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brainwave entrainment

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Has anyone experimented with this sort of techno-mysticism?

I've got an album by Coil that I'm pretty sure experiments with frequencies outside the ear's range and inside certain neural rhythms.

But coil crafts art, meaning, and emotion into torment/clarity frequencies.

Brainwave entrainment technology

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Has anyone experimented with this sort of techno-mysticism?

I've got an album by Coil that I'm pretty sure experiments with frequencies outside the ear's range and inside certain neural rhythms.

But coil crafts art, meaning, and emotion into torment/clarity frequencies.

Brainwave entrainment technology


Hi telepathogen, i have done extensive exploration with BWE and other technologies/methods such as sensory deprivation and bio-feedback, what is you would like to know?

one thing i will say is tread lightly,be careful .

The 'tones' people use in cds or music are generally what are called "Bin-aural tones" they can alter brainwave activity , but if you have ever been to a DOOF or techno party Isochronic tones are more at work . see below hope this puts some light on the subject for you . ahura

Super Low Frequency

● (SLF) is the frequency range between 30 hertz and 300 hertz.

● This frequency range includes the frequencies of AC power grids (50 hertz and 60 hertz

Studies have shown that vibrations from rhythmic sounds have a profound effect on brain activity. In shamanic traditions, drums were used in periodic rhythm to transport the shaman into other realms of reality. The vibrations from this constant rhythm affected the brain in a very specific manner, allowing the shaman to achieve an altered state of mind and journey out of his or her body .

Brain pattern studies conducted by researcher Melinda Maxfield into the (SSC) Shamanic State of Consciousness found that the steady rhythmic beat of the drum struck four and one half times per second was the key to transporting a shaman into the deepest part of his shamanic state of consciousness. It is no coincidence that 4.5 beats, or cycles per second corresponds to the trance like state of theta brain wave activity. In direct correlation, we see similar effects brought on by the constant and rhythmic drone of Tibetan Buddhist chants, which transport the monks and even other listeners into realms of blissful meditation.

What are gamma brainwaves?

"Gamma brainwaves are considered the brain's optimal frequency of functioning. Gamma brainwaves are commonly associated with increased levels of compassion, feelings of happiness, and optimal brain functioning. Gamma brainwaves are associated with a conscious awareness of reality and increased mental abilities. Gamma brainwaves range from the frequency of 38 Hz - 70 Hz and have a tiny (virtually unnoticeable) amplitude. Gamma brainwaves can be found in virtually every part of the brain. They serve as a binding mechanism between all parts of the brain and help

to improve memory and perception.

Benefits of increasing gamma brainwaves:

Boosted memory - High amounts of gamma brainwaves have been associated with a boosted memory and ability to recall past events. The 40 Hz gamma frequency has been associated with a well-regulated memory. If you are currently struggling with maintaining a great, healthy memory, consider increasing your 40 Hz gamma brainwave.

Enhanced perception of reality - Gamma brainwaves can provide you with an enhanced overall perception of reality and understanding of consciousness. Because gamma brainwaves can be found in virtually every part of the brain, it allows parts of the brain to communicate. Through their communication, your reality and perception is formed.

Binding of senses - The gamma brainwave is what allows us to experience: smell, touch, vision, taste, and hearing altogether. It allows our brain to process multiple sensations at the same time and allows us to identify environmental forms of stimulation. It also improves our overall perception of our senses by enhancing our levels of focus.

Increased compassion - Advanced meditation practices and yogic traditions have associated the gamma brainwave frequency range with a pure state of compassion. Richard Davidson hooked long-time meditators up to an E.E.G. at the University of Wisconsin Madison and found that the more meditation experience a person had, a higher amount of gamma brainwave was displayed. Since most people aren't able to cultivate a pure state of compassion like many monks, they may not ever understand or feel the wonderment of the gamma brainwave range.

High-level information processing - Gamma brainwaves are associated with high-level information processing in the brain. Basically, the brain is able to operate more efficiently at a higher level. Thoughts are easily processed and the brain is able to easily absorb and understand new information and changes in one's environment.

Natural antidepressant - The gamma brainwave is a known natural antidepressant. Not only does it increase our level of compassion for others, it boosts our overall levels of happiness. Many people claim that listening to the gamma brainwave while meditating has proved to be extremely effective at completely eliminating their depression. The gamma brainwave decreases during stress, anxiety, and cases of depression. No wonder that increasing your gamma brainwaves will make you feel much less depressed. In people with depression, the amount of gamma brainwave tends to be much lower than average.

Advanced learning ability - Since gamma has been associated with a higher level of information processing, quicker thinking, and an enhanced perception of reality, people with high amounts of gamma brainwaves tend to have an advanced learning ability. People with learning disabilities, ADD, and those under a lot of stress, tend to have a significantly smaller amount of the gamma brainwave than others.

Intelligence (I.Q.) Increase - The gamma brainwave has been associated with higher than average levels of intelligence.

People with lower I.Q.'s and learning disabilities tend to have very low amounts of gamma brainwave compared to smarter individuals. Increasing your gamma brainwave, especially 40 Hz, will probably correlate with at least a slight intelligence increase.

Positive thoughts - Are you a person that always thinks positive and one who has compassion for others? If you already think positively and are relaxed, you probably have high amounts of the gamma brainwave. In people with depression, there is relatively little amounts of the gamma brainwave that can be observed in an E.E.G. If you have depression or are a chronic negative thinker, you may want to really consider naturally increasing your gamma brainwaves.

Higher energy levels - Higher brainwave frequencies in the beta and gamma brainwave ranges correlate with increased physical and mental energy. Since the gamma brainwave range is among the highest of known brainwave frequencies, it definitely will give your energy level a jolt upwards. If you currently have low amounts of energy,consider increasing your brain's gamma brainwaves.

High level of focus - The mind is extremely focused on just one thought while in the gamma brainwave range. It is important to cultivate a high level of focus in order to efficiently complete tasks and succeed in the world. It is very difficult when you have a learning disability or are lacking in focus to be successful. Sustaining a high level of focus can be done easily by increasing the amount of 40 Hz gamma activity in the brain.

Improved perception / consciousness- Gamma brainwaves have been linked to improved perception of reality and the ability to be aware of one's consciousness. Gamma brainwaves are very powerful and may feel like quite an awakening to increase if you don't have much natural gamma activity. Advanced meditators have much more gamma activity than the average person which is why it is easy for them to control and understand their state of consciousness.

Who has high amounts of gamma brainwaves?

Advanced Meditators - Advanced meditators tend to have a large amount of gamma brainwave activity compared to non-meditators. The amount of gamma brainwave and its amplitude increases as one's ability to go deeper into meditation increases. Though most meditation practices increase the amount of slow brainwaves in the alpha and theta range, the gamma brainwave frequency increases as well. The gamma brainwave is what allows meditators to distinguish the alpha, and possibly the theta brainwave ranges. As you are able to gain more meditation experience,

you'll learn to naturally boost your gamma brainwave activity. Research has shown that the more experience you have with meditation, the more gamma brainwave activity you'll display.

Peak performers - Peak performers tend to have large amounts of gamma brainwave activity compared to others.

Though alpha bursts in the left hemisphere has been scientifically proven to be linked to peak performance, gamma brainwave activity is suggested to be essential to performing at an optimal level. If you are interested in manipulating your brainwave patterns to help create a state of peak performance, you may want to try alpha and gamma and be the judge as to which one works better. I've heard of several brainwave training regimens that claim it is best to use 10 Hz alpha for visualization several hours before your sporting event, then the gamma brainwave around 30 min. - 1 hour before your event. The combination of alpha, followed by gamma, is supposed to create a state of peak mental preparation and performance."

Binaural beats

Binaural beats are auditory brainstem responses which originate in the superior olivary nucleus of each hemisphere. They result from the interaction of two different auditory impulses, originating in opposite ears, below 1000 Hz and which differ in frequency between one and 30 Hz (Oster, 1973).

For example, if a pure tone of 400 Hz is presented to the right ear and a pure tone of 410 Hz is presented simultaneously to the left ear, an amplitude modulated standing wave of 10 Hz, the difference between the two tones, is experienced as the two wave forms mesh in and out of phase within the superior olivary nuclei.

This binaural beat is not heard in the ordinary sense of the word (the human range of hearing is from 20-20,000 Hz). It is perceived as an auditory beat and theoretically can be used to entrain specific neural rhythms through the frequency-following response (FFR)--the tendency for cortical potentials to entrain to or resonate at the frequency of an external stimulus.

Thus, it is theoretically possible to utilize a specific binaural-beat frequency as a consciousness management technique to entrain a specific cortical rhythm.

Uses of audio with embedded binaural beats that are mixed with music or various pink or background sound are diverse. They range from relaxation, meditation, stress reduction, pain management, improved sleep quality, decrease in sleep requirements, super learning, enhanced creativity and intuition, remote viewing, telepathy, and out-of-body experience and lucid dreaming.

Audio embedded with binaural beats is often combined with various meditation techniques, as well as positive affirmations and visualization.

When signals of two different frequencies are presented, one to each ear, the brain detects phase differences between these signals. "Under natural circumstances a detected phase difference would provide directional information.

The brain processes this anomalous information differently when these phase differences are heard with stereo headphones or speakers. A perceptual integration of the two signals takes place, producing the sensation of a third "beat" frequency.

The difference between the signals waxes and wanes as the two different input frequencies mesh in and out of phase. As a result of these constantly increasing and decreasing differences, an amplitude modulated standing wave -the binaural beat- is heard.

The binaural beat is perceived as a fluctuating rhythm at the frequency of the difference between the two auditory inputs. Evidence suggests that the binaural beats are generated in the brainstem's superior olivary nucleus, the first site of contralateral integration in the auditory system (Oster, 1973).

Studies also suggest that the frequency-following response originates from the inferior colliculus (Smith,Marsh, & Brown, 1975)" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). This activity is conducted to the cortex where it can be recorded by scalp electrodes.

Binaural beats can easily be heard at the low frequencies (< 30 Hz) that are characteristic of the EEG spectrum (Oster, 1973). This perceptual phenomenon of binaural beating and the objective measurement of the frequency-following response (Hink, Kodera, Yamada, Kaga, & Suzuki, 1980) suggest conditions which facilitate entrainment of brain waves and altered states of consciousness.

There have been numerous anecdotal reports and a growing number of research efforts reporting changes in consciousness associated with binaural-beats. "The subjective effect of listening to binaural beats may be relaxing or stimulating, depending on the frequency of the binaural-beat stimulation" (Owens & Atwater, 1995).

Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) and theta (4 to 8 Hz) ranges have been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states (Hiew, 1995), and used as an aid to falling asleep. Binaural beats in the alpha frequencies (8 to 12 Hz) have increased alpha brain waves (Foster, 1990) and binaural beats in the beta frequencies (typically 16 to 24 Hz) have been associated with reports of increased concentration or alertness (Monroe, 1985) and improved memory (Kennerly, 1994).

Passively listening to binaural beats may not spontaneously propel you into an altered state of consciousness. One's subjective experience in response to binaural-beat stimulation may also be influenced by a number of mediating factors.

For example, the willingness and ability of the listener to relax and focus attention may contribute to binaural-beat effectiveness in inducing state changes. "Ultradian rhythms in the nervous system are characterized by periodic changes in arousal and states of consciousness (Rossi, 1986; Shannahoff-Khalsa, 1991; Webb & Dube, 1981).

These naturally occurring shifts may underlie the anecdotal reports of fluctuations in the effectiveness of binaural beats. External factors are also thought to play roles in mediating the effects of binaural beats"(Owens & Atwater, 1995). The perception of a binaural beat is, for example, said to be heightened by the addition of white noise to the carrier signal (Oster, 1973), so white noise is often used as background.

"Music, relaxation exercises, guided imagery, and verbal suggestion have all been used to enhance the state-changing effects of the binaural beat" (Owens & Atwater, 1995). Other practices such as humming,toning, breathing exercises, autogenic training, and/or biofeedback can also be used to interrupt the homeostasis of resistant subjects (Tart, 1975).

Hemispheric Synchronization

Hemispheric Synchronization is a byproduct of nearly all types of brainwave entrainment.

In 1980, Tsuyoshi Inouye and associates at the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Osaka University Medical School in Japan found that photic stimulation in the alpha range produced hemispheric synchronization. Dr. Norman Shealy later confirmed the effect, finding that photic

stimulation produced "cerebral synchronization" in more than 5,000 patients.

In 1984, Dr. Brockopp analyzed audio-visual brain stimulation and in particular hemispheric synchronization during EEG monitoring. He said "By inducing hemispheric coherence the machine can contribute to improved intellectual functioning of the brain."

There is similar evidence that CES (electrical stimulation), motion systems, acoustic field generators and even floatation tanks can increase EEG symmetry.

What is isochronic tone?

While binaural beats use sound with different phase for different ear, isochronic tone is created by evenly space burst of tones. Because of this, entrainment using isochronic tone does not require the use of headphone.

One of the major shortcomings of binaural beats are that they require the use of both ears, and special speakers (headphone) assignment. The requirement to use both ears also limit the use with some methodologies which do specific are stimulus - not both side of the ears.

Isochronic tone also has its own shortcoming.

First, in order for isochronic to retain its full effect, both tones must have the same amplitude.

Second, in order for them to produce any significant BWE isochronic tones must be at a suitable volume -loud enough for the listener to hear a noticeable modulation in the tones.

On higher level, isochronic tone falls under brainwave entrainment (BWE), not cortical evoked response (CER). What is the different between the two, you might ask?

In CER the stimulus is trigger less frequent - below four hertz (four times per second). At this level the brain response does not fall into synchronization mode. Once the frequency is faster as in isochronic tone, the brain start to follow the stimulus pattern. When this happen, the stimulus is categorized as entrainment.

A counter partner method to isochronic tone is photic stimulation - where light instead of

sound is used.

New technologies in brainwave entrainment are trying to maximize the effect by using combination of both sound and sight in form of isochronic tone and photic stimulation together.

This method is known as audio-video entrainment (AVE).

"The advantages to using Isochronic tones over binaural beats are very clear. Binaural beats require headphones because they working using two separate tones, played differently into each ear. The tones then create a pulse, or "beat." Users will not notice the separate tones because it is all done very fast.

On the other hand, Isochronic tones do not require headphones. Only one tone is used, but it is manually spaced to turn on and off in a particular pattern. This makes it more effective because the brain doesn't have to do the extra work of putting the two tones together.

Isochronic tones vs binaural

1. Binaural beats require the use of headphones or special speaker assignments.

Isochronic tones do not rely on speaker assignments, and therefore can be used without headphones or special speaker assignments .

2. Binaural beats are incapable of entraining the brain's hemispheres individually (because they require both ears). Binaural beats are a disadvantage because many of the modern entrainment protocols used in clinical work currently requires the use of separate stimulation to each ear. This is useful for deep meditation, depression, ADD treatment and cognitive enhancement The difference between the peaks and troughs in the wave pattern determines the strength of the Cortical Evoked Response. Looking at the binaural beat pattern it is clear that the wave is

shallow. The entrainment is harder to detect and leaves only a minor electrical imprint on the brain.

Conversely, the isochronic tone pattern shows each pulse as individual and separated. This results in much greater evoked potentials within the auditory cortex of the brain.

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

Brainwave Entrainment refers to the brain's electrical response to rhythmic sensory stimulation,such as pulses of sound or light.

When the brain is given a stimulus, through the ears, eyes or other senses, it emits an electrical charge in response, called a Cortical Evoked Response (shown below). These electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you "see and hear". This activity can be measured using sensitive electrodes attached to the scalp.

When the brain is presented with a rhythmic stimulus, such as a drum beat for example, the rhythm is reproduced in the brain in the form of these electrical impulses. If the rhythm becomes fast and consistent enough, it can start to resemble the natural internal rhythms of the brain,

called brainwaves. When this happens, the brain responds by synchronizing its own electric cycles to the same rhythm. This is commonly called the Frequency Following Response (or FFR):

FFR can be useful because brainwaves are very much related to mental state. For example, a 4 Hz brainwave is associated with sleep, so a 4 Hz sound pattern would help reproduce the sleep state in your brain. The same concept can be applied to nearly all mental states, including

concentration, creativity and many others. It can even act as a gateway to exotic or extraordinary experiences, such as deep meditation or "lucid dreaming" type states.

Entrainment is a principle of physics. It is defined as the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. The principles of entrainment are universal, appearing in chemistry, neurology, biology, pharmacology, medicine, astronomy and more.

CASE IN POINT: While working on the design of the pendulum clock in 1656, Dutch scientist Christian Huygens found that if he placed two unsynchronized clocks side by side on a wall, they would slowly synchronize to each other. In fact, the synchronization was so precise not even

mechanical intervention could calibrate them more accurately.

A clock is a simple example of a system responding to entrainment, but the same rules apply to more complex systems such as the brain.

Edited by ahura999
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thx for the info ahura.

Can you briefly elaborate on the extensive work you've had with brainwave entrainment? Do you prefer Isochronic to Binarual?

What SLF would you recommend to entrain and resonate into a gamma state? Have you worked with these levels?

There is a smorgasboard of products and consumer portals attempting to snatch the market with wit and worry. What software/entrainment programs have worked for you and not left you in a mental home with smoke puffing out your ears?

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thx for the info ahura.

Can you briefly elaborate on the extensive work you've had with brainwave entrainment? Do you prefer Isochronic to Binarual?

What SLF would you recommend to entrain and resonate into a gamma state? Have you worked with these levels?

There is a smorgasboard of products and consumer portals attempting to snatch the market with wit and worry. What software/entrainment programs have worked for you and not left you in a mental home with smoke puffing out your ears?


First contact with BWE was many moons ago in the Army , they and others call it peak or optimum performance training , high altitude pilots,snipers etc use it to control there brainwave patterns to complete task assigned.

After discharge i owned a floatation or sensory deprivation tank for many years and had it in my lounge room, out went all the furniture and i definitely didnt need a TV !

I have also worked with neurologists developing software tools and protocols for BWE or peak performance. Exploring remote viewing, pre-cognition and other para-psychological phenomena .

In relation to Gamma , 40 Hz seems to be of interest see the work of Crick and Koch.

I am "working' in gamma all the time as well as the other 'states' as required and can shift immediately . An example of this kind of thing occurs in cats, when there lounging around and comfy, purring they are in a calm state of readiness and if needed can snap out of that state instantly and be in full attack or defense mode.Long distance jet fighter pilots and snipers for instance are also trained to do a similar thing.

Be careful with the "smorgasbord of products" or software/CD's as you call them , you just dont know what the intentions are of the individual or the 'COMPANY' involved .

Try playing didgeridoo, African drums or the jaw harp. Listening to Buddhist monks etc and their throat singing or chanting .

And seriously, i have ended up being admitted to a psych ward at one stage in my life due to the MASSIVE and somewhat scary shift in my state of awareness and consciousness, been studying and researching for nearly twenty years now and still only scraping the surface.

Bin-aural versus Isochronic - I personally like being out in the bush at DOOF DOOF DOOF and sharing the shift/feeling/state with others more mass consciousness shift rather that headphones . More chance of modulating feedback loop with nature and other individuals .

Meditating - playing the jaw harp/didgeridoo for me personally is far better than listening to any digital wave/MP3 through headphones that someone else has created .

I believe that there are producers of Psy-trance/techno and other bands that deliberately include tones/frequencies in their music to induce certain feelings/states , but in mainly happens by chance if their is such a thing .

They feel good making the music , or are in a certain 'state' and therefore the listener at the other end feels that also .

Scans of Monks' Brains Show Meditation Alters Structure,Functioning

November 5, 2004

All of the Dalai Lama's guests peered intently at the brain scan projected onto screens at either end of the room, but what different guests they were.

On one side sat five neuroscientists, united in their belief that physical processes in the brain can explain all the wonders of the mind, without appeal to anything spiritual or nonphysical.

Facing them sat dozens of Tibetan Buddhist monks in burgundy-and-saffron robes, convinced that one round-faced young man in their midst is the reincarnation of one of the Dalai Lama's late teachers, that another is the reincarnation of a 12th-century monk, and that the entity we call "mind" is not, as neuroscience says, just a manifestation of the brain.

It was not, in other words, your typical science meeting.

But although the Buddhists and scientists who met for five days last month in the Dalai Lama's home in Dharamsala, India, had different views on the little matters of reincarnation and the relationship of mind to brain, they set them aside in the interest of a shared goal. They had come together in the shadows of the Himalayas to discuss one of the hottest topics in brain science: neuroplasticity.

The term refers to the brain's recently discovered ability to change its structure and function, in particular by expanding or strengthening circuits that are used and by shrinking or weakening those that are rarely engaged. In its short history, the science of neuroplasticity has mostly documented brain changes that reflect physical experience and input from the outside world. In pianists who play many arpeggios, for

instance, brain regions that control the index finger and middle finger become fused, apparently because when one finger hits a key in one of these fast-tempo movements, the other does so almost simultaneously,fooling the brain into thinking the two fingers are one. As a result of the fused brain regions, the pianist can no longer move those fingers independently of one another.

Lately, however, scientists have begun to wonder whether the brain can change in response to purely internal, mental signals. That's where the Buddhists come in. Their centuries-old tradition of meditation offers a real-life experiment in the power of those will-o'-the-wisps, thoughts, to alter the physical matter of the brain.

"Of all the concepts in modern neuroscience, it is neuroplasticity that has the greatest potential for meaningful interaction with Buddhism," says neuroscientist Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin,Madison. The Dalai Lama agreed, and he encouraged monks to donate (temporarily) their brains to science.

The result was the scans that Prof. Davidson projected in Dharamsala. They compared brain activity in volunteers who were novice meditators to that of Buddhist monks who had spent more than 10,000 hours in meditation. The task was to practice "compassion" meditation, generating a feeling of loving kindness toward all beings.

"We tried to generate a mental state in which compassion permeates the whole mind with no other thoughts," says Matthieu Ricard, a Buddhist monk at Shechen Monastery in Katmandu, Nepal, who holds a Ph.D. in genetics.

In a striking difference between novices and monks, the latter showed a dramatic increase in high-frequency brain activity called gamma waves during compassion meditation. Thought to be the signature of neuronal activity that knits together far-flung brain circuits, gamma waves underlie higher mental activity such as consciousness. The novice meditators "showed a slight increase in gamma activity, but most monks showed extremely large increases of a sort that has never been reported before in the neuroscience literature," says Prof. Davidson, suggesting that mental training can bring the brain to a greater level of consciousness.

Using the brain scan called functional magnetic resonance imaging, the scientists pinpointed regions that were active during compassion meditation. In almost every case, the enhanced activity was greater in the monks' brains than the novices'. Activity in the left prefrontal cortex (the seat of positive emotions such as happiness) swamped activity in the right prefrontal (site of negative emotions and anxiety), something never before seen from purely mental activity. A sprawling circuit that switches on at the sight of suffering also showed greater activity in the monks. So did regions responsible for planned movement, as if the monks' brains were itching to go to the aid of those in distress.

"It feels like a total readiness to act, to help," recalled Mr. Ricard.

The study will be published next week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "We can't rule out the possibility that there was a pre-existing difference in brain function between monks and novices,"says Prof. Davidson, "but the fact that monks with the most hours of meditation showed the greatest brain changes gives us confidence that the changes are actually produced by mental training."

That opens up the tantalizing possibility that the brain, like the rest of the body, can be altered intentionally.

Just as aerobics sculpt the muscles, so mental training sculpts the gray matter in ways scientists are only beginning to

Edited by ahura999

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sounds like a remarkable journey you've been on :)

From my angle, i'd definitely prefer listening to the drone of a didge or throat singing, but my gravitation towards electronic is from an assumption that the Hz levels can be confirmed.

How would one know that their didge is producing a sound gamma frequency?

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sounds like a remarkable journey you've been on :)

From my angle, i'd definitely prefer listening to the drone of a didge or throat singing, but my gravitation towards electronic is from an assumption that the Hz levels can be confirmed.

How would one know that their didge is producing a sound gamma frequency?


yes, good question, you would know/feel it . But to know that you were/are in Gamma requires having been there and knowing that .

does that make sense ? :blink:

Biofeedback would show you this .

I have a 40HZ isochronic tone and others but is to large (20Mb) to post via forum will try to email to you if you want

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yes, good question, you would know/feel it . But to know that you were/are in Gamma requires having been there and knowing that .

does that make sense ? :blink:

Biofeedback would show you this .

I have a 40HZ isochronic tone and others but is to large (20Mb) to post via forum will try to email to you if you want


So, when i can feel my mindbody complex purring like a cat then I'm resonating in Gamma?


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on a related note since i haven't plowed through all this text yet: neuro-programmer 2 runs but won't play the actual programmes, since i've changed to windows 7 :( this was really good software and if i can i'd like to get it to people who will put it to good use. meanwhile can anybody recommend any good software which will hopefully work on win7?

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If anyone is interested in having a listen to a Delta or Theta brainwave entrainment CD, I can burn you a copy. But I won't be able to send anything for the next two weeks at least. PM me if interested.

I quite like the deeper one - can't remember which is which offhand - and it's pretty good at putting me to sleep. It's isochronic so you can just listen on a stereo but there's a headphones-suitable track as well. Pleasant sounds of waves breaking over the top of the tones. I bought them off ebay and eventually I'm going to get the others, too. See how they go.

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Man this stuff is great!

I managed to get hold of a program called natura and sat fiddling with the sounds for 5 or so hours!


You can add binaural beats by the Hertz and really feel the way your brain symaptathises with the each tone as you drop bit by bit...Alpha,Delta etc actually effects you amazingly so IMHO.

I've recently tried an I-Dose of Salvia and found that I didn't go on a Salva trip per se',but the after effects were the same as if I had.

Prior to that I tried the Amanita and short of throwing up and stumbling, found the same afterglow.....really had an effect on my outlook the next day...as the fly does.

If an Iboga one is out there please let me know :wink:

There's another program out there called Sharm and it's basically a mix it yourself jobby to create your own.

You can add affirmations,binaural-beats....you name it.

I reckon if one were to monitor the hemispheres of the brain during recovery from addiction,then this technology could be the way to kick any bad habit.

My partner has been trying different hemi-sync recordings as well...some Shaman stuff,calming stuff,Oobe stuff,all with great success and no negative side-effects.

This technology could be the forefront of real accessible and cheap,non-drug therapy and achieving higher states of consciousness.

Who doesn't want that?


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Hey Ahura. What is your opionion on the fact that the Hz suggestions for chakras across the two articles doesn't seem to resonate? Is it more about how each system balances, relative to itself? or perhaps each person is different and they have to tune in a feel for themselves?

Micheal Triggs from Lunasight suggests:

* Root Red- C 256 Hz

* Sacral Orange- D 288 Hz

* Solar Plexus Yellow - E 320 Hz

* Heart Green - F 341.3 Hz

* Throat Blue - G 384 Hz

* 3rd Eye Indigo - A 426.7 Hz

* Crown Violet - B 480 Hz

Higher Octave of Root Red - C 512 Hz

But, Planetware suggests:

1st : Root Chakra - MULADHARA 194,18 Hz

2nd : Navel Chakra - SVADHISTHANA 210,42 Hz

3rd : Solar Plexus Chakra - MANIPURA 126,22 Hz

4th : Heart Chakra - ANAHATA 136,10 Hz

5th : Throat Chakra - VISHUDDA 141,27 Hz

6th : Brow Chakra - AJNA 221,23 Hz

7th : Crown Chakra - SAHASRAR 172,06 Hz

Edited by telepathogen

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Wow this stuff is fascinating.

I particularly love the incorporation of eastern philosophy/mysticism/whatever you want to call it to science. Or perhaps that should be the other way round. Very interesting tele

Definitely gonna have to read up and investigate this.

Cheers for some great info Ahura, You're a welcome addition to this community I reckon.

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Hey Ahura. What is your opionion on the fact that the Hz suggestions for chakras across the two articles doesn't seem to resonate? Is it more about how each system balances, relative to itself? or perhaps each person is different and they have to tune in a feel for themselves?

Micheal Triggs from Lunasight suggests:

* Root Red- C 256 Hz

* Sacral Orange- D 288 Hz

* Solar Plexus Yellow - E 320 Hz

* Heart Green - F 341.3 Hz

* Throat Blue - G 384 Hz

* 3rd Eye Indigo - A 426.7 Hz

* Crown Violet - B 480 Hz

• Higher Octave of Root Red - C 512 Hz

But, Planetware suggests:

1st : Root Chakra - MULADHARA 194,18 Hz

2nd : Navel Chakra - SVADHISTHANA 210,42 Hz

3rd : Solar Plexus Chakra - MANIPURA 126,22 Hz

4th : Heart Chakra - ANAHATA 136,10 Hz

5th : Throat Chakra - VISHUDDA 141,27 Hz

6th : Brow Chakra - AJNA 221,23 Hz

7th : Crown Chakra - SAHASRAR 172,06 Hz



Hey telepathogen, i also quickly come across these differences. It seems different people have different thoughts on the subject personally i have chosen to focus on a couple of things,as far as attributing a colour,which is how some people derive chakra freq(this also has problems with the different opinions on root c etc refer to colour to sound pdf)

if you look at a rainbow and its seven colors there are not just seven colours , there are no lines where one starts and one stops,this causes a problem .

would look at the Sandkrit vowel and cymatic pattern produced by that pure tone(use tone generator) and cross reference with the symbol of lotus representing that chakra. Also refer to that pdf ,colour to sound i posted,there is connection to planetary or shuman resonances/frequencies.

From Wiki:

Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth surface and the ionosphere.

links to cymatics :








links to schumann frequencie/resonance


And to make a quantum jump to what this has lead me to,where i am on the subject right now.

Z-pinch or Zeta-pinch


Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity

Abstract—The discovery that objects from the Neolithic or Early Bronze Age carry patterns associated with high-current Z-pinches provides a possible insight into the origin and meaning of these ancient symbols produced by humans. Part I deals with the comparison of graphical and radiation data from highcurrent Z-pinches to petroglyphs, geoglyphs, and megaliths.

Part I focused primarily, but not exclusively, on petroglyphs of some 84 different morphologies: pictures found in laboratory experiments and carved on rock. These corresponded to mankind’s visual observations of ancient aurora as might be produced if the solar wind had increased (T. Gold) at times between one and two orders of magnitude, millennia ago. Part II focuses on the source of light and its temporal change from a current-increasing Z-pinch

or dense-plasma-focus aurora. Orientation and field-of-view data are given as surveyed and contributed from 139 countries, from sites and fields containing several millions of these objects. This information allows a reconstruction of the auroral form presumably associated with extreme geomagnetic storms and shows, based on existent geophysical evidence, plasma flow inward at Earth’s south polar axis.

Index Terms—Archaeoastronomy, aurora, dense plasma focus (DPF), global information systems, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instability, petroglyph, plasma, plasma universe, Z-pinch.

Good old wiki :







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:o nice bump, respect

the honors thesis proposal i will be submitting midway through next year will be on the frequency following response, if you can follow the jargon there's a wide body of psych and neurobiology literature around on the phenomenon, the most famous being Gerald Oster's 'Auditory Beats in the Brain. i hate that it's been encorporated into the new age movement and generated such rediculous volumes of snake oil claims - the underlying tendency for 2 slightly disparate pitches to draw neural firing toward certain frequency bands is undesputed, but the effects of this happening for the mind/body are still not all that well documented.

The main interest i have in binaural beats is using it as an aid to meditation. I can say that the best way to experiment with how different frequencies produce different effects is to use the easy, opensource (meaning free) binaural beat creating software Gnaural or another called Sbagen, that is also free, although i havn't used it and have heard can be difficult to operate. in my experience it is a powerful aid to meditation, i cannot speak highly enough of exploring the effects of different frequencies

Edited by humanzee

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Hey Ahura. What is your opionion on the fact that the Hz suggestions for chakras across the two articles doesn't seem to resonate? Is it more about how each system balances, relative to itself? or perhaps each person is different and they have to tune in a feel for themselves?

Micheal Triggs from Lunasight suggests:

* Root Red- C 256 Hz

* Sacral Orange- D 288 Hz

* Solar Plexus Yellow - E 320 Hz

* Heart Green - F 341.3 Hz

* Throat Blue - G 384 Hz

* 3rd Eye Indigo - A 426.7 Hz

* Crown Violet - B 480 Hz

• Higher Octave of Root Red - C 512 Hz

But, Planetware suggests:

1st : Root Chakra - MULADHARA 194,18 Hz

2nd : Navel Chakra - SVADHISTHANA 210,42 Hz

3rd : Solar Plexus Chakra - MANIPURA 126,22 Hz

4th : Heart Chakra - ANAHATA 136,10 Hz

5th : Throat Chakra - VISHUDDA 141,27 Hz

6th : Brow Chakra - AJNA 221,23 Hz

7th : Crown Chakra - SAHASRAR 172,06 Hz


Just a quick "note", check out the resonance of "A" and how it was changed through the course of history.

It may very well have a bearing on the resonance of the human consciousness.

So many projects,so little time..thanks for the links hey!

As far as the digital drugs go I have found that "Sleeping Angel" and "5-Htp",also "Demerol" are really helpful during Benzo Recovery!!

Also I would lke to add that "tapping" (E.F.T) on the above mentioned points do actually do something quite profound as skeptical as I was.


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