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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by PositiveHAL

  1. PositiveHAL

    Youtube vids

    http://www.ted.com/talks/michael_pollan_gives_a_plant_s_eye_view.html ted talk: What if human consciousness isn't the end-all and be-all of Darwinism? What if we are all just pawns in corn's clever strategy game to rule the Earth? Author Michael Pollan asks us to see the world from a plant's-eye view. Michael Pollan is the author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, in which he explains how our food not only affects our health but has far-reaching political, economic, and environmental implications. His new book is In Defense of Food
  2. PositiveHAL

    Annual SAB get together?

    What are peoples thought on creating a large gatering of the entire SAB community for a weekend to cometogether, meet contacts, have a show and tell and swap/trade setup, and generally have a good time. I know the EGA events a probably more in line with this but i was under the impression that this wasnt happening this year?... Anyway just canvassing thoughts. Location and timing would need to be as assessed to make it eaier for the majorityof people, i.e not during school hoildays, centrally located, etcs whats the fel on this?
  3. http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_stamets_on_6_ways_mushrooms_can_save_the_world.html?Mushrooms%20can%20save%20the%20world.
  4. PositiveHAL

    Post a random picture thread

  5. PositiveHAL

    Post awesome gifs here

  6. awesome work, I like them all, nice variety too thanks for sharing
  7. PositiveHAL

    Post a random picture thread

  8. PositiveHAL

    Freemason invite :/

    if you do join don't forget to reveal the inner workings to your true brethren... SAB!
  9. PositiveHAL

    The Knife and the Spot.

    jeez man you just blew my delicate mind!
  10. PositiveHAL

    Freemason invite :/

    I might be wrong but I think it's essential with the freemasons that you 'believe in a higher power' incog it seems events aligned for you that night... I wouldn't be thinking about it at all, take the offer
  11. PositiveHAL

    room for rent clifton hill, melb

    is it a hipster free zone? just kidding
  12. PositiveHAL

    Post a random picture thread

  13. PositiveHAL

    Post awesome gifs here

  14. PositiveHAL

    Post your track of the day

    my new favourite song, you gotta watch the whole way through!
  15. PositiveHAL

    Disappointing ABC story on 'shrooms

    ^ pretty alarmist too it shits me how the media keep linking anything to do with psychedelics to 'the sixties' it was over 40 frickin years ago.... and more to the point mushrooms have been used and revered by indigenous cultures for thousands of years! no mention of that in the report though
  16. PositiveHAL

    Ayahuasca on triple J right now! (Hack with Tom Tilley)

    It's worth stating too, that this is a government funded nationally broadcast 'youth' radio station, so well done to them, i dont see the need for any negativity towards this
  17. PositiveHAL

    Ayahuasca on triple J right now! (Hack with Tom Tilley)

    Negative Dave says - don't post when off ones trolley, things seem different in the cold light of day
  18. PositiveHAL

    Ayahuasca on triple J right now! (Hack with Tom Tilley)

    I thinks its fantastic that something like this got some major airplay, remembering that a huge percentage of the population would never have heard of this substance before, and being a national broadcast now hundreds of thousands if not millions of people have been informed by what was a fairly balanced and factual presentation. Well done ABC. I guess alot of it does come down to Ben Lee pushing the Aya wheel barrow, but hey, any publicity is good publicity, (his musics pretty shitty though IMO) but hey good on him for putting it out there, sure it hasn't been entirly easy for him
  19. PositiveHAL

    Free Trichocereus hybrid seed!

    good to see lots of new members getting these seeds, they are no ordinary hybribs! 1 shiny golden star to you interbeing for sharing!!
  20. PositiveHAL

    Post a random picture thread

  21. PositiveHAL

    Post a random picture thread

  22. PositiveHAL

    Free Trichocereus hybrid seed!

    yippity yo!
  23. PositiveHAL

    Feeling Breathless after Nangs

    wonder what's harder on the lungs daily cannabis &/or tobbaco smoke or the occasional nang session