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I dont feel as though chiral owes me anything i just feel like id been suckerd in. Thanks for the lesson bro.

And lickapop if Rev had told me he had posted the package then not blocked me from contacting him after the first time id contacted him about it i probably would have accepted that and probably tried to place another order down the line.

Id love to catch up with you if your just down the road if theres no hard feelings, and if your a personal friend of Revs perhaps you could have a word to him about talking out an issue instead of running away from it. his customers would feel a little more assured if he remained contactable.


nah man I never have hard feelings about stuff that gets slung online. lol Im about 4 hours away so if you hit town sure we can catch up

and without knowing the details about your "completely legal" transaction (there is only black and white on his site there is nothing grey)...I can assure you that rev is not running from you lol.

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i'm a firm believer that there should be honour amongst thieves... but just remember he's got a wife and a little daughter.

i'm not sure if you're familiar with that ex-con who was floating around on the forums a while back threatening mindexpansion with grief over a trade that turned sour between chiral and him... bizarre to say the least!

i just wouldn't go handing out his address to new members or ppl whose mental or moral compass is spinning round without any clue of true north.


Wow, very interesting to say the least, lol. I had a bitch and a gripe with Chiral, formerly known as Hunab Ku, i'll tell the whole story now that all this shit has been aired in public.

So he sold SWIM some shrooms a few times back when i had no idea how to get my own, also a bit of dimitri. Things seemed to be going well, and then one of the trades he sent SWIM a salvia/viridis/caapi leaf mix that was supposed to have a good amount of dimitri sprinkled in their, SWIM didnt pay much for it, think it was $50 or $100, but what SWIM got was clearly not what SWIM was expecting, the only thing the leaf mix did was mellow me out a bit, thanks to the caapi leaf. So SWIM immediatley knew he ripped me off, i told him about it honestly, and he was cool with it, so he offered SWIM a bag of shrooms for half the normal price, to make up for it. When SWIM got the shrooms, it was half a bag of shrooms! But still SWIM didnt put too much stock into it, because of the varying potency of shrooms, i kind of let it go, even though SWIMS bullshit meter in SWIMS head was going off.

The final transaction SWIM had with him, SWIM asked him to get me $500 worth of changa, and i told him SWIM would chuck in an extra $50 for his trouble, as SWIM was under the assumption that he had to go to a friends place to get it, and SWIM didnt want him to feel like i was using him to go get me things, and to do it for free for a complete stranger, so SWIM gave him a little sweetener, hoping that this would smooth the transaction over, but in the back of my mind SWIM knew that something was going to go wrong with this transaction. When SWIM recieved the goods, SWIM recieved probably about 30 grams of caapi leaf that he claims was laced with the goodies, and he also gave SWIM a bag of powder, weighing in at 0.5 a gram, of x-tal. So when SWIM went to smoke the leaf, it was a complete dud, the only thing that was good was the powder, but for the price SWIM charged me, knowing who and what i know now, SWIM should have gotten at least 2.5-3/4 grams of x-tal.

At this stage SWIM was pretty pissed off, knowing full well that he had probably bought a gram of x-tal for $100-$200, kept the rest of the money, ground up a shitload of caapi leaf and BOOM, you got yourself $300+ profit. A few of the previous packages he sent SWIM, one of them had his address on it, and one of the glad wrap bags he sent me had the username, "MindExpansion Lophophoria Williamsii" written on it. So i thought SWIM would send MindExpansion a PM about the whole situation, told him that he had ripped me off and whatnot, and asked him to help us sort it out peacefully. He agreed. In the beginning everything was done with respect and patience, SWIM needs to make that very clear, SWIM was willing to do things the right way. Then three days pass without a word from either of them, SWIM sends a follow up email to MindExpansion, who does not reply, so in my mind im going insane, because this is not the first time and this last time it was a lot of money, so i thought, fuck it, why not, SWIM will unleash the crazy man inside that only comes out on special occasions, or after a few drinks.

SWIM sends MindExpansion an email telling him that if he doesnt get into contact with Hunab within another 3 days, that SWIM and 4 lads would go down to Hunabs/Chirals house and pay his wife and kids a visit with some baseball bats. SWIM also sends Chiral a similar message.This response promted both of them to reply very hastily to my concerns, and SWIM was sent everything that he was expecting with the original trade.

Let me make it clear also that SWIM did not threaten MindExpansion in any way. He is just talking shit. ME, you said you saved those "threatening" pm's SWIM sent you, if you'd like to rehash them and tell people the truth of what happened, i am more than happy to see them posted in this thread. AND SWIM aint no ex-con LOL. I wonder where you got that one from lol. No offence guys but when i read faustus' post i couldnt stop laughing for about 20 mins, i was in stitches and felt like a kid again!

So yeah thats how it all went down with SWIM and Hunab/Chiral and MindExpansion. SWIM would also like to add that he do not have friends that he can just call at the drop of a hat to come and beat someone up over a shonky trade on a peace and love hippy trading website lol!!! SWIM just needed to put the fear into them, because they werent doing what was asked of them, and BOOOOM, results!! So basically i bluffed, they didnt call it, dropped their nuts, and situation was resolved. One other thing id like to add, after the situation was resolved, SWIM sent both of them a PM stating how i deeply regretted my actions, and i apologised to them wholeheartedly, you can pull that PM out too and show everyone, if you still got it ME.

Now can i get my warning level down to 0% please!!!??? lol whats funny is that i dont think anyone has even ever bothered to look at that, as ive had soo many trades with people since, and they have ALL gone smoothly, not to mention i give out sooooo many freebies to people, i dont think my reputation should be ruined for one stupid trade that went wrong over a year and a half ago. And considering the way Torsten has reacted to this situation in this thread, SWIM consider my actions to be appropriate, even though SWIM would never do anything like that to anyone again. SWIMgot my ass kicked around hardcore by the spirits after that one!!

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This whole story smells pretty fishy to me. This is a different story to what Chiral had told one of the members that has just had recent contact with him. In my experience if i guy is telling different stories to different people there is a lie behind all of it.

I am damn sure that if a person was up on these particular charges they WOULD NOT be out walking around a free man and he still is.

For sure people go on benders and forget everything but their particular substance of choice and even come up with trades, schemes and scams to generate cash or substance to feed these benders. I can fully understand how this has turned out.

However i do not believe one bit of the whole "i have been busted by the cops and im under surveillance" story and i think he may have come up with this so people like us with sometimes dubious trades stay away from him in fear.

Chiral, i am sure you are reading this. I can understand the fix your in but you need to contact all the people you owe and work something out with them. Just to turn your back on the people that have befriended you because the going got a little rough aint the thing to do.

Chiral owes me nothing, but he has hurt a few of my friends and hurt our little community


Just to clear a few things up, yes in my view they are all lies, because after i threatened him, he said he was being "watched by the police and that he was going to jail for 3 months", and this was WAAAY back before everyone else started getting ripped off by him. Which really doesnt make sense to me, im no criminal(not according to MindExpansion!!!!!) but in my view you're either going to jail for 3 months or being watched, its not both, unless you're some big time dealer that needs his house watched after they are in prison, which Hunab/Chiral/whatever the fuck hes called, is not.

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let's presume you're telling the truth, and i'm open to it (but obviously not saying that i do believe you).

I send MindExpansion an email telling him that if he doesnt get into contact with Hunab within another 3 days, that me and 4 lads would go down to Hunabs/Chirals house and pay his wife and kids a visit with some baseball bats. I also send Chiral a similar message.This response promted both of them to reply very hastily to my concerns, and i was sent everything that i was expecting with the original trade.

even if this was an idle threat, this is what makes you a chat cunt. and also a shit cunt.

i don't even think the worst of the worst underworld cunts would dare to venture into threatening the children of their enemy.

And considering the way Torsten has reacted to this situation in this thread, i consider my actions to be appropriate, even though i would never do anything like that to anyone again. I got my ass kicked around hardcore by the spirits after that one!!

no, clearly, you still don't get it. and clearly, the spirits didn't kick you around enough. my apologies torsten for making assumptions about what you would or wouldn't do:

1. i don't think torsten would condone any threats against innocent women and children

2. if torsten believed that someone would threaten chiral's wife or child, i don't think he'd give them chiral's details

3. EVEN IF torsten was ok with that sort of thing, and i sincerely doubt he would, all it does is make BOTH of your actions unacceptable i.e. you don't get to exonerate yourself by saying "it's ok cos he did it too!"

and you have the spine to ask for your warn level to go to 0%? dead set, you're a fucking dicksmoker.

PS: please change your username, someone who actually deserves it might be missing out.

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let's presume you're telling the truth, and i'm open to it (but obviously not saying that i do believe you).

even if this was an idle threat, this is what makes you a chat cunt. and also a shit cunt.

i don't even think the worst of the worst underworld cunts would dare to venture into threatening the children of their enemy.

no, clearly, you still don't get it. and clearly, the spirits didn't kick you around enough. my apologies torsten for making assumptions about what you would or wouldn't do:

1. i don't think torsten would condone any threats against innocent women and children

2. if torsten believed that someone would threaten chiral's wife or child, i don't think he'd give them chiral's details

3. EVEN IF torsten was ok with that sort of thing, and i sincerely doubt he would, all it does is make BOTH of your actions unacceptable i.e. you don't get to exonerate yourself by saying "it's ok cos he did it too!"

and you have the spine to ask for your warn level to go to 0%? dead set, you're a fucking dicksmoker.

PS: please change your username, someone who actually deserves it might be missing out.


LOL, i appreciate your honesty, and yes i am telling the truth, all MindExpansion needs to do is show the PMs that he said he saved, and all will be revealed.

Name calling from someone your age and stature in the community is not highly appropriate, makes you look like a 'dicksmoker'! Lol this is a speaker at EGA 09!

Were my actions appropriate? Fuckon oath they werent, but in my mind i KNEW i would never have taken any action beyond a simple threat, and if you saw me you would know why, im just an internet tough guy! Now of course there is noy way of letting the other party know that, which is what makes it such an effective threat. Am i a "dicksmoker", ill let the 40+ people that i have dealt with in trades AFTER that incident defend me.

And how the fuck do you know that the people who got ripped off arent just as crazy as me, you got ballzac over here saying he'd camp out of this fuckers front yard, because of the "principle" of the situation, and here you are defending people who had sour trades with him that you never met, sounds to me like you should get off Torstens knob.

Ill gladly change my username if you change yours to 'dicksmoker'.

Once again, can i get my warning level reduced!!!!???

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you got ballzac over here saying he'd camp out of this fuckers front yard


Did I say that? :S

Make sure you edit your post (#54) to conform to the forum rules. Otherwise you may find it gets deleted by a mod. You are not allowed to incriminate yourself or others. I know people bend that rule a bit from time to time, but your post is pretty explicit. You could have gotten your point across without being specific about WHICH substances were being traded/sold.

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Did I say that? :S

Make sure you edit your post (#54) to conform to the forum rules. Otherwise you may find it gets deleted by a mod. You are not allowed to incriminate yourself or others. I know people bend that rule a bit from time to time, but your post is pretty explicit. You could have gotten your point across without being specific about WHICH substances were being traded/sold.


Fair enough, thank you for the heads up, and sorry to slander your name like that in my post, i needed to prove a point though, i hope you dont mind.

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whoahhhhhhhhh nelly. back the truck up!!!

I think everyones going a little mental over this.

You have been reimbursed light and love?

sounds like u have, time to build a bridge, and learn from trusting strangers with large sums of doe.

but yeah I can see where Faustus is coming from, threatening innocents i.e wife and kids, is like the lowest. Im sure u said it in much frustration and desperation. but wow. i guess hell hath now wrath like a woman scorned.

but Faustus u should know name calling etc in an already heated thread is gonna razz up the issue.

I hope that things get sorted as best they can so that this thread can just fade away.

EDIT- i cant see mindexpansion entering into this dicussion, or even the forum at all. He has been very traumatised by this whole shenanigans, and the reason I got involved in the first place. All i can say is i hope it all gets sorted out, ive already lost one friend in the processs so i cant be fucked delving into it anymore.

Alls i an say, is tat yas r NUCKING FUTS for trading large amounts of doe over the net, with strangers. I wish i had that kinda money!!

Light & love ur now standing out like a beacon to the DEA or any interested fuzz who may be observing this site. Id recommend u dramatically edit ur self incriminating post.

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whoahhhhhhhhh nelly. back the truck up!!!

I think everyones going a little mental over this.

You have been reimbursed light and love?

sounds like u have, time to build a bridge, and learn from trusting strangers with large sums of doe.

but yeah I can see where Faustus is coming from, threatening innocents i.e wife and kids, is like the lowest. Im sure u said it in much frustration and desperation. but wow. i guess hell hath now wrath like a woman scorned.

but Faustus u should know name calling etc in an already heated thread is gonna razz up the issue.

I hope that things get sorted as best they can so that this thread can just fade away.


Hey im calm, how about your wife and kids!? if you saw the look on my face while typing this stuff, you would see i dont give a shit, i just wanted to give this subject of chiral/hunab ripping people off a little more clarity to those who were ripped off, and tell them that it wasnt just a situation of "ive been gambling now i gotta jump on the corroboree and suck in a few gullible hippies", who knows what he was thinking really, but thats what were trying to find out, only truth and sharing of information will reveal that.

I know i was wrong, but ill take a line from Bill Hicks, "hey buddy were chrisitans, we dont like what you said, 'so i said, than forgive me!' "

Like i said before, it was a long time ago, i laugh at the person i used to be now, because i can comfortably say that i am no longer that person, but its understandably hard to convince people who dont know you or your character in real life, but like i said earlier, in my mind i knew nothing would come of it. But in the end, lesson learned, ive lost a bit of rep with the warn status, which isnt really affecting anything i come here for, so i dont understand why its even their, just like the reputation points.

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Make sure you edit your post (#54) to conform to the forum rules. Otherwise you may find it gets deleted by a mod. You are not allowed to incriminate yourself or others. I know people bend that rule a bit from time to time, but your post is pretty explicit. You could have gotten your point across without being specific about WHICH substances were being traded/sold.


Light & love ur now standing out like a beacon to the DEA or any interested fuzz who may be observing this site. Id recommend u dramatically edit ur self incriminating post.


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Light & love ur now standing out like a beacon to the DEA or any interested fuzz who may be observing this site. Id recommend u dramatically edit ur self incriminating post.


Yeah im not really fussed, thats why im being so open, they can come and raid my house, and find not a god damn thing cos all the drugs i do these days are done in Peru. Throw some surveillance on me boys, i hope you do, so the real criminals can stop getting convicted, id like that, because id really like to see another underbelly series.

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how about my wife and kids? well i dont have a wife but if it involved my kid I wouldnt take it as an idle threat. put it that way. Id also advise to bring a hell of alot more than baseball bats :)

anyways, this is dumb. people ARE aware of the situation L&L.

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how about my wife and kids? well i dont have a wife but if it involved my kid I wouldnt take it as an idle threat. put it that way. Id also advise to bring a hell of alot more than baseball bats :)

anyways, this is dumb. people ARE aware of the situation L&L.


hehe sorry i should have told you i was joking, maybe you need to calm down!!!

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Once again, can i get my warning level reduced!!!!???


You have to be kidding, right? you've just incriminated yourself, your trading partner and other poeple and you think you've got a grasp on the rules here? :BANGHEAD2:

You get an extra warn point and you're also on 'moderator preview' for a while.

faustus: 1 & 2 yes. 3 no.

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Light&Love yeah it aint nice being taken for a sucker but making threats against peoples kids is just a Dog act even if you were bluffing, dont forget if you were sent a package then the other party could have taken offence & it could have backfired, who knows if someone is pushed then they could do

it could have became a situation where they paid you a visit without any threats or warnings out of fear or anger :wacko:

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Who the fuck would trade with you after you just aired your dirty laundry. To make it worse it was an illegal trade that your whining about. Fuckin kids these days.


Thats my point, know one cares!!! If you actually bothered to react with logic instead of emotion you would see that. Geez, emotional intelligence and reading is not your forte is it. Old people these days, gotta throw em all in a home after a certain age!

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Fair enough, ill agree that ive incriminated myself and i apologise, but im only talking about it because its been almost 2 years, it would be pretty hard to get done for something, without physical evidence 2 years later, and thats assuming the people "watching us" actually give a shit about someone who bought some dimitri once or twice, lets be real here, you think they care about someone who has less than 150 posts in 2 years, who is active 2-3 times a month, and who has only done a few shonky deals?


I think you're missing the point about the rules. My understanding is that the rules are there to protect the forums and the community, not the individual.

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