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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Foo

  1. Cheers man, you are quite the knowledgeable one ;) Will post picks when it looks like a cactus
  2. I bought some seeds labaled as that a while ago
  3. I think lophs are cool all over. Mushies were 5 years ago
  4. Ive picked up the case 10 times at the video store. Never rented it
  5. Centrelink for sure. The government doesnt like teens working, that might start a posative patern!
  6. He's 16. I doubt hes aloud out of his room for the next year. I detest the fact that there are SO SO MANY underagers at WA doof's. Not really a child friendly event IMO
  7. You need to pay your own super out of that money. As a basic rule Super and leave are about 20%. So put 20% on top of what you would expect to be paid. Dwrox is totaly right though, you need insurance but that would cost too much to make a small job viable.
  8. Most forums have an auto archive feature, i assume that could be used to "lock" old posts, but still make them av for reference
  9. Ummmm, again? really? Maybe someone needs to spend a weekend locking all the old threads
  10. This is really worth a listen. Alot of you should remember Portishead if you were around in the nineties. Portishead biscuit
  11. That seller also has a nice range of cacti seeds.
  12. Foo

    Bush doofs

    Come to think of it, it is mostly the night time that bothers me That Methadrone shit is evil. Less then pleasurable to say the least. From what i know, when shit hits the fan the doof moves much further south for up to 6 months.
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&&item=220764642846&ssPageName=ADME:B:EF:AU:1120 Anyone with WAY too much cash? :D
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