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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by ThunderIdeal

  1. ThunderIdeal

    The Storm

    I know what you mean. My trump optimism has been dashed and rebuilt many times, i dont know what to think but the optimistic side of this is that that's part of his strategy; the face doesnt betray what the hands are up to. (muh 10D chess argument) Theres no need to pick this apart or anything like that - i know it feels like a stretch - but i'll post an article that renews my hope in "america first" https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2018/01/02/trump-cuts-gordian-knot-foreign-entanglements.html Excerpt If I have understood him aright, what would Trump see if he read this stuff? Lead, lead, lead... everything everywhere. The South China Sea, the Middle East and North Korea specifically but everywhere else too. More infrastructure repairs foregone so as to ensure what?... That ships carrying goods to and from China safely transit the South China Sea? "Friendly" governments installed in "Kyrzbekistan"? Soldiers killed in countries not even lawmakers knew they were in? 40,000 troops out there somewhere? Trying to double the Soviet record for being stuck in Afghanistan? How many bridges, factories or lives is that worth? Trump sees more entanglements but he sees no benefit. He's a businessman: he can see the expense but where's the profit? How to get out of these entanglements? It's too late to hope to persuade the legions bleating that "America must lead" and, even if they could be persuaded, there isn't enough time to do so: they salivate when the bell rings. President Trump can avoid new entanglements but he has inherited so many and they are, all of them, growing denser and thicker by the minute. Consider the famous story of the Gordian Knot: rather than trying to untie the fabulously complicated knot, Alexander drew his sword and cut it. How can Trump cut The Gordian Knot of American imperial entanglements? By getting others to untie it. He walks out of the Paris Agreement ("a watershed moment when it comes to debating America’s role in the world"). And the TPP ("opened the door toward greater Chinese influence, and won’t benefit the U.S. economy in the slightest"). His blustering on Iran caused the German Foreign Minister to express doubts about American leadership. He brusquely tells NATO allies to pay their own way ("America’s NATO allies may be on their own after November if Russia attacks them"). By announcing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel he unites practically everybody against Washington and then uses that excuse to cut money to the UN. His trash talk on North Korea has actually started the first debate about the utility of military force we've seen for fifteen years. He pulls out of Syria (quietly and too slowly but watch what he doesn't talk about). One last try in Afghanistan and then out. Re-negotiate all the trade deals to US benefit or walk away. Be disrespectful of all sorts of conventions and do your best to alienate allies so they start to cut the ties themselves (his tweet on the UK was especially effective). Attack the media which is part of the machinery of entanglement. Confiscate assets. It's a species of tough love – rudely and brusquely delivered. He (presumably) glories in opinion polls that show respect for the USA as a world leader slipping. He doesn't care whether they like him or not – America first and leave the others to it. The Three Noes and One Yes policy will be achieved by others: others who realise that the USA is no longer going to lead and they will have to lead themselves. Or not. Perhaps, as the neocons love to say, US leadership was necessary in the immediate postwar situation, perhaps NATO served a stabilising purpose then but there has been nothing stabilising about US leadership in this century. Endless wars and destruction and chaos and loss. Thus abroad and – the part that Trump cares about – so at home. It's not incompetence, as the people who fail Adams' test tell themselves; it's a strategy. (All real theories must be falsifiable; let's see in a year's time whether the US is more entangled or less entangled. It should be pretty apparent by then and, by the end of Trump's first term, obvious to all.)
  2. ThunderIdeal

    The Storm

    Because hes part of a very large effort. The assumption is that JSOC has been the guarantor behind these efforts, and in Q's words there are plenty of loyal americans in all of the alphabet agencies; the corruption is mainly at the top. Well, we all seem to agree on wait and see. ive intentionally refrained from trying to paint the picture. If you haven't followed US politics at least since the dirt started coming out on james comey, peter strzok etc well thats half the story right there. a super quick summary though trump signed an executive order targetting corruption and human rights abuses (human trafficking) declaring a state of emergency. Offenders will have their assets frozen. There are 9000 sealed indictments. lots of weird stuff happening, CEO's have been standing down, public figures disappearing, flights to guantanomo bay and bolstering the deployment there. My personal belief, maybe just because i hope its true; this is an actual purge of the parasitic element of the federal government including pizzagate/pedogate. They will be tried by military tribunal because such powerful people will always wriggle their way through the justice system.
  3. ThunderIdeal

    The Storm

    I think Q is real. Thats not to say he isnt leading everyone on.
  4. ThunderIdeal

    The Storm

    Found a good resource http://dystopiausa.com/week-11-storm-century-washington-2018/
  5. ThunderIdeal

    Mass Scopolamine Overdose in Perth

    I did too. There are different possible scenarios. Maybe one of them ordered it for sinister purposes but didnt get to the package first. Maybe somebody else was expecting coke in the mail. The fact that there was any kind of label at all suggests it wasnt posted from the darknet.
  6. ThunderIdeal

    What Weird Shyt R U into? NSFW

    https://imgur.com/a/DTeK7 No discussion of my shameful proclivities please. Posted for a cheeky peek and nothing more.
  7. ThunderIdeal

    Man's Plot To Spike Entire City Of L.A's Water Supply With LSD

    Also Those sneaky russians https://voiceofpeopletoday.com/nikki-haley-falls-russian-trap/
  8. ThunderIdeal

    Man's Plot To Spike Entire City Of L.A's Water Supply With LSD

  9. ThunderIdeal

    RIP andyamine

    I think he just meant now that he isnt around other people that andy's death is gonna hit him
  10. I once knew somebody who liked jungle.
  11. ThunderIdeal

    RIP andyamine

    His posts indicated a long struggle with a few conditions maybe RLS etc, not the prettiest circumstances but it always seemed like he was managing. Very sad, seemed like a lovely bloke.
  12. ThunderIdeal

    Is god a computer programmer?

    Naw As i mentioned theorised dark matter is being scrapped it seems and rightly so. Well some are still chasing grants to continue the search (dont think theyll find it) but now there are models explaining galactic rotation without the need to conjure any extra mass. It probably helps that we've found more legitemate sources of mass, including hard to see gas/dust clouds and red dwarfs plus changing estimates of planet numbers including rogue planets. Ive been shitting on dark matter here for a few years so i'll be pleased to hear the last of it. Not sure how proponents of the lambda cold dark matter theory (prevailing big bang model) will like that but who cares.
  13. ThunderIdeal

    Is god a computer programmer?

    A simulation of some kind, or an AI universe, should and will continue to be an appropriate possibility for consideration. Its too appealing to be dismissed and i can think of too many scenarios to type out. whether you do or dont include god in these scenarios, ai can also substitute for god. Why do that? There is no humanly conceivable explanation for why god is, whereas AI may be a possible product of a very young and flawed species of ape or space insect; its immediately more tenable than an unexplainable god, but why limit yourself to either/or when theres so many ways to combine the different theories? Anywhere in the picture somebody/thing may choose birth a being of awesome creative potential Fuck what happened to my post Too profound. God/AI/bigbang ate my post to prevent the truth! Edit: ok only my double post be truncated. damn. Was going to pretend it was such a bomb post that the matrix had to intervene... Anyway, whilst the big bang theory is only a what without a why (the cause is speculated to be a preceding crunch eg cyclical universe or an injection of energy from outside), i want to briefly (again) cast some doubt on the evidence that led us there, and suggest the origin of the universe (if it even had one) might be further than we can look. The big bang is inferred by two things: the microwave background, which a few renegade scientists and also a few well placed scientists dispute, and the expanding or receding universe. The universe is said to be expanding because of our method of guaging the distance of anything outside our neighbourhood (basically the entire universe). A light spectrum measurement called redshift is said to describe how quickly an object is travelling away from us, and since each galaxy is held to be generally moving away from every other galaxy, the faster its receding then the further away it must be. Its a really neat concept if you can be sure that a light measurement accurately describes recessional velocity, but perhaps the only way to know for sure, is to witness galaxies leave our visible universe (which it is supposed they all eventually will). A prominent astronomer opposed this explanation of redshift and presented evidence. He was professionally destroyed. Anyway, yes, a few renegade scientists dispute redshift too. In the meantime busloads of cosmologists and physicists have made careers out of tweaking various big bang models to get the correct distributions of mass while other physicists and astronomers have continually revised how much mass there is; to the point where it seems mainstream scientists are preparing to give dark matter the flick. I guess the point is that without the comfort of a viable creation myth/theory or faith in our ability to find another to replace it, then simulation as a possibility gains some standing, after all a simulation starts where you tell it to without requiring a legitimate birth with perfectly blended primordial chaos that progresses within desired parameters (eg life spawning universe). "begin simulation" is its origin. I think thats one of the main points nick bostrom tried to make: once an initial state is achieved where simulation is possible, from that point on simulation becames the simplest and most likely explanation for any given reality.
  14. ThunderIdeal

    Is god a computer programmer?

    A simulation of some kind, or an AI universe, should and will continue to be an appropriate possibility for consideration. Its too appealing to be dismissed and i can think of too many scenarios to type out. whether you do or dont include god in these scenarios, ai can also substitute for god. Why do that? There is no humanly conceivable explanation for why god is, whereas AI may be a possible product of a very young and flawed species of ape or space insect; its immediately more tenable than an unexplainable god, but why limit yourself to either/or when theres so many ways to combine the different theories? Anywhere in the picture somebody/thing may choose to birth a being of awesome creative potential, perhaps the safest way to do this is to hurl it into a void/sandbox where it is forced to believe it is the source, insulating your own universe from its reach; so sufficiently advanced technology is not only indistinguishable from god, it can make beings unable to distinguish themselves from god. That anything at all should exist is difficult to fathom. Maybe existence is is just turbulence, a lapse of decency. At our level of comprehension, the following are probably equally absurd. -Everything just came out of nothing, possibly in some kind of bang -A superintelligent computer just came out of nothing, possibly in some kind of bang -An omnipotent being is beyond time and form -A superintelligent computer is beyond time and form
  15. ThunderIdeal

    Amazon Australia

    Pretty much ^ And a few groups are now stating the real estate bull market is ending. I could argue a few advantages Australia still has but.... The illusion of wealth will be on its way out i think.
  16. ThunderIdeal

    I'm high on life...

    anodyne your posts are tight of late!
  17. ThunderIdeal

    Jim Carey

    You convinced me. I wonder if it has affected his bipolar disorder.
  18. Fuck diamonds! Otherwise i agree! Platinum is pretty cheap although you missed the bottom now. Its very interesting what youre saying though horse. It reminds me the way bitcoin is often depicted as some sort of gold coin. Cryptos do not exist in that sense, which is hard coming to terms with. To put simply i guess, incorporeal rarity - rarefied information rather than substance.
  19. Wait, youre saving for a hardware wallet? Thats literally like spending all your money on an expensive (empty) money clip. Id spend it on crypto and buy a hardware wallet later when your portfolio is worth something!
  20. ThunderIdeal

    Flat earth debate

    I cant quite understand all the hate lol So the guy wants to make a rocket and quite likely kill himself. Happy flight i say.
  21. ThunderIdeal

    EGA 2017

    And sounds like a... Hmmm What DO you sound like?
  22. ThunderIdeal

    Flat earth debate

    What stu said such a relief not having to say it myself.
  23. ThunderIdeal

    I'm high on life...

    Nice post! My youthful meditations (on a handful of occasions) were by far the strangest and most jarring experiences i can recall, and sleep paralysis is strange too, whereas drugs have produced some of the most pleasant and sensory experiences.
  24. ThunderIdeal

    Work drug testing and driving home.

    Dooligar's situation Although like so many do, he seems to have left us.