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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Foo

  1. How many Americans frequent this forum?
  2. I have a bit of dirt about .5 by 2M in my tiny courtyard Ahh the cost of living!! Totaly true!
  3. I think any media attension on this issue would be great! Most "mums and dads" of Australia would be outraged if they thought their backyard were to suddenly become the host of a variety of illeagle plants. I doubt the government cares about entheogen enthusiasts opinions, i assume thats who the legislation is targetin, along with "the ileagle drug trade associated with such plants" ... blah
  4. Man those are nice, wish i wasnt broke!!
  5. Foo

    Bush doofs

    Can you see what im saying now?
  6. lol, this 07 thread seems a little out of place on the boards now days
  7. Foo

    Bush doofs

    Didnt attend "mexican party" but i was at super mario or some shit a few weeks ago. Pretty much nothing but under 18's. Allot of wich were hostile or selling drugs (at the top of there lungs)
  8. Your first post, last image, second from the right, i have that! What is it?
  9. Foo

    New friend

    My first Kat. Im yet to name the little dude, but hes pretty awesome all the same.
  10. The sex toy catagory is only av to those living in the US or Canada, or so im told
  11. Wtf is on that 10cent piece, it looks as healthy as that loph
  12. Looks like a cactus, but its hard to be sure.
  13. Ive just come back from that part of the world. Leagle, illeagle, its all the same really. If customs wants to charge you for something they will, read up on apropriate bribe amounts. I know that sounds crazy but thats exactly the climate in SEasia, esp the communist countries.
  14. Foo

    Bush doofs

    I was there ;) I reckon WA doofs have gone downhill since then though. Wasnt too keen on the crew a few weeks ago.
  15. perhaps you better start from the beginning

  16. Anyway, as stated a can spare a few worms if your looking to get started the cheap way. PM if interested
  17. Hey man, would reallly love a HBWR and a khat seedling if you can spare them. Its great to see lots of Perth trading/giving going on at the moment!
  18. Disagree. I wont deny that media coverage has increased and distorted our perspectives. But i dont think thats the only factor ;)
  19. I thought it was more like $40 for 100
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