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The Corroboree

What did you do to your cacti today?


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Very Funny EG! Hope you didn't sustain any injuries catching the little blighter?

I planted out lots of cuttings, hopefully as a fire suppressant. I know it won't stop it but hopefully slow it down.

And they'll look awesome in the meantime.

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Repotted every pereskiopsis in my possession, i have exactly 40 little tips for this years grafting exploits.

Also repotted my grafted arios and a bunch of bridgesii seedlings


I love those weekends when you get heaps of good gardening jobs done :)




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If only my partner was more like you Ceres I'd be happy if I could just have 1day a month to get that much done

Repotted every pereskiopsis in my possession, i have exactly 40 little tips for this years grafting exploits.

Also repotted my grafted arios and a bunch of bridgesii seedlings


I love those weekends when you get heaps of good gardening jobs done

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Long time no see

Today I potted up a couple pachanoi crest cuttings that had thrown rootlets as well as a couple cuttings from the amazing mini/midi clumping semi-columnar-with-awesome-reddishorange-cereoid-flower-with-apricot-smell * name is Hildewintera hybrid cv. APPHA

My mandrakes seem to be throwing new growth for summer. I am still quite anxious, but it seems everything is going fine.

Hey did I tell you my greenhouse caught fire?lol. Whole plot. Thankfully the plants inside the GH suffered minimal to no damage. Remember when I had that frost, from which some cacti outside survived? Some of them survived the fire as well...Have you seen Trichocerei survivors from a fire ? LOL

Anyways, nice to be here again, I will try to make a couple updates too...

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hey good to see you around mutant, I think you're overdue on posting up another round of awesome pics of your plants. :wink:

myself, I've been busy picking & cleaning hybrid tricho fruit, a real pain in the hiney.

35+ fruits to date, and more on the way.









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cheers zelly!

Hmmmmm now that I saw the tricho fruits (rich crop btw!) .... One of my aussie pachanois, "OMAR" has long stalled his buds, I think its from the begining of summer or before. I guess tricho's can do this, abort buds , huh, but why do they do it ??

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I guess tricho's can do this, abort buds , huh, but why do they do it ??

Damn, I sure wish I knew why.

You cant imagine how heartsick I felt when my one and only Eileen bud dropped off last year, a week or so away from flowering...





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A day late but anyway.....

Yesterday I went around the yard with a spade and chopped down my Trichs below ground level. It was one of the most gut wrenching things I've ever done in my life.

The whole time I battled my 4 year old son who was screaming at me the whole time. When I got to his favourite ones out the front I had to physically fight him off. He went to sleep in tears and he hasn't spoken to me or come near me all day.

I think somehow he's picked up that love for plants from me, I remember my old man dug out an Elephant ears plant (Colocasia esculenta) when I was around the same age and I reacted the same way. My old man did it because he didn't like it, I did it because I have to. Now I'll get the same Karma - I've seriously breached his trust. The only difference was my old man did it out of contempt, I did it because I've been forced to by someone that's never met me or my son.

My older kids just don't understand it, I've explained that the government won't let me grow them anymore but they just can't get their heads around it. They're taking it worse than I am. They've been trying to cheer me up & get me things to "make me feel better" all day.

At least I'm still allowed to drink - for now.

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Fuck the government! I've got Trichs in ground in the backyard and plenty of plants in pots that I'm not touching, other than giving the pot living ones water and fertilisers whenever they need it.

If they want to try and cause a headache over it I'll happily point them towards the Bunnings store 2km down the road that sell "banned" plants by the bucketload!

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Yeah Snowfella if I lived anywhere else, I'd most likely stand defiant but there's a few things going on around here that complicates things.

I live next door to a 24/7 ice dealer where all the local ex cons come to shoot up. There's another amphetamine dealer across the road and several heroin dealers in the street too. Recently there's been a local crackdown on drugs, so if a memo goes out to look for cactus I'd be gone in minutes and I'd be tarred with the same brush.

I went out of my way to avoid the local drug culture when I moved here and that's how I ended up getting into legal alternatives.

If it were just me I'd stand defiant but I've got three kids that are showing a lot of academic aptitude & I just can't stand the idea that I could impede that through my choices. Their academic performance will most likely be their only ticket out of this shit hole & dad going to gaol over a plant isn't going be conducive to that end.

It's all come down to priorities for me. Sad to say the cactus comes after my kids.

Edited by Sally
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At this point of time I would suggest no one start chopping down their cacti or dumping their collections.

The new laws need to be clarified properly and even if the worse case is that they are illegal have a look at the other states like WA where this type of law has been in place for years from what I can understand.

Since I have been here I have only ever heard of one person being charged and that was the case recently. If you look at that case the plants only came to the attention of the police because of a previous importation find.

And yes Bunnings does sell Trich's in WA and they are still grown in peoples gardens throughout the state.

With this law that we have in WA I should have been charged for growing a Catha when the police were called to arrest the person who was trespassing and raping my tree. Instead they charged the person whith trespass and destruction of property. Not once in the three visits from the police was there any mention that the plant might be illegal but I was told that possession of plant material was.

We had to explain to the police what the plant was as they had no idea so what chance is there of the average copper being able to identify a cacti let alone know how the law effects the legality of a particular plant.



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Have to say I feel for you Sally! Horrible position to be in indeed! And truly if I was in that same position I'd likely do the same!

Luckily in my case I'm in a quiet neighbourhood, no kids that I have to worry about and with a squeaky clean background...sure I drink like a fish and smoke like a chimney but apart from alcohol and nicotine I'm a virgin so if they come calling they would have a hard time proving my collection is anything but what is is...purely ornamental.

Had I known you were contemplating doing what you just did I would of called in when I was up at the Hunter just a week ago and rescued some cuttings just to keep your plants going!

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  • 2 weeks later...


I bow

must be the best cactus-rock garden I have ever seen.... and its just starting

cant wait to look at it in , say 2 years!

awesome job man, absolutely amazing, keep it up!

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