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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by lickapop

  1. Just wondering if the law for growing lophs in Queensland or other states has been enforced? What is the penalty for X amount of Loph? Is Pachanoi legal? I assume it is not, but I can not find any info apart from mescaline added to the list Sorry if this has been stated here already. I am not the best at reading between the lines. And I do not want to sound like an idiot posting trivia questions. I just want to make informed decisions.
  2. lickapop

    Oprah - Can a Single Pill Change Your Life?

    so kudos to you MDMA. You will always hold a special place in my heart Piece V Edit: I thought I would take my life story off this thread and share it elsewhere. I leave you everything else.
  3. lickapop

    Oprah - Can a Single Pill Change Your Life?

    some bastard slipped a E-pill in my drink once. I cant contest the % of mdma but I had awesome visuals, altered state and an extreme change of perception, particularly with empathy. It also made me dance like a prick. That one experience turned me. I felt empathetic for minority group and it switched off my typical use of stereotyping. Funnily enough, my worst fault, jealousy... also lifted that day. Gone forever. MDMA is cool I rate it a psychedelic Should I report my drink spiking to the cops? I dont think i was felt up
  4. holy shit. maybe god didnt forget us. Ole mates been busy...maybe hes lost ? some interesting thoughts in this thread:)
  5. I think time is going to solve this one. 2050AD I will be 74 and I am going to come back to this thread and say you you and you " had NO IDEA" and you and you "were spot on" :blink:
  6. Coolness. I think I may just chew on this for a while. The trillion pages of monkey babble gets me:) You say our universe arose by chance....a trillionish chances,i nto this perfect universe I see today. Thats a big number. Thats why I cant get my head around evolution. Its the trillion perfect pieces and variables that align that make our universe, to come from an explosion of energy?? Thats like blowing up a car and all its pieces land back in the same order to remake the car. Whats the chances? And thanks botanika. Im up to speed as much as an uneducated bloke can be. To me, all those things could have happened after creation. Natural selection, Artificial selection, Micro and Macro-evolution(to the degree that we have evidence), Deep time...all could have happened after the original blueprints. At the end of that heading 'Deep Time', "Now say that evolution has not had enough time to create life as we see it today!" Evolution to create life? How does that work? Is that like turning energy into life? Because if mankind can replicate that I will believe in evolution unreservedly
  7. I know this is a whole other subject but I have tried and tried but I cannot comprehend evolution. I dont want to think we where created because that opens up a whole lot of other questions and problems but no matter how hard I look into evolution, I cant see it. The design of everything (everything) is just a little too perfect. A little too perfect for me to comprehend that we, them, universe got here by chaos and natural selection I think we have evolved yes but in the sense of environment and revolution. But we have not changed from the original human. To think that we crawled out of a soup that was made by a big bang to this...perfect design is beyond me. Maybe I am not looking hard enough but I just want one thing that will turn me.. one theory that will change my mind
  8. There is a creator...and he used these sequences and ratios to make stuff. He copied it from Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181...etc The golden ratio : 1 : 1.61803399... http://www.world-mysteries.com/sci_17.htm http://www.goldenratio.org/info/ http://www.xgoldensection.com/xgoldensection.html
  9. for what its worth man I did enjoy your take.
  10. yes please I was really enjoying this thread until all the anger One thing I was curious about and have not been able to find is..what time frame are we looking at to reach 10billion souls?
  11. mrs kick you out? lose your job? feel intimidated by higher educated? insomnia? house burn down? scared about climate change? little man syndrome? ashamed? pissed off because you didnt get the $1000 flood relief stimulus 2 money? centerlink fuck up your payments this week? oh why so much anger? tell me dog died? cat? to much rain? not enough rain? worms? stolen generation? pissed off because you can only give out 1 neg?
  12. settle down...your in the wrong community threatening people....racism, threats...your on A ROLL Let me know all the things of how I have insulted(albeit never meant to insult you) you and if we meet I will fucking gladly tell you to your face. LMFAO at how you take all this so serious. Tell me the chemical cocktail your on so I can at least understand all this
  13. I can't find anywhere he's called someone an idiot. I will keep looking. Cheers Have a good day hutch. I got maths class
  14. Are you calling hutch and I dogs, Meeka?
  15. Same as your implying woody calling people idiots?
  16. No need to warn hutch. I had a laugh at that earlier comment. I didn't feel threatened or offended. The kids say that to me all the time at scool
  17. Mate if we where having a discussion about the best building materials to use when building a house and you said "all you need is a sheet of iron leaning up against an ironbark" and then I said " are you aboriginal". That's fucking racist. just like your Asian comment If I asked you if you where aboriginal in a different context. It wouldn't be Feel me? I will ask me social studies teacher if she concurs And making a racist comment is completely different from being a racist. IMO
  18. And I'm not going to deny that I have not made racist remarks myself. But at least I take it on board if I get pulled up
  19. What your doing is stereotyping Asians and in your whole context of your conversation leading up to asking woody if he was Asian, was negative. There is no need to bring race up
  20. This is fuckin racist if I ever heard it....pull your head in