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The Corroboree

Positive / Negative Rating


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I just wanted to make a statement about the positive / negative rating thing. When I first began cruising these forums, I didn't see much voting happening, maybe I just wasn't aware of it. I was under the impression that you had to say something deep and meaningful to get a positive and something abusive and inappropriate to get a negative .I felt very honored when I received my first positive ((thank you) but after number 100, Na, just joking) No, my point being that I now feel that they are being dished out like lollies. One tap of a finger and you've made someone a Saint or a Sinner. I just think this vote should be deserving + or -, either way. I do understand that one person's idea of 'inappropriate' or 'deep and Meaningful' may be different to another persons but lets all just hesitate for five seconds before casting that vote and question yourself… Is it deserving?

(Maybe there are underlying issues i am unaware of ). I believe some people are being treated a little harsh. This is just my opinion .

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Fuck do what the nook did and abolish the whole childish system once and for all...it serves no purpose other than to insight mixed emotions and gives lurking trolls something to wank over.

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abolish the whole childish system once and for all

For most of SABs history it was abolished, IIRC its only here now as a test to see if it will be abused.

If it becomes a popularity contest then I agree, its useless.. in which case it should be abolished and until then just ignore it.

However if most votes are on the merits of peoples information then it could be useful. In the most blatant examples if someone says try huffing magnolia flower odor to get a buzz check their rating, if positive still investigate more but take it seriously. If someone else says smoke cherry seeds to cure lung cancer, and their rating is -30, you can save alot of research time by just ignoring them unless someone with a good reputation supports the claim.

I like to think we here are, on average, more mature than other places like the shroomery, E-Dot, et al. so in the end it might be used properly more often than not.

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P.D. just got a neg' and i saw nothing wrong with his humor. (maybe its a joke). This is a classic example of what i mean.


pd's was the first reply to a very serious issue.humour was inappropriate imho.

i added another one!

this system should help people work out the value of posts here....high rating is very good reading,negative rating not worth reading.

t s t .

humour?may be a joke......make up your mind......is it humour ? is it a joke?

just inappropriate and unnecessary.imho

classic example,lolly

Edited by t st tantra
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I understand Auxin. Looking at it from that perspective it can be a good thing. As i am pretty new here i am still working things out. Through my eyes it is being abused.

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pd's was the first reply to a very serious issue.humour was inappropriate imho.

i added another one!


Isn't it great that we are all unique and see things differently . Some people just try to make serious things light hearted. I don't want to star a feud. I just think people are abusing the privilege. Though every one is entitled to their opinion.

Edit . This sounds a little contradictory, its early. But you know what i mean( I hope)

Edited by Amazonian
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humour?may be a joke......make up your mind......is it humour ? is it a joke?


I meant P.D was being humorous with his comment and then I was saying that maybe he got a neg from some one as a joke ,uno as the topic was about receiving +/- and bang, there it was.

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it's being abused by a few people, i reckon. i don't think we're doing too bad but we could do better.

any time i go into threads from the deep past i try to remember to hand out positives for any of the really good posts hidden back there, unfortunately i probably looked at most of the old threads i'm ever going to look at before the rating system came in.

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I meant P.D was being humorous with his comment and then I was saying that maybe he got a neg from some one as a joke ,uno as the topic was about receiving +/- and bang, there it was.


didnt see that,sorry.

i assume the system/mods can find out who is doing the rating and act accordingly.

maybe people can post why they gave a negative rating but that is needless posting.

i like the idea of giving a value to threads to aid research so i would like to get this sorted positively!

we could just loose the negative votes,but i would prefer not to.

t s t .

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Personally I reckon the ratings system detracts from both the purpose of the forum and it's flow

Too many threads here have ended up being about the actual ratings system, it causes friction and it's anonymity means a thread contributor can be given a bad name for some entirely unknown and arbitrary reason

Everyone here has such diverse understandings and beliefs I reckon only the individual can decide whether a post was worth it or not.

Personally I get interested in a post either by it's first/ last author or thread title, if I don't like it I don't go back. If I reckon it's incorrect I can add my 2c with my name to it and thus be responsible for my remarks.

Can it be removed from the platform without any hassle to T and the other admins overall?

Really don't see the point of the negatizing, it didn't hurt us not to have it and it's not doing us any favours now it's here. Does anyone actually benefit from it? I'd be interested to see how

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Thank you Darklight!

I tend to agree its been abused and or misused.. if people were only voting on the apparent value of appropriate information then perhaps it is warranted for future reference but this doesnt seem to be the case. Im interested to see T's take on it.

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Thank you Darklight!

I tend to agree its been abused and or misused.. if people were only voting on the apparent value of appropriate information then perhaps it is warranted for future reference but this doesnt seem to be the case. Im interested to see T's take on it.



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Okay today there is no free love to be handed out today...who the fuck is the douchebag that negatized me and PD in his "tis hard thread"...I'm happy to voice negative words and lose karma to say this...y'all need to get a friggin life, get out to Lowes and bye some looser underwear, cause it's obviously too tight and strangling the blood flow to your tiny penis brain.

I think this ratings system will only work if you can only give posters a positive vote...negatizing is severely dividing this community and causing enemies and hate...is that what we all want, or shall we have an SAB camp and you can all tie up the people you don't like and throw stones at them like some sort of mindless animals....I'll volunteer to be tied up of course because I have by far the most negative points...fucking lightweights.


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who the fuck is the douchebag that negatized me and PD in his "tis hard thread"...

I feel like that´s exactly the point where we should seriously consider getting rid of it. I dont want to see people who share their deepest feeling getting mobbed in their own thread. Neither is this the kind of spiritual background SAB was built on nor is it how it´s gonna be in the future.

From now on, i will positize every negative rating i come across. No matter how justified or unjustfied it is. And i kindly ask all other moderators to do the same. bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius
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From now on, i will positize every negative rating i come across. No matter how justified or unjustfied it is.

i have also been doing this , there seems to be some immature troll type behaviour going on here

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Through out the day i have been thinking about this topic that i started. Maybe it was not my place to raise such an issue ,you know, being a very new member and all. Excuse my manners. Though i am not backing down on what i have said. Apologies to those who think i am out of line, this is just a fresh view from a newcomer. I see Negative votes as degrading . We are a community.

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yeah but like BT said... how seriously can it be taken? sure we are a community... but this is the internet... lol which is why i think it's pointless & divisive..

chiral, negatizing in threads like that is just not on & if it were taken seriously would be extremely offensive to many people here but it's clearly some seriously bored as fuck person who's probably a twelve year old douche-bag who can't think of anything better to do because they've already beat off more times than their tiny balls can handle in a day & can't think of anything more inane to do with their pathetic lives..

reacting strongly to it only gives them that meager morsel of attention they so desperately crave to give their pathetic existence meaning

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Whats the point of the system anyways...are we in kindergarten and crave so desperately for a gold star on our forehead...fuck the system off and if people like what they read they can say so in reply postings.

I mean look at all the red negatizing in this thread...it's pathetic...it doesn't worry me as such but worries me that this community is losing its foundations and becoming like some sort of trashy drug forum akin to the shroomery and the like...this is a community of seriously intelligent people who care about nature and the earth...a popularity system based on .."i like your post" or " I hate your post" flies in the face of what we all are and that is like minded open eyed psychedelic warriors...this is not facebook or who's the cutest guy forum, it's a fucking ethnobotany forum and the best one in the country...soon it will not be and prolly a lot will fuck off and go back to reading and learning other ways again.

I am curious who it is who is doing the negatizing though, it's a sociological curiosity for me, to find out who it is and understand why and what the need is to act that way.

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its me. I have to come clean. All the negatizing has been me

just kidding.

How about if we have to keep the + or - system we could AT LEAST give the person to whom the + or - is directed to courtesy of knowing who it came from. I believe this would cut out 80% of the bullshit +'s or -'s ... I'm not gonna plus or minus if I have to justify it.

Is it possible to reveal that data?

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yeh my first reply was my lame attempt at humour. Sorry it was taken the wrong way by some.

What i was getting at though is WHO CARES. Seriously why has there been so much discussion on this, the only time i notice the things is when ppl are whining about it and even then it has nil to fuk all bearing on how i spend my time here or interact with other members, i have no idea what my rep points are up to nor do i care what yours are, seems a lil pointless but if someone out there is gettn off negatizing ppl then good on em, pretty shitty form of entertainment but then again alot of ppl think smokin weed is shithouse, each to their own.

I have the word negatized in my sig due to the fact it was a term i heard here coined by an awesome member, i pissed my pants laughing when i saw it and decided it had to be my sig.

or am i the lurkin negatizer.................

IMO the rating system for threads is good idea as it saves time when searching but rating posts just makes for personal attacks and petty BS, yes it has been used ok by some but abused by others. Keep it, abolish it, meh, who cares, its crapola but only because it was never gon be used for the right reasons by alot of ppl anyways.

just my opinion.

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clearly T doesn't have time to address this right now. i did hit him up a while back and he wasn't sure whether or not he can access that info. i doubt the forum software can put a little list of green and red names in the corner of the post, although that would be cool! forum software should do everything, damnit!

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