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The Corroboree

who's up for a adventure ( Himalayas ) early 2014


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Just want to find out if any one wants to come to the Himalayas . Watched strain hunters india and got talking to my indian

next door neighbor and he when young he made hash as a living ( slave labor and shit) . He is returning to india and said

if i ever wanted to come on a hike through the mountains to check out field's and stuff he said he would be our guide.

I am a seasoned hiker and i trust my neighbour he is such a lovely man . I think this would be a once in a lifetime

adventure . So if you think you can hack it please post would love some sabers to come along and my brother is

coming and a few mates have expressed interest . You must be able to climb if not you got about a year to learn,

wont be doing hard climbs but my neigbour said once you are at the peak its nirvana.

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Sounds legit! If I have the cash, and amn't working fulltime - then I will definitely be interested. I'll keep it in mind. (In no position to promise now)

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the main expenses are air fare, some hotels ,food etc so i dont think it will be to much $$$$$$$ im kitted out to climb with two people

if you dont have a harness and climbing gear i think a entry level harness will be about 200 (+ caribeana;s plus assorted bits and pieces )

we will be lead climbing so if you not that competent we can pull you up .If you can lead climb as well even better we will be able to handle better

peak's . The overall adventure depends on who's coming so we can tailor it a bit but this is something im not going to miss out on.

CBL have you had much climbing experience ? and if so do you have much experience and equipment

if not dont stress its not that hardcore but you need to train .will advise if needed

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That's cool you seem like a person that wouldn't be able to hack it any way. Please in future can you not try

to degrade my thread .

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You can always come along dream time bliss, but hey you only live once .

Did you see that dudes house in the cave in strain hunters india he lived

there for years making hash and growing flowers that looked like heaven to

me. I cant wait its going to be a great adventure

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fine dude what ever, if that's what you think of me fine take your attitude else where. This thread is

for people that want to do a once in a lifetime opportunity hang on not going to waste my breath

i dont even know why i responded to you

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if only i was in the money.. thats a great idea BigRed! i have many years big-wall mutipitch (derr) climbing =) doubt i will get things in order by that time though. a shame yes.. anyhow, hope you get there and have "an" awesome time =P well, im off to the corner off the room to have a little cry over not being able to go this time round.. jokes.

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Fuck man, if you don't even know basic rules of grammar like "an" adventure instead of "a" adventure, I'm not sure I wanna be anywhere near you in a tent.

Just answering "no". There's no harm in that. I'm pretty resilient actually - I just don't really like hanging out with morons!

This seems a little hostile. If you weren't interested why not just leave the thread instead of making some inane connection between grammar on the internet and camping/outdoors skills? If you have a problem with bigred from another thread, why not sort it out there instead of tracking your shit in here?

bigred: sounds like an awesome journey, be sure to put some pictures up when you're done!

Edited by raketemensch
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My rope climbing ability skills are not really existent at the moment. But I'm quite fit and quite strong, and have done a lot of hiking (70kms over 4 days, and up and down a 2.5km mountain in 6.5 hours are the most recent two). But I didn't feel truly challenged by either, so there's room to improve. I am actually saving up for a trip at the beginning of 2014, but so far it's to see family (and a girl ) in Europe - but if that doesn't pan out, then I'll highly consider coming along (in which case I'll crash course train up in the months before). So I'm not just chain-yanking.

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CBL you will do fine dude do you have a local indoor rock climbing place its a great way to start. Its not going to be

like Cliff hanger movie just more would love to get some climbing in. But most probably be in a field somewhere

soaking up the culture

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eh.. real men climb the Eiger dont they? thats why i never did. blue moutains was an awesome trip though. nice little 300odd meter walls. miss them too i do.

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Man if you can lead climb that well we could do awesome peak's as im stocky and will bring up the gear.

Having more lead climber means better peaks. The more experienced climbers the more novices can come along.

But its not going to be a full on climbing adventure we are going ethno hunting to .

Edited by bigred82
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Well say all you want but no one will really pay attention to it. This thread is for people who want to experience

what the world has to offer . Your negative attitude is just making it seem less serious, is that what you are trying to

do be a hindrance on our efforts to organise AN adventure . Just commenting for the sake of commenting kind of defeats

the purpose of a community forum . What do you have to offer this thread other than your negativity

peace bro

big red

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Fuck man, if you don't even know basic rules of grammar like "an" adventure instead of "a" adventure, I'm not sure I wanna be anywhere near you in a tent.

wat tha fuk r ya talkin bout hahaha take thelema with ya red

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Fuck man, if you don't even know basic rules of grammar like "an" adventure instead of "a" adventure, I'm not sure I wanna be anywhere near you in a tent.

Does that mean Thelema will share a tent with anyone who talks proper

I'm shit scared of heights so rules me out of the trip. Envious though.

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I have zero climbing experience, but I'm willing to train to go on this trip.

Consider me in.

edit: biggy, you'll be relieved to know I'm rather articulate.

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Awesome last adventure we went on i forgot to put a full stop in.We lost 8 souls on that expedition,from that day on i vowed to

use better grammar.

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and it's following you around like a curse, so it seems. Silly as it sounds, a guy that can't focus on grammar, whether it's full stops or split infinitives - I have found that these are type of guys that will have other things out of focus too.


One day it's "forgot to put a full stop in."


The next day it's "forgot to put that krimpon in."


Thel, stop being a dick for five minutes, you're buggering up a thread where ppl are trying to get something done

Edited by Darklight
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thelema why the need to act like an asshole? ive never seen bigred have anything but a positive influence on the forum. he seems a legitimately nice guy. Your just being a cunt, mate you don't have to have perfect grammer and a genius intellect to figure that one out. grow up.

Biggee that sounds awesome man!! ive generaly always travelled os on my pat Malone and have always had a most excellent adventure. You have showed who has the real intellect here IMO by not even responding to thelama with the shit he gives out. It takes a dumbass like me to do that <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png fuk the grammer if it turns u into a pretentious freakin douchebag.

no use me joining u mate, for one im terrified of heights and suffer vertigo when up to high, as well as a new mortgage which will have me eating mi goreng and going to bonny doon carp fishing for a holiday for the rest of my existence <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png do it for suckers like me!!

edit-- what the fuck is a split infinitive????

seriously. I have lived 35 years on this earth, received a uni degree, worked around 15 different proffesions and ive never ever heard of a split infinitive?

thelema if we where in the same primary class (which is how ur acting, correct spelling or not) id have ur undies so far over ur fucking face you would need part of your arse removed to patch up your small intestine.

gee u would be a ball to have camping thel. I think id prefer to inject my own shit into my retina.

Edited by incognito
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hahahahahahah awesum hahah arrrrr true true that ! i laughed then quoted

thelema why the need to act like an asshole?

gee u would be a ball to have camping thel. I think id prefer to inject my own shit into my retina.

Edited by bullit
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