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The Corroboree

My first apple!


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Nice work mate, that looks tasty!

My fruit is getting much fatter but is still green (I will get some photos & update when there is a break in the weather). Last night I got the chance to cross-pollinate two more flowers on my monstrose Cereus with pollen collected a standard C.peru, I hope they take, there under cover but it has been blowing a gail & the rain has been coming through sideways . It was a mission running from the house with with the pollen & brush tucked up my shirt, trying to keep them dry.

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Well it looks like running out in the rain might of payed off :lol:, five more little apples are starting to take shape, there should be plenty off seed to go around. The first one I pollinated is getting very plump but is still green, here are a few photos.

5 new apples

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1st one getting fatter


@ stillman have you sown your seed yet?










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Yep and grafted a shit tonne to peres because I am mad lol.

I haev about 200 seeds left for trading etc 100% germination by the looks. Mine will or should be all short spined "normal" I would think from parentage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well this fruit has been growing for just over 3 months & is finally starting to change color! I am hoping to taste this apple in the next week or two & should have some seeds for trade :wink:.

Starting to ripen :scratchhead:


I am stoked to of found this new addition & next year I will be trying to cross two monstrose flowers.

New addition :)










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  • 2 weeks later...

LAst night two of my Cereus that I have been watching bloomed, did my best to cross pollinate them this morning. There two obvious different species so currently I am just making some wild hybrids, but hopefully I might find some better tasting fruit in the mix.

Anyway some pics I have a number system to keep track of the progeny but also have named them from source as I can't seem to work out how to identify Cereus scientifically.

plant 1 Uncle Micks from Victoria

plant 2 Caboulture markets


Soo hopefully two more fruit, I'll grow a hundred or so out of each graft a few etc.

My first Cereus seedlings are doing quite well, some have taken on peres but they don't seem to really push like Trichocereus, its early days yet so will just give them time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice work mate, did you have success with them?

I am getting ready to remove my fruit, it has nearly been three months. The fruit is still quite firm but I would say in the next few days it will be good to go. I will keep some seeds for everyone that has asked it this thread & let you know when there ready to send out :wink:.

Here's an update on what the fruit looks like now











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nice one tell me what you think of the flavour.

This species of Cereus, which I think I have at least 3 specimens of, seems to set fruit really well here the bluer longer spined sp fruit seem to abort maybe from humidity? dunno

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well I forgot about my fruit I picked & put in the fridge before I went out west until today :wacko: (it's been about 4 weeks), it had gone a bit soft but wasn't rotting. I was surprised to see that some of the seeds were germinating, this has happened while the undamaged (skin not broken or cut) fruit has been sitting in the chiller part of the fridge.

Anyway I figure this lot are no good to share around & because there so keen to grow I have just spooned out the flesh & smeared it into 3 pots with seed raising mix, then just top dressed it with a little more seed raising mix. I am just going to sit them in my greenhouse & see how they go, I normally to a lot more effort into my cacti seeds (sifting, mixing soils, lights, humidity) but seems these are growing in the fridge I figure this is a good chance to see how they go left on there own.



The good news for anyone wanting some seed & for me how wants to try some fresh fruit strait off the plant, I have four fruits ready to be picked it the next few days :wink:.

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I have just spooned out the flesh & smeared it into 3 pots with seed raising mix, then just top dressed it with a little more seed raising mix. I am just going to sit them in my greenhouse & see how they go

I did the same with dragon fruit seeds that had started germinating in the un picked, over ripened fruit. Covered the pot with cellophane wrap to create a humidity chamber......and now have little plants growing.

The fridge had nothing to do with the seeds germinating, other than maybe slowing down the process a bit. They germinated because the fruit had over ripened.

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Did you taste any? That looks awesome with the 4 fruit, interesting they started to germinate in the fridge.

@Stillman, sorry for the delayed reply mate, I was waiting to try a fresh one as well as the slightly over-ripe one before a gave my thoughts .

Anyway I would rate it as pretty good, if you were lost in the desert & came across them they would be fucken awesome haha. They had a texture that is hard to describe, it was like a cross between the fruit of a Pilosocereus which I find to be a bit dry & grainy & a Dragon fruit which are very moist & a bit slimy, so the texture was a nice medium, kind of grainy but dissolved in your mouth. The taste was quite nice maybe not a sweet as some dragon fruit I have tried, but I would say light & refreshing, kind of sweet.

I have some of these seeds ready to be posted on monday, for everyone that has asked for some there I have put some aside for you all so just PM me your addies & I'll get them out to you . If anyone else is interested please have a look at Cereus hildmannianus Monstrose X Cereus ? Seeds. in the Seed & Plant Exchange & ask for them there so I don't miss anyone.

^^^Sorry but I don't know how to make that a link^^^ If someone could do that for me I would be grateful



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picked my fist fruit from what I believe to be C repandus.

fruit had more texture and a more pronounced "apple" flavour. This is the best one I have tasted to date however the fruit split.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You can see were I have been squeezing the fruit checking if they are ripe. We picked it yesterday and had a taste, it probbaly could have stayed on the plant another 2 or 3 days but I am in the middle of getting flooded here and thought it best I pulled it before the fruit split.

Texture is sort of like a water mellon initially but breaks up and is a little more "snotty" but in a pleasant way. The flavour of this plants fruit was hard to describe, sweet lemon/ citrus and perfume... the smell of lemon fresh detergent but in a tastier way?? Hard to describe, but if you ever get the chance you will know what I mean. I think the fruit could be a potential drink/ liquor or jam conserve crop.

Big fruit I'll leave the fruit on the plant a couple more days next time and see if it increases sweetness.

That's awesome dude!

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I'm salivating!

Got some Selenicereus leaf cuts and a nice big healthy blue length of another of the Cereus sp the other day. From south coast of Sydney (near Nowra)

Anyone have any tips on roothing the Selenicereus or "queen of the night" ??

It's the real deal as far as I can tell from the pics of the flower my mates Grandma had and research online.

She said it flowers once a year for her.

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just let it callous over and it will root in potting mix as it warms up. Easy as, I have a few other dragonfruit I grew from seed I'll sort you out some plants next time we catch up.

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just let it callous over and it will root in potting mix as it warms up. Easy as, I have a few other dragonfruit I grew from seed I'll sort you out some plants next time we catch up.

Thanks mate.

Edited by Savage Gardener
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Sorry but I haven't read through all this but I just wanted to say that there is a lady who farms Peruvian apples and dragon fruits somewhere up around Gympie. I attended a lecture she gave and she said that some varieties split while others don't split. So she avoids those that split because they are no good commercially.

And as for collecting seeds, there are a few threads that cover this. I spread the goo over newspaper and use a ruler to scrape the seeds back and forth until the goo comes off ( it sticks to the newspaper) I have to change the newspaper a couple times when it gets too wet.

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