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The Corroboree


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About simhanada

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. Sounds like a nice idea. I don’t have a property but if the dates work out I’ll be there.
  2. Hey Ronny, I filled out a volunteers form last week but didn’t get any kind of confirmation email so not sure it went through. Are you still looking for people to help out?
  3. I may be able to make the 12th.
  4. I'll be there in an hour or so.
  5. 2nd is now out for me but 9th is good I think.
  6. Sunday June 2nd or 16th could work for me.
  7. I'll turn up for a couple of hours
  8. I'll be going, see you there. anyone needing a lift from Thornbury area let me know
  9. I'm otherwise occupied this weekend. Enjoy, those that make it
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