggest belief is that we all have an energy i guess some call it the soul or whatever and that energy cannot be destroyed but only changed into another form of energy and that we all have this inside of us and thats what dives us and living creatures, when we die i think that our energy force changes into another energy and that we dont really die but become some other be it life form or star or galaxy or whatever at the moment i have no idea what but i am working on it. I also believe there is some sort of being be it god or something else that is observing us, who knows this universe could be just a science experiment for some teenage alien....
  13. Bert&Ernie

    nexus seed give away

    if there is any spare i will put my hand up Thanks planthelper
  14. Bert&Ernie

    Biodegradable Pots

    Very true. I've seen it first hand many times.
  15. Bert&Ernie

    Carvings of Cats, domestic or feral..

    Amz would be a good bet and so would teo..
  16. Bert&Ernie

    Biodegradable Pots

    Ive used biodegradable pots before and found they dont degrade fast enough and they cause the area inside the pot to dry out as it draws all the water up
  17. Bert&Ernie

    don't cha hate it when..

    People talking about roo shooting when you are against killing animals.
  18. Bert&Ernie

    Meet up: Perth

    Need to have a party or gathering our something I mean I don't mind the parks but I want to have more fun... I'm keen for whatever though really.
  19. Bert&Ernie

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    My patch may be small but it has a big heart and it will dominate you all.. Only one!
  20. Bert&Ernie


    Thigh mate and thanks
  21. Bert&Ernie

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    My patch so far
  22. Bert&Ernie

    Lights for propagation

    I'll take a look I remember a really good one ill see if I can find it
  23. Bert&Ernie

    Lights for propagation

    Hey mods seeing as there are lots of threads about lights and propagation can we make one a sticky?