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The Corroboree

F.A.Q. - frequently asked questions


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New member matters

Any member using anonymising IP programs such as TOR will be booted at first warning. We only give second chances if we can be sure it isn't actually the 4th of 5th chance. So, if you use TOR then do not break any rules.

I have just signed up, why can't I post yet

I have just signed up, why can't I use the PM [Private Message] system?

All members MUST provide a climate or location in their profile
See this thread for a map of climate zones.

Lurkers are welcome, but if your post count is still zero after 12 months your account will be deleted
we need to do this to eliminate the many spam accounts that get created. You can say 'hello' in the thread linked above if you're too shy to post elsewhere.

[edit 2015]
Please note that hotmail flat out rejects any emails sent from us. Live and outlook usually do too.

Gmail is however very reliable in that it almost always puts your validation email into the spam folder, so look for it there.

If you are not getting any validation emails try signing up with gmail - it always works.

Rules & Netiquette

The simple rules

How the warning system works

Keep your signature line small. Maximum 10 lines of standard text.

Use the search engine

This forum has been here quite a few years and there is a wealth of knowdlege available in it. Many members have been here for a long time and have asnwered most questions that new members come here with. If you ask such a question then you will likely receive the reply UTSE, which is short for 'Use The Search Engine'. If you want to stay on good terms with the older members and draw on their experience, then show some respect by making use of the search function before asking a question. If the search does not help you then please post what search terms you used to find the answer to your question so we can not only help you with the answer, but also with your search technique. If you have done these things then you can post with confidence as we will respect you greatly for making the effort <___base_url___>/public/style_emoticons/default/wub.gif .

How to get around the problems with the search function

Display name and user name matters

Display name can only be changed once every 12 months

How to change your display name

Other features for this forum software

How to use the Blog
Blogs are a great place to keep your trade lists or to post about ongoing projects like tracking a breeding program, refining an extraction technique, or showing off your collection.

How do I upload pictures [that are not already on the internet] into posts?
Pitures can be uploaded to the gallery section if you like to keep them there, or they can be uploaded in the thread itself with the attachment tool. If using the attachment tool a thumbnail will be placed into the post itself. Pictures uploaded to the gallery can also be linked or embedded in the posts.
Also check HERE for a graphic description

How to change/edit the topic title

How to create your own album in the gallery [pictorial guide].

Other stuff

How do I get an avatar?

What do the names under the display name mean?
There are standard ones assigned according to number of posts, but these can be changed in your user profile after you have been here for a while.

Why is google a member? #1
Why is google a member? #2

Why does my forum page display all different suddenly? All the topics are nested.

The forum doesn't work
Please check that you have javascript enabled and that you browser is up to date.

Before using TOR (or similar) please read this

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  • 4 years later...

thank you. an upgrade made the link obsolete. fixed. the rules link is displayed on every page near the top right in the cluster of other buttons and links.

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  • 2 years later...

What constitutes a Thread to be locked and what is the purpose of locking a thread .

Sorry if its a dumb question but just a bit confused on the matter .

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based on requests you've made to have threads locked, you might be getting it confused with pinning.

a pinned thread will always be at the top of the subforum it resides in, no matter when it was posted to last.

a locked thread is basically "closed", members can no longer post to it.

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If it's relevent to the pharmacology & chemistry forum you could post it there, other than I don't think it's possible for a normal user without access to the back room that doesn't exist <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

You could start a post and create the text as an image in a paint program and then upload that as the body of your post and it wouldn't be visible unless logged in, but the thread title would still readable to anyone.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, first post here, but I've lurked for a minute.. I'll ask straight up, Do you guys do sales/trades with Americans? Haven't been able to find anything indicating it. Thanks

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Hi, first post here, but I've lurked for a minute.. I'll ask straight up, Do you guys do sales/trades with Americans? Haven't been able to find anything indicating it. Thanks

Yeahp, there are quite a few american member already on this site. Im pretty sure the shaman australis shop sells to america too, things that are legal to export at least anyway. Welcome to SAB

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hey, I'm having troubles finding the roolz guys.


Not that I want to see how heavy I can troll people.  :rolleyes:  Just want to know the etiquette on which plants we can and can't discuss, what we can go into details with what we can do with these plants etc.



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i think they used to be featured prominently somewhere but i found this in a chill space sticky:


Posting Rules

1) Do not incriminate yourself or others.

2) Please be friendly and supportive (no insults).

3) Racism, homophobia, or any other bigotry will not be tolerated.

4) Commercial postings are permitted as long as they are relevant and not obtrusive.

5) Trading and advertising items for sale is welcome and encouraged!!

6) Provide a valid and accurate climate, or a location from which climate can be deduced.


and specific to the cactus forum found in a sticky there:


    Means no posts about anything illegal, including owning cacti that are illegal in your state or that are illegal to own or import into your country/state. This is also means that posts which depicture a plant/plants that is/are illegal in the given state in your profile, are not allowed.
    Means no posts in which you post about eating alkaloid containing cacti! And I really mean that and I will enforce this rule to prevent certain cacti from being banned.
    No posts about which cacti contain the most alkaloids or something like that. Only exception are links to scientific labwork and in that case, discussion is not allowed and the thread will be instaclosed.
  • Besides, all the rules from the other Boards are valid here too. No slander, shitposting, off-topic or crossposting, verbal abuse or trolling.


hope this helps

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, didn't think this little question deserved its own thread so just posting in here.


I just attached a pic to a post but it's appearing sideways when posted to the forum even though the image itself is correctly rotated when I open it. Is there a way to rotate the pic once it's attached to my post? Thanks.

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