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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Xenodimensional

  1. T'was good to squeeze a brief cameo appearance in and meet some new crew. Down for January. I tentatively nominate the Kenilworth Fig Tree Walk as the location. Giant trees. It's epic. There's a free camping spot across the road next to a river so it could be a camping mission if that sounds like it'd tickle anyone's fancy.
  2. I tend to steer clear of these kinds of discussions, too divisive but I'll throw my 2c in for what it's worth. I've been herbivorous for most of my life, ate meat in great quantities between ages of 8 and 14. That's the only time period that I was obese in. During the past 20 years of herbivorousness I have not been deficient in iron or B12. Since focusing on having a decent amount of quality proteins (or more correctly amino acids) in my diet over the past year I have with minimal effort put on an estimated 5-8 kilos of muscle mass. I do believe we are designed to be omnivorous but not to eat large terrestrial animals and definitely not aquatic animals. More like grubs and beetles etc. Look at the types of foods that humans will eat beyond feeling full. Not just you, everyone. I can think of very few, grapes and figs come to mind. We don't have a strongly developed killing instinct, the fact that vegetarians exist (and that an even larger portion of society is so squeamish about blood/killing) pretty much supports that. My guess is that the eating of large terrestrial animals arose out of need, or rather lack of suitable dietary fulfilment. Whether or not we are adapted to eat meat (and I don't think we are) we are not very well adapted to eat cooked food. Cooking food causes enzymes to denature and proteins to 'tangle' more which makes them much harder to digest. Eating raw meat makes almost all humans sick. Anyway, I'm not out to convert people, just to present the facts as I see them. If anyone wants to claim that we are designed to eat cows/sheep/pigs, take a bite out of your leather couch and post the photos here, I'd be very interested to see the results.
  3. I am herbivorous. I try to make as much of that raw as possible but do love me some cooked food as well.
  4. Oh no I left the BBQ unattended for two minutes while I went for a wizz and someone came and pee'd all over the BBQs. Sorry guys.
  5. 1. Kickstarter 2. A Canon DSLR that shoots HD video. Adobe Premiere & or After Effects will cover all your bases. 3. Colour grading. Google it. You can get colour grading plugins for Premiere and After Effects. 4. Colour grading. Snappy transitions and good timing. Epic camera panning. 5. Study films you like. Develop your narrative. Tweak the pace, timing and cuts to suit the style you're going for. Keep it simple. Can elaborate ad nauseum at the next meet :-)
  6. Looks like a case of comet fail. http://www.abc.net.au/science/articles/2013/11/29/3901668.htm
  7. It is like the real thing. Only indistinguishable from reality by the nonsensical and improbable events that permeate the experience. When we dream are we tuning into parallel universes and seeing what alternate versions of ourselves are experiencing?
  8. Yep, making sure no kids take a whiz on the BBQ's and reserving a table and chairs just in case.
  9. Aw thanks Cheshire, making these type of works has become a very 'unconscious' process and it surprises me when I look back at them at how many layers and subtle, small details I put into some of them. Cheers Bullit, hope things are well in your world.
  10. From the album: Corpus Illuminata

    I figured if I only make one picture this year at least it's going to be a purple one.

    © Xenodimensional 2013

  11. Always love this topic when it rolls round. My username means "other dimensions". How I came up with it is that I call all my computer hard drives names like Synchrotron, Biotron, Cybertron and Xenotron etc. I've had a few musical projects that have all had the suffix 'dimensional' e.g. Transdimensional,Exodimensional etc. I more or less randomly associated xeno and dimensional one day and the rest was history.
  12. I always thought you had up syndrome?
  13. +1 for FL Studio. It does everything and uses hardly any resources on your pc. I'd try a few DAWs though and see which one suits you or takes your fancy. FL Studio, Ableton, Reason and Cubase are all pretty solid choices for making electro. Nanostudio is a new one and is free for mac/pc. There's plenty of forums and tutorials out there that you could also use to make a decision about which program to choose. Learn at least the basics of synthesis too. For the style you're interested in making you should start perving on hardware synths as well.
  14. Yep. It's all about the froth. 'They' say there 'has' to be 'missing' matter but there are so many models of the possible structure of the universe and realistically they might all be wrong (or we're in a simulation). Who's to say the matter in this universe isn't feeling the influence of matter and/or gravity in other dimensions or universes? How would we even measure that? Im pretty sure they don't use rulers in hyperspace and they don't let a lot of information leak out from there either. I guess clocks are more their thing though right?
  15. The fun is over, the game is up. The 'I love bikies' saga really heralded the fact that 1984 is here albeit nearly 30 years too late. Time to be a model citizen or it'll be a red hot poker up the jaxie. Strange to think isn't it that fascism was brought upon the populace not by some barbaric warlord or corrupt despot but by a former law clerk in his early 20's. On a side note that Market Day sucked. Some low-life broke into my car and left the windows down >:-|
  16. 8" is definitely where things start to get interesting (that's what she said).
  17. I'll have to declare a raincheck but I'll catch you all next time. Have fun yo' all.
  18. Comets are neat. Halley's maybe not so much but Hale Bopp made up for it I'm hoping Ison is even brighter and more spectacular than Hale Bopp. A good friend and myself have the odd 'scope night so I am looking forward to seeing it up close too.
  19. A great ending to a great show. Interesting ideas Red and very probable. Jesse was (supposedly) supposed to be killed in the first or second season. It's interesting how it evolved over the five seasons. Good work on your prediction of how it ended too :-)
  20. Turn it into photons and beam it into space?
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