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The Corroboree

Flat earth debate

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I agree to a point. And I'm not having a dig at ya. But like anything and everything, an unchallenged thought can become fact even if it's not factual. Once again I'm neither for or against this theory but I couldn't conclude one way or another in 100% certainty. I just love seeing how people will interact given a thought that challenges their belief. I came to the realisisation belief is but a wish, a want. 


Just had a 'crazy' thought. In the continued struggle to keep man kind enslaved, what better way to live on a ball you can get off rather than a plain you could endlessly traverse. 


I dunno. All I know is we are all a lock with no key.

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5 minutes ago, paradox said:


why is it that people think that any actual real discussion about something is a war?  it's a discussion, no need to take anything to heart... a good discussion is a good thing, even if it is a discussion about why the discussion is stupid haha

Please don't be all politically correct on terminology. War was just a word I used to express conflict, disagreement, and potential disdain towards another's varied thoughts.

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5 minutes ago, Zedo said:

 But like anything and everything, an unchallenged thought can become fact even if it's not factual.


exactly bro, thats the only reason i ever commented in this thread :)


and don't worry man, i don't think you're having a dig at me, i don't take this discussion personally, it's just funny


6 minutes ago, Zedo said:

Please don't be all politically correct on terminology. War was just a word I used to express conflict, disagreement, and potential disdain towards another's varied thoughts.


is all good man, i just don't think a discussion is all that analogous to war, it's a discussion, which is a positive thing & i think it's a mistake to be too sensitive about words.  i think it's also a mistake to be too politically correct in the use of our words..  having a little passion doesn't mean it has to be personal or driven by disdain

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Just asked the dudes on a game I play if the earths flat or round. Lol everyone said flat... except one dude which i thought his comment was interesting although I can't fit it in my head atm. 

He said. "Earth is flat. It's time that is the big ball of wimbly wobbly timely whimy stuff"


thought that was great. 

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Can you have a sphere in a computer game ? and if so is it that flat?

What if it is all just 1's and 0's like the matrix, all life and choose is/are 1's and 0's, for example you have your shoes off is a 1 and if you a wearing them that is a 0, you put on a hat would be 1 and take it off 0, you put it on right way round is a 1, you turn it backwards that's 0 etc. 1 is on 0 is off etc. What if it is all a basic program and the program can be manipulated, now what if you can cause a 1 and a 0 to both exist simultaneously ?

Each brain runs a program within the program, each manipulates and imparts data onto each other, what if you could hack the OS or even see or exist outside the program, then what would it all be ?  

What if you could alter the systems mainframe, then would the data/memory there from be reliable for extrapolating any sound conclusion of what is or what is not?  


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On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 4:47 PM, bardo said:

Funny how Morpheus means god of dreams and Morpheus symbol is a poppy, maybe Morpheus is found in the poppy.

The alkaloid Morphine, was named  (by the apothecary, Friedrich Serturner, who isolated it in 1805), after Morpheus, the Greek/Roman god of dreams and later, sleep, because he noted it could induce sleep . Morpheus' existence predates that of the classic Greek gods of Olympus and the Titans. The poppy plant and it's properties have been mentioned in the written history as far back as the Sumerian and Indus Valley civilizations and were well known to all cultures which followed. Morpheus has been around for a long time....


It's interesting to note the word Morpheus, which in Classical Greek translates to "maker of shapes", is used to describe the god of dreams whose symbol is the poppy. Opium is renowned for it's ability to cause vivid dreams, both pleasant and unpleasant.  The early Greeks referred to the poppy plant as Morpheus because of these effects. Morpheus then morphs (see what I did there :lol:) into a deity, then Serturner names his extracted poppy alkaloid after the deity, because of it's ability to induce sleep. So the name of (an extract of) the poppy is derived from the deity which derived it's existence from the name of the poppy. 


So yeah, I reckon Morpheus is found in the poppy....

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Damm flat earth bull crap every time i go for a drug fueled holiday I come back to (last time drinking metho thread ) now flat earth debate .Come on sabers pick up your game

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18 hours ago, Bigred said:

Damm flat earth bull crap every time i go for a drug fueled holiday I come back to (last time drinking metho thread ) now flat earth debate .Come on sabers pick up your game

Are you judging the topic or the content or both? Flat earth is a very relevant topic to discus due to how prevalent the idea appears to be at this time.

It is very relevant to sociology, it is also a curious time with quantum physics and the many theories from experts in the field and how they may correlate with the topic,  Could be views,thoughts shared here that inspires thought and creativitive etc. By being so dismissive and indirectly insulting you may be hindering others confidence to share there views and thoughts etc.

Anyhow why did you come here to comment ? if that is your contribution perhaps it is you that needs to pick up your game ?


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4 minutes ago, bardo said:

It is very relevant to sociology, it is also a curious time with quantum physics and the many theories from experts in the field and how they may correlate with the topic,


What experts in the field of Quantum Physics have theories that correlate with the earth being flat? 

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17 hours ago, Change said:


What experts in the field of Quantum Physics have theories that correlate with the earth being flat? 

Dude please read my comment again lol I didn't say they have theories that correlate with earth being flat, I didn't say that at all you are twisting my words for some reason I do not understand why ?

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17 hours ago, Change said:

Sorry if you feel im twisting ya words bro @bardo, i just directly quote the part of your message that confused me. 


So what were you saying about Quantum Physics?


I said It is very relevant to sociology, it is also a curious time with quantum physics and the many theories from experts in the field and how they may correlate with the topic,

you said/asked -What experts in the field of Quantum Physics have theories that correlate with the earth being flat? 


Anyhow I prob should have said theoretical physicist, the idea of a computer simulation mainly, Elon musk prob the most famous, here is a link to show how some studies/theories ideas MAY correlate to the TOPIC.




illusion sabsab.png




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If you say what I said is bullshit than you have to elaborate or how can I have a rebuttal ?

Just claiming something as bullshit is a non statement, I am completely cool with accepting my statement as "bullshit" if there is something worthy to substantiate that view.

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