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The Corroboree

What did you do to your cacti today?


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Took a couple shots, picked some habanero peppers off my huge chilli.

Spinelovers wet dream monotypic genus Stetsonia. When I was a newbie I called this Stretsonia.

TIG typical spine pattern

I am starting to notice this bridgesii grown from seed by me, nicknamed "spiny" then, is a pretty handsome specimen. Its approximately 7.5 years from seed, a bit less than the total time I am into cacti

Edited by sagiXsagi
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Hehe tough love aye? What are they horsey?

all tricho/ hybrids ..

its not just one source either ..

its virtually all of them , except for samsplants seeds... and incog's giveaway...

do customs over there irradiate packages at all?

or am i playing a difficult game of chance with hybrids anyway ?

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all tricho/ hybrids ..

its not just one source either ..

its virtually all of them , except for samsplants seeds... and incog's giveaway...

do customs over there irradiate packages at all?

or am i playing a difficult game of chance with hybrids anyway ?

Not that I know of, if so maybe quarantine can mutate my seeds for cheep lol. I usually have prity good rates from oversees, always one pack that just won't pop though.
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Whilst procrastinating finishing the cactus rock garden I set to work grafting excess pups to excess stock.

Sulcorebutias, tbms, a variegate pach x scop and some mexican miniatures all got the chop.

Will post pictures in a few weeks of what took and what did not.

Also potted up a variety of clones and some stray tbms.

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Guest Señor Corrochio

I thought I found a contender to beat the 'number of seeds in one pod' prize but alas, only 54 seeds in this one ;) This may have been one generation from the original. But I wouldn't want to jump the gun and claim I have found a mutant super hybrid capable of producing thousands of seeds per season.... And may be the answer to world hunger.. Just sayin


Do you have any pics of the flower by any chance? Were the seeds noticeably smaller than average? Just wondering because some southern forms produce more seeds than the common ones.

For a rough comparison: (Texana on top, Huizache on bottom)





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Id like to thank dare iced coffee, for always being there, giving me motivation to keep on trying

Its taken a full year of failing but im happy to report i can now graft with a reasonable strike rate

Edit - spelling

Edited by Change
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These are my first successful Astrophytum to Trichocereus grafts

I cant wait to watch them all explode into growth

there will be more to come in the next few weeks

How old are the astros when you graft em? And lol at the dares. Here I am throwing them in the bin everyday haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine as well post a pic of one of my trays I'm about to break up.


For those curious I don't use takeaway method, I just soak seeds in water for 12 - 24 hours, Suck em up in a pipette, then drip em into the trays, then I just throw em under flourescents for 3-4 months till they are about 3/4-1 inch, then outside for sunhardening. These are roughly 8-10 months on own roots. Misplant/Zelly Genetics Left top Lumberjack x Juuls, Left bottom TPQC x Huan, Left 2nd row TPQC x ? Have to go look, Left 3rd row Scopulicola x Grandiflourus Verigated(can't see it but about 15 are bright yellow) and last row is Juuls x Lumberjacks.




Edited by maxpower097
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Mine as well post a pic of one of my trays I'm about to break up.


For those curious I don't use takeaway method, I just soak seeds in water for 12 - 24 hours, Suck em up in a pipette, then drip em into the trays, then I just throw em under flourescents for 3-4 months till they are about 3/4-1 inch, then outside for sunhardening. These are roughly 8-10 months on own roots. Misplant/Zelly Genetics Left top Lumberjack x Juuls, Left bottom TPQC x Huan, Left 2nd row TPQC x ? Have to go look, Left 3rd row Scopulicola x Grandiflourus Verigated(can't see it but about 15 are bright yellow) and last row is Juuls x Lumberjacks.

Nice idea on not using take away containers. Do you have any top cover over the trays for germination ? How about sterilising the soil, and what is your mix? Your seedlings look great for their age! Cheers

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Is this typical new growth pattern for a loph graft? See the head is growing inside out with the flowers sprouting from within. I haven't seen a great many in my time so curious if it's a regular thing?

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