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best plants etc for dream enhancment

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:o So your saying all I have to do is eat bananas and I have a valid medical excuse (avoiding hyperkalemia) to consume even more coffee and salt? :drool2: Bring on the southern food!


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i have tried calea a couple of times .. and all it seems to do for me is give me a restless nights sleep. Maybe it just doesn't agree with me.

yeah i've experienced this as well. perhaps we need to consume later, so that the stimulating properties dont take effect until we are asleep. for this reason capsules would be good.

can you by empty capsules in chemists or supermarkets? maybe health food stores..

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Brugs and/or datura are the best dream enhancer for me. Funnily enough when i've gotten really drunk lately and goto sleep i've been getting really weird vivid dreams.

With brugs/datura i only have a low dose, like 5 or so datura seeds. I've tried more than this before going to sleep but when i eat double or triple that amount i've had really really weird nightime exp like waking up and walking around thinking your still in a dream when i'm awake :huh: Or still feeling tropane effects the next day when waking up which isn't good.

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...really really weird nightime exp like waking up and walking around thinking your still in a dream when i'm awake :huh: Or still feeling tropane effects the next day when waking up which isn't good.

That's some scary shit, I have so many memories from Dat that I'm not sure are real or not... like walking around in my front yard naked.

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Iv Never tried datura but iv read alot about it on erowid and from most the post iv seen, alot of people ended up doing stuff and things that never happend, heard a story of someone who had it n was sitting at home, and his mate (whos been dead for a few years)walked in and they where talking and all, but he dident relize that he had died till after the trip, and i think he ended up waking u nakid near a dumpster in a park.. i wouldent say its a sleep enhancer, altho could be if the doses and techs are applied correctly.

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I have had amazing experiences with both Calea Zacatechichi and Silene Capensis, I would however rate them very differently. I have found that Calea although powerful,produces many different 'unconnected' dreams in one night and that I wake up very frequently, often not remembering much that happened, just a feeling that my mind was not 'asleep' as such. In contrast i have found Silene produces one or two longer dreams often with a definate storyline which seem to last most of the night, such dreams are often very realistic, clear and and incredibly 'real'. I rarely experience tiredness as i sometimes do with Calea the next morning. Anyone have similiar experiences???

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volcanicplug interesting experiences, do you require repeated dosing for dream enhancement wit silene?

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I've tried various dream herbs (capensis, mugwort, valerian) but haven't had much luck yet. Perhaps my diet is to blame, or I simply haven't been able to remember the profound dreams that may have occured. Maybe if I try incorperating some additional B6 into my diet it could help things along. Anyone else have any dream foods/vitamins/minerals that help with dreaming particularly cognition. I rarely smoke cannabis these days so I don't think that has much to do with it. Ive yet to try Calea; I've been putting it off and I need to just order some and give it a go.

For those who are interested the book Drugs of the Dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and Other Dream-Enhancing Plants is coming out fairly soon. http://www.amazon.com/Drugs-Dreaming-Oneir...1697&sr=1-1

I think this is an area that could use much more investigation and I'm glad to see that people are interested and that a book is finally coming out on oneirogens.

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Drugs of the Dreaming: Oneirogens: Salvia divinorum and Other Dream-Enhancing Plants
:blink: was the inclusion of Salvia divinorum as the chief oneirogen just an advertizing gimick or are people actually using it to good effect in enhancing dreams?

... a while back I pointed out someone in dreamviews getting dream-enhancing effects with prolonged daily consumption of non-psychotropic Psychotria viridis tea (no MAOI). Has anyone heard of others doing similar yet?

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Conon Troutman I usually use silene over 3 nights taking about 2 tablespoons of 'froth' just before i go to sleep each of the nights. The first night i find it only has mild effects on my dreaming but the effects increase dramatically by the 2nd and 3rd nights and often last a couple more nights without me having to take more froth. Hope this helps

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I recently placed some mugwort (absinthium) inside my pillow case and have definetly noticed stronger more vivid and intense dreaming and easy morning recall.

Also, just bought 2g siliene capensis from shaman australis and am looking forward to playing - any suggestions for best method? Am keen to grow some also, anyone know best time of year for planting in nsw?

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Are the people who want to enhance dreams doing standard things like keeping a dream journal?

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I have a pretty good concotion idea which would guarantee to do the trick... a strong tea\extract of calea, a couple of tsps in of mugwort in tea and a little bit of brug flower (less than 1\3rd of dried weight) - then take some melatonin and\or 5htp. For safe measue whack a nicotine patch on if you're a non smoker.

I'm gonna make an mix of those herbs in an extract when I have some free time, and infuse melatonin into it and put em into caps... 10x Calea extract, 5x mug, little bit of brug flower and leaf or sub with D. stramm flower 3x more than the brug dose.

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i always find Dreamtime Mix smoked before bedtime gives me really trippy dreams! i also find that mugwort placed in my pillow will lead to more vivid dreams and dream recall as hummingbird mentioned

Edited by volcanicplug

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Anyone tried brugmansia flowers in the pillow? I have been thinking about this ...

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So Im seeing people say they have tried using Silene and mugwort and Calea and brahmi, etc..

But how are you using them? Smoking? Making tea? putting them in your pillow?

I have some calea and brahmi that grow right outside my window.. havent tried doing anything with them yet, but I have gotten very positive results just from going to the effort of keeping a dream diary and asking myself to remember dreams when I have them. Recalling two dreams a night at this point.

However having 200 Loph/Tricho seeds germinating in my room and a load of mycelium in a box near my bed seems to have had positive effects.. I dream of san pedro drying methods and communication through weblike networks each night.. :)

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Calea - just vendor material, my own plants are still very sad :(

I smoke a "rollie" or two around half an hour before bed, after half an hour to quiet my mind. I have hard time getting to sleep sometimes, so I may have a measure or two of whiskey (family tradition!). I sometimes if I feel the "need" to dream will chew a pinch or two of Calea until my tongue is fairly numb to the fly spray taste, then I swallow the muck.

I find sleep cycle to be on reflection not as deep or prolonged but the dreams to be VERY vivid. Not lucid, but aware. I cannot control their course but I recognise them for what they are. So I suppose they are lucid in a way. I find a seriouse sensse of otherworldliness for a few days after "calea night" and days seem to just about zip on by. I can remember the lessons from them, but not the day itself?

Silene - makes me burp. Then I sleep, and nothing happens. Repeat. Then two weeks later I work out I haven't been quite on the planet for most of the time and I will tend to have one or two nights of very serious levels of dream activity that somehow blend it all into one experience. Strange stuff. If nothing else, eating foam is a weird thing.

I have also tried some Datura plant stuff, it really made my day strange by my night normal. I sleep like a baby and wake up refreshed, if a little out of it. I cannot remember good dreams.

Alcohol I find gives a greater awareness of "mundane" dreams but is not very visionary. For example, after a few drinks I may dream of finally cleaning up out the back. But with Calea, I dream of weeding a garden bed and finding a clay mask of my own face. Which when I pick up, tell me where to walk. So I walk there... and so on.

Dreams are the one area of life they have not as yet legislated. Althogh I can recall a movie where someone got zapped for an unauthorised dream process?

A friend tells me that people he once lived with enjoyed eating a certain mushrooms known to be less than hallucinigenic, and the tryptophan - high nature of it really boosted their dream activity something fierce.

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I have beleived for a long time I just don't dream, then that I just don't remember maybe. I started quidding N.Rustica, it burns at first - not really pleasant, but you get used to it. A few weeks back I fell asleep with a quid in my mouth and when I awoke I realised I had been dreaming, and, I remembered the dream.

So is it just the nicotine, as with the nicotine patches or are other alks involved with Rusty quids??

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for what it's worth cigarette smokers don't tend to recall dreams but when they quit shit gets hectic

"Dreams are the one area of life they have not as yet legislated. Althogh I can recall a movie where someone got zapped for an unauthorised dream process?"

fortress! starring christopher "what accent do i have?" lambert.

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Mmm I am a non - smoker gave it away years ago, It ain't that hard lol.

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Personally, I find that I have my best recall and most interesting dreams when I'm totally sober and with no alarm to wake me in the morning. Stay off the booze and cigarettes and organize a day off from work the following day and give that a try.

I've used Calea a bit in the past and found that although I remembered the dreams clearly, they were not particularly pleasant. For instance, one I remember clearly was being in a workshop full of strange machines and a pit full of faecal material (to which I was adding). Yeah, dreaming of scat is probably something I could do without. It was interesting to experiment, but after a few times dreaming with Calea I decided it wasn't making my dreams any more amazing than usual and, as mentioned already in this string, the sleep was quite disturbed.

One other suggestion... whenever I make my wife a Damiana tea before bed, she has strong dreams that night (she normally has very little recall of her dreams). You could give that a try (Damiana tea is delicious anyway).

Edited by Rabaelthazar

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Still doing silene, almost every morning. Last night a very vivid dream, very beautiful. Weird, cos I took also a lorazepam. I notice that I sleep deeper than before. Today I started a new job and .............................. how the job looks, the infrastructure and how they work it was almost the same like in a dream I had a while ago, also the errors I made were in a dream. There is also a hot girl in the job, and there was one in the dream ....

=> prophetic ?

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