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Bouncing Bear Botanicals Raided


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The world is truly a strange place

Taken from LJWorld.com

It’s not yet illegal, but federal officials and local law enforcement have pulled the popular, marijuana-like substance known as K2 off the shelves at the Lawrence store Sacred Journey, 1103 Mass.

The Food and Drug Administration, along with area police, raided the store and a major distributor of the herbal mixture Thursday, leading to drug charges against a Lawrence man in Jefferson County.

Jonathan Sloan, 29, owner of Bouncing Bears Botanicals, was charged in Jefferson County District Court on Friday with eight felony drug offenses, including the unlawful manufacturing and distribution of controlled substances.

Jefferson County Attorney Caleb Stegall said Sloan was arrested after an investigation of a warehouse facility he owns in Oskaloosa, north of Lawrence. Bouncing Bears Botanicals, 14501 S. U.S. Highway 59, had supplied Sacred Journey with K2, along with other herbal products. Federal, state and local authorities seized more than $700,000 in cash from Sloan’s business and bank accounts. Numerous items, including thousands of cactus plants and 20 toads, were removed from the warehouse, according to warehouse employees and Sloan’s attorney.

The charges come one day after law enforcement seized Sacred Journey’s entire K2 supply, other “ethnobotanicals” and certain cactus plants. Authorities on scene said the FDA was in charge of the investigation, but an FDA spokesman said the agency does not publicly comment on active investigations.

The raid and seizure at the store came as a “shock” to Melissa Hart, who resigned as Sacred Journey store manager on Friday.

She said the store was very careful in ensuring that the products it sold complied with state and federal laws.

“We had no knowledge of anything that was illegal,” she said.

The store reopened Friday.

The FDA has yet to release further details about the investigation.

Sloan’s attorney, Scott Gyllenborg, said his client was operating a legitimate botanical plant business, which he said was “one of the country’s, if not the world’s, biggest distributors of these botanicals.”

“These are remedies. These are items used in religious ceremonies that are legal, that can be put to illegal purposes,” Gyllenborg said.

Sloan is scheduled to return April 13 to Jefferson County District Court for a preliminary hearing. Prosecutors said more charges could be filed against him. Bond was set at $150,000.

Johnson County officials raised public awareness about K2 in November, warning that the substance is a synthetic version of marijuana, though it’s marketed as an incense.

Kansas House legislators this week passed a bill that would make illegal the sale or possession of the substances found in K2, but that legislation has yet to become law. Gov. Mark Parkinson has spoken in favor of the bill, which is expected to hit his desk this session.

Sacred Journey has been at the center of the debate about K2, as store employees and customers have begun speaking out against a ban on the substance.

The charges against Sloan

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine (DMT)

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine; Chacruna; Illinois Bundleflower; Epena; Cebil Seeds.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Bufotenine, Epena, Chaliponga, Cebil Seeds, Colorado River Toads.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide, Morning Glory Seeds, Rivea Corymbosa.

• Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters used or intended for unlawful use to manufacture, cultivate, plant propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance

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http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2010/feb/05/lawrence-man-charged-after-sacred-journey-investig/?breaking faark thousands of cacti confiscated??? i feel ill...these hypocritical laws made by the same people that finance and start wars that kill millions to enable them to control opium/heroin distribution worldwide

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I think you need to look at the way their products promoted on a number of forums and their association with forums with the attitude of by three cacti cuts off BBB and get fucked up

The constant talk of using their products to get wasted and naming the store had to be pulling the noose tighter all the time

One would hope that Australian sites and businesses take note and promote and discuss their products in a way (as most do) not to attract attention from the man

But then that’s just my opinion



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The worst thing is that judging from the comments the general community supports this tyranny.

Also is growing a san pedro now equal to 'mescaline manufacture' because the plant isn't really manufacturing anything.

Should we fear for our precious and rich local industry

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They have put Bouncing Bear out of business - for now at least.

They raided the warehouse.

They put a gun to Jon's head as if he was wicked drug dealer.

The confsicated all of his bank accounts, personal and business.

They left him NEGATIVE $55,000 in the bank so that he can't hire a lawyer or post bond.

They stole $300,000 worth of products.

They stole a bank deposit worth $200,000 WTF??? http://www.dancingbe...hp?topic=1451.0

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Wow, this is really fucked up. It is always very disheartening to see people charged with "manufacturing" controlled substances simply for growing a plants. I suppose ethnobotanical vendors are living on a razor's edge sometimes.

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I think the guy was greedy and doing far more harm to the cause than anyone.

He sold an illegal substance with a secret ingredient, that screwed him.

It was a stupid thing to do, a poor choice.

Had he not done it, then he would not have the problems he does today.

It cracks me up when Australians talk about imperialism and war as if the USA, England and OZ aren't all colonial imperialist fascist states. As if your leaders aren't a bunch of rich war mongering white guys who make unreasonable fucking laws too. As if your nation isn't a tale of genocide and theft of land from natives, just like the USA is. Give this holier than thou shit a rest, OZ ain't any better than the USA, they are both fucked up politically and socially.

And what was so noble about BBB?

Having pages and people promote it as a place to get drugs really isn't that cool.

I met people off the street, who don't know anything about psychedelic plants, who know BBB and how to order something and get "fucked up"

BBB's bust was avoidable.

It isn't a tragedy.

That company was and is creating an atmosphere around ethnobotanicals that is resulting in criminalization and persecution. Clearly they don't give a fuck about anything but their paycheck.

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It's really more about the presendent being set rather than the individual. The repercussions could be huge for many online vendors of both ethno's and just plain cacti and seeds. Could see more plants prohibited (like saying god made a mistake, in god we trust my ass). And since Oz likes to follow usa like an old sheep we mite do the same, just as QLD and SA already have. Get out the stakes and get ready for another witch hunt.

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This is very bad for the ethnobotanical scene. Im sorry to say but i´ve been warning people on ethnobotanical boards about the danger of aggressive drug-marketing for ages now. I remember talking about exactly this scenario one year ago on the edot vendor forum but people just didnt care. Everytime i brought this issue in one of the gazillions of " i was so fuckn hammered on this or that plant"-threads up, no one seemed to care enough to do something about it. In fact, the whole vendor forum is full of threads like this and i´m 100 percent sure that it hurts more than it helps. Sure, its important to know about bad or unreliable vendors. But i dont have the impression that people even want to see any negative input in the vendor threads. I once was harshly attacked when i left a negative comment in one of the vendor threads and thats why always questioned the value of their vendor forum. What a fitting coincidence it was the BBB thread.

SAB is one of the very few boards where "i was hammered"-threads arent very welcome. And i really hope that this is going to cause people on other boards to finally make up their mind and to change their way of selling and talking about herbs. People who really love plants dont hype them to make fast money. But its not only BBB who does that. In fact, they even are a little bit more conservative than others when it comes to agressive marketing. In my eyes, smoking mixes like K2, spice or however you call them are the reason for the raid. In regard to the laws, smoking mixes have a dangerous potential as it´s very clear that some people usually dont use them to improve the scent of the room. There are some certain mixes that are a real thorn in the eye of authorities. And synthetic versions of marijuana are definately on top of that list. Every business who i selling this or similar compounds is putting itself and the whole ethnobotanical scene at great risk. Now as they started to question the legality of one smoking mix, they might also consider doing it with others that contain similar herbals. I dont think that this raid alone is going to have an impact on the worldwide drug laws. But it definately shows in what direction the authorities are heading to. People should immedietly stop selling products like K2 and spice and should also discontinue the sale of cacti as spiritual tools. They are plants and if someone is suggestive of them being drugs, he could be treated like that in view of the already existing drug analogue laws. People have to realise that they arent doing themselves a favor with those marketing strategies. And the Admins and mods on enthnobotanical boards should immedietly do something about the constantly increasing number of the countless "hammered-on-herbals"-threads! They are like a spreading cancer thats eating up the scene. bye Eg

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I got my first ethno seeds some 2,5 years ago from them, when I was getting into cultivation and ethno stuff for the first time in years. Yeah I too had noticed a shift in marketing and attitude, they even made a forum related with the shop where use instructions was directly discussed, that was some time ago. I never shopped again from them, as I liked to support smaller vendors.

But then again I never shopped to consume, I plant my trichocerei! <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png Thus the seeds and shit. That's why a cacti collector has always an allibi ;)


And i really hope that this is going to cause people on other boards to finally make up their mind and to change their way of selling and talking about herbs. People who really love plants dont hype them to make fast money. But its not only BBB who does that. In fact, they even are a little bit more conservative than others when it comes to agressive marketing

wise words mate, thanks <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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the same people that finance and start wars that kill millions to enable them to control opium/heroin distribution worldwide

if you're going to bring the conspiracy delusion to every post then at least make it something vaguely realistic, like "to control the oil supply"...or something.

And since Oz likes to follow usa like an old sheep we mite do the same, just as QLD and SA already have

As far as drug/pre-cursor/analogue laws go Australia is usually way ahead ov the US.

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if you're going to bring the conspiracy delusion to every post then at least make it something vaguely realistic, like "to control the oil supply"...or something.


The Afghan opium trade has exploded since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, following a lull after the Taliban had imposed a crackdown. According to the U.N., the drug trade is now worth $65 billion. Afghanistan produces 92 per cent of the world's opium, with the equivalent of 3,500 tonnes leaving the country each year. Other figures put the number far higher, at around 6,100 tonnes a year ......................................................................................................................... .....................Just becaue yall aint seen it on CNN doesnt mean its a conspiracy


............................................................................................................................ The U.S military is paying off the Taliban with bags of gold prevent them from attacking vehicle convoys, proving that there is no real "war" in Afghanistan, merely a business agreement that allows the occupiers to continue their lucrative control of record opium exports while they finalize construction of dozens of new military bases from which to launch new wars. This racket is secured by drug kingpins like the brother of disputed president Hamid Karzai. As a New York Times report revealed last month , Ahmed Wali Karzai, a Mafia-like figure who expanded his influence over the drug trade with the aid of U.S. efforts to eliminate his competitors, is on the CIA payroll. $65 billion and the government dont want a piece shyeah righty oh/



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It's really more about the presendent being set rather than the individual.
This had to be repeated.

Ever since it was proven that spice and similar mixes contain synthetic cannabinoids (either currently illegal or nearly so under federal and international analog laws) I've seen a bust like this coming, and I saw the inevitability that of the businesses busted at least some would be sellers of dried cactus flesh and/or MHRB, both of which are currently federally illegal in the US as processed products containing illegal drugs but lacking a legal precedent for mass prosecutions. With this spice dealing fool in prison they have a case where they can experiment with prosecuting someone for sale and possession of processed herbal materials containing schedule 1 substances. The era of cactus 'incense' chips and MHRB may be coming to a close.

For years americans that liked DMT laughed at me like I'm a fool for saying Desmanthus spp., Lespedeza bicolor, and other hardy DMT plants should be studied and bred because sooner or later existing law would be applied and MHRB would be no more. I was always told 'whats the point of growing things, MHRB will always be there, your just paranoid'. And when I talked about breeding hardier cacti through multiple generations people would say 'what idiot would spend 15 years growing cactus? _____ sells chips for cheap, just buy the crap and get fukkd up!!1!'.

Sometimes I hate being proven right <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png I guess it just proves the difference between naturally inquisitive researcher types and naive drug swilling buffoon types.

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The charges against Sloan

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine (DMT)

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful manufacturing of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Mescaline

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Dimethlyltryptamine; Chacruna; Illinois Bundleflower; Epena; Cebil Seeds.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Bufotenine, Epena, Chaliponga, Cebil Seeds, Colorado River Toads.

• Unlawful cultivation or distribution of controlled substances: Lysergic Acid Amide, Morning Glory Seeds, Rivea Corymbosa.

• Unlawful possession of certain drug precursors and drug paraphernalia: Plastic jugs and filters used or intended for unlawful use to manufacture, cultivate, plant propagate, harvest, test, analyze or distribute a controlled substance


I'm interested to know how they make these charges stick...if the compound is still in the plant and hasn't been extracted how are pressing any of these charges...unless they were selling extracts.. then if so, that's just plain stupid and they deserve to be busted.

Seems also that the plant and animal charges couldn't possibly stick if these plants are legal and grow/live wild in nature in the US anyways.

Plastic jugs and filters, hhhmmpph..that's a long bow to draw surely unless they have already tested the jugs and filters for controlled substance manufacture, once again if they do find that to be the case then it's stupid.

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I guess it just proves the difference between naturally inquisitive researcher types and naive drug swilling buffoon types.


Damn, I was hoping I'd never be faced with a career choice like this. Curse you Auxin!

Apologies for hijack, couldn't resist

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look, its sad its happened, but their products have always gotten bad rep...

And look at the sort of turnaround? we are talking hundreds of thousands of dollars worth... Talk about painting a big flag over your face.

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If you aspired to be both simultaneously I apologize for shattering your dreams DL <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

@Chiral in US courts they charge people with everything they can think of knowing they can abandon the garbage accusations later. Its somewhat (flagrantly) dishonest but its our system, similar to yours in which a 0.1 gram bud in a litre of beer is initially charged as a kilo of 'marijuana'. The beginning is the best time to accuse. That said, they do have a case for many of those charges depending on what was seized. MHRB and chopped, dried Desmanthus roots, and dried cactus chips can be argued to be 'partially prepared' forms different from the live plant. "Prepared" forms of illegal drugs are illegal. In the past in the US IIRC it was established that crushed morning glory seeds were illegal as a partially prepared non-propagative form containing illegal drugs. Add posession of processed, biologically non-viable, illicit drug containing materials to the long history of drug use related posts on websites he was active on and drug related written materials on the same premises as the seized plant matter, and you have a case that may end up quite bad for the poor fucker that got chosen as a target.

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Is it relevant that the govt body which led the raids was the FDA and not the DEA? I'm not sure how things work there, it seems incongruous from over here

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