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Flat earth debate

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18 hours ago, Insequent said:

Thanks TI. You've just explained something which was said to me (about my head being vacuous) many years ago by my 6th grade teacher...:P


Flat earth, curved earth, simulation or something else, I've no clue. I've not bothered to consider it before, having accepted what I was taught, but I've found both "sides of the debate/conversation/expression of thoughts" stimulate my interest.  Perhaps our different perspectives may be generated in part due to our current understanding of the laws of physics. These do seem to have a tendency to undergo paradigm shifts every so often. Our understanding of our home and the Cosmos might become clearer with the reconciliation between Relativity and Quantum Theory, for example. 


Maybe we could ask The Shroom?


What I can comment on is the refreshing way most people conduct themselves during debate on these threads. The respect you all accord each other, I find liberating because it is something not often seen. Whether or not we're all on the same path, there's bound to be those who see the same things in a different light. Maybe that's what is meant by it being the journey rather than the destination which is important.

Yeh i like your groove on things, We can see the same thing in different light or the other way round visa versa, that is very cool, its sad when ego or when one grips there perception so tight that wars begin, i feel we live in our own shared reality, alone together etc.


Yes ask the shroom lol I have asked the shroom many questions a lot of times and i think we need a bit of a break from each other lol,  i have eaten many shopping bags worth of them over the years lol The dimetri is/was my greatest and most feared teacher of all.

Anyhow i wish all the best to all and everyone : )

Edited by bardo
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On ‎10‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 7:45 AM, paradox said:

i get your sentiment bardo & respect you for it.  i agree people should be treated with respect but ideas are not people.  some ideas should be ousted for what they are.


i don't personally think i was being disrespectful to siks3, he is probably a lovely guy, i was just teasing him for stating that people who don't believe in a flat earth are hurting because they have been deceived.  then demonstrate that the reason he believes in a flat earth is because he doesn't understand physics. 

All good man, I prob am just a little to sensitive sometimes : )

To idealistic perhaps, thanks for the kind words, i appreciate you saying that :)


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18 minutes ago, bardo said:


Most of my theories admittedly are derived from intuition and are difficult to explain in any real coherent manner, mainly a spiritual perspective where i think/feel this is all illusion, in existence here i feel we exist like phantasm from source, i feel there can be many truths coexist simultaneously but each one is as if it where sand in the mind of the beholder, i feel we see what we perceive but never what is really there because what is there?



i very much agree with what you are getting at here bardo.  everything we perceive is a holographic projection occurring in our consciousness.  Everything we have ever experienced & ever will experience is such, even if the physical universe outside of us really is a lot like it seems to our senses, the closest we will ever come to it is through this projected representative model of it that is a product of our consciousness.  Hallucination & 'real life' are not necessarily different things at all.  This is a large part of the basis of most spiritual traditions that seek to transcend the illusion of a mind-created universe we are trapped within.


i think it's one of the most fundamental aspects of the weirdness of existence & i have been pondering this pretty much since i was a small child.


 in my opinion, the point, when it comes to this kind of discussion, is that this is not a 'debate', either you have had some insight into the illusory nature of our own perceptions or you haven't..  Except through some very subtle zen-like language games, it is basically meaningless to debate such strange & fundamental psychological phenomena.  


while some people like to use this argument in support of ideas like flat earth, i think that is misguided.  If the flat earth idea was coherent at all it would be a debate about physical phenomena which, no matter how illusory our internal projections of reality may be, are still consistently very measurable & have extremely complex & very sound science, mathematics & endless observation which explains these things profoundly well.


in all my years of pondering these kind of deep things, i have come to feel that it's a mistake to throw the baby out with the bathwater by giving no credence whatsoever the the phenomenal world which seems to exist independent of our consciousness.  it seems to me that there is a relationship occurring between our limited individual consciousness/illusion & the universe at large.


In any respect a debate about something like the apparent structure of our planet is meaningless without having some kind of coherent structural framework of language which can be understood by anyone who has the patience to educate themselves in some kind of a meaningful way regarding that language.  in this case it is mostly the science of physics over the last 400 years or so..  otherwise this discussion is just like a bunch of apes arguing over whether a cloud looks like a chicken or peanut which you might agree would be boring & stupid.



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17 hours ago, paradox said:

while some people like to use this argument in support of ideas like flat earth, i think that is misguided.  If the flat earth idea was coherent at all it would be a debate about physical phenomena which, no matter how illusory our internal projections of reality may be, are still consistently very measurable & have extremely complex & very sound science, mathematics & endless observation which explains these things profoundly well.

Hey i am not disagreeing with ya there.

I want to make it clear what i said is not an argument to support any ideas was just stated my view on things : ) There are plenty of things that can be verified but i feel the thing in which we verify has the ability to change, truth manifest a new, many just upload to the new paradigm, we knew a lot of shit when we where kids but our pure knowing was clouded with earthy information/data, do you remember what a bird was before you where told it is a bird?


17 hours ago, paradox said:

In any respect a debate about something like the apparent structure of our planet is meaningless without having some kind of coherent structural framework of language which can be understood by anyone who has the patience to educate themselves in some kind of a meaningful way regarding that language.  in this case it is mostly the science of physics over the last 400 years or so..  otherwise this discussion is just like a bunch of apes arguing over whether a cloud looks like a chicken or peanut which you might agree would be boring & stupid.

I see what you are saying, or like arguing what a piece of art represents or its meaning, it is just paint on canvas and the rest is illusion.

I prob don't have a huge amount to offer this debate, i don't know what the structure of earth is because i have never seen outside of my view, i would only be speculating, i couldn't say with certainty anything about earths full composition or shape, i can question others opinions they present and that's about it, apart from that i only got more ape talk : )


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4 minutes ago, bardo said:

Yeh travel south and see if you get back to the same point ya started, that should do it : )


Say you had an amphibious boat, that could sail, then mount land and drive.


You cant travel any further south than the south pole anyway though can you?

So to do a full circle around the world, you wouldn't be travelling south 100% of the time would you?

It'd be like south for 50% of the time, then north for the other 50% of the time.


Strange, there is no East & West pole though, cause that wouldn't work... hmmmm. I wounder how a North and South pole actually works, but an East and West pole doesn't...

You can travel East for ever... But you can't travel South for ever... Fuck that is actually VERY strange...


I never EVER considered the world to be flat, I guess I still don't.

The actual logic behind the argument is bloody compelling though.

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18 hours ago, Skellum said:


Say you had an amphibious boat, that could sail, then mount land and drive.


You cant travel any further south than the south pole anyway though can you?

So to do a full circle around the world, you wouldn't be travelling south 100% of the time would you?

It'd be like south for 50% of the time, then north for the other 50% of the time.


Strange, there is no East & West pole though, cause that wouldn't work... hmmmm. I wounder how a North and South pole actually works, but an East and West pole doesn't...

You can travel East for ever... But you can't travel South for ever... Fuck that is actually VERY strange...


I never EVER considered the world to be flat, I guess I still don't.

The actual logic behind the argument is bloody compelling though.

Lol, yeh south eventually becomes north

If you travel south you would eventually have to go around the south pole unless the flat earth model is real than you couldn't go around the south pole you would be traveling around the inside wall of the dish, around and around lol

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the actual logic behind flat earth is non existent.

the reason there is no east and west pole is because the earth spins in that direction bro, think about it...


you seem like a great guy skellum but you're being a little daft..  which is not that strange in a thread called 'the flat earth debate' but still

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^I don't really know too much about it all.
The fact that the earth is spinning makes East and West endless?  Is the earth spinning on the equatorial line?
If the earth was spinning north to south, and the equatorial line WAS north and south.... Would that make North & South endless then... and there actually WOULD be a East & West pole then?

I'm probably sounding like a FKN idiot lol...

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Honestly dude, I don't mean this to be offensive, we all have things we are into & know stuff about and vice versa but that post pretty neatly demonstrates why flat earth has become so popular

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17 hours ago, Skellum said:

^I don't really know too much about it all.

The fact that the earth is spinning makes East and West endless?  Is the earth spinning on the equatorial line?

If the earth was spinning north to south, and the equatorial line WAS north and south.... Would that make North & South endless then... and there actually WOULD be a East & West pole then?


I'm probably sounding like a FKN idiot lol...

Nah man idiots don't really think, how did you come up with that question? you're not an idiot : )

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17 hours ago, smithy said:

I am not really that mean but this topic is stupid, Sorry. You guys sound like monkeys :o

Well you just joined in on it lol welcome to the monkey club : )

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found some interesting youtube vids on the subject but they took a lot of filtering to get to 

oddly enough belinda carlisle's "heaven is a place on earth" came into the suggestions feed when watching them ..


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Ok when i'm out at sea i can see land disappear as we sail away from it .Same goes for ships of in the distance we can see the top of there mast ans as we get closer the more of the ship we can see .Can a flat earther explain this .Also if the earth is flat why are planets in the solar system round ? are we the only flat planet out there .

Do any flat earthers understand celestial navigation can you explain this in a flat earth way .Also we use  sextant that uses the curvature of the earth to find our position

Can a flat earther explain how the sextant works if the earth is flat

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I am tempted to start a go fund me to explore the flat earth and sail to the edge .Does anyone think it will work out

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Lol wow. Didn't expect this to have as many posts as it did. Lol. I love how we can be at heart with the same topic like plants but at war over a speculation as to what shape our home is. I've been to busy to think about it... or anything lately. I sorta skimmed the posts. But I've gotta say. And please don't take this to heart unless you feel you have a need to wear a grudge as such. 

To say a topic under discussion is stupid or retarded or irrelevant etc gains nothing. Nothing more than your own pre taught point of view. Yes you may be right, but you may be so blinded you can't even look at a light through a different eye. something we're told...  gonna one I've been told by an ex military communication engineer is. GPS isn't a satellite. I can't verify or prove this but i was amazed when he explained why we have radar towers and planes... but he personally has never communicated with any orbital satellite. 


also I remember being told the police were there to protect and serve the community. And the army fights for our freedom. Not all is as it seems lol.


either way. When you disconnect the body and the mind. The reality you know disappears till you return. Make of that what you will :)


love the corroboree!

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20 minutes ago, Zedo said:

And please don't take this to heart unless you feel you have a need to wear a grudge as such. 

To say a topic under discussion is stupid or retarded or irrelevant etc gains nothing. Nothing more than your own pre taught point of view. Yes you may be right, but you may be so blinded you can't even look at a light through a different eye.

    +1    well said mate.

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44 minutes ago, Zedo said:

either way. When you disconnect the body and the mind. The reality you know disappears till you return. Make of that what you will :)


i get you zedo, you make good points & i feel your sentiment...  you brought up something i said, so i guess i will explain that in the last post (edit: its actually the 4th last post) i made in this thread i addressed exactly what you are saying here ^ & why i think that this is a very pertinent aspect to any debate about 'reality' but that i think using that point to back up the flat earth idea is a completely false argument. 


if you say the sky isn't blue, which from the perspective of this point you are making, could be a very valid argument as it is relative, then that is all well and good, but if you use this argument to then go on to say that the sky is not blue, it's actually a cheeseburger, then the point you are making kind of falls apart no?  do you see what i am saying?


it would definitely hold up better if that point was being used to explain why the earth may not be the way science has described it, but becomes ridiculous when you then insert a totally made up theory with almost nothing to back it up.


i think for this reason it is not unfair to call this debate stupid and retarded as it is a false debate.  do you get what i am saying?  i am not saying that it is stupid and retarded to question reality and discuss alternative ideas and realize that reality is subjective and produced by your own consciousness, i'm not even saying its stupid to come up with wacky ideas to replace good ideas, i'm saying it's stupid to exhaustively discuss an extremely good idea alongside a profoundly badly thought through idea as though those ides are equal.



Edited by paradox
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33 minutes ago, Zedo said:

 I love how we can be at heart with the same topic like plants but at war


why is it that people think that any actual real discussion about something is a war?  it's a discussion, no need to take anything to heart... a good discussion is a good thing, even if it is a discussion about why the discussion is stupid haha

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