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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by shruman

  1. shruman

    Please tell me im wrong

    Recently I found on ebay someone in the u.s.a selling chacruna psychotria viridis dried leaves and advertising they ship to australia. Is this realy possible & if so is it legal? I thought the importation of dmt containing material was illegal and akin to the importation of other S9's. I posed them a question of legality & he assures me it is legal to import as high grade incense or decorative products & are not illegal to buy for that purpose. If they assume all responsibility for sending should i order? Hope i am wrong
  2. shruman

    TBM pics

    Niiice work, thats the most penis's Ive seen in one place.
  3. Yeah i met jesus once, he offered to wash my feet so I said why not but when he started caressing my thighs & sucking my toes I told him I dont go in for those backdoor shananigans, he replied I know a good hooker named Mary Mag I could set u up so I slapped him and he turned his other cheek & said please sir may I have another so I got the hell out of there.
  4. shruman

    Another Fat T.Scop comp

    Great idea for a comp Bong very ingenutive. Bong is veerry generous so people get guessing!
  5. shruman

    Soil grubs?

    If ur lawn grubs are cane beetle larvae also called witchiti grubs (although they are not at all) then yes they will hurt ur plants they eat roots of plants predominantly sugar cane.
  6. shruman

    Entheozoology. Entheogen containing animals

    Yeah ive heard something like that but thought it was we know more about space then we do about the oceans
  7. Wish i was some where I could grow this one Did u finish updating the shop?
  8. even the dumbest politician most by now realise that the war on drugs is a total failure and that they are just making criminals out of users and addicts, friends, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, FAMILY I think the movie blow sumed it up well "how do u wage a war on ur own family" not an exact quote but near enough. FUCK THE WAR ON DRUGS. its a good slogan but it is no effective achievable policy.
  9. I have a small tip cut of Echinopsis scopulicola cordobensis 4cm wide 5cm long one side, 2.5cm the other, bit lop sided cause of rot calloused now & doesnt look to be rotting. I can not get to root if u r experienced with cacti & confident u can make it grow u can have it all I ask is a rooted cut when its big enough. postage paid if u do the same, if ur succesful.
  10. shruman

    Almost free to good home

    Thanks ace but i think grafting may be the go. will send u a small cut if all is successful. Lsd the cut is ur's pm me ur addy
  11. shruman

    psycho0 comp

    chuck my name in to plz
  12. shruman

    Entheozoology. Entheogen containing animals

    I sent BBB an email & they said they wouldnt , I think customs & they might not survive were the reasons given.
  13. shruman

    Ololiuhqui bloomed in temperate country !

    Niiice work mauve & excellent photo Do u mind elaborating on ur riveas environment & ur cultivation techniques, as I live in a temperate climate & would love to grow this plant. A foaf tried 30 seeds for the first time yesterday & only got threshold effects admitedly on a full stomach foaf said he will have to try again on empty stomach, foafs usual dose of HBWR is 12 seeds & this gets him off full stomach or not.
  14. shruman

    Entheozoology. Entheogen containing animals

    WTF were my sentiments as well ace My grandfather worked on the sydney waterboards & was bitten by a red back didnt go to a quack (as he called them) was sick for a week but went back to work the next week, I would advise anyone bitten by a spider go to hospital. ur frog sanctuary is a great idea i think u may have to make it cat proof though, there is a pond down the road from me and ive seen a few dead frogs right near it, I think the work of cats.
  15. shruman

    Entheozoology. Entheogen containing animals

    I think it was last year there were reports in papers & on radio of inmates in the golden quail (grafton gaol) milking red back spiders & shooting up the venom but it always sounded highly dubious. BBB did sell the sonoran desert toads in breeding pairs, i think a small electrical stimulation stimulates venom & has little effect on the toads. Frogs and toads, in general are species being pushed to the brink of extinction, while I dont believe any wild animal should be in captivity, captive populations may evantualy be the only way these species will survive.
  16. shruman

    Cactus car!

    Nice car u could realy take a trip in that thing. I saw a similair thing in armidale an old rowboat full of cacti in someones front yard very inventive.
  17. shruman

    Loph on swapnsell

    Yeah i didnt think it looked crestate ever but on swapnsell it says "Also has a crest forming, it is quite young but it will become very beautiful in years to come.." is this possible wouldnt crestate tendancies be genetic?
  18. shruman

    Conans garden

    Yeah she is a nice girl, wonder how many annoying pm requests u will get for cuttings?, conan expect a pm
  19. there were a couple of caespitosa on ebay last week called button cactus I searched under cacti
  20. shruman

    Sum interesting ebay stuff

    Hey naja did u see the couple of button cacti people had? there was one even labeled as an Ariocarpus astrophytum. looks like they figured out a way to get around ebays no lophs policy.
  21. shruman

    de facto cohabitation is a crime

    Centrelink was going to fine/prosecute my uncle for living with his ex common law wife but he told me there was some U.N charter that said u had the right to live with who u like & they had to prove he was having a ralationship with her to fine them. I always wondered wether this was true (hes known to spin a yahn) is there any such rights afforded by the U.N? I would think not the U.N wont even afford us the right to clean water or food.
  22. As is mentioned in the two previous posts effectively u cant grow ur own tobacco. cannabis cultivation can almost be as easy as throwing a hanful of seed, it is a very low maintainence crop (a lot easier then brewing beer). If i could legaly grow cannabis I would for a range of reasons & I believe a lot of people would u can buy tomatoes at the supermarket but loads of people grow there own for a variety of reasons.
  23. You can if u have proper permits but this is a mute point. I think we should have the right to grow any plant. It wouldnt be fully legalized if u cant grow it.
  24. how can u tax a plant that anyone can grow gir if it were taxed it shouldnt be taxed like cigarettes/ alcohol because it does not cause the damage as these do but if it were the same price as tobacco 1 oz would cost round $14 not $200- $500 an oz
  25. greeny how do u propose to tax a drug anyone can grow? I think if it were taxed more money should go to education better to prevent a problem before it starts then treat it. If it was legalized there would not be the financial burden it can have on users. And subsequently take money off organized crime. I think the first steps to legalization are decriminalization & or a medicinal marijuana bill (the latter having effectively made marijuana decriminalized in canada) oh yeah, IT SHOULD BE LEGAL