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Found 23 results

  1. Hey all! I've been going around charity shops such as Vinnies and Salvos in search of exotic wooden instruments. I have a few in my collection so far but nothing huge. I was wondering if you had heard of any or if there are anything i should look out for.
  2. Hello all....id been sitting with this project of mine on the back burner that I wasnt really sure what to do with....I made it to spread the message that Terence voiced so passionately....to keep his voice alive and not forgotten.... with a different energy.... Ive shared it in my circle but only a few of my friends understand the point haha as it sparks some controversy with some people......so i thought maybe there are some awesome like minded people here that might appreciate it... All the music has been done by myself with acoustic instruments...nothing digital except the reverb and mastering and of course the sample of Terence which was quite hard to level being an old recording from some hut in the amazon haha.... but have a listen...maybe some of you will resonate with it.... Peace :D Tear_apart_the_earth.mp3 Tear_apart_the_earth.mp3 Tear_apart_the_earth.mp3 Tear_apart_the_earth.mp3
  3. so as the title suggests. I want to up load some of my tunes somwhere so I can share it here for music lovers and fellow SAB'rs. thanks in advance guys. cheers. wert.
  4. Hey guys my howling cloud album is finished, you can download from bandcamp for free if you like This is a piece of work inspired by the exploration of my self and my place within the land, the plants and the plant people have been a big part of this also, so thank you Stay tuned for a limited release on cassette brought out by the Virginia based label Custom Made Music, if you're into collecting tapes https://howlingcloud.bandcamp.com/ Thank you! EDIT: Tapes now for sale through the bandcamp page for $5 plus postage. if you were one of the generous folks who paid good dollars for the download, contact me for a discount! thanks again
  5. hey guys been practicing with my live setup recently, here's a couple of one-take recordings if you'd like to check them out the first is loosely based around one of my newer tracks, the second is purely improvised meanderings https://soundcloud.com/invisible-prism/silver-cord https://soundcloud.com/invisible-prism/docile-ambient-takeover-live if anyone has worked out how to embed, please do let me know thanks!
  6. might be of interest to resident psychonauts : woodandwire.com.au/project/ww32-invisible-prism-innermost-outerspace/ invisibleprism.bandcamp.com
  7. Ok I know the chances here are slim But I just wanted to see.... HOW MANY OF YOU LOVE A GOOD HEADBANG!!!!??? Personally I would not be where I am now if it weren't for metal. I would even go as far as to say it was my first true love So if you are or ever were a fan of real metal, geddafukinere Personally I have soft spots for the old classics (Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, etc) as well as 80s thrash (Megadeth, Slayer) through to Pantera. I also was quite into metalcore (Killswitch Engage, Atreyu, Bleeding Through, Still Remains) but then melodic and brutal death and technical death took over. Shit like Cannibal Corpse, Aborted, Suffokation or even Job for a Cowboy and All Shall Perish. But among my most favorite of all time include At The Throne of Judgment and Light This City. I now prepare myself for nothin' but crickets Come on mofukkas you dont outgrow metal.
  8. this brisbane group is on triple J unearthed https://www.triplejunearthed.com/artist/rivermouth ... but is triple J actually flogging them? they should be!!! i heard them on brisbane community radio. i just love their poignant, inflammatory lyrics and wanted to help share them around. that's all for now. "are we cool yet?" Hi, we're Rivermouth. We live in the stormwater drains beneath Brisbane's West End. Our music is a blend of spoken word, hip hop, jazz, funk, reggae and excellent chai. Lyrics are important. We want to tickle your cerebrum and tug your heartstrings at the same time. Our vocalist is a cross between a typewriter and a megaphone. Our keyboardist is a classically trained virtuoso mad scientist. Our bassist plays in the Richter Scale Our drummer's great-grandfather was a metronome. You can dance to our music or you can just sit, listen, stroke your chin and nod thoughtfully. If we were a tree, we would be a mangrove. But we're not a tree. We're a band. Some of our best friends are brushtail possums. The possums like our political songs the most. We don't really live in stormwater drains. We live in houses. Our favourite gigs are the ones underneath houses or down the bottom of overgrown backyards. Rivermouth has just released our first EP - Etchings and Scratchings. It has seven tracks, but we're still calling it an EP. It's available for download at http://rivermouthband.bandcamp.com We hope you like our music.
  9. Hello Some members here know that I like to make my own type of electronic music. I was very much influenced by British electronica while I was growing up, and I have been attempting to find my own kind of sound within that limitless genre for a few years. What has come as a big surprise, however, is the amount of attention my wacky, lo-fi, off-the-wall tunes from people in the US hip hop and rap scene. I've also started writing tunes for some ambient, downtempo songs in collaboration with a very unique songwriter and composer. It's been a real surprise and delight to find that there are some very open-minded (and intense) people out there who are just making music for the sheer love of it, as I am. I thought I'd post links to some of the interesting and diverse collaborative efforts that have sprung up spontaneously within the last four or so months. Some of the tracks are really quite different and I'm actually pretty proud of how far I've come as an amateur composer and producer. Hope some of you guys and girls can get something out of these tracks. <Disclaimer: there's a fair bit of "strong language" in there and the word 'nigger' features repeatedly. I just thought I'd give people a head's up in case you don't want to hear that sort of talk, or if you don't' want people in the vicinity of your PC to hear it> https://soundcloud.com/snobmob/vintage-praises-x-skunkee (Female gangsta rapper from Compton and two of her friends. Music is original, by me.) https://soundcloud.com/pai-mae/ladder-tepalom-and-pai-mae (Female vocalist, songwriter, and composer from Baltimore. Really unique vocal tones and really lovely lady. Music is all original by me.) https://soundcloud.com/maedali/maealom-pt5 (Male lyricist and rapper. Mae Dali is one of the most charismatic and intelligent people I've ever encountered. This is our fifth collaborative effort. It was a pleasure speaking with him on Skype a couple of weeks back and getting some insight into a truly unique character.) Thanks to anyone who has a listen. The tracks are all quite different and eclectic, and I'm very much open to honest, subjective feedback. These tracks were made for no purpose other than the joy of creating something with highly creative and unique individuals. They won't be to everyone's taste, but they might interest people who want to hear something which is very much outside of the maintream radio sound! Thanks and enjoy
  10. I have been writing some Aussie Hip Hop lyrics recently. I have tried my hand at sampling and production with a few different programs. Clearly I lack the patients and talent for this. To put it bluntly, after a week or 2 it was obvious I just plain suck at this part. It's crazy frustrating that the only lyric free hip hop tracks I can find are incredibly american and wreak of gangsta rap. I'm wondering if there are any other Aussie Hip Hop fans who have produced any tracks in the past or would like to try their hand at it. I now realise that my linguistic flare is in no way match by musical talent and am now on the hunt for a collaborator. Peace
  11. I've been doing a lot of stuff musically recently, trying very hard to collaborate with people whose work I love and respect but is outside of my genre. Very challenging. To take a break from that, I have busted out some pretty mental drum n bass type things. Have a listen if you feel like hearing something different. I warn you, though. It is likely not Drum n Bass in the sense of what most people would expect. Hell, it's probably not even drum n bass - well, if you compare it to anything that officially comes under that label in a music store, then you might as well say it's not even music I have been going completely nuts with beat splicing, because I have a hefty catalogue of breakbeats and conventional 4/4 rock beats which I made myself and rendered to samples. So I've been recycling my own shit. It's all original, for better or worse. https://soundcloud.com/tepalom/tepstep-rough-concept https://soundcloud.com/tepalom/make-way-for-the-quiet-rough There you go - these are rough and raw sketches, so don't expect slick production... or any production really. It's just experimenting.
  12. okay guys ive been working on this one for a while and ive finally finished it yay. here is the best recording I could make tonight I am sure ill make a beter one in the future but this will do for now. I hope you all enjoy please tell me what you think lots of feedback would be appreciated http://soundcloud.com/jwerta/let
  13. So I've got a Transcode Rip of the Free steam of the album if anybody would like to chuck it on their iPod/Phone/MP3 and boogie down to it! http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/86973631/file.html In my opinion it's quite awesome!
  14. Subliminimity (hah) at it's finest. The whole album (in full quality, hit the settings icon and choose 1080p): It's very vintage / gritty / analog, almost gramaphone style music like I've never heard before, but yet tastes so familiar. You'll see what I mean. Getting me through the work day...
  15. So a friend is playing at the moment! https://www.trnsmt.tv/ He finished at 10PM on 21/04 but they always have awesome mixes going on!
  16. I have recently switched over to 432 hertz and I'm never going back. The harmonies and the overtones that it creates is just amazing. I highly recommend anyone interested in making healing music check this out. http://humansarefree.com/2011/05/432-hz-vs-440-hz-documentary.html http://www.omega432.com/music.html http://soulsounds.com.au/432-hz-the-physics-of-sound/ Soul Sounds: 432 Hz – Perfect Harmonic of Light The discovery of 432 Hz frequency remains one the most important factors in Sound Healing and therefore worth the introduction. Everything in the Universe is Sound therefore becoming attuned to this intelligent system by embracing what is our most natural state of being may determine the difference between living a harmounious existence or not. To do so we have to realign to the correct resonance of our true nature. Early in the 19th Century our music was tuned to 440 Hz which added an extra 8 Hz thus creating a slight distortion from what is otherwise known to be the perfect frequency which is 432Hz. This frequency is known to carry the PHI ratio of Fibbonacci which is the Golden Mean principle. The Golden Mean is found in everything from the distant solar systems and galaxies all the way to our cellular molecular structure and DNA. So when music is tuned to 432Hz instead of 440Hz it has a profound effect on our bodies, mind, emotions and spirit. Thus sound produced through any instrument tuned to 432Hz carries with itself the perfect harmonic of Light. To be more precise what this means is that the Golden Mean PHI uni?es the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology and the DNA code and consciousness. What is Sound? Sound is vibrational energy. It is a form of energy which is caused by vibration. Sound takes the form of waves. Waves are measured in Hertz which means the cycle per seconds at which something vibrates. For example a tuning fork if played it vibrates backwards and forwards about 100 times per second so that means it would have a frequency of 100Hz. Frequency is a scienti?c term to what we would otherwise call ‘pitch’. The human audible range can vary between 16 and 20000 cycles per second. Therefore the slower moving the sound, the longer and deeper will be the sound wave. The faster is the sound and the shorter and higher will be the wave by which it travels. For example a piano note that is 27.5 Hz is the lowers note you can play, and the highest will resonate at 4,186Hz. Any sound that is above 20000 or below 16 Hz are beyond the human hearing faculty and are called ultrasonic. Nature has got much higher sound frequency as high as 40000 Hz has been recorded which is the sound made by crickets and also the dolphins and wales can perceive sound up to 180000 Hz, this is almost 10 times our hearing range. Nada Brahma ‘The Wold is Sound” is in the Hindu Sacred scriptures, and now we know this to be so. From the electrons moving around a nucleus of an atom to planets revolving around stars in distant galaxies, everything is ‘vibration’ hence everything that is movement is creating a ‘Sound’ whether we can hear it or not. How sound effects the human energy ?eld: Resonance: Resonance is one of the basic principles by which Sound Healing works. Resonance is the ‘frequency or the vibration at which an object vibrates. Everything solid has a vibration, the chair, the desk, a tree and of course all the organs in the body including the bones that appear so solid have a frequency. Every part of the body has its own vibration and together they have a composite of frequency which is the individual ‘resonance’. So in this instance the human body can be described as a Human Orchestra, as all of these body parts are constantly and consistently working together to be in ‘tune’ or harmony. We can begin to understand now, how what we call disease can occur in the body. If we consider that these organs are supposed to harmoniously cooperate, if one begins to go out of tune the entire melody becomes distorted, as it would in an orchestra if one of the instruments would start playing the same piece but in the wrong key. To this effect scientist Itzhak Bentov in his Book Stalking the Wild Pendulum explains well the concept of resonance. In his view, when the body is diseased, it becomes out of tune. If it were possible to project the proper resonance sound frequency to the organ which was effected it may be possible to restore harmony and realign it back to its natural state of health. Entrainment: Another important factor of vibration is Entrainment. Entrainment is the phenomenon of sound in which a powerful vibration of an object is able to change the vibrations of another object, causing it to become synchronized with itself. To explain this phenomenon better we can relate to the experience of Dutch Physicist Christian Huygens, a contemporary of Isaac Newton, who discovered entrainment in the 17th Century. When he placed many grandfather clocks in the same room and upon his return he discovered that all the clocks pendulums where synchronized or entrained to the larger clock. Entrainment is also found in nature, when we observe ?re?ies blinking on and off eventually entrain each other. So do women when they spend periods of time in the same rooms often become entrained in their menstrual cycles. Rhythm: Sound can change our internal rhythm. One way of doing this of course is through rhythm. If we play a piece of music with a slow tempo, most likely we will feel relaxed. And our internal rhythm will change. The heart rate will slow down etc., whilst a faster rhythm will create a different internal rhythm perhaps making us want to move faster or dance. You can easily change your entire library over to 432hz using the free program Audacity. Roop
  17. PressPausePlay "The digital revolution of the last decade has unleashed creativity and talent of people in an unprecedented way, unleashing unlimited creative opportunities. But does democratized culture mean better art, film, music and literature or is true talent instead flooded and drowned in the vast digital ocean of mass culture? Is it cultural democracy or mediocrity? This is the question addressed by PressPausePlay, a documentary film containing interviews with some of the world's most influential creators of the digital era." Interesting & inspirational, definitely worth a watch if you're an artist, have any interest in creativity or todays media sharing & accessibility.
  18. Was giving my computer an old spring clean and stumbled across some synchronocity files i put together ages ago, most of the syncs were found from The Synchronocity Arkive, others off random articles I've found. Just finished uploading Alice in Wonderland synced with Pink Floyds The Wall so i could share it on here in case anyone hasn't seen or heard it Both the movie and album is relatively old and awesome so I'd hope everyone on here owns a copy of both (if you don't... then you should ) but yeah, probably don't download it if you don't have copies (that would be illegal!! ) Also put together: Dark Side of the Rainbow The Matrix - Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here Fantasia - Radiohead OK Computer Star Wars Empire Strikes Back - Metallica And Justice For All There are heaps heaps more out there, the ones above are just the ones i whipped up because i hated having to get the timing right for the CD and DVD. Alice In Wonderland - The Wall https://rapidshare.c..._-_The_Wall.avi Also, if theres a problem with me sharing the link let me know and I'll take it down, i only uploaded it here to share it with people that already own copies of both, not going to spread it around the interwebz like a pirate. Enjoy!! It's an orgasm for the eyes and the ears, embedded subtitles into the movie so you know what the characters are still saying
  19. Hi I have seen a few on the net and I saw one at a protest once and I was wondering has anyone put one together before? I sort of have a basic idea of what I need... car stereo head unit amp 12v car battery speakers a box / wheelie bin But my problem is what do I need to wire it all together? do I need a head unit? or can I run an ipod or similar straight into the amp? will I need to earth it out and how would I do that? there's probably a ton of stuff that I'm not taking into consideration that I probably should so any help would be much appreciated. below link showing them in action
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