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The Corroboree


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/11/12 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    On an average day average Sophia was sitting down by the city river enjoying the predictable taste of miso soup. Ignoring the spoon she gently took the bowl to her lips smelling the misty salt and letting it steam across her face. Glancing through the mist to her soup she was surprised to see vague patterns emerging, swirling, coagulating and forming into neat shapes. As she relaxed her beliefs a tad further, the geometry fractalled into complex high-definition motion images of people talking, laughing, walking and going about their lives. The figures then shrunk down and the images of the soup zoomed out to broader and broader perspectives revealing millions of people interacting and connected like bacteria or swarms of micro-organisms. Without thinking and yet accompanied by the sneakiest of smiles she quickly gulped the rest of the soup down, warming her hungry stomach. The day had come to an end as the first stars were hung in the sky. Gazing up Sophia suddenly felt the slight warmth in her stomach heating up. It got warmer and warmer and seemed to be filling her whole body when suddenly she was struck by an image invisible to everyone else yet blazing crystal clear right in front of her. The vision was luminous and incredibly detailed and by simply perceiving it Sophia could feel every minute detail as if her skin was watching it too. The complexity and the 'realness' of the vision overwhelmed her. She was strangely sure that she was witnessing the whole scale of life from the smallest of quantum quartz particles to cells, organisms, planets, galaxies and universes. Every detail was captured completely in an extremely dense epiphany that orchestrated all her senses in one harmonious realisation. As she allowed herself to attune to the realities unfolding, suddenly the everyday world started to vapourise and she felt the borders of her body become porous and expand to the size of the universe and beyond opening her perception to the most beautiful of scenes light-years beyond all imagining. The otherworldly realm gently vibrated with patterns that hummed so very finely, powered by an ineffable grace. Sophia turned to see a scroll facing her floating in mid-resonance. It was glowing with soft colours yellow, magenta and blue gently flickering the surroundings. She gazed upon the scroll. Red tilted words silhouetted by a glowing golden warmth began to write across the page emerging from nothing then fading back to nothing. The scroll read... ‘Dear human, welcome to the gates of knowing. First things first, I’ll give a brief outline of the cosmos and then you may play around, if you wish, and most people do wish to play a little ;) So, the reason why you humans all have micro-organisms and bacteria in your stomachs is not simply to help you live with your environments but it is based on the design of a much broader and older style of Cosmomachinery. The earth is in fact a kind of protein floating in the stomach of the giant cosmic god named Bobbita who generally spends her time residing in a variety of gardens including Eden, Yugas, and the controversial fields of McDangleberry land. Before incarnating to earth each human was originally living in the sweet realms of giant cosmic fruit waiting patiently to be eaten by the hungry gods. One day Bobbita munched a giant apple that was hosting your soul and thus ushered you down the Cosmic Thorax to your birthplace on earth. However, as I’m sure you are now aware, there are ways to transcend Bobbita’s stomach-verse and venture out into the broader realms of cosmic life. Meditation, dance, music, poetry, contemplation, crises, pain, and a variety of other things can open the gates to the hyper-physiological realms of the cosmos. But our favourites, chosen so given their expediency and power, are the ever sacred psychoactive plants and chemicals. The neat balance of 5-meo-dmt and nn-dmt in Acacia Obtusifolia, for instance, regularly offers direct access to the veins and arteries of Bobbita’s blood system. Once in this strange realm, neophytes must quickly learn to navigate by modulating the triad of attitudes, emotions, and mental acuity that all become intimately blended together with the multi-sensual resonance zone of the Rainbow Blood Realm. Songs, sigils, and other symbolic orders can help to focus and direct the Substance of Intentionality and allow one to maneuver here. When the neophyte becomes sufficient in navigating the Ship of the Rainbow Rivers he or she can then venture through Bobbita’s body encountering numerous bizarre yet strangely familiar creatures along the way. While this type of exploration is full of absolute curiosity and wonder, most neophytes want to experience, if only once, the Rainbow Blood Terminal of the god-brain where it is possible to transcend the cosmic skull and be projected out as a thought into the God Realms. Those who do not wish to travel these Rainbow Blood Realms and God thought-form Realms and prefer to enjoy the standard earth plane with all its beauty, terror, hope, irony, tenderness, misery, and wonder, there is nonetheless the cosmic journey of transphysiology to attend to at death. Whenever a human dies, the soul is quickly sucked down the Cosmic Colon where it enters a giant processing station named the Manure Heap of the Garden of Eden. From this station, souls are magnetized to the roots of trees where they are transported to the upper branches to reside in the sweet realms of fruit once again. And from here the souls must wait bathed in a sweet dodeca-sensual paradise while occasionally wondering which god will eat them and which world they will be consumed by.
  2. 2 points
    http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2012/s3636300.htm thanks to the qld-ag for putting it all into context, they're simply trying to stave off the zombie apocalypse. well done qld.
  3. 2 points
    This pic has two interesting grafts in it, the front left is from the same seed as the Albino to me it looks very "spachianus like" hence why I have my theory. The tricho on the right is a nitrogen cross Ecuadorian pach x N1 cool looking plant looking forward to that one putting on some size.
  4. 2 points
    November update thought I would show some grafts I haven't update for a while and update my Albino Tricho project. OK so TBM on T.spach Sick pach on spach this one is like a big ugly art installation Not sure what this one is either a Mammarilla or Rebutia peres ANd a group shot of some of my seed grown on own roots and seed grown grafted Trichocereus And my albino Trichocereus project group shot from them I will make take some more grafts and then get them out into the community, I'm starting to think the cross is possibly Psycho0 x T. spachianus.
  5. 1 point
    Hi everyone, My Bhut jolokia chilli plant has fruited again and i have some seeds I'd like to give away. All i ask is that if you received seeds from my last chilli give away that you let someone else have a go this time. I will endeavour to get seeds out ASAP. Thanks Gollum P.S. If anyone has any other varieties of chilli seed they would like to swap for a bag of Bhut seed i would be stoked.
  6. 1 point
    A New Zealand salvia.d grower possibly discovers a new 'strain'. The plant appears to be growing in a patch of s.divinorum has a square stem but slender leaves. Any ideas what it might be? http://northlandsalv...-northland.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhcvCAgYMAc Video Caption
  7. 1 point
    ive got a heap of spare seed, PM me your address and I'll send you some.
  8. 1 point
    my chariot of choice is a datsun 1200
  9. 1 point
    How the fuck do schoolkids get money to go to Bali? Pocket money's gone up from 50 cents a week then, I assume. The locally produced arak* is nasty shit, without adding anything to it. Having fallen victim to the cheap grog earlier this year, and two of us suffering very badly for it, I would say that the ACA story is a beat up. What a surprise. *it's not really arak as known in the middle east but a liquor made from whatever. Sugarcane, coconut, rice, but never with anise.
  10. 1 point
    just because people are doing it doesn't mean it's legal
  11. 1 point
    No chance, production covered by strict Federal licencing (by the ATO)
  12. 1 point
    Lol. Would've been even cooler if it went all the way through, Hot Fuzz style
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    personally I can't stand happy high herbs and anyone selling "safe" party alternatives. I don't trust the labeling and a lot of what is labeled is very vague and even if they mention the ingredients they seldom give you the exact quantities of what's been used. In my job I have seen parents buy their kids synthetic cannabis thinking it was a safer alternative because it was legal (I worked with this family a year a go) my thoughts were that it was new and no one knew the long term effects and to stick to what you know but at the end of the day it's just my opinon and opinons are like arseholes = ) safe alternitives pffft = )
  15. 1 point
    you just have to watch tv, movies and social networking to see this at work and it's not as slow as they state.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    I care not the motivation! If you didnt grow it...leave it alone. Did whole trees(that were not your own) ever die as a result of your actions folias? If not....harvest away......if so....bad karma for you Ive got a bunch of obtuse, floribunda and accuminata coming along nicely, that I will one day harvest(as sustainably as possble too) Use the trees in the wild as a source of seed and grow your own FFS! You might actually learn about the plants and trees, as well as the alkaloids in them! Do you care for plants folias or only the drugs in them?
  18. 1 point
    harvesting bark or leaves from live wild trees is unacceptable .....from National Parks , roadside plantings , or other public lands.
  19. 1 point
    Before folias/Julian came along the harvesting of bark was done quite sensitively by people who cared for the local forests more than for their wallets or personal aggrandisement. It was done from obtusifolias that had fallen over in storms in NNSW state forests - often in inconvenient locations. Folias changed all that. It suddenly became acceptable to take live trees from conveneint locations including protected national parks. It also became acceptable to harvest species that are listed as endangered or rare. Discussion on this topic usually ended in 'but the trees told me it is OK to take them'. This 'word from a higher source' is the usual messianic bullshit any cult leader uses to justify his actions no matter how unethical they are. These forums document the discussion on that topic over the years quite well and anyone interested but not familiar with the issues can look them up. The same egocentric and greedy justifications are still used by the people who folias/Julian shared his knowledge with so that there is still harvesting going on of the rare A.courtti and the rare A.phlebophylla, which was previously unthinkable. There might be some justification in this if these were the only sources of DMT, but fact is that there is plenty of obtusifolia in gippsland which is a weed there and plenty of acuminata in WA. These could be harvested extensively without any ethical issues. But this is where convenience and greed come into it. Obtusifolia from gippsland is much lower yielding than the rarer species, and aciminata is in WA which is a long way from the main markets on the east coast. I don't share the attitude of some of Julian's other critics in that the whole DMT thing should have been kept more quiet. I am all for free information exchange. But I think anyone with a slight interest and understanding of ecology would be hesitant to publicise a rare species as a source of a commodity. It is sometimes a good idea to not share everything. Julian, you said at Entheongaia that you wished people would be more forthcoming with their criticism of you rather than talking behind your back. I had to laugh at that comment but did not feel like interrupting the flow of the largely selfcongratulatory love-in panel. I am not surprised people don't confront you because your end argument is always that people have some psychic problem or that they simply do not understand your superior intellect or superior spiritual level. Or that the trees or aliens told you that you were right. Ever considered that you were just a shallow, greedy, and self absorbed bullshitter who happend to stumbled on a ticket to ride? If you really had this higher intellect or spirituality, why is it you are so toxic to the people around you? I look at the people that pass through your life and wonder what long term improvements you can claim to have brought to their lives? How many are more drug addicted, more mentally ill, more destitute, or even dead after spendign time with you? DMT is an amazingly beneficial drug, but you just don't seem to realise that it is not safe for everyone. You've done some great work, but you've also really fucked up a lot fo things and a lot of people. It's a pity psychedelics did not instil you with a sense of responsibility like they do with most others. Your greatest legacy from the last decade is to show how excessive DMT consumption can mess up your moral and ethical compass. Lets hope you've got something better planned for the next decade.
  20. 1 point
    thought I would update some of my yam/ tuber things. Ipomoea costata (Aus native) NZ yams for bogfrog White yam Purple Yam (gone mad) and here is a pic of the two types of Taro corms I planted, I never noticed until th eother day but they have different shaped leaves etc Anyone good at Iding these things?
  21. 1 point
    Great photos guys. My skyline is going to go off.....soon. Plenty of buds.
  22. 1 point
    The Albino/ variegated pups have taken well. 3 in total, pic of the best one. I will be mass propagating this one in the new year, onto peres and permanent stock.
  23. 1 point
    ^^^ that's what I thought at 1st as well jox...but if you check the link below you'll see it says any mescaline bearing cactus... I tend to agree with what jox is saying mind you slayer...just don't label them. It's beurocracy gone mad mate. http://www.shaman-au...opic=17519&st=0 Here's the link I was put onto, the Qld law about mescaline cactus is a bit, "open to interpretation"...which basically means it's up to the police. If you had a lot of entheo plants then the police would/could do you for the pedro's (if, they knew what they were looking at).
  24. 1 point
    If you do find a list it will probably be change by the end of the year! Good luck keeping up with our ever changing laws!
  25. 1 point
    Could have been me. The more diffrent hybrids you raise from seed, the more you know that many of them can look so goddamn similar.