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The Corroboree

Anyone interested in rooted caapi cuttings?


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Hey folks.

Not sure where to start... I'd cut a piece of caapi  accidentally (only a small stem) when trying to prune back an intrusive vine.  I didn't think much of it and stuck it in a pot on my back verandah.
I only noticed a week ago how damn healthy it looked given I'd forgotten putting it in soil or looking after it to be honest.  It's flourishing and so healthy - I'll try to upload photos in the daytime.

I'm interested to know if any SABers would like a cutting with roots - I just have the one at the moment as it was a spur of the moment thing to put it in a pot.  Ideally I'd like to send these out (ready to go in the ground or a pot depending on your climate.)

If you would like some caapi then all I would ask in return is that you send me a pre-addressed express envelope.

WHY?  It's so easy for me to do and I'd love to contribute to the SAB community whom I've been a part of for eighteen years (yikes!) and I've learned so much from.

I honestly can't recall when I put that first small caapi stem in a pot - definitely no longer then the beginning of the year.  So I don't know exactly how long it would take from taking a cutting and putting in soil before it forms roots and is flourishing. 

I'll do my upmost to not be such a freakin slacker in terms of visiting the forums.  I'll take some photos of the rooted caapi stem tomorrow in daylight and post here.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Everyone I am SO sorry for not checking out my PMs to date etc.  FARK, if I was any slacker, I'd be comatose!

LOADS of caapi cuttings for anyone interested - whether you'd like them pre-rooted (just give me a few weeks) if you're in a cold climate or if not and would like a few cuttings sent out to root yourself, caapi is ridiculously hardy...  well it seems to love the conditions in NQ and I DON'T water my plants.  

So this isn't really actually much more than an acknowledgement that I realise I've dropped the ball and I apologise I haven't replied to my messages just yet.  
I still want to upload a photo so you can see how that random cutting is now thriving.

Thank you for your lovely comment @Xperiment - I have a couple of varieties of caapi dotted around the garden and definitely won't hurt my vine to cut some back!

@El Presidente Hillbillios *sigh
I suppose we can come to some sort of arrangement :P

Cheers all, again, I apologise to everyone who has messaged me.  I WILL get around to reading your messages and responding.  Seriously, loads of caapi cuttings, it's all good, it's just me.  And somehow I've managed to go from bold to normal font or is it just me?  Ok, time to crash.  Night kids.  :wub:

Edit:  words, couldn't be arsed fixing the font, sorry


Edited by gem
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  • 2 weeks later...

SAB FRIENDS! I cannot apologise enough, seriously. BEYOND slack. I feel fucking AWFUL.  :BANGHEAD2:

The caapi is still on offer, no $ or trade required (although I can never have enough lophs, just sayin'.)  :P
Honestly folks - enough to share with everyone.  To be clear we're on the same page, I'm talking cuts of caapi that I can send to out for you to root (either in water or soil, I've done both easily) or give me a wee bit and I'll get some cuts into some soil for peeps who'd prefer rooted cuttings.  Seriously if you could see the side of my house...  the caapi is up past the guttering and well, I really do need to cut it back!  There's probably a fair amount of decent thick vine for tea but I've already fallen well behind on just the cuts.  Baby steps. 

I've just IDK, turned into a vampire.  I honestly cannot sleep at night (gotta love NQ and the lack of green, where I live is called Brownsville for more then one reason I guess) so I sleep all day.  I digress (other things on my mind.)

Sincere apologies to everyone that has PM'd me.  I WILL get to you all just not tonight...   :wacko:

Hope you guys understand.  :wub:

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