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J Smith

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Hell I was told crowley started the illuminati anyway


The movement was in place long before Crowley's birth in the latter part of the 1800's.

Freemasonry was in place before both.

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The movement was in place long before Crowley's birth in the latter part of the 1800's.

Freemasonry was in place before both.


Maybe Freemasonry is just an understanding of things more ancient...I don't know, just thinking.....

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Care to provide some links to read if you could be bothered? It would be much appreciated :)

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No worries Dworx, go for it.

It reads to me like the new world order (democracy) has no place for any old world order (freemasonry)?

The proponents of democracy are still seeking to destroy any alternative rule of law in an attempt instill their new world order of governance.

Sound familiar?

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Where do I start ?

"It had been around a long time before the Radical Right discovered it—and its targets have ranged from “the international bankers” to Masons, Jesuits, and munitions makers."

Lets remember the worlds first international bankers were Freemasons

Also keep in mid that it is illegal for a US politician to be a member of a non government organisation.

Many presidents and senators have been or still are Freemasons.

The double sufferer

"The paranoid style is not confined to our own country and time; it is an international phenomenon. Studying the millennial sects of Europe from the eleventh to the sixteenth century, Norman Cohn believed he found a persistent psychic complex that corresponds broadly with what I have been considering—a style made up of certain preoccupations and fantasies: “the megalomaniac view of oneself as the Elect, wholly good, abominably persecuted, yet assured of ultimate triumph; the attribution of gigantic and demonic powers to the adversary; the refusal to accept the ineluctable limitations and imperfections of human existence, such as transience, dissention, conflict, fallibility whether intellectual or moral; the obsession with inerrable prophecies…systematized misinterpretations, always gross and often grotesque.”

Sounds a lot like Obama doesn't it?

Why they feel dispossessed

This is clearly selective language carefully selected to reinforce allegiances to masonic ideals (if you are not with us you are against us) branding non masons (known as the profane to a mason) as they, clearly creates division and is a sneaky device that is commonly used to reinforce masonic bonds, us - good , they - bad

The higher paranoid scholarship is nothing if not coherent - in fact the paranoid mind is far more coherent than the real world.

Now being thorough and coherent is apparently cause for concern ?

A special significance attaches to the figure of the renegade from the enemy cause.

Do conspiracy theorists use this militant language ?

Enemy ? this is really starting to emerge as a common theme, non masons (the enemy) are something that must be dealt with like any other "enemy"

Emulating the Enemy - Enemy ?

Cleary this is language geared to those within the organisation, if you are a mason you are expected to go on the offensive to prove how moderate the organisation is. A moderate organisation needs no defence it's actions speak for themselves.

Enemy ? there have been battle lines drawn and obviously this article is a counter strike.

This is typical of any cult, to demonise and deride any opposing attitudes by any means possible and people in the cult generally accept this sort of language without any deeper thought.

Illuminism and masonry

This is an (almost) cleverly veiled attempt to quash a resurgence of anti masonic sentiment in the early sixties that came to light when several newspapers ran stories documenting how masons were run out of town in the 1820's when citizens discovered that masonic groups were acting behind the scenes to control local politics, culminating in the murder of William Morgan.

Language has power and when carefully selected can evoke a predictable response.

Spin your propaganda to some of the more naive types, some of us can see it for what it is.

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American politics aside.

This political phenomenon is playing out closer to home in the NT. Tribal law was recently on the agenda and a number of Aboriginal politicians vied their support for the outlawed tribal punishment, saying it should be considered by law courts during sentencing. What choice do they have given they are members of a tribe first and for most and democratically elected members of the Northern Territory Government second.

Traditional law can be used for disputes, says MP

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@ distracted, I don't think it is a conspriracy to help out people in your social group, be it discounts, better seats at a venue, whatever. It is the nature of a secret society in politics which concerns me. As I said in an earlier post, if it goes on in the private sector, it is no problem to me, that is just business as usual, much like the old school tie networks. In politics, the public who pay for government discisions may not be getting the best deal, if a descision maker favours their club, rather than another bidder for a project. It is the secrecy which bothers me.

About lady gaga, I imagine she is just a pawn in the game, but whoever is directing her music videos is placing an awful lot of baphomet heads, eye of horus signs, and black and white checkered floors in her vids. I don't know what the signifigance is, but I am convinced that it is no coincidence that the symbols are there.

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Spin your propaganda to some of the more naive types, some of us can see it for what it is.


So according to the less naive types that can see the article for what it is, is the author of this propaganda piece a member of the Illuminati, a Freemason, a Jesuit or a communist?

I got the feeling throughout the article that the author did not support masonic insider dealing within politics and was more focused on the political style used to denounce them. There is no denying though the effectiveness of the paranoid style as a political tool as the Illuminati conspiracy is still being maintained after 200 years. You would think someone could have showed us for what it is by now, without just leaving us to see it for what it is. Maybe I need to brush up on my apophenia skills.

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...the Illuminati conspiracy is still being maintained after 200 years. You would think someone could have showed us for what it is by now, without just leaving us to see it for what it is.


The old saying, "you can lead a horse to water..." -We need to see it for what it is personally because nobody can define that which is by definition beyond definition; these rituals open doorways to transcendent or archetypal forces that nobody can define but everybody can witness for themselves, provided they keep their eyes open. "Nobody can be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself".

We are exposed to these forces while being oblivious of it all, they stand outside the gates of the temple to stop you from coming in, sure it's a scary world hidden there yet it is there we find the eternal fountain of all creation, it's like going back to Mordor, scary yeah, but only that way by returning this source of all power back to where it was created is there redemption.









Nobody talks about this reality because it is deemed "irrational" and the words "Irrational" or "Myth" have come to be associated with fallacy in our culture instead of the unconscious mechanism by which we create our personal and shared reality.

The conspiracy and it's ultimate puppet master is evident if you have "eyes to see and ears to hear" - that might mean looking at the world all paranoid style. I think of paranoia as ultimate awareness; if you entertain all possibilities you are prepared for anything.

The over-arching.. archetypal, coincidental or synchronistic nature of this esoteric influence means one needs to be a little bit crazy (connect dots in non-rational ways) to see the conspiracy in its hidden yet all-encompassing spiritual dimension (it is everywhere/nowhere, non-local).

If you are waiting for a rational explanation given to you through the official voice of the media, you won't get it. JFK tried to explain it in a tangible material sense and got physically erased. David Icke and others speak of a metaphysical or spiritual conspiracy, and are character assassinated by their apparent "craziness".

One can only see the boundaries of the prison that is their mind once they've gone out of their mind.

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Good response dude I'll give you that.

I'll keep an eye out, maybe when my dopamine levels are higher it will all fall into place.

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OK, I will throw out one more link, and I'm done...you either see that there is a effort going on to desensitise the youth of today, or you dont. Desensitising to occult images, and who the hell knows what is in the lyrics, I don't listen to them.

Maybe the whole point is to bring back paganism. I dont know, but I love a good solstice party as much as the next guy, but the people behind the music videos are not coming out and saying, lets all get into paganism, they are promoting these themes by stealth.

final link, take it for whatever you think it's worth http://vigilantcitiz...-the-week-0528/

by done, I mean I am not going to try to convince anybody that there is something going on behind the scenes in the music video industry, which really includes the media as a whole. You see it, or you dont. Stay strong my brothers and sister who are unplugged, and forgive the sheep, for they know not what they do.

The reason music vids relate to politics, is in the mass desensitising/indoctrination of the youth. Why the music industry wants to bring back ancient symbols, I do not know, but I will keep watching today tonight, in the hope of getting the real info :wacko:

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You see it, or you dont.

my question is: what are you going to do about it?

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The reason music vids relate to politics, is in the mass desensitising/indoctrination of the youth. Why the music industry wants to bring back ancient symbols, I do not know, but I will keep watching today tonight, in the hope of getting the real info :wacko:


Wouldn't surprise me seeing this story featured on today tonight given that they are also experts at manipulating the public through the use of the paranoid style.

In ten years time when internet commentators are still discussing how MTV is going to take over the world the advertising gurus who took advantage of the paranoid style to gain perceived power through the popular music culture could be wrangling real power, given to them by the very same people that wish to deny it to them most. Convince the people that this subculture is welding real power and soon they shall be.

The Freemasons will no doubt be a little pissed that their sacred symbols and secret rituals are being desecrated in such a crass manner. It would be interesting to hear their official response if presented with allegations of influence over the American popular music industry.

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ok a problem i have with all this is that theres a lot more money to be made by desensitizing the youth in general as this makes people much more susceptible to subtle & subliminal advertizing techniques & a desensitised mind with a short attention span makes for a very dedicated & obsessive consumer who is much less likely to think deeply about themselves & the world & recognize the ultimate detriment of that kind of lifestyle to their spirit & therefore give it up.. but where does the occult symbolism come in?

it's all about money... & the system is very successful indeed... are you guys saying that occult symbolism is working like magic & lulling you into a deeper sleep? do you guys believe that they are desensitising the youth so they can then unleash more symbolism (& no one will notice) which will lull people into an even deeper sleep? i don't get why occult symbolisim seems to be the most disturbing & important factor for many people...

the way i understand 'magic' is pretty much exactly the way subliminal advertising is expressed through the media... i mean magic happens inside peoples heads & a practitioner of magic is someone who has mastered techniques with which they can subtly maipulate someones consciousness.. i mean derren brown comes from a long tradition ;) but this is just how the media works.. unless you're completely daft then you should know that your mind is being manipulated everywhere you go! & i'm sure the roots of the advertising industry/media techniques spring directly from that old school 'magic'.. i mean, those were the guys who knew how to hypnotise & subtly manipulate people, so of course if you're in advertising trying to figure out how to convince people to buy something you'd be an idiot not to employ those techniques... i just don't know why it's such a 'conspiracy' when if you spend just a small amount of time researching advertising techniques that these things are fundemental to how the industry works.. but then again i've been known to be naieve in the past assuming that what seems obvious to me is also obvious to others when it's not.. i just don't get the focus on the symbolism...

it's understandable to be paranoid, what with how twisted the world is but symbolism is everywhere & and is inherent in every human culture.. all sorts of artists & businesses etc express themselves through symbolism of all kinds... & all kinds of symbolic images can be interesting & beautiful in their own right etc.. do people really think that when they go to an average doof & theres geometric patterns & pyramids in the visuals it's because the dj is a part of the illuminati & is trying to take their soul or something? pff

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Now ya's are getting it :wink:...shit that was one eye,sorry :)

I've got to catch up on the thread,pretty much had too much on my plate lately and wanted you guys to carry on...but I was looking through Big W the other day and



Messages From the Spirits

During the ceremony, the houngan or mambo—priest or priestess—sacrifices a sanctified chicken or other animal to the Loa. Participants then ask the spirits for advice or help with problems. More than half the requests are for health.

It is said that the Loa sometimes communicate prophecies, advice, or warnings while the believer is possessed. Other messages are sent through the priest or priestess, or sometimes come later in dreams.

These disembodied spirits are believed to become tired and worn down—and rely on humans to "feed" them in periodic rituals, including sacrifices. "It's not the killing of the animals that matters," Corbett said. "It's the transfer of life energy back to the Loa."


Jono,don't worry man I had to dig at ya and I'm sorry if I caused any probs for ya mate,just wanted get the message across that there are good Secret Societies and Not so Good ones...Masons are interconnected with the wrong side,not the person who joins,though IMO they are supporting the wrong cause.

Knowing that the "Higher-Up's" are using the good citizens is important IMHO,just as I won't support McDonalds and neither should any plant-head as we know they clear the trees at a mile a minute,add to CO2 emissions(by De-forestation as well),destroy eco-systems,cultures and FUNGI,treat their cattle like shit,and the burger-flippers,and the average consumer thinks nothing of it.

Remember I said there are "Good Secret Societies",either side have their agenda....it's all about keeping or destroying the TRUTH.

EDIT: @Distracted post 196.

It's not really about the symbols themselves(except as posted by Paradox above for Children/Programming),they all hold vibrational power.

Just like a Knife, it is how it is used.

Oh and I believe it was monatomic Gold/Egypt-Pharaohs(Living God's)....doubt their would have been the right conditions at the roots(Egypt)for fungal fruiting...but then again inside a pyramid would be ok.Hmmm

Sure more than likely fungi contain monatomic elements,that I feel strongly about,considering the Cavity Resonance Effect.

Still awaiting my mate to make his Merkaba to fit to his Scale Pyramid!!



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Here's some insight into Pyramids and all that stuff by Alex Putney a very cool sight,the pyramid stuff is HERE

Listen to this first from Red Ice Radio,it's 2 hours of very insightful and controversial stuff to some,but just may be interesting and ring true with others.

My mate was recently talking about how the stones may have been "formed" by a simple process using Geopolymer Technology ...not that hard to conceive,considering there was apparently no stone chips/pieces and the way the stones fit so tightly(Pyramid bit here)..this is also touched on in the interview above....who knows?

As for 266,conspiracy and the "Schooling System" check this :wink:

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Cheers rogdog and mescalito. I think your last few posts have been more informative and balanced than the whole thread :P

I'll definately check out the pyramid links, that stuff sounds really interesting. If anything it just makes me want to build a wire pyramid for my cat :D

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Considering it was about the Federal Budget and all hehe

LOL if the cat's already well behaved DON'T DO IT :wink:

Make sure to get the angles correct and the alignment too,tubing would be better IMHO.

There seriously is a noticeable standing wave(which I didn't know about at the time) with a structure built to the same angles and relative dimensions as the Great Pyramid...this has to do with Phi and Fibonacci.All I knew what to do was how to sense "Hot-Spots",this ability was amped up by a Guy years ago as he initiated me into Reiki...I always had it though...thus the stack of books to place the Loph in the right place.

My Dad(here we go :rolleyes:) actually knew someone that had ONE razor of the old type and placed it a certain way inside a scale model too.Yes it was always sharp.....ahh if the old bloke was still here now...I reckon he's helping to balance things out for us on the other side,so the Darkness comes to an end.Pretty hard to convey to all you guys,but if you knew him you'd agree.

As the tests showed with the one made by Simondontanna(shown before)there was a healing or vibrational re-setting of the cactus and the spark was noticeably blue,made a snap sound and left an "oily" residue on my finger which quickly dried up(unlike oil would).Monatomic Gold for example in solution will leave an oily residue around the lid sometimes and does the exact same thing.

As you will find out 2 frequencies are involved and this is forms like a Binaural beat,the true rhythm of the Human heart.

Man I can't wait to move(3-4 weeks) as our bed-head backs onto the Mains Switchboard,that's gotta fuck with ya.

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crowley started the illuminati anyway
Johann Adam Weishaupt (6 February 1748 in Ingolstadt – 18 November 1830[1][2][3][4] in Gotha) was a German philosopher and founder of the Order of Illuminati, a secret society with origins in Bavaria.

At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the benefit of people. I wished to do what the heads of the ecclesiastical and secular authorities ought to have done by virtue of their offices ...[17]

On 1 May 1776 Weishaupt formed the "Order of Perfectibilists". He adopted the name of "Brother Spartacus" within the order. Though the Order was not egalitarian or democratic, its mission was the abolition of all monarchical governments and state religions in Europe and its colonies.[18]

Weishaupt wrote: "the ends justified the means."[citation needed] The actual character of the society was an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies. Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, whom they did not know, a party structure that was effectively adopted by some later groups.[18]

Weishaupt was initiated into the Masonic Lodge "Theodor zum guten Rath", at Munich in 1777. His project of "illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason, which will dispel the clouds of superstition and of prejudice" was an unwelcome reform.[18] Soon however he had developed gnostic mysteries of his own, with the goal of "perfecting human" nature through re-education to achieve a communal state with nature, freed of government and organized religion. He began working towards incorporating his system of Illuminism with that of Freemasonry.[18]

He wrote: "I did not bring Deism into Bavaria more than into Rome. I found it here, in great vigour, more abounding than in any of the neighboring Protestant States. I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati."[citation needed]

Weishaupt's radical rationalism and vocabulary was not likely to succeed. Writings that were intercepted in 1784 were interpreted as seditious, and the Society was banned by the government of Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria, in 1784. Weishaupt lost his position at the University of Ingolstadt and fled Bavaria.[18]


Step forward the crusades send knights to the middle east to recover religious artifacts, the knights find a big temple chamber full of artifacts and scrolls with the true religious teachings They take them back home [England/France] they begin to follow the true religion, The Catholic Church is not too happy with these men who have great wealth, and threaten the church's control, the pope does a deal with the king of France to do away with the Masons and they are hunted to the point that they decide to leave France in ships.
The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon (Latin: Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Solomonici), commonly known as the Knights Templar, the Order of the Temple (French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers) or simply as Templars, were among the most famous of the Western Christian military orders.[3] The organization existed for approximately two centuries in the Middle Ages.

Officially endorsed by the Catholic Church around 1129, the Order became a favoured charity throughout Christendom, and grew rapidly in membership and power. Templar knights, in their distinctive white mantles with a red cross, were among the most skilled fighting units of the Crusades.[4] Non-combatant members of the Order managed a large economic infrastructure throughout Christendom, innovating financial techniques that were an early form of banking,[5][6] and building many fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land.

The Templars' existence was tied closely to the Crusades; when the Holy Land was lost, support for the Order faded. Rumors about the Templars' secret initiation ceremony created mistrust, and King Philip IV of France, deeply in debt to the Order, took advantage of the situation. In 1307, many of the Order's members in France were arrested, tortured into giving false confessions, and then burned at the stake.[7] Under pressure from King Philip, Pope Clement V disbanded the Order in 1312. The abrupt disappearance of a major part of the European infrastructure gave rise to speculation and legends, which have kept the "Templar" name alive into the modern day.


Catharism was a name given to a Christian religious sect with dualistic and gnostic elements that appeared in the Languedoc region of France and other parts of Europe in the 11th century and flourished in the 12th and 13th centuries. Catharism had its roots in the Paulician movement in Armenia and the Bogomils of Bulgaria which took influences from the Paulicians. Though the term "Cathar" has been used for centuries to identify the movement, whether the movement self-identified itself with this name is debatable.[1] In Cathar texts, the terms "Good Men" (Bons Hommes) or "Good Christians" are the common terms of self-identification.

Like many medieval movements, there were various schools of thought and practice amongst the Cathari; some were dualistic (believing in a God of Good and a God of Evil), others Gnostic, some closer to orthodoxy while abstaining from an acceptance of Catholicism. The dualist theology was the most prominent, however, and was based upon an asserted complete incompatibility of love and power. As matter was seen as a manifestation of power, it was believed to be incompatible with love.

The Cathari did not believe in one all-encompassing god, but in two, both equal and comparable in status. They held that the physical world was evil and created by Rex Mundi (translated from Latin as "king of the world"), who encompassed all that was corporeal, chaotic and powerful; the second god, the one whom they worshipped, was entirely disincarnate: a being or principle of pure spirit and completely unsullied by the taint of matter. He was the god of love, order and peace.

According to some Cathars, the purpose of man's life on Earth was to transcend matter, perpetually renouncing anything connected with the principle of power and thereby attaining union with the principle of love. According to others, man's purpose was to reclaim or redeem matter, spiritualising and transforming it.

The anti-Cathar Albigensian Crusade, and the inquisition which followed it, entirely eradicated the Cathars.[2] The Albigensian Crusade had the effect of greatly weakening the semi-independent southern Principalities such as Toulouse, whose Occitan language was playing an important role in Western Europe, and ultimately bringing them under direct control of the King of France.


They also travel to other places and build a replica chamber to bury the religious artifacts and scrolls in. This chamber is believed have been found and permission is being sort from the Government of that country to excavate the site.
Rosslyn Chapel(maybe?), properly named the Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew, was founded on a small hill above Roslin Glen as a Roman Catholic collegiate church (with between 4 and 6 ordained canons and two boy choristers) in the mid-15th century. Rosslyn Chapel and the nearby Roslin Castle are located at the village of Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland.

The chapel was founded by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness (also spelled "Sainteclaire/Saintclair/Sinclair/St. Clair") of the Sinclair family, a noble family descended from Norman knights, using the standard designs the mediaeval architects made available to him. Rosslyn Chapel is the third Sinclair place of worship at Roslin - the first being in Roslin Castle and the second (whose crumbling buttresses can still be seen today) in what is now Roslin Cemetery.[1]

In later years the Chapel has featured in speculative theories regarding Freemasonry and the Knights Templar. An extensive programme of conservation is currently underway.

The chapel, built 150 years after the dissolution of the Knights Templar, supposedly has many Templar symbols, such as the "Two riders on a single horse" that appear on the Seal of the Knights Templar.

As early as 2000 serious doubt was cast on any connection between Freemasonry and Rosslyn Chapel by the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and Library, Robert L. D. Cooper, who has written several books on the subject.

The claim that the layout of Rosslyn Chapel echoes that of Solomon's Temple [17] has been analysed by Mark Oxbrow and Ian Robertson in their book, Rosslyn and the Grail:


Rosslyn Chapel bears no more resemblance to Solomon's or Herod's Temple than a house brick does to a paperback book. If you superimpose the floor plans of Rosslyn Chapel and either Solomon's or Herod's Temple, you will actually find that they are not even remotely similar. Writers admit that the chapel is far smaller than either of the temples. They freely scale the plans up or down in an attempt to fit them together. What they actually find are no significant similarities at all. [...] If you superimpose the floor plans of Rosslyn Chapel and the East Quire of Glasgow Cathedral you will find a startling match: the four walls of both buildings fit precisely. The East Quire of Glasgow is larger than Rosslyn, but the designs of these two mediaeval Scottish buildings are virtually identical. They both have the same number of windows and the same number of pillars in the same configuration. [...] The similarity between Rosslyn Chapel and Glasgow's East Quire is well established. Andrew Kemp noted that 'the entire plan of this Chapel corresponds to a large extent with the choir of Glasgow Cathedral' as far back as 1877 in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. Many alternative history writers are well aware of this but fail to mention it in their books.[18]

With regards to a possible connection between the St. Clairs and the Knights Templar, the family testified against the Templars when that Order was put on trial in Edinburgh in 1309.[19] Historian Dr. Louise Yeoman, along with other mediaeval scholars, says the Knights Templar connection is false, and points out that Rosslyn Chapel was built by William Sinclair so that Mass could be said for the souls of his family.[20]

It is also claimed that other carvings in the chapel reflect Masonic imagery, such as the way that hands are placed in various figures. One carving may show a blindfolded man being led forward with a noose around his neck—similar to the way a candidate is prepared for initiation into Freemasonry. The carving has been eroded by time and pollution and is difficult to make out clearly. The chapel was built in the 15th century, and the earliest records of Freemasonic lodges date back only to the late 16th and early 17th centuries.[21] A more likely explanation however is that the Masonic imagery was added at a later date. This may have taken place in the 1860s when James St Clair-Erskine, 3rd Earl of Rosslyn instructed Edinburgh architect David Bryce, a known freemason, to undertake restoration work on areas of the church including many of the carvings.[22]

William Sinclair 3rd Earl of Orkney, Baron of Roslin and 1st Earl of Caithness, claimed by novelists to be a hereditary Grand Master of the Scottish stone masons, built Rosslyn Chapel.[17] A later William Sinclair of Roslin became the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and, subsequently, several other members of the Sinclair family have held this position.[23]

These connections, whether real or imagined, to both the Templars and the Freemasons, mean that Rosslyn features prominently in conjectures that the Freemasons are direct descendants of the Knights Templar.


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Wikipedia is the limit

Probably not, but it seems like a good place to start.

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Jono,don't worry man I had to dig at ya and I'm sorry if I caused any probs for

ya mate,just wanted get the message across that there are good Secret Societies

and Not so Good ones...Masons are interconnected with the wrong side,not the

person who joins,though IMO they are supporting the wrong cause.

No worries at all man! if u say that the freemasons put the giant huntsman in front of your car thats when im sending the mental health team ;)

this has been a great thread to read IMO. fucking interesting stuff when u branch of all yall links. very interesting stuff!

i do believe dworx has the drop on all yall though (this far) ;)

nah i think its great you are sharing great stories around, nothing personal hey its just discussion.

ive got nothin at all im just enjoying lurking B)

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