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The Corroboree


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  1. This thread was a great idea, i hope it picks up. @Quantum_Reality
  2. Eazyplugs might be a good solution if you know you want to send them in the post.
  3. You can find them on ebay 1g of seeds for $10 incl postage
  4. Ive had the same thought when I saw them first appearing in the grow shops. They're not cheap either. Didier you ever find out?
  5. Is there really such a thing as couchgrass? I laughed out loud when I read it
  6. Hi guys, I've posted it somewhere else before. But I just want to mention it here again. I got two old prints which i can give away. Pc brasil and Ecuador (2013&2018)
  7. Also now there are grovebags. They might come in handy too. They do what a boveda pack does..
  8. I've crossed sowahsherb with c99...and got regulars seeds if you're interested
  9. Yeah,me too.. Why is it so hard to get one? Did anyone try ordering cuts from overseas?
  10. I've got two old prints sitting here: Pc brasil (2018) Pc Ecuador (2013) (For microscopy only) If anyone has seen sally,please pm me too Cheers, fm
  11. I hope this time it attached the picture...
  12. Hi all together, I'm new here and wish you all a good day. Is anyone able to tell me what kind of a mushroom this is? They grow in my backyard in the lawn after a couple of days with rainy weather. I think I've seen them in Europe a long time ago and I would like to know what they are called. They are between 20-40mm tall and have about 2mm thick stems. Best regards, funghi-man
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