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The Corroboree

Quotes of the day.


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"Americans! I raise my glass in your honour! I love Americans and the way they mangle English as if they spontaneously decided to pull the Babelfish from their ears and chew them like gum instead."

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you're never alone, even when you're alone



Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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Aloneness and silence are two aspects of one experience, two sides of the same coin. If one wants to experience silence one has to go into one´s total aloneness. It is there.








We are born alone, we die alone. Between these two realities we create a thousand and one illusions of being together - all kinds of relationships, friends and enemies, loves and hates, nations, races, religions. We create all kinds of hallucinations just to avoid one fact: that we are alone. But whatsoever we do, the truth cannot be changed. It is so, and rather than trying to escape from it, the best way is to rejoice in it.








Rejoicing in your own aloneness is what meditation is all about. The meditator is one who dives deep into one´s aloneness, knowing that we are born alone, we will be dying alone, and deep down we are living alone. So why not experience what this aloneness is? It is our very nature, our very being.








- Osho



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"well I think they all need slaying off and I'll be laughing so hard about it if I get to know it's happened so fuck them like they thought about us before they fucked themselves up and went too far"

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“I know that Members are not supposed to do this, but I call on people to break the law, to come here and use cannabis and see what happens—to challenge the authorities to arrest them. That is the only way to get through to the Government’s mind, which is set in concrete. The law is evidence-free and prejudices rich.”

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Fuckem and their law


Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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The Guardian is a corporate, tax-dodging flagship of the center right. Its lecturing tone (are you listening at the back!) is necessary because most of its readers are teachers, social services personnel and multiple-gender agitators. It flies the flag of Nato, globalists and Hillary Clinton. Its Russian coverage is enhanced by the UK security services which provide stories to supplement its reporters lack of imagination.

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now then Vallerie , get thy detty pillerz out fer't fukkin ladz *viking bellow - gerremout!*

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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