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The Corroboree

What to do when you find a 'missing person'

Smiling Cloud

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dang i need sleep

Actually unfortunately the damage from stroke is virtually done at the moment of infarction, but the longer the ischaemia lasts (assuming tis an ischaemic stroke and not haemorrhagic in which case treatment is different, but ischaemic stroke is more common) the greater the damage. And 24 hours is a far greater window than actually exists, most treatments (there are not that many, basically heparin, which is debatedly inneffective, and tPA) of ischaemic brain injury, such as the new tPA, which has to be given within 3 hours of injury, must be given within a far smaller window than 24 hours.


bad habits die hard. from my time working in ER i got in the habit of refering to any CVA as a "stroke", then after they move to the stroke unit/ward the developed diagnosis was given so in this case my experience fails me.

The 24 hour window is advised by the world health org, but yeah i fudged up there as its to divide stroke from transient ischemic attack. got my facts mixed up there.

EDIT - Also the WHO info is outdated i notice.

Edited by Amulte
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Yes am alive and well. Sorry i haven't posted, been hanging out with the lad so haven't been on the net much. He definately doesn't have a concussion as we got a friend who has medical training to check him out.

I reallly hope he doesn't have brain damage on account of us not wanting to get him checked out but we thought they might lock him up in a psych ward, not the best place to be when you're freaking out. However if they aren't goin to lock him up we'll get him checked out tomorrow.

He's lloking better anyway. I gtg but he's lloking better and i haven't been turned into sushi, so a good day! Thanks for everyones concern.

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This had a weird ending.

So got a translator for him, a friends japanese wife, and he kept locking up whenever we pressed him about who he was and how we could get him home. He said that he didn't want to go home and that he wanted to stay, travel around australia and pick fruit. Thats all she could figure out after 2 hours of talking to him. So we figured that he should go home. So we contacted the japanese consulate (who were extremely unhelpful on the phone, said i'd have to drive to sydney or take him to the cops, rather than take him to brisbane, real wanker) who after talking to him for some time finally allowed me to take him up nthere so they could talk to him. Anyway, i let choon talk to the consulate for awhile so that he would understand what we were going to do. He talked for about half an hour with no vagueness whatsoever. THis is when we startd to think that maybe he was putting it on. aA few hours before hand he could barely string a sentence together.

My friend and i thought that maybe he was going to get his shit together (because of how well he talked to the consulate, you couldn't even tell there was anything wrond with him) and since he had strongly expressed that he wanted to work we started looking for a place for him to work. So i talked to my uncle, who has wwoofers all the time, and he said that he could stay for a week there to get into the general vibe of working. If he couldn't do it then we would send him back to japan. Then we organised so that after he finsihed there he would have a job up in Bundaberg on a farm where they provide transport to the farms, accom and food. There are also heaps of other japanese working up there. Choon knew that we were looking for work for him (through the translator) and knew that we had spent considerable time getting him work.

Anyway we go to the consulate today to make sure that everything is all sweet. When we get there we jump in the lift and this guy was running to get in before the doors closed. Without hesitation choon pressed the OPEN DOOR button, even though the buttons were in english. This is when we decided that he def isn't as fucked up as he's been making out.

At the consulate we find out that he is a listed missing person and ran off from his friend Akio a few months ago. Choon then decides that he doesn't want to work, even after i'd spent half the day on the phone getting him work, no, he just wanted some money from his parents. The consulate got him on the phone to his folks as they were obvioulsly worried about him. Whilst he was on the phone the translator (really cool chick) pulled us aside and told us to leave as he isn't fucked up at all and is not one bit grateful for any of the work that we had done for him. She didn't tell us exactly what he was saying to his mum but choon was telling her what bad people we are. The translator said that he is just a self centred little shit and that he "is not one who should be helped".

So we bailed. Was not expecting to be written off, and even though i can't speak japanese, i found it extremely offensive that he was writing me off right in front of me on the phone. The little shit didn't even say goodbye, or thankyou once the whole time we were looking after him.

And the worst part, i lent him my favourite shirt and now it is halfway to japan, or whereever he ends up. Major Bummer.

So that's why you don't pick up hitch-hikers boys and girls.

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Its a real shame that your act of such generosity (and realliy I gotta commend you again for that man) turned around to slap you. But relax, karma will sort these things out, maybe one day you'll lose your mind in koh pha nang and some generous person will help you back to sanity.


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Awww dang that fucker!!!. But as said Karma will take care of you after all this atleast. and if there is anything after this life then im positive youll be reaping the rewards so to speak.

puppies dont act like that, its a sad thing that people do.

dont let it jade you tho, you ARE a good person and should stay as such. just dont put all of yourself on the line like that and let the authorities handle it if there is a next time.

"dont change man, dont change..." - Spoonie Luv from up above.

"Be excellent to each other. And... PARTY ON, DUDES!" - Bill and Ted

words to live by....

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what a little prick.

but don't let the experience jade you.

you could always ring up customs and tell them that you think this guy is trying to leave with an ounce of coke up his ass. give him something to remember you by.

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you could always ring up customs and tell them that you think this guy is trying to leave with an ounce of coke up his ass. give him something to remember you by.

then call Japanese customs and let then know you think this guy is trying to enter Japan with an ounce of coke up his ass.

good on you for trying to help though.

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thats how those things end up at times...

but the fact remains that you, smiling cloud obviously have a very beautyfull heart and what ever that guy say's is his problem but not yours. it's definately one of the worst things to get treated this way after all you did for this guy, but you did a wonderfull thing and nothing can change that.

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thats how those things end up at times...

but the fact remains that you, smiling cloud obviously have a very beautyfull heart and what ever that guy say's is his problem but not yours. it's definately one of the worst things to get treated this way after all you did for this guy, but you did a wonderfull thing and nothing can change that.

it is obvious that this guy was in extreme distress and then embarrassment after sobering up......and japanese culture historically have not smiled on weakness

you are smiling cloud ......well done respect

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it is obvious that this guy was in extreme distress and then embarrassment after sobering up......

there seems to be more to the story from what smiling cloud indicated to me, which pretty much eliminates this theory. he was just a user and a leach. you get that sometimes - even in japan.

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I don't want to sound like a prick Smiling Cloud, as I know you were only trying to help, but what you really ought to have done is to take him to hospital or to the authorities initially, which is what most people were suggesting you do. Perhaps if you had done this it would all have been sorted out earlier.

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Ballzac, i know that now! I was just worried that they may deport him back to japan unaccompanied and he may have got lost on a connection flight, and then who knows what could've happened to him. Like that aussie chick who got deported and likved in the monastry for awhile, Christina Rau (or is that the minister for deportation, you know who i'm talking about) I did the best that i could do in the situation it was just unfortunate that he ended up being a spoilt brat. If he really thought we were such bad people he could've run off whilst everyone was asleep.

Karma has already sorted me out, i get to live here whereas choon has to go back to japan.

Although i wish he didn't have my shirt i'm glad its over, he was getting a bit draining by the end.

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.

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Can you completely trust a consulate translator? Iwouldn't, especially if he's on the missing person's list.

Yeaah - been wondering how to say 'spy' without sounding like a paranoid dick.

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A spy? For the japanese? Now THAT would make a great story!

I don't understand, why would they lie? They just said he was a little shit pretty much.

And what makes you think he is a spy! What would he possibly be spying on? He saw the inside of my mates house for a few days, so i suppose he now knows where to put a bomb to take out essential water and utilities there! :D

Can you elaborate please, i'm intrigued.

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I don't think he's a spy, but I wonder why a person would carry on in such a disheveled state? Just to be a brat? Come on. You'd have to be a massive brat to pull that off.

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A spy? For the japanese? Now THAT would make a great story!

I don't understand, why would they lie? They just said he was a little shit pretty much.

And what makes you think he is a spy! What would he possibly be spying on? He saw the inside of my mates house for a few days, so i suppose he now knows where to put a bomb to take out essential water and utilities there! :D

Can you elaborate please, i'm intrigued.


I meant the chick at the consulate is a spy - they all are.

Never trust a spy, except if it's james bond, or maybe jason bourne.

They probably made a decision he was a shit, I feel it is possible he just liked it here better and was doing anything he could to stay, but trying to scab cash in the process.

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