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Have you ever seen a Ghost

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Hey everyone

Id like to make this thread about all things ghost related

Im really interested in the existence of ghosts

If anyone's had a real life ghost encounter and would like to share it that would be great

Also if anyone has any tips or advice on how to summon ghosts that would be useful.

Thankyou all

Take Control



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i think ghosts exist, but they are a psychological phenomenon. i don't think that degrades their existence any though as i think everything we experience is basically psychological.. i've seen ghosts & been haunted by them at times.

it's easy to be properly haunted by ghosts, unless you have a very constipated imagination, you just need to talk your self into it, have an adequately stimulating environment (old house at night, strange natural setting at night, graveyard at night etc) & be able to suspend your rational filter systems that explain the ghosts away.. they're easy to conjure.. & can scare the absolute shit out of you if you follow through with it

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Iv lived in 2 separate houses over the years where weird stuff just happened. The first house i was only 8 and living with my mum in a really old house. we would be asleep at night and random doors would just open and slam shut, i also told my mum about how i could feel something grabbing my feet in the middle of the night and she said she felt the same things. The second house was just weird, there was always the sound of someone walking up the steps inside, 2 of my friends said they seen something walking up in the middle of the night + the dogs would just sit at the top of the stairs in the dark and growl then wimper then growl for hours. But no iv never personally seen a ghost.

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About 15 years ago I was at college and lived in a house shared with 6 other people. One day I was alone in the house studying and heard someone come up the stairs and walk across the landing to my open door. When I went to look there was no-one. I checked the house and there was definitely no-one in. I left, practically ran up to the bar where I found all my house-mates merrily drinking. They asked why I was looking so pale and when I explained, it was then I was told that this house was the site of many strange phenomena and a hanging in recent history. There was no way that this was a prank.

On another occasion, while walking back to that same house, I had a shared experience where myself and a friend saw someone walk behind a tree as we walked back from the bar. We thought they were hiding and about to jump out at us but when we went to look they had disappeared. The area was well lit and there was no-where they could have gone.

When I was younger I was apparently very sensitive to sensing ghosts. I honestly can't remember any of these experiences but apparently when very young I had an inseparable dog and we both used to refuse to enter certain places and she would bark while I told my parents that I could hear and see things.

Edited by whitewind

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When I was about 14 things got pretty crazy for me living with my dad, and I ended up living with my auntie and uncle in their huge, creepy house:



It is historic house, built in 1884 and it used be be a nunnery. I'm not sure what went down in the past there, but it seems like something nasty. Huge rooms, lots of rooms, it was literally 10 rooms to a floor. My auntie and uncle had done it up very nicely, but it was always saturated in the creepiest vibe at night time.

My cousins said they saw ghosts quite often over the years, and weird things used to happen to them alot, they would sleep walk often and wake up to find themselves in rooms that no one ever went into.

One cousin in particular used to have night terrors where she seemed completely beside herself in terror, running around the room screaming her head off, totally irresponsive and inconsolable, and it would take her ages to calm down and she had this horrible blank look in her eyes, like she was still asleep. When she would finally snap out of it she had no memory of what she had just been doing.

And I am pretty certain I came across a ghost late one night.

I wasn't living there at the time, but my mum had been babysitting and my auntie and uncle were downstairs in the kitchen with my mum having a cuppa before we left.

I went upstairs to get a coat I had left in my cousin's room, it was very dark but I knew the place well so I didnt bother to switch on the light. When I was coming back down the stairs noticed a silhouette of a large adult in one of the front rooms, I paused for a moment, and it paused too.

I sprinted down the stairs and back to the kitchen as fast as I could, hoping it had just been my uncle, yet I burst into the room to see all three adults sitting at the table.

My three cousins were all upstairs and they were too small to make a silhouette that size anyway.

That story in itself isnt really that creepy, but this house has messed with me big time. Periodically (usually once a fortnight) I have nightmares about this house,I havent been there in person for years but the most horrible, messed up circumstances unfold there in my dreams.

Whatever message is trying to get through to me via these dreams, I dont quite yet understand, but it sure is determined to make an impact.

Needless to say, I believe in ghosts.





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I have seen a shadow of a cat walk accross my path, in broad day light, 3:30 pmish, just after school when i was about 15. Since it was a shadow, evenm though it was deff a cat shadow I looked up to see if a bird flying overhead could have made this shadow, no bird and the shadow continued on it's way. It was about this time i realised where the saying, that it's bad luck to have a black cat cross your path. these people must have not meant a literal cat, as that is a very common colour in cats and would have become very arbitrary very quickly with the huge abundance of black cats. However, it would make more sense if they meant a black cats shadow.

Another occassion, I awoke for no reason, very late at night/ early in the morning. This in itself is unusual. Then for some real strange reason I drew back the curtains from my bed and looked up and the stars and could see a blue cloud floating up in space. I rolled over and basically told myself I didn't see anything and went bacc to sleep. I realize the phenomena itself can be explained as a noctilucent cloud. But why would I be awoken and seemingly drawn to look at it?

My son the other week saw a plate levitate and move 30cm or so, then placed back down. Now he's 7, and he's not a very good lier or tricker. So I don't know what he saw, but I believe he was telling the truth.

I get the vibe from an old 2nd hand wardrobe that a couple fought heavily in front of the wardrobe at some time in it's life and that a child was locked in there as punishment. I have heard her ask for help, I have looked for fingernail scratching or some sign, but could not see anything. I am not normally in tune with things like that, but this cupboard screams to me and gives me mental flash images. I won't tell my wife or she'll freak and make me get rid of it :P

I belive the pineal gland is required for true insight. In our modern society, it does not function correctly.

To my knowledge, the cat did not give me bad luck.

Edited by naja naja
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after reading these posts.............what little hair I have is standing on end...............yet I agree with paradox..............there was a time in my life when i wanted to have such experience's.......and I think it is about being really open and beleiving in such things...........and it will really scare the shit out of you............firstly get rid of that wardrode mate........its just not a thing you want in your home.......the black cat is a revelation........and those pic's of that haunted nz house.......it looks really familar..........and I can well beleive its haunted................I had a few experiences in that now distant period........there is a name for those smothering ghosts.......can't recall.........and I'm not entirely certain they are ghosts.........sometimes its a kind of energy than can jump onto you from an object thats lying close to you....that connects with you in that twlight period of sleep............not at all benevolent...........its a raw and primeval.....strongly emotive....second hand objects........falling to sleep in the afternoon on old sofa's can be such a portal..............it connects you with associates that may not have the best of intentions................Ghosts on the other hand I feel are entirly different.............like echo's from the past...not something that thinks or feels ...........just an incredibly strong emotion that someone once felt ...that echo's through the ages...........as if it exist outside of time.......so its always there ......4th dimension.....you just have to be open to see it.............it was winter time....in a very old village called Hamton......South England.......3am..............i was walking home from my girl friends..............the moon was out and there was a fresh carpet of snow and that rich twlight glow.............it was about a 20 minute walk back to my flat..............the night was very still and quite.......nobody was about.........not even a distant car in those usually crowded streets........apart from the fresh prints of cats paws or perhaps a fox, i was quite alone.............it was a path I walked often...............and though it may sound a clich'e..............i turned to my right, to walk and take a short cut through the grave yard.............it was small and old .......the narrow path went straight through the middle.............the graveyard was maybe 50 ft wide and i could see the open gate at the end..no more than a minutes walk..............but as my gaze shifted along that path....off to the right.....no more than 30 ft away, I saw her..... so clearly..................it was as if I was seeing into her thoughts............thoughts that were had so long ago.............the first thought was of the rising....rising from her grave....though she did not know that......from the earth she rosed.... drifting up her stone the second thought was as she hovered.... it was confusion........a sense of disbeleif................i turned away and hastedly took the long way home .....then and always.................

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i used to have very intense lucid dreams with different kinds of 'spirits' that posessed me with energy that radiated from their huge & hypnotizing eyes. their eyes would lock with mine & it was like would get inside me through my eyes. i would be gripped by an extremely intense almost electrocution like energy. i also have had a lot of 'haunting' dreams where i'm in a house that is full of 'evil ghosts' that do the eye/energy thing but with horrific & hellish energy.. very strange & interesting dreams.. not sure if they count though

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The whole subject of ghosts has actually been a recurring thing though out my life. Long before I even went to school my parents actually become Christians because they lived in a house they thought was haunted. Really weird stuff did used to happen in that old house. Most notably though, they would be woken by strange noises in the middle of the night, right before me or one of my brothers would start screaming our heads off from the bedroom. lol, apparently they finally decided to go to the local church right after I started running down the hall in the middle of the night to there bedroom (my younger brothers being to young) in pure fear and once they’d calmed me down I would apparently start telling them stuff, which they’d been talking about earlier. The odd occurrences apparently stopped straight after they got the churchies in there to do an exorcism, though they had another word for it. But I don’t know, I remember getting scared and running to there bedroom a few times, but don’t remember seeing any ghosts, so as an adult I’ve always been of the view that they were just trippin!!!

Then when I was about 11 my mum was living in this spooky (not really old though) rental where doors slamming and the dog going hysterical in the middle of the night was a regular occurrence. My brother once claimed he saw a little boy standing in the doorway to his room once and then refused to go into any room by himself for months. Then some time after that my mum was having one of her depressive psychotic moods in the middle of the night and called me to her bedroom to talk to her about some family BS I didn’t give a shit about (the crap I had to deal with, lol). Anyway, I ended up falling to sleep on the chair in her room, then got woken up in the middle of the night by the dog running into the bedroom and heading straight for her ensuite, she going completely ape shit, teeth showing and everything (she was usually an incredibly placid dog), then this undefined shadow came flying out of the ensuite (probably about 3 foot high) and then straight out of the bedroom door, with the dog following it still going absolutely wild. Then my mum woke up carrying on about what was going on, obviously I didn’t tell her, enough dramas for one night. But it scared the living fuck out of me!!! I went to live with my Dad and didn’t go back to that house to stay overnight ever again, lol.

Didn’t really experience much else of that nature after that, other than little things that were probably more me just spooking myself out, which can be explained perfectly by logic.

In my early twenties when I completely denounced religion as a ‘self induced form of psychosis’ I pretty much came to the conclusion that it was all BS and there was just the physical world, anything else was just peoples over active imaginations.

But I gotta say, the house I’m staying at now does have this weird occurrence. It’s a really old 3-bedroom house (well over 100 years old) in the middle of town, though with a renovated bathroom and kitchen. I live here by myself, so just basically use the loungeroom as a bedroom, since it would just be more to clean up and I really don’t need much space. Anyway, if I leave the door to the master room open, then I constantly hear creaking noises coming from the bedroom while watching tele or whatever. Like wise, if I leave the door open when I turn everything off and go to sleep, then I hear what sounds like someone walking up and down the hallway all night long. But if I close the door, not a single peep. Weird A! Then a few months ago in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep, I ended up in the master bedroom while just walking around the house just pondering shit. I was just looking out the window staring at the sky wondering about what was up there, then out of nowhere, I heard 3 bangs come from the cupboard, as if some one was angrily knocking around in there. First thought was, fuck I got mice, so I turned the light on and opened the cupboard and nothing! No cracks or holes that anything could get out of either, lol.

It doesn’t really scare me to be honest though (well most the time anyway, I do sometimes get an odd feeling when getting up at night for some water, which quickens the pace I head back to my room, lol), nor do I allow myself to believe it’s actually anything supernatural. I’m just so bored with how mundane life is, that I’m like, well, if there’s really such thing as the supernatural then show yourself clearly bitch!!! Otherwise it’s just something physical, which can easily be explained with simple logic.

I do always try to keep the master bedroom door shut though. Fuck it right? Might as well keep the peace, even if it is just something perfectly logical, lol.


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I wanna go back and read all of these but yeah I do to some extent... im not sure if its exactly what alot of ppl presume them to be...

but im not saying I absolutely understand all of it... but I've had some experiences in every single home i've lived in.. and i've explored all the shit everyone told me never to touch and so.. I may have invited shit into my life at times but frankly it was pretty enjoyable for me... makes life all the more exciting...

I've been to New Orleans 3x... and I went on several of the ghost tours... and well.. alot of wierd shit happened... im not sure if I should think some of it was staged but some of it was clearly not.. like we saw this old black man riding on an old fashioned bicycle with a bell dressed in very old time clothes, the kind that would be rotted by now.. and my buddy next to me didn't see it at all! but just me and some lady I didnt know... we were feeling odd cause we were the only two in a big crowd to see him and hear the bell!... and I was fascinated so I went back to NO a couple more times.. .

the last time I went, I was listening to a musician from New Orleans on the way to a friends house... when I got there, he randomly asked me "Do you want to go to New Orleans" ... I was like SURE!... and well that trip was nothing short of a spiritual experience for me.. I went on the ghost tour alone that time... I was having someone take a pic and I accidently rang the door bell (gate bell rather) of Ann Rice's old place... and well, some old fashioned maid in old fashioned attire just came out and stared at us lol I was like oops, sorry , accident! she looked kinda pissed haha but I had this strange burst of emotion later that night.. and I was walking back to the hotel alone and just started crying uncontrollably... was the same thing that happened to me when I tried shrooms.. except this was like a year or two after Katrina hit... it was also the same day they reopened the little trolly train thing... I was one of the first group to get back on the first day it ran since katrina.. and well.. I saw some wierd flashes of light throughout that ride

Interestingly about New Olreans, there have been more violent deaths that happend in that city than most any other city I think... several wars, american indian, spanish , english etc... and the whole town burned down twice... katrina was not a surprise to me.. it was a year after I went on that tour where the tour guide was telling us about all the times the whole city burned down... there were strange stories like back in slavery times when I doctor was having a party, and someone drunkend stumbled up to his attic to have some fun, and found that he was experimenting trying to graft peoples body parts together, breaking ppls bones to try to make his own frankenstein out of live ppl... some famous actor owns that house now, he's the longest one to hold on to it, on of the few homes on the outskirts that didn't burn down in the city wide fires..

one of the wierdest things was he was telling us about this lady that was told her husband died in the navy...so she hung herself... turned out it wasn't true.. so when the sailor came back and found out, he hung himself too... and well, that place was now at the back of a bar, and when he pointed at the spot it happened... a fucking cat made the loudest screeching cat sound I ever heard in my life.. I think everyone heard that one.. everyone wanted to leave lol

a couple more fun things that happened... I was recommended to eat at muriels on jackson square... they had a seance room upstairs.. but before we even made it up there, we saw this one nice looking table, and it had reservations on it, but my jackass ex friend decided to pull a chair and sit... this tall ass man in a tux, maybe 7 foot came to us, with a voice like Lurch from Adams family, and said in an accent "This table is reserved missiuer or however you spell that lool... and well... we went upstairs after that , played with the Ouija board ,and fuck that was pretty scary... I still wonder if my friend was faking it but he looked scared.. but anyhow, we went back downstairs and I wanted to take a photo of the tall man... and well, everyone who worked there said they had no idea what I was talking about!!!LOL I went there cause a lady told me a ghost unbuckled her purse straps, leaving just the strap around her shoulder when her purse fell to the floor, as the shutters flapped behind the guy that was showing them around lol

Lastly... I went to a tarot reader on Jackson square... I asked her if the guy that was with me would ever pay me back....

he owed me a couple grand, including what I let him borrow to go on that trip... the tarol lady told me that he had no intention

to ever pay me back, but that the spirits would pay me back every single penny!... She also told me to be careful on the roads

cause they look slick or something... A month later, back home, I had a car accident... it was quite odd, cause that night I met

some voodoo chic on the internet.. she was talking marriage within an hour, and an hour later making threats, that if I did her wrong

horrible shit might happen... she told me some really ugly stories about a couple dudes that did here wrong and ended in a bloody death... and well.. a few hours later I crashed head on into a pole... the Wal-Martians nearby told me they thought they saw a space ship crash, but it was the transformer exploding on the pole lol I felt like I was suspended in pure light for several minutes, but when I snapped out of it, it was more like a split second... ... not long after that... the guy who owed me the cash, was told he could no longer represent the company that we both worked for... The Mgr, told me that since I brought him on board, I could have all of his business.. so I basically went and put my signs on his stuff... when it was all said and done, the check I made from what he left behind, was exactly what he owed me, plus 1 penny!

believe it or not!

The way I treat shadows now, is with alot of love and respect... much like one would with, lets say, a wild lion, but not always ... but when its negative, those sort of entities which feed on fear.... for me, its just like any hater in real life (if we can call it real) I don't view it as any thing different.... not since I was laced with something that kept me tripping for several days... I think everything changed about me in that little window of time .. I skimmed what you said Naja and I think of a black cat as good luck! call me a wierdo eh :P

Im pretty sure what some call "ghosts" have lived with and around me all my life... I get the impression its more like an intelligence tho

I have been in the presence of what felt like pure evil and pure goodness but i've come to view it that all energy has two sides

and so thats why I no longer judge.. seek first to understand... it works in the physical world as well as in the intangible side of things

The home I was forclosed from was built in 1948, a real work of art.. and there was a presence there the entire time I was there... frankly
I think i was not welcomed at first but I spent so much time there I think I ran off whatever negativity was there... the first day in the home, I came in drunk, was a celebration.. and a firm hand pushed me so hard, on my back, and onto my bed... it was so real feeling, that I was in shock... I just layed there and shut my eyes tight in pure fear.. and well, it was like a blink of my eye.. when I opened them, it was morning the next day and I was wondering what the fuck happened lol no dreams or nothing just blink, morning .. there was a few other things that happened to me but I'll save that for some other time I guess.. that whole time in that home, approximately 5 years, was alot like me transforming from a caterpillar into a butterfly... but im not sure my wings ever worked right uhh

What I believe deeply is that, if you occupy a space for a long time, with strong emotions, that you too can leave behind a sort of
"Ghost"... not saying I believe thats the explanation for every phenomenom, but I do think that might help to illuminate the way I perceive it... I think the majority of ghost stories are more mental... sort of reaching for a conclusion when there isn't necessarily one to arrive at, but then there are those convincing times when i've had conversations with another me, which really had me pondering for most of my life.. and thats why I was so intersted in going on all those ghost tours, exploring the unknown and misunderstood... and Im always up for another adventure :P

Edited by Spine Collector
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I forgot to mention the pressure and pulling on my legs and feet never stopped over the years. it still happened every now and then up to a few years ago. I started seeing moving shadows in my room late at night when the pressure happened. turning on the lights to reveal nothing. I randomly watched a movie called shadow people. and can honestly say it was exactly like what I was seeing. they explain it on wikipedia to be like being asleep and awake at the same time. I cant attach a link on my phone but its a very interesting read

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i used to have very intense lucid dreams with different kinds of 'spirits' that posessed me with energy that radiated from their huge & hypnotizing eyes. their eyes would lock with mine & it was like would get inside me through my eyes. i would be gripped by an extremely intense almost electrocution like energy. i also have had a lot of 'haunting' dreams where i'm in a house that is full of 'evil ghosts' that do the eye/energy thing but with horrific & hellish energy.. very strange & interesting dreams.. not sure if they count though

this is quite similar to what happens to me in the nightmares in the house i posted a photo of above, except i am being hunted down by a powerful female spirit. she stalks me throughout the house and i have to work my absolute hardest to evade her, but when she does catch me, that same eye-locking thing happens and i become paralysed, i feel like she is taking taking away my energy, sucking it out of me.

i think have i kind of worked it out in a sense though, i think dreams are often richly-encoded symbollic representations of your psychological and emotional states.

i think i have picked up on the residual energy of some horrible matriarch nun who lived in that big old house once, and i have projected my own fears onto her.

most interesting to me though, is the transition. this same horrible female spirit has tormented my dreams for the last 3 or so years, but through recent psychological work i have managed to address and overcome alot of my fears, and mirroring this is that in my dreams i have began to take my power back and turn the tables on this powerful dark energy,

at first i learnt to fight back, i wasn't always successful, it often seemed to enrage her even more,

but throughout the last few months her power over me is fading. the last time i dreamt about this house, i had locked her in a room and she couldnt come out, she was screaming bloody murder, but i was in control for the first time.

..now that i think of it, i havent had one of these dreams since.. :scratchhead:

.......sometimes its a kind of energy than can jump onto you from an object thats lying close to you....that connects with you in that twlight period of sleep............not at all benevolent...........its a raw and primeval.....strongly emotive....second hand objects........falling to sleep in the afternoon on old sofa's can be such a portal..............it connects you with associates that may not have the best of intentions................

I've had experiences with this kind too... those were sinister times

I forgot to mention the pressure and pulling on my legs and feet never stopped over the years. it still happened every now and then up to a few years ago. I started seeing moving shadows in my room late at night when the pressure happened. turning on the lights to reveal nothing. I randomly watched a movie called shadow people. and can honestly say it was exactly like what I was seeing. they explain it on wikipedia to be like being asleep and awake at the same time. I cant attach a link on my phone but its a very interesting read

ohh shit. i used to be terrified at night time by even just the thought of someone grabbing my feet from under the bed. yuck, that must be horrible.

and i see the shadows flittering around my room at night on occasion too. sometimes friendly, sometimes not. i get my crystals out and ask them politely to leave me in peace.

... and small green points of light that flare open in the dark in the very early hours of the morning sometimes :blink:

Edited by Ceres

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I've also had dreams in which I've met spirits, the most memorable being meeting the ghost spirit of a young girl named April. Had that dream when I was about 14 or so and although I knew it was a dream, the essence of that being/entity/imaginary figment/dream expression of another aspect of myself felt so so real I told my friends about the effect she had on me and they thought I was crazy, teased me for weeks

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There's the shadow people, and there's the tiny people who lived in brick and walls. They couldn't live in our atmosphere it wasn't dense enough. They scared me as a child because they always tried to get me to come in and live with them. I haven't seen them since we moved out of that house.

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Id just like to thank everyone for participating in this discussion so far we have some really interesting/spooky storys

keep them coming

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when I was 10 or 11 i lived in a rental property for a year with my family. It wasn't old or creepy, it was modern and funky in fact. One night i woke to find a man on a ladder in my room, painting the wall. I was a little perturbed but realised he was just dream residue or whatever and not a big deal. I lay back down for a while to try to sleep, but every time i opened my eyes he was still there, and each time he looked angrier. I tried rubbing my eyes, slapping my face etc, did nothing, and he got especially mad when i threw my plush toy at/through him.

At this point i figured enough is enough, i am going to turn on the light (thus far just moonlight). So i get up and walk backwards to the light switch; i didn't want to turn my back on this enraged thing. But i couldn't find the light! I was fumbling and fumbling for it, and mister man just kept painting and becoming more angry. Eventually his face was contorted with rage and it looked like he was about to start to scream, so i turned away to find the light switch (2cm from my hand :rolleyes: ) and when i looked back he was gone. This all took about 5 minutes.

For a while afterwards i was worried that he would reappear, either in the same place or the same corner in subsequent rooms/houses, but he never did. Wacky.

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Fisher's ghost
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The legend of Fisher's ghost is a popular Australian story dating to the early 19th century. It arose from a series of historical events which occurred in Campbelltown, now a large urban population centre on the southwestern outskirts of Sydney, but at the time a remote rural outpost. Inspired by the legend, the Festival of Fisher's Ghost has been celebrated in Campbelltown since 1956. A 1924 Australian silent film titled Fisher's Ghost retells the events of the legend.

The Legend

In 1826 an English-born Australian farmer from Campbelltown named Frederick Fisher (Born : London-August 28th ,1792) suddenly disappeared. His friend and neighbour George Worrall claimed that Fisher had returned to England, and that before departing had given him power of attorney over his property and general affairs. Later, Worrall claimed that Fisher had written to him to advise that he was not intending to return to Australia, and giving his farm to Worrall.

Four months after Fisher's disappearance a respectable local man named John Farley, ran into the local hotel in a very agitated state. He told the astonished patrons that he had seen the ghost of Fred Fisher sitting on the rail of a nearby bridge. Farley related that the ghost had not spoken, but had merely pointed to a paddock beyond the creek, before disappearing.

Initially Farley's tale was dismissed, but the circumstances surrounding Fisher's disappearance eventually aroused sufficient suspicion that a police search of the paddock to which the ghost had pointed was undertaken - during which the remains of the murdered Fisher were discovered buried by the side of a creek. George Worrall was arrested for the crime, confessed, and subsequently hanged. Fred Fisher, whose lands he had coveted, was buried in the cemetery at St. Peter's Anglican Church in Campbelltown.

It is thought by some that the story of the ghost may have been invented by Farley as a way of concealing some other speculated source of his knowledge about the whereabouts of Fisher's body, but this cannot be confirmed. Contemporary police and court records do not mention the ghost story - but they are also silent on how the authorities knew where to look for Fisher's body.

The legend of Fisher's ghost has since entered popular folklore and the creek beside which the body was discovered is known as Fisher's Ghost Creek, although it has now, however, been converted into mostly a storm water drain.


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Fears are growing for the safety of young drivers in an Australian town as a dangerous urban legend has them trying to hit 111mph on an unlit road to conjure the ghost of a dead motorcyclist - and film it for YouTube.


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One of my favorite things - watching Youtube 'ghost evidence' clips at 2am, creeping myself out to the point where I can't sleep.

This dude is in QLD...some really creepy stuff goes on in his house, violent at times.



And this guy in the UK...though his just makes lots of mess



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I was born in a haunted house.

The guy who died there went mad, he painted every room in the house black (apart from the room I was later born in)

The landlord knew he was loosing it, and asked him to move out, but he refused, and apparently said: "the only way you'll get me out of here is in a black plastic bag"

This guy kept carrier pigeons, and eventually he gased them all and himself to death in the house.

My uncle bought the place, and lived there for a year or so. All the time this old bugger would show up, mad as hell, furious at my uncle for being there, knocking things around and yelling abuse.

So my uncle eventually moved out, he tenanted the place and hoped for the best, thinking maybe he was just overly sensitive, and others would not notice the ghost.. But he very soon got an angry phone call from the new tenant demanding to know why they had not been informed about the ghost that they would be sharing the house with. The tenant said they walked into the bathroom to find the old man sitting in the claw-foot bath tub. ..they moved out pretty quickly, and then my parents moved in.

They didnt seem to be bothered by him as much, but both my mum and dad did see the old grump on occasion. They said he began interacting with them less and less after i was born, and had pretty much dissappeared altogether by the time I learnt to walk and talk.. (My first word was 'scissors' by the way, perhaps the ghost taught me that one :P) It seems maybe he decided to allow me some peace while i had the chance.

My mum also said that there was an extra person in the room when I was born, but this was not the ghost of the old man.

She said that she knew deep inside her heart, that it was her father. He died when my mum was only 2 years old, and the uncle I mentioned above was still in the womb. It was a tragic accident, my grandad was building a church on a small island in the harbour where they had set up a quartantine hospital for tuberculosus victims. He driving a tractor up a cliffside road pulling a trailer full of wood, and the trailer slipped off the edge, dragging my grandad and the tractor off the cliff with it.

Despite the fact that they have never 'met', my uncle has also talked of feeling his father's presence while his wife gave birth. It seems that my grandad attended such monumentous occasions as the birth of his grandchildren regardless of his 'deceased' status.

It fills me with an indescribable feeling of honour and gratitude to believe this is the case, anyway.

Edited by Ceres
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I once saw a dog run out in front of a car and the car went through the dog and when the car had passed through the dog the dog disappeared. That is one of the most unexplainable things I've ever encountered. Apparently my aunty and uncle live in a haunted house and an older lady died in the room. They would often wake up in the night and see someone at the end of the bed also they had one of those sheet like things that go around your bed and up towards the roof, and they said that there has been a couple of times they have woken up to see the sheets parting and occasionally hear giggling coming from the kitchen in the middle of the night.

Nothing as cool as some of the other stories members here have told though! Speaking of the Lemon-tree passage ghost you linked the story on Change, my sister and a few friends have done that and they "saw it" but I'm a little skeptical of it myself.

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... the Lemon-tree passage ghost you linked the story on Change, my sister and a few friends have done that and they "saw it" but I'm a little skeptical of it myself.

It's a common phenomenon caused by light reflections, especially on desert roads. I don't remember what it's called, it has a funny name.

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ok, can someone answer me this? wheres all the trillions upon squillions of ghosts of lifeforms that have lived & died throughout the entire history of life on earth eh? humans, dogs, cats, cows, sloths, elephants, arachnids, insects, fish, marsupial megafauna, dinosaurs & jellyfish etc ad almost infinitum?

fortunately logic exorcizes ghosts well & truly, otherwise i would be incessantly haunted at every turn. still i think the phenomenon is more complex than logic can necessarily explain.. though i can't help but think you're missing something if you think ghosts really 'exist' in the sense that the word is most commonly used in the west ie in terms of an objective phenomenon that can be clearly defined.. but hey i wouldn't try to tell anyone else what is real!

if you are sincere & you really look for ghosts bada-bing there they are.. just like the placebo effect. but then i think placebo is real medicine & possibly the most effective medicine humanity has ever known, i don't dismiss it as nonsense just because it's purely the product of the human mind the way a lot of logical thinkers would. i actually think that is the beauty & profoundly interesting value of the phenomenon & i think it can tell us a great deal indeed about 'reality' itself..

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