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The Corroboree

Synaptolepis kirkii


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my plans? grind it up and ingest the little fu*ker teaspoonful by tsp until it's gone.

The best anecdotal info I have is from www.botanicalsource.com

Brain Nerve growth factor and everything.

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  • 2 years later...


I tried about a quarter teaspoon of synaptolepis last night. It produced some intensly vivid dreams of a sexual nature, in fact they were mulltiple I took the herb in capsule with my usuall bedtime routine of calea, mansoa, and melatonin. during the day ive been using yohimbe so this may account for the nature of the dreams.

Im still burping up a pepper flavor on account of the kirkii and my asthma is playing up a little accompanied with a tickle in my throat so it may be wise to start off with a smaller dose, other daphnanes are known irritants.

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Yeah I had some wild dreams on this. A signature of every dream was that they were heavily musical either singing beautiful songs, and even quite a bit of hypnogogic-type actual-room hallucinations of the radio in the bedroom being on.

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Yeah I had some wild dreams on this. A signature of every dream was that they were heavily musical either singing beautiful songs, and even quite a bit of hypnogogic-type actual-room hallucinations of the radio in the bedroom being on.


I think your post may have planted a few seeds of suggestion Thelema, I had one dream tonight a tramp was playing an out of tune harmonica in the corner of my room I became lucid and realised the sound was just my ceiling fan then in the dream my light came on and it woke me up. evry time I began to drift back off clear as day that light would switch on and wake me up.

unable to sleep I decided to snack on some lychees but my god did they look strange to me (yes I really was awake) I began to notice some very bizzare patterns in the flesh and the skin appeared to be bleeding hot pink around this time I started feeling a little emotional over relationship issues and thought id numb myself with a glass of bourbon, went to take a sip when I had a vision of Guru Nanak staring back at me with a stern look of dissapointment inside my cup.

I thought f*it and had a drink anyway.....I needed it!

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