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The Corroboree

Amanita muscaria


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Some friends of mine recently returned from good old Tassie and knowing my keen interest in mycology took these photos for me while they were there.

I thought some of you may be interested to see what was found, I know I'm keen to go and see them for myself at some stage but for now the pics will

have to do for me as well. Looks like there must have been quite a few there!

One of the mushroom caps reportedly measured roughly 12cm! Not sure if this is common but certainly you Tasmanian's are lucky.

I hope the pics are alright, had to crop them from over 6 megapixels to under 2 to load so hopefully they're still alright.


















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Sola mate you gotta get up to kuitpo forest if ya like amanitas, haven't been for years myself but there were spots there that you couldnt walk without damaging a shroom and big!!

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#%*! I didn't know that! I definitely will. Now would probably be a great time as well.

Thanks heaps for letting me know. I'm going to have to go armed with my camera ITNF.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pleased you like the pics, I thought they were awesome as well.

It's good to hear they're quite prolific in some places. Can't wait to have the time to go and check it out first hand when I have the time.

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I've very recently seen areas covered with these. Sola if you see a pine tree you can be fairly sure it's gonna have a few of these pretties sitting around it this time of year

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Awesome pics dundee, thanks for sharing.

I think you're lucky Quill, I've been looking for years literally and have yet to come across one in the flesh so to speak.

It's drier where I am so possibly that's why they are more rare here, also I can't always get to the Adelaide Hills or

Kuitpo where they seem to be more abundant. That would definitely require staying in town the night, quite a long

round trip , I am planning on staying in Adelaide for a week or so ITNF so hopefully I can find my first then.

I did look through The Barossa in a pine plantation, found some slippery jacks but no agaric's but might have

just been unlucky. That's not nearly as far to drive.

You can be sure when I do find some I'll be posting about it

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Awesome pics dundee, thanks for sharing.

I think you're lucky Quill, I've been looking for years literally and have yet to come across one in the flesh so to speak.

It's drier where I am so possibly that's why they are more rare here, also I can't always get to the Adelaide Hills or

Kuitpo where they seem to be more abundant. That would definitely require staying in town the night, quite a long

round trip , I am planning on staying in Adelaide for a week or so ITNF so hopefully I can find my first then.

I did look through The Barossa in a pine plantation, found some slippery jacks but no agaric's but might have

just been unlucky. That's not nearly as far to drive.

You can be sure when I do find some I'll be posting about it


No worries, best of luck in your hunt for the Amanitas

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Awesome pics dundee, thanks for sharing.

I think you're lucky Quill, I've been looking for years literally and have yet to come across one in the flesh so to speak.


Oh really? Anywhere you see a bunch of pinus radiata you'll see a few amanita's around providing it's sufficiently moist. They tend to like a bit warmer weather than subs, but will still fruit as it gets colder, just not so much. It's a treat seeing a ring of amanita's directly below a pine tree's drip line

Well goodluck with your quest!

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a few notes on them. I'm no expert on shrooms, but it seems our ol friend amenita mascaria can suffer from sun burn. In the first pic you can see how bad it can get sun burn which bleachs the normally red skin. After rubbing off the white "warts" that covered and protected the skin, you can see were it has not been effected by the sun. The shroom next to it was in the complete shade of the pine tree.

The next pic shows some monsters i found. Because of there abundance, only pick caps that are nice and open. Also, i believe the best way to pic them is give them a few sharp taps on the sides of the cap untill it breaks loose from the stalk. This does a few things; it releases the spores from the gills from the shock of the tap. Also, when the stalk decays, any spores stuck to the stalk will go back into the earth and grow'n shit. Finally, the caps are said to be the most potent and when you find over 20 caps all the size of your fist or bigger, you can aford to be picky, for lack of a better word.

Almost any pine tree that DOESN'T grow branchs from the base of the trunk like christmas trees, should have at least one popping up amongst the pine needles.

Nice finds there guys!









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yeah kuitpo's great for these buggers, also second valley it's a fair way from adelaide but i remember seeing one some 30cm or so across once, bloody massive.

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I think I've just been unlucky then. I go hunting quite regularly.


they can be found anytime the climate it favorable but autumn & early winter is by far the best time.. other times of the year is definitely a gamble... so, pine forest, autumn, after rain or when sufficiently moist & you really can't go wrong... unless you live beyond their range..

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