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hawaiian hydro buds

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hi - has anyone tried those legal hawaiian hydro buds from that shady looking site. they say high times magazine has voted them best legal buds for something like six years ...

has anyone tried them?

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Hhaahah, the legal buds. What are they actually? They cant be cannabis or they would be illegal. So one couldn't really expect a cannabis like high. I bet those websites make a shitload of money off people who think that it will get them stoned. Has anyone tryed them?

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I do believe these products were bouonced around the old forum , from memory they got poor reviews from those that had tried them. Maybe some one else can remeber the title of the thread ?

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Heres one and heres another


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I remember the thread.. but can't for the life of me recall what the ID turned out to be, there was one though I think.

Tried UTFSE with cannabis and bud and fake but it didn't return anything. There was a thread on something called Geshteya buds but ID wasn't confirmed :(

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I think they are just opium lettuce from something I think I remember reading.

incidently, what about those red moon or whatever they're called (legal hallucinogens) - does anyone know about them? I expect they would be even a bigger load of crap??

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sounds like utter crap!! I can't believe these people can live with themselves.

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I can't believe these people can live with themselves.

AND their huge piles of money! :P

But seriously: it is shameful, if you are a smoker, to rip off other smokers. Where is the love?

I thought 'stoner' was a universal language of love?

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it should be, but because pot's illegal, it costs money, and money being the root of all evil - or so they say - honesty is obscured by visions of wealth.

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why would high times rate them so highly???

Because they have advertisements in every single issue of that publication!

Like you said: Honesty is obscured by visions of wealth.

If HT gave them a bad wrap, then they wouldn't advertise in HT anymore, would they?

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if it is crap i doubt high times did accually rate them, i cant find anything from my subscription that mentions them.

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surely high times wouldn't stand for that. their name is being dragged through the mud.

EDIT - benzito, I didn't see your post. I suppose high times are pretty blunt (heh heh) about their real priorities. this legal crap is just a few extra bux on the side. still sad though ...

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surely high times wouldn't stand for that. their name is being dragged through the mud.

thats what i think. maybe my expectations are too high :saufen2:

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If HT gave them a bad wrap, then they wouldn't advertise in HT anymore, would they?

Where else could they advertise 'legal buds' ? The Women's Weekly ? :P

I tried some of that black goop called 'lettuce opium' a few weeks back when I was out bush, it's said to induce a veeeery deep sedation similar to opium. Firstly, it rarely burned no matter what we tried, secondly it did nothing for us - although after all that heavy sucking on the water pipe, I was feeling lightheaded from the bed of damiana used as a burning aid. Not happy and definately not high.

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Where else could they advertise 'legal buds' ? The Women's Weekly ? :P

I tried some of that black goop called 'lettuce opium' a few weeks back when I was out bush, it's said to induce a veeeery deep sedation similar to opium. Firstly, it rarely burned no matter what we tried, secondly it did nothing for us - although after all that heavy sucking on the water pipe, I was feeling lightheaded from the bed of damiana used as a burning aid. Not happy and definately not high.

I made an extract of opium lettuce once, and vaporised it in a champagne glass layed on its side. I made a seal out of foil for the top of the glass, with the foil shaped into a pipe in the middle (using a bic pen).

I took the seal off, put a small amount of the extract in, then put the seal back, and covered the pipe part with my thumb. I held it over a candle til I saw the vapours fill up the glass, then when it was nice and cool, sucked it through the foil.

very nice, sweet taste!

very mild at first, but unlike most other legals I've tried, this stuff kept improving as the night went on. I've never tried real opium, but this stuff was well worth trying.

Osiris, I think it's in the way you were trying to smoke it.

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That's a nice technique, one that I would have never dreamt up. I'll have to give that a go with some of the remaining stock. Also want to pull out the old blackened knives over bunsen flame and try a few spots at high temperature.

I should also mention that ingestion of the goo on its own (about 2g) had no noticeable effects. My next project, when I have the inclination, is to try and break it down in vodka.

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Lactucarium is no placebo as a legal 'high'

if u arent gettin effects then its cos u are a hardhead for it or someones sold you fake or low grade stuff

if u get/make a good extract it is very pleasurable, a cool smoke with a definite change in feeling through waves of euphoria and quiet reflection. The world seems a little hazy too - like its smoky

however if you can scrap the latex from the incised stems of mex poppy and eat that youl find something even better. quite morish

physical numbness with peaks of distinct euphoria and a tendency towards a somewhat devilmay care and playful juvenile state of behaviour.

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As Cannabis Culture from Canada says, it is crap. Go to the CC site and search for Fake Buds. That should enlighten a few, Cheers.

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As Cannabis Culture from Canada says, it is crap. Go to the CC site and search for Fake Buds. That should enlighten a few, Cheers.

Ahh Cannabis Culture, it sure beats the crap outta the kiddies pot mag that is High Times.

This was/is one of the main groups in High Times that peddle this crud International oddities

They sell everything from "wizard smoke" to "Hextasy", there is oils, tablets, herbs, and they even sell a sort of mushie that they claim will make you "see the light"


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Yer Passive, bloody amazing they can run those companies and as you said CC used to advertise these products until they tried some - all rubbish, but i guess there has got to be 100 to 200 million kids to try to sell to in North America.

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I placed an order with an online shop of herbal smoke things.... :unsure:

Anyhow, it got grabbed by customs and I got a letter stating that importing organic matter was a risk of some sort and if I REALLY wanted the contents of the package they would have to charge me $40 to gamma-irradiate (microwave) it to kill any bugs.

Since the product cost me less than the microwave fee, I decided to let customs keep it for their own experimentation and I filed a chargeback with visa. :rolleyes:

Try it if you like. Good ol' Visa will protect you, but expect a letter from customs and in future you can look forward to having EVERY package addressed to you from overseas arrive with the contents hanging out the side of the box with yellow tape all over it and a brochure telling you how they are fighting terrrism by protecting me from letterbombs.

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Anyhow, it got grabbed by customs and I got a letter stating that importing organic matter was a risk of some sort and if I REALLY wanted the contents of the package they would have to charge me $40 to gamma-irradiate (microwave) it to kill any bugs.

That's not customs. It's quarantine. Big difference.

I decided to let customs keep it for their own experimentation and I filed a chargeback with visa. :rolleyes:

That's fraud. Customs/quarantine clearance is not the responsibility of the seller, but of the importer. I had the same thing done to me by an american customer who lost his live plant to USA customs. I offered him a replacement [even though I am not obliged to] but he chose to file a chargeback instead. I took him to court in the USA, was paid the full amount, all costs I had indurred, all legal fees, etc. His credit card was cancelled and he now has a criminal record.

So yeah, charge backs are to prevent fraud, not to commit it.

While I doubt these sorts of companies bother for something like that, there is no way of telling. I am sure the asshole who tried to rip me off figured the same as you.

Also, by doing this sort of thing you are increasing the number of companies who refuse to ship to australia. You are limiting your own future choice as well as that of everyone else.

Try it if you like.

You are inciting other members to break the law and to behave unethically?

Good ol' Visa will protect you

No, Visa will protect honest trading. If you ordered the item [and the vendor would have logged your IP at point of sale], and the vendor has complied with his terms and trade laws, then he carries no fault and the charge back is illegal. I hope this comes back and bites you on the ass.

but expect a letter from customs and in future you can look forward to having EVERY package addressed to you from overseas arrive with the contents hanging out the side of the box with yellow tape all over it and a brochure telling you how they are fighting terrrism by protecting me from letterbombs.

Yawn. You did not get done by customs. Your parcel was seized by quarantine because you didn't bother checking the quarantine laws before you ordered. Quarantine does not check for letterbombs. Customs tape is green, not yellow.

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