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The Corroboree

What if..and the strange monkey looking elders.

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Okay I have had some time lately to reflect on some pretty serious missions involving the mushrooms Psilocybe Subeuruginosa and the Stropharia Cubensis Koi Samui and I would like to just re live some of the key elements and moments of these events, write them down and have them here and possibly be open for discussion here at the end of this post, this is written as closely and as accurately as I can remember :)

May 8th...For some unknown reason I decided to ingested 29.47 gms of the mushroom P. Subaeuruginosa...reason amount was able to be calculated was the amounts weighted in bag before and after consumption. 4 large cups of juice were consumed and a serious body warmth and load was felt at about half way through the third cup, the decision to push on to finish the brew was accomplished and a tab of 5mg of Valium was also taken to perhaps curb the intensity...in hindsight this had no effect at such a low dose versus the high dose psilocybin....oh well... :blush:

As you may have read in a previous thread I lay down and waited for the events to unfold...before I knew what was really happening I proceeded to what you might say blank out or lose track of time....possibly 15/20 mins later I was in shock and woke dramatically from some sort of realisation that a communication with others in other parts of this or another world had taken place...frightened I leapt up to my computer to at least record something before continuing...the rest of that 8hrs was a melange of telepathy with many people and a seemingly diamond shaped door and vines which carried me to a place where an unseen but heard telepathically conscience was available to talk with. the later part of the events that evening consisted of some extremely deep emotional purging and a need to say sorry to everyone I had ever upset or done any wrong by...in particular I grieved heavily for the loss of my son and the failing of my marriage of 10 years. Now in reflection I am curious about the complete and sudden skip to that extreme telepathic state because what is usually common with mushrooms is the tryptamine visuals that appear quite prominently early soon after closing ones eyes and after the body warmth/load has passed. This lack of tryptamine visuals becomes relevant as I continue with this post later on..in other words I'll come back to that. this session took some 8-9 hours to complete it's cycle and at no time was purging involved...this is more than likely why the events took so long to complete. I have been lambasted already for such a seemingly foolishly large dosage and I alone take responsibility for my misadventure for want of a better word.

May 15...I have decided to cross reference my experiences from the week before buy choosing to ingest some 15gms of Stropharia Cubensis..same method as before, through the use of a hot lemon tea...2 large cups of juice were ingested and as before some 20mins later the body warmth came along and the trip position was taken and low level music and candles and incense was lit. This time how ever I went straight into major tryptamine visuals almost identical to what one would see on breakthrough dose of DMT...these visuals where extremely similar to other adventures with DMT and seemed like I was having some sort of deja vu`...for some reason I became frustrated at this as it showed me no signs of changing or going deeper to the territory I had experienced with P. Subaeuruginosa a week earlier...in fact what was happening was a visual bombardment of DMT'esque visuals began to loop around from start to finish and loop again and again...I sat up and asked aloud..why..what is going on here...I don't like this and am not happy with this as I am stuck in some sort of never ending loop...I terminated the trip after 1 hour by getting up and walking around and taking up standard duties around the house such as washing dishes and drinking tea and smoking in my garden...the trip wore off pretty quickly as I told it to leave me alone....it did and within 3 hours I was completely sober...The reason for my behavior was that I felt I was being tricked into simply watching a colour show and no diagnostic work was ever going to undertaken...no voice, no guide or any form of telepathy or remote viewing was noticed or came along. the following week whilst performing my normal day to day life I reflected about what had happened and came to the conclusion that these mushrooms had not had contact with the earth and where in fact just vessels of tryptamine with no other deeper resonating connection with tera firma. I was happy with this explanation and so began my interest in evaluating weather this could in fact be true...I would wait 2 weeks and try something unusual and make a combination of the 2 types of mushroom and see what happens...I had no idea what might occur or how this would play out but I looked forward to it none the less.

May 29 ...A preparation of some 18 gms of P. Subaeuruginosa and 15 gms of the Stropharia Cubensis was once again made into a lemon based tea and some 3 cups of the fluid were ingested...I had planned all day to eat very little so as to gain the most benefit from the magic but failed, I ate some pasta with egg and sprinkled Parmesan cheese approximately 3 hours before the juice was ingested. Same scenario as all other occasions..tea was sipped while reading some internet posts...I thought to myself...I have been using the same body positioning and laying the same way each occasion...for some reason I wanted to change that and simply lay the complete opposite direction on my tripping couch...don't really know why I did this but none the less I did...from the time I did lay the other way I immediately became confused and disorientated..I tried to fight it but couldn't and ended up resuming my normal position facing my normal way. Okay so now I was happy and could get started...things got off to a weird start..there was a mixture of the exact same tryptamine visuals and some other unknown dark imagery in the background...this battle went on for approxamately an hour...things seemed to settle down and it appeared that the P Subaeuruginosa mushrooms alkaloids seemed to overwhelm the cubensis...I will reiterate here that the tryptamine visuals where once again exactly the same as the previous stropharaia visuals some 2 weeks earlier...I found this rather unusual and once I got past them and settled into another area of the trip I let it go...it was though still in the back of my mind...why was the exact same trip and visuals appearing when Stropharia was ingested and not the P. Subs. Okay so that part of the trip past and I went into some sort of blurriness...I recognised this symptom with P. Sub and knew that something was coming...what was to come was I think now on reflection not telepathy...this was more remote viewing...the bluriness cleared and I was staring at a Malaysian girl working in a bar...she looked around at me and was a little put off or somewhat startled to see me there...no words from me to her were heard but she went to turn back to her work and then she turned back to me and asked me to leave...I left and the blurriness came back and I was taken to other places and saw a great deal of other people and other circumstances...I won't go into what they where just now as I have told this elsewhere and don't need to repeat it...I was enjoying this immensely...it felt I was flying without knowing and suddenly appearing right amongst other people who were going about there business...the strange thing about all the visions is that they all where with Asian people...some in Malaysia some in China and some here in Oz but with Asian people around me...I seem to have lost parts of the trip after these visuals and sat up and noticed that 3 hours had gone by...I got up and turned the music down as I was hearing some sort of low level buzzing or high frquency...I was told by a guide to quieten my surroundings and listen....I did so and listened and was amazed at the oscillating buzzing tone inside the trip...these where in fact some of the first real audio hallucinations I had ever clearly heard...I believe I could replicate the sound with a synthesiser and would need a sawtooth wave form with a low speed random LFO and some filtering and envelope...I didn't know what the sounds meant but I enjoyed how they sounded...I thought for a minute they are similar to how a cricket or grasshoppers legs when rubbed together would sound if slowed down....was this the language of the mushroom and the frequency of the world I was submerged in...much more investigating in this sound will come I'm sure as I have started to form a subtle theory about what it might be. After some time the visuals were of forests and nature and some dark red stones with intricate patterns on them...then everything suddenly changed within 10 mins...that unmistakable feeling of the stomach and that feeling that oh oh ...sever nausea came crashing into my system... I tried valiantly to ignore it but lost the battle some 5 mins later and ran quickly to the bathroom and purged heavily for some 5 mins....I returned to my studio and laydown and sipped some water...I looked in the mirror and saw that I did in fact look extremely sick and pale and ghostly...I sipped water and lay back and let the feeling of sobriety come back to me...I found some mints and went and smoked a cigarette outside ...3 puffs and I lost interest and it tasted like shit. I returned to my studio and eventually fell asleep...looking at the clock 5-6 hours had passed...why did I purge so violently and so suddenly...pasta was what came out of me at an astonishing rate...I thought ahh ...okay that's cool I understand that some sort of cleansing of the stomach prior to the ingestion is required to complete the journeys distance without purging.

June 5 ...it was time to go back and deal with the earthy vibe of the wild picked P. Subaeuruginosa...12 gms of dried full fruits where brought to a boil in a mixture of lemon and water...juice was strained into one large plastic cup and this time the mushrooms where placed back into the pot and a second batch of water and lemon was added and brought to the boil again slowly whilst the first cup was ingested...once the second cup was ready the cup was taken as usual to the studio and once again the scene was set..low level music...scented Vanilla candles and one solitary light coming from the computers screens screen saver. The usual body load came quick...as it always does with the addition of lemon...the second cup was drank quickly as I was beginning to trip quickly and needed to get myself comfortable...unfortunately I had once again succumbed to hunger in the afternoon...and yes, would you believe it I had the same meal as last time...pasta with egg and Parmesan cheese...I didn't prepare my body very well this day as a lot of what I was intending to do on this day was thrown into chaos by others and family friends...I had to start some 3 hours later than I would normally start so this meant lack of preparation and a calm outlook going into the trip....none the less I was now on my way and looked forward to this experience as my large dose of this magic mushroom some 4 weeks prior was and still is the most profound moment in my psychedelic history...that...my friends was about to change big time.

I lay back and got myself comfortable...it was particularly cold this evening and I struggled to get my whole body warm even though I had a sleeping bag covering me from head to toe. it was not long before some visual activity was noticed...what the hell....the tryptamine loop was coming thick and fast...why was this happening...these are not Stropharia...I decided to let it evolve and sure enough that distinct DMT gothic like imagery came thick and fast...I actually knew exactly what was coming next and started to react to knowing what was coming...I let the loop go around 2 times and then I shouted...hey...whats this why am I being subjected to this loop....what is going on I need to know why I am in here....the visions fragmented and blurred away....I sat up...opened my eyes and asked aloud...can you please tell me why this happening as I need to know...okay this is where things go totally off the wall... a voice answered...you have ingested the sacred juice of the mushroom and this is part of key that floods the chamber..once the chamber is full you will come out and come with me into places you have never seen... I asked again...why do I see the exact same visions early in my voyages...I was told that when I ingest the mushroom you in effect are taking into your body a part of earth...earth is a living breathing life form and you are in effect absorbing what is called the imprinted memory of earth that exists in everything on this planet...it made instant sense to me and I was grateful for the explanation...

I felt the need to sit up and take a short walk to the kitchen for a sip of water and basically just move around as I had the feeling there was a second stage about to come once I returned to my couch...I took 5 mins out and resumed my position and refamiliarised myself with warmth from my sleeping bag...just as I was getting settled I went into what I can only say was a severe convulsive state...I twitched and went rigid and twitched somewhat like when someone is having an epileptic fit...this was completely uncontrollable and was out of my hands and somewhat hurt, but riding in the back of mind I was saying just hold on you will be there soon...30secs passed and I stopped the convulsions....I was breathing very fast and my heart and pulse where racing....I lay still and opened my closed eyes so to speak and saw the most beautiful red stones about 2 meters wide each and they started to move and morph into any shape or configuration they pleased...I watched in awe as these magnificent red stones with intricate patterns turned and grated to form new arrangements...they stopped...I heard a voice...are you ready now....I was shaking somewhat and tried to control my breathing somewhat and calm down....yes of course I said...what are we doing here and where is this place...no answer from the guide...all of a sudden I was asked is there anyone you need to be healed...we can heal someone right now for you please pick someone and we shall heal them....I have no idea why but I thought of someone on the SAB forums who had recently confessed to having health issues and I said I know someone who is ill...they seemed to read my mind and...well... I don't really want to go into detail here but they actually confirmed the person and diagnosed where the persons problems lay...a healer was present but I could not see them but I was aware they where there....a coloured flag unfolded in front of me and they said here...this is the location of the illness...I said yes...how do you know...they said... so it is done... they can begin to feel better soon ...the job is complete...we must move on now...I was shocked as it happened so quickly and accurately....I will never ever forget the colours on the flag and the way the illness was diagnosed even though I could not see a healer...all of a sudden I was in another place and some sort of data base or filing system was being looked at...it was me...all my life's history and my date of birth and everything about me was being spoken...I was asked...are you wishing to make better a life for you and your family...you seem to be unhappy about not being able to provide enough safety and security to your current family...I said yes...a voice said you have many choices and we want you to chose one...once you chose one we will place this ability into you so you may live a happier life and help look after your family better...

I remember looking through what was some sort of filing cabinet and came across....now I know this sounds totally freaking off the wall...flame me all you want...the file I chose was remote viewing...I was asked are you sure this is what you want...yes I said I have no need to look further this is what I want and I will be the best and use my ability to help others...I was told yes that will be the case...their are some agencies that can help you and develop your skill...be patient and practice and you can have this ability...all of a sudden...an Indian chief in full feathered headdress came towards me with some coloured feathers in his hand...he came at me fast and I was rigid...he blew a strong breath through the feathers and it felt like something went into me...all of a sudden my heart hurt really bad...well around my heart ached really bad and I clenched it...I felt like I was about to have some sort of heart attack....I heard the guide say return him now...I closed my eyes within and could not see anything but felt the pain and then it subsided...it felt like in my mind like I had been cut out from this world and then quickly returned before I died...that's the only way I can explain it. My guide said you are going to be okay...you now have your ability ...be patient...there are some rules to using your ability...you need to clean your body of toxins and stop smoking....you need a clean toxic free body for it to work....in the back of my mind I knew exactly what they meant and humbly agreed...how I was going to achieve a complete detox was something only I could know and do....

I was then ushered away to another area and traveled along some sort of light lines to another area...I don't know why but some curtains where peeled back and ....wow just writing this make my hairs stand up and I feel strange.....the curtains peeled back and I saw..get this a lot of what I can only say were "monkey men elders"...they were beautiful creatures of complete and utter peace and they whore coloured robes...beautiful coloured robes....they had a long grey hair fringe that covered the most beautiful red eye or eyes I cannot see weather they have one eye or 2...there where many of them and they where very busy going about some sort of magical work and I was told they are the earths keepers ....they are the elders and the oldest beings in this part of the world...I felt like I wanted to cry because the aura and the beauty of these creatures was of complete peace and harmony yet powerful and united in their doings...what ever they where...my guide said you are very privileged to witness the elders and see them at work..they where short with long arms and had very strange jaws and face...very very monkey/orangutan like...I will attempt to draw a picture of one of them after this thread and post it...I hadn't at this stage realised I had actually met these elders before...this revelation would not come to me until the next day.... I was ushered away and taken to a vacant area and left on my own for some five minutes or so it felt...my guide returned and said you must end your visit with us now ...there is nothing else here for you now at this time...shit...shit...I knew exactly what that meant....no sooner than 3 mins and I was purging heavily again....there was no way of holding it back...I had a huge purge and yes once again...pasta was again re birthed in the toilet basin....I didn't really mind but was concerned that now I have purged the last 2 times I have taken the sacred mushroom.

I returned to my studio and closed my eyes and saw that I was wandering in some waste area where people who visit go to chill and make their way back out....I had completed my journey...I spoke once more briefly with my guide, my guide asked me is there anything else you would like to know or see before you leave us.... I said yes...I wish to see the elders again just once more please....my guide said...yes we leave enough juice in you for one final wish...come...I walked with my guide to the curtains...he pulled them back...there they where again I wanted to cry...they where so beautiful...I rushed to go in and wanted to tell one of them I love them...my guide said no that is not a good idea...I stared and looked at one of them I looked at the red eye and was spellbound...all of a sudden my daughter screamed a loud scream outside my studio door and it completely broke my visuals...I closed my eyes and was back in the waste land ...wandering looking for a way back in....it could only be achieved with the flooding of the chamber with the sacred juice and opening the key....I was locked out... it was time to go....I sobered up within 10 mins and tried to eat a mint...I sucked on it for 30 secs and spat it out violently...it tasted disgusting... I sipped some water and rested for an hour and listened to music and stared at the ceiling, trying to make sense of all that had happened. I eventually went to bed and got some sleep at approx 4am.... I awoke at 10 am and made breakfast and coffee for me and my wife....I told her all about my ....I call it my "mushroom meditation"....she is happy when I tell her what I am doing and knows, sort of... well enough to leave me be... anyways I told her about the visions and she seemed interested ....she said can you get the lotto numbers next time you are there....I looked at her with a look of disdain...and muttered in my mind...that's all you think of isn't it... I let it go and went about my days duties as per normal on somewhat of a quiet after glowing high....no body numbness was felt this time from the sacred P. sub.

I will now back track about 7 years....it was I think spring time...I was working at the time for the Gov't.....I won't say what dept or what I was doing but it was a job that had me traveling out of the city every 3 weeks to rural and smaller towns and cities...this particular weeks work was to be in Byron bay... I was really hoping that at least one of the 5 days I was there that I could get the work done quickly and at least have a half day off to get up to Nimbim...all expenses were being paid for by the Gov't and I had a hire car and unlimited petrol and a money away cash package...yes you beauty...the second day of work was completed at 10 am...I raced back to my hotel room...stripped off my suit and changed into something comfortable...there was a lesbian friend of mine who was also on this trip and we had gotten to become great friends actually...she was into meditation and natural therapies and all sorts of wild stuff... I said I'm off to Nimbin would you like to come along for the drive and keep me company...yeah shit yeah she said...so off we went... we had a ball up there all day...i didn't realise how far the drive up that dirt road Nimbim was but was enjoying the very rural and somewhat tropical rainforesty backdrop. We spent some time in the local pub having some beers and a counter lunch then went walk about to look at some of the local shops and get a feel for the place...secretly I was hoping to score something...anything and get back to Byron and get high.....I wandered into the local..XXX and spent an hour looking at all the products and trying to decide if any of them would do anything... I chose a package of some herbs that claimed to give lucid dreams and took it to the counter... I spoke about it and asked if there was a possibility that I might find something I could take back to Byron with me that would actually do something...I was given something...I don't remember...it had a picture of an Azetc figure that's all i can remember...

I was told this is good just make a tea...there is 2 teas in the packet so you can share it with someone... I purchased my herbs and met back up with my friend...we got back into the car with our purchases and with a small beer buzz drove back to Byron and chatted and laughed about what we encountered...it truly is a unique little community...not sure I could live there but I certainly could spend say 6 months there..... anyways I returned to my hotel and my friend and I retreated to our separate rooms...I made the tea and sat on the bed in the room and just watched TV sipped this herbal tea thing...at some point I kinda drifted off and started to hallucinate nicely....I'm like shit...!!!...hey this is fucking great...wow I'm stoked now...it had been a long time since I had tripped ...probably 4 years actually...anyways I started to trip and remember I was suddenly in a round amphitheater... I looked around....what a fucking trip...get this...there was monkey men elders all seated in their seats busy discussing something I could not understand...they were magnificent and wore a hat like a Fez, all tall and round...it was coloured with the colours of the rainbow...I looked all around and they where everywhere.... I was in shock...who where these monkeys and what the hell are they talking about....I don't remember too much more about that trip except I saw a lot of visuals like mandala's and colours etc... I fell asleep some 2 hours or so later.... I told my friend the next day about it and she was like wow that's cool as you didn't think it would work...I said yeah I know...I'm going to do the rest tonight and see what happens.....I took the rest of the herb the next evening and it didn't work... :( ...probably a tolerance issue as I suspect there was some mushrooms powdered into the herb...but one thing I do know is that those monkey elders have been witnessed by me now twice....trippy yes...hard to believe...possibly...I don't have a hard time believing these visions are real in their own context ...it's probably why my trips are so powerful...I always want to believe and open up my mind wide open to allow the magic to work...

I'm interested to know if anyone who reads this ever comes into contact with these monkey men elders in their voyages......I would very much like to hear about it.

if you have read all of this congrats...I know it's a lot of text but I wanted to write it all out so that it may be saved somewhere for ever and someone some other day may read it and find some interest in it and compare similarities.

It's now June 21st and I haven't felt the need to re visit my friends in that space again...someday I might need to again but for now I'm content to leave it alone and concentrate on what I was told....clean up my body and get healthy and make an effort to end an addiction that at present is holding me back..... I am on my way and have started a reduction program....it's working and now after 2 weeks I am down to half the amount of 2 weeks ago...next Monday I start reduction again of smaller amounts and that will carry one for approx 4 weeks till I am at the point of nil intake....walking and getting out and about in nature is helping and I feel a new me will be around within a year....once I get it in my head about health I usually go full on...laterz chaps and chappettes.


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Here are some links that have some relevance to this topic...I know Mckenna has talked about monkeys and mushrooms in his books...?...but his theory from memory is that at some point apes or chimps ingested sacred mushrooms which catapulted them into a state of becoming conscience...perhaps this is true to some extent and they are now what I have seen and referred to as the monkey Elders...there is some cross referencing I'm doing at the moment to try and locate any other sightings of these creatures...I have not ever read any of McKenna's books but I was recently given a book written by him...True hallucinations...I'm only about a third of the way in but it's turning into a very very interesting read...particularly the experiences with the Mexican variety of Stropharia cubensis.

here is a link with some relevant info...the following link and article is even better


An excerpt from REVERSING THE 'BIG LIE'



Monkey's Marvelous Trip

From The African Jungle To Inner & Outer Space


Now we must answer the (for us, today) most important question of all:

How after 50,000 years of successful evolution, involving discovery of all the other abilities which are usually perceived as CAUSES of evolution (fire, the wheel, language, social structure, religion), after the establishing of the large Agri-Cultures, and towns and cities, and cooperative empires where the spiritual life remained central, how, after all this, did we fall into the Dark Ages and eventually get to the terribly fragmented, schizophrenic, alienated, ruthlessly competitive, super-violent, planet-destructive, terrorist-threatened, hi-testosterone, disintegrating aftermath of the Big Lie in which we find ourselves today?

The argument that the military-religious stage to come was the necessary engine for the technological miracles of today must be seen for the self-justifying Big Lie that it is. .Pagan civilisations built vast libraries to house hundreds of thousands of works of literary and scientific genius. Its natural philosophers speculated that human beings had evolved from animals. Its astronomers knew the Earth was a sphere which, along with the planets, revolves around the sun. They had even estimated its circumference to within one degree of accuracy. The ancient Pagan world sustained a population in Europe not matched again until the 18th century. In Greece, Pagan culture gave birth to the concepts of democracy, rational philosophy, public libraries, theatre and the Olympic Games, creating a blueprint for our modern world.. Freke & Gandhi: .The Jesus Mysteries..

Surely the more open a culture (.opened, open-minded.), the more group bonded, then the faster and more balanced will be its discoveries. we must, fairly, consider the possibility that we.d already be populating the nearest planets if the Disaster had not struck which arrested .evolution. completely. and certainly we.d have none of the ecological side-effects and sociopathic business culture which now threaten us.

the rest of this wonderful article can be found here http://erocx1.com/Philosophy.aspx


Edited by Hunab Ku

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Thanks for your open and honest reporting of your experiments and adventuring.

Those who dont know the true power of earth picked shrooms might mock.

Those who respect the power,know that what you experienced is as true to you as any other experience.

And hey,if you are deluded,it will be worth it if it motivates you to get off the fags,and get your own nature in shape.

I hope you succeed and are granted your power.

You have strived for a long time down the psychedelic path,I personally think you are close to being an urban shaman.

You are charting the territory that most just read about.


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You know the beauty of what I have achieved lately with these types of diagnostic voyages is that I could now almost say that I have completed what I set out to do and in all likeliness may never need to use the sacred shroom ever again...it gives me that feeling of overwhelming satisfaction and completeness. I don't like to use them for recreational purpose's or for a cheap quick high...just makes me feel like I'm misusing or abusing the right of passage so to speak...we'll see how we go, but my current mind set tells me that it is not necessary to ever do them again...and that for me...well is strange....I have a very addictive personality, but it's like meh...I'm completely fulfilled now and have learn't soooo much...to continue on would seem tacky or of no value.

they really are magic in so many ways.


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sorry if i haven't extracted from what is above...what is the next step for cultivating the gift you were given? can that begin while you are on the right road to improving your physical health? were you given instructions on how to proceed with practising?

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many people won't want to read the lot so i recommend skipping straight to june 5, the earlier dates have been covered in other threads. this is a report worth reading folks.

thanks HK for a beautiful and interesting tale. i think it will be good inspiration in my forthcoming endeavours and may help me hit my stride.

your experience contains several meaningful layers which is typical of a good trip. AFAIK terrence mcK never referred to monkey elders, nonetheless reading true hallucinations may increase your appreciation of earlier experiences you've had.... although the book isn't overly representative of his unique speculations.

good luck quitting cigarettes man. put a lid on that addictive stuff :slap::lol:

I shouted...hey...whats this why am I being subjected to this loop....what is going on I need to know why I am in here....the visions fragmented and blurred away....I sat up...opened my eyes and asked aloud...can you please tell me why this happening as I need to know...okay this is where things go totally off the wall... a voice answered...you have ingested the sacred juice of the mushroom and this is part of key that floods the chamber..once the chamber is full you will come out and come with me into places you have never seen...
all of a sudden...an Indian chief in full feathered headdress came towards me with some coloured feathers in his hand...he came at me fast and I was rigid...he blew a strong breath through the feathers and it felt like something went into me...all of a sudden my heart hurt really bad...well around my heart ached really bad and I clenched it...I felt like I was about to have some sort of heart attack....I heard the guide say return him now...I closed my eyes within and could not see anything but felt the pain and then it subsided...it felt like in my mind like I had been cut out from this world and then quickly returned before I died...
wow just writing this make my hairs stand up and I feel strange.....the curtains peeled back and I saw..get this a lot of what I can only say were "monkey men elders"...they were beautiful creatures of complete and utter peace and they whore coloured robes...beautiful coloured robes....they had a long grey hair fringe that covered the most beautiful red eye or eyes I cannot see weather they have one eye or 2...there where many of them and they where very busy going about some sort of magical work and I was told they are the earths keepers ....they are the elders and the oldest beings in this part of the world...I felt like I wanted to cry because the aura and the beauty of these creatures was of complete peace and harmony yet powerful and united in their doings...

being petty for a moment, i must suggest avoiding so many dot dot dot dots in your write-ups, it unnecessarily forces the reader to work harder.

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sorry if i haven't extracted from what is above...what is the next step for cultivating the gift you were given? can that begin while you are on the right road to improving your physical health? were you given instructions on how to proceed with practising?

Well yeah that is the plan...I have become increasingly positive and energetic and am on the path to cleaning my act up totally....I'm getting out and about and have started exercising again...I reduced my opiate intake to a little over half and have a goal to be free from it in 4 weeks...it's like it's an unspoken word in my mind...I feel I am being catapulted now towards a destination of some purpose...I mean I can really feel it...I have turned a corner now and have a positive outlook about life...as far as being able to use the gift I was given...one may look at it 2 ways...one it could be just a trick and a way of healing and no such ability is ever available to me to use...the upside is I am out and fit and happy and healed...or...two as I decrease my toxic levels of tobacco and opiates my gift may start to work and I can realise it is there, and become aware of it, therefore pushing on even further to a healthy mind, body and soul...I consider it a win win situation...I do and have been doing some mental exercises to analyse my potential to use this gift if in fact it is with me. I would give anything to have that ability and give my self a sense of real purpose and use it for the good of people.

Look I know a lot of people are probably thinking I'm totally crazy ...but you know what...I really don't care and I know what happened and I know that something within me has changed....I can definitely feel something...some sort of shift or behavioral change is taking place.

I have found some remote monitoring web sites that run tests and you can do them from home...I was actually amazed at how close I got to the images..a series of letters and numbers are all the user is given and you are to try and see the place in your mind by concentrating on textures and shadows and predominate shapes..the first 5 tests I completed I was extremely happy with my results.

I have had in my life 2 near death experiences...one I was hit point blank by a car doing 80klms...I ended up under the vehicle and onlookers instantly assumed I was dead...I saw my life flash before me so clearly as i was being smashed and trashed under that car....another occasion I had gone to far with some gear and was going into shock and overdosing...I opened my eyes briefly as I was sure this was it and I'm about to die...i looked and saw to men...1 an African man playing a hand drum talking to a very blond guy..they were here to take me away to wherever you go when you die...they had some sort of conference and decided that I was worth saving and they helped me up through my will and I was walked outside to my backyard and walked very slowly around a big huge gum tree in my yard for about 2 hours...it saved my life and I never saw those 2 spirits or what ever they where ever again. Now weather these two experiences have had some sort of effect on my mind or not I'm not sure but I am very susceptible to feeling and seeing things around me that I'm sure others can't...I can see the most beautiful imagery when I close my eyes at anytime during the day or whenever.....I have extremely lucid dreams every single night and always have.... I have had an obsession with psychedelics since I was 11 years old....they chose me...they really did.....I have hunted them down and chased something for a long time in my life.....I feel I may have now or am very close to realising my goals and understanding myself and adjusting myself to become a more harmonious being.

I remember my guide saying to me that I must be patient and if I am and follow the right path my gift will come to me and I will succeed...patience being the key word.

Time will tell I guess...but I wouldn't bet on me failing and falling back into old ways and habits...this time for real.


Edited by Hunab Ku

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baraka?.......reminds me of the monkey in the hot spring in the snow......

my last meet with sid,lol,ya know the one,lol,was beginning to peak,closed my eyes saw myself but as a young monkey man....then a series of other young monkey men replaced my own image......was on the bus and concerned my identity was under attack or something so cut it off.......

you had the bridge yet......my exp ties in but i am reluctant to post about it much?

this idea of talking to the plant is worthy of more work imo, and i am beginning to try it myself!

t s t .

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Hunab, I read your post earlier on today and have now begun to think about it more. Anyway, I was thinking about the trends that seem to be occurring with your mushroom adventures of reaching much higher planes, like the hallucinations change and become more 'real' form, not so much of the tryptamine visuals. I was relating it to what Terrance Mckenna said about taking psychedelics. I can't remember his words exactly but it was something like, when newbies take mushrooms they don't get into the deep stuff, like saying "ahh, this guy is new, we will take him through the scenic route as not to scare him" But, when you become much more familiar with the place, the mushrooms begin to show you what they are really about, like knowing you've been there many times before and your not going to lose it. Something like that.

Damn, that was hard to write... :bong:

Excuse if it doesn't make much sense...

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many people won't want to read the lot so i recommend skipping straight to june 5, the earlier dates have been covered in other threads. this is a report worth reading folks.

thanks HK for a beautiful and interesting tale.

Yeah I know it's a lot of text and I know in the past when people have posted walls of text I tend to skim the post at best...if it doesn't grab me quickly with interest I wander off to read something else. Perhaps it's the way it's written and not broken up enough into paragraphs...people are strange like that...if the same amount of words were broken up into smaller chunks and paragraphs they would take the time to read it...when it's written in the style or lack of style.. :P like I have. It is I must admit off putting. Perhaps when I write my book I will release it on tape so it can be heard, not read as ink on paper.

i think it will be good inspiration in my forthcoming endeavours and may help me hit my stride.

I'd be very interested to hear about such endeavors...I have recently been collecting stories and data relating to psychedelics and the positive and negative influences and changes they have had on peoples lives.

your experience contains several meaningful layers which is typical of a good trip. AFAIK terrence mcK never referred to monkey elders, nonetheless reading true hallucinations may increase your appreciation of earlier experiences you've had.... although the book isn't overly representative of his unique speculations.

I have not ever really taken too much notice of McKenna in the past and like I say I'm only a third of the way through True Hallucinations, but I am seeing some distinct similarities with his experiences...I have always found his voice to be extremely irritating on all the You Tube clips and net broadcasts of his talks etc...no really, it has some effect on me that makes me cringe and I have to turn it off. I have read that he did not take the sacred shroom from 1985 onwards and he only ever took DMT nine times in his career...the stopping of taking mushrooms rang loud and clear in my mind...I have now somewhat more of an interest in him after finding some of these snippets...I can only read about them now though....brrrrrr his voice...bad frequency.

good luck quitting cigarettes man. put a lid on that addictive stuff :slap::lol:

Yeah I have given up twice in my life, once for seven years and the other for 4 years...it usually has coincided with an emotional change and direction in my life, and once I take up health and fitness, cigarettes have no place in that spectrum.

being petty for a moment, i must suggest avoiding so many dot dot dot dots in your write-ups, it unnecessarily forces the reader to work harder.

LOL...yeah it's a habit I have formed...it's only ever used when writing in forums...I have no idea why I started using it...I guess I'm just trying to reflect the way I would say it verbally with small pause's between statements and response's...it really is difficult to stop it now, and I know of 2 others here who also do the same..Tst and Woof Woof Woof both write exactly the same way...I probably write longer passages of text than either of those two so it would, yes... make it somewhat more difficult to read. I've never really been good with words and grammar which sucks because I have, and still want to write a book one day before I die and I hesitate to start it because of this handicap.

Hunab, I read your post earlier on today and have now begun to think about it more. Anyway, I was thinking about the trends that seem to be occurring with your mushroom adventures of reaching much higher planes, like the hallucinations change and become more 'real' form, not so much of the tryptamine visuals. I was relating it to what Terrance Mckenna said about taking psychedelics. I can't remember his words exactly but it was something like, when newbies take mushrooms they don't get into the deep stuff, like saying "ahh, this guy is new, we will take him through the scenic route as not to scare him" But, when you become much more familiar with the place, the mushrooms begin to show you what they are really about, like knowing you've been there many times before and your not going to lose it. Something like that.

Damn, that was hard to write...

Excuse if it doesn't make much sense...

Thanks eexpee...yeah some of what you say might be relevant...though I would like to place this into your theory....I had not had the privilege of taking P. Subaeuruginosa up until that first seesion of 29 gms so basically I threw myself into the deep end with concrete shoes...I would not recommend anyone ever do this....I do not want to read or hear of someone copying this and becoming sick or lose it or something...I think I'm relatively safe though as the sheer thought of others ingesting that much should scare most people off before they start...I have never really taken psychedelics in tiny amounts to meet them gently before going any further except for one time with some RC's as I had read they can be pretty toxic and overdose is very easy. I do know that others I have met can simply get to places they want with recommended dose's so it's great that people can feel safe and know that they don't have to go overboard with them to get anywhere...there is a lot of placebo and adrenaline/anxiety mixing into the mind when most are about to partake in the use of psychedelics and if they can feel safe with recommended dose's then they can take away the worry and enjoy themselves better. I have said in another post that I may replicate the experiment someday...that will be way into the future now as I have other motives and intentions and don't wish to be distracted from them for a while...i'm so happy to be out walking and getting blood pumping through my lungs and legs with exercise etc...

I was up at 6am this morning and walked for an hour and then came home to make the guys some breakfast...if you are looking for a natural high I highly recommend getting up at just before dawn and going for a couple of klms walk...my day now is going to uplifted by a simple walk...not easy to get up and out of bed in this weather but once the front door is shut and you take those first few steps out onto the footpath it feels great...there is the added bonus of watching the sun rise and wonder at all those things we miss when we don't take too take a breath and just be.

magic is as magic does.


Edited by Hunab Ku

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A great read.

I was wondering all along if u were taking wet or dry dose.

Dude, I believe (i know) all of this can be experienced on a 10th of the dose. But i do have big admiration for these heroics.

I'm gonna try to meet your monkey mates. At such high doses, i usually 'total recall' that i am evry being anyway. there is only one, with its '10,000 things'..

The more I trip with subs, the clearer they speak. The more we trip, and the pure we allow our mind and bodies, the more logical an sensible it all becomes.I am displeased that u had 2 'battle' as i thort i sorted 'them' on that count over a yr ago.

Sometime the spirit doesnt visit. i believe it has nothing to do with the mush touching earth- (altho i do prefer wild) as i have spoken to entities and obe'd after licking only cultivated mycelium from my fingernail.

Im doing my best to allow the wordless awareness, to embodyandbecome completely 'kinesthetic' rather than concern myself with 'tryptamines' or lemon juiced logic, but that's just me.

The thing is.. as many trips as i have (weekly 5-7 grammers for months at a time) and as many objective and independent phenomena that i notice and can prove with my trippy loved ones..

theres just as muchand more to keep seeing. endless frivolty and novelty.


Edited by G*P

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baraka?.......reminds me of the monkey in the hot spring in the snow......

I'll have to re rent the movie and have a look...it's been years since I have watched it.

my last meet with sid,lol,ya know the one,lol,was beginning to peak,closed my eyes saw myself but as a young monkey man....then a series of other young monkey men replaced my own image......was on the bus and concerned my identity was under attack or something so cut it off.......

:blush: well done on cutting it off...the ingredient was of a particularly high quality so I'm not surprised you saw monkeys or even monkeys with alien heads etc...lol.

you had the bridge yet......my exp ties in but i am reluctant to post about it much?

Yeah the bridge is quality, very good and you wouldn't really bother with others when it such a quality plant...can be kinda dark but I like a little darkness, it replicates this world quite well IMO.

I'll make a new thread today asking for submissions of reports to be sent electronically to me and I will place them in my book I want to write and of will acknowledge the users experience with their avatar name etc.

this idea of talking to the plant is worthy of more work IMO, and i am beginning to try it myself!

I find this method to be extremely rewarding and necessary...I often speak aloud when needed and continually question the plant as to what is going on and why, always with respect and with an air of confidence...I don't always get answers but you will be surprised how often you do...I believe any of the traditional shamans around the world have practiced this technique for thousands of years...listening is also a great tool...highly recommended people should talk to the plant as much as possible.


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a great read hunab. thanks for posting. more and more people should be doing this. writing down their experiences and posting them...it's great to read these in chronological order, to get an understanding of what one can learn if they work with the plants. i've always seen it as like going to school. each trip is a different lesson.. i guess after a lot of trips you can graduate if you've paid attention and done your homework. if you haven't. you''ll flunk out or just end up repeating the same grade.

this sort of stuff would be great for your book as they are highly readable adventures. don't worry about the over use of ....'s. i know when i am trying to write down any experiences i've had ....'s are the only way i can link the many events that happen. there are heaps of them in the reports i've written. they are good for just getting little observations across that don't require full sentences. still, if you are going to publish a book you'll probably have to figure a way around them.

we really do need more people to be documenting their trips. not just single trips but pretty much every trip they have. thats how you can build some sort of general consensus on what's going on. mckenna, leary, john lilly, d.m turner and stanislav grof are some of the few people that have done and it's what has made them 'experts' on the subject. they are the only resources out there. for something as mysterious as the psychedelic experience you would think there would be hundreds of authors on the subject. there really isn't enough info like this out there. not enough people trying to make maps of hyperspace. not only is it a good contribution to psychedelic research but i believe writing about your experiences makes them a lot more useful to you as you think long and hard about what you have learnt. also it's good to do as soon as possible. so much info fades away, especially in the first few hours after the experience. like a dream it's hard to hold onto the specifics.

keep up the writings hunab. even if it's only so one day you'll look back and go 'holy shit...i was a wild bastard'.

Edited by holymountain

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it's good to be able to read on work time... truely amazing hunab!

best wishes.

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i can remember something about "intelligent monkeys" in valmikis, ramayana... don't know if its of any relevance????




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Hindu monkey god,Hunuman is devoted to the god Rama who was an incarnation of Vishnu. A legendary fighter,commanding an army of monkey warriors. But he never speaks. So i have read.

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I think the length is fine Hunab. What you're describing are jewels in the heights of tryptamine mystical experiences. These experiences are so intense, rich and complex, I don't think you should abbreviate a single world. If people are genuinely interested in cultivating entheogens for personal and/or spiritual purposes they will read double what you wrote :)

This is one of the best mappings i've read on a forum, thanks for sharing. I hope the processing and integration of is going well, it sounds like its going well.

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i can remember something about "intelligent monkeys" in valmikis, ramayana... don't know if its of any relevance????


thats very similar to my experience....the no mo look!

he shows his heart,to show his lord is there......see the story.....also called hanuman.....and vajra****........chariots and thunderbolts.......the merkaba/diamond body symbolism is hidden in this story......an open secret there for those who seek it......

t s t .

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I will draw a picture of the elders so you can see what I meant...I just haven't got around to it yet...Mooksha yeah you freaked me out when you said jewels...that's exactly how I saw the eye's as a red jewel glistening and sparkling and captivating.


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for some reason my last post didnt work.......the hanuman/hunuman story appears to encode the merkaba/diamond body teaching.....hidden in plain sight...an open secret....

t s t .

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similar to the vision I had of the elders, but the jewels where actually the eyes and the grey hair was the fringe


Robes of similar colour facial features not so





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interesting Hunab Ku. 1 thing comes to mind.

#1 seeing monkey elders in visions in my interpertation could mean, visiting a very primitive place of your being/brain. the monkey elders wore robes.... and looked intelligent, perhaps because a few million years of evolution does tend to give us some genetic (subconscious) intelligence. ;-)

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interesting Hunab Ku. 1 thing comes to mind.

#1 seeing monkey elders in visions in my interpertation could mean, visiting a very primitive place of your being/brain. the monkey elders wore robes.... and looked intelligent, perhaps because a few million years of evolution does tend to give us some genetic (subconscious) intelligence. ;-)

I interpret it a little different. I think that the line of thought which suggests that 'spirits', 'entities', 'other' encounters are a projection of the individual (or collective consciousness or collective subconsciousness), reflects heavily on the contemporary humanistic-rational-scientific paradigm which today's conservative, popular way of thinking supports.

I really like Benny Shannon's phenomenological mapping, it is a monumental book and i'm sure the psychedelic culture appreciates it warmly. However, by placing an emphasis on the individual, it is reminiscent of pre-Copernicus, the idea that the earth was the centre of the universe, which i think is rather arrogant really.

I recon people should appreciate that the human spirit, incarnate in the fleshy bodies of the material plane, is just one form of spirit, in other words, one foundational perspective or pod of consciousness.

The Freudian or Jungian approach to understanding the entheogenic universal saga is out-dated, -- based on rational, humanistic tendencies.

Arrogance in philosophy has been popular at least since Plato, and seeing philosophy is based on concepts emerging from humans, there is a natural tendency to priorities the 'human' aspect to concepts, such as the idea of 'creating' concepts, rather than something like 'receiving' concepts.

Claude Levi-Strauss, probably the most famous structural anthropologist said at the beginning of the renowned 77 Massey Lectures (Myth 1978):

'Although I am going to talk about what I have written, my books and papers and so on, unfortunately I forget what i have written practically as soon as it is finished. There is probably going to be some trouble about that. But nevertheless I think there is also something significant about it, in that I don;t have the feeling that I write my books. I have the feeling that my books get written through me and that once they have got across me I feel empty and nothing is left.'

the end of this chapter is beautiful...

'I don't pretend at all that, because I think that way, I am entitled to conclude that mankind thinks that way too. But i believe that, for each scholar and each writer, the particular way he or she thinks and writes open a new outlook on mankind. And the fact that I personally have this idosyncrcy perhaps entitles me to point to something which is valid, while the way in which my colleagues think opens different outlooks, all of which are equally valid.'

I tend to think that energy (ie, everything) is channeled and manipulated, not simply 'created'.

Along with this, i feel that the mysterious 'other' 'spirits-entities' encountered by Hunab are highly advanced energetic pods of consciousness - similar to humans and their consciousness but ineffably more profound and complex.

'Spirits' / 'consciousness pods' are like self-aware vacuums of compact energy breathing in and out. And when two pods come together in whatever form then immense amounts of energy are shared. This is the same when two people hang-out, fashioned as two energies coming together, sharing through a conversation of language, movement, experience, or put simply, energy.

Using the same terminology, i recon entheogenic spirit encounters illustrate energetic relationships with independent 'spirits' 'consciousness pods'.

Humans are not the only animals on the earth, why would we be the only 'self-conscious' souls in the universe?

Edited by mooksha

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hanuman is a hero......superman,hercules,monkey in the tv series ......he is a god on earth and yet his animal origin is obvious.......

t s t .

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