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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rabaelthazar

  1. For me, it all starts with this: "The only thing I can know for certain is that I don't know". Does god exist? I can't be certain. Does the physical world exist? I can't be certain. Perhaps, or perhaps it's all a creation of my mind Do you guys exist? I can't be certain. Does my mind exist? Do I exist as who I experience myself to be? I can't be certain. Perhaps, or perhaps I'm a creation of some other consciousness... an artificial intelligence. Whatever the actual truth, “I” perceive myself to be existing in a physical world inhabited by other sentient beings. I can choose my thoughts and actions based on the perceived external factors at any given moment. Through my experiences, I have formulated a basic map of the way my thoughts and actions affect the external environment and therefore try to choose thoughts and actions that will result in the most harmonious effects.
  2. Sounds like a gardening supplement. Maybe water retention beads or something?
  3. Only by the definition of integer being a number from the set {-oo.... -2, -1, 0, 1, 2.....oo}. Although - I think that our mathematical understanding is limited by the fact that our counting system is based on integers. We have a discreet number of fingers, there are a discreet number of apples on the tree etc... and our counting system is based on this. Mathematical constants don't confom to our integer based system, so we either estimate in relation to our integer system (ie: pi can be notated as 3.14..... but will never be completely accurate or use a symbol in place to convey the fact that we can't accurately notate the number using our system. Perhaps there is a counting system we haven't yet discovered, not based on integers, where all the mathematical constants fit perfectly. Maybe? *edited for unclear language
  4. Not to take away from the mermaid porn (please keep it coming) - but the doco linked at the start was a pseudo-documentary from Animal Planet. Follow up to "Mermaids - The Body Found". Just in case anyone was thinking it was real. Now - more boobs please.
  5. It's over, if only because of the way you're describing the relationship. Maybe it could work, but the emotion in your language makes me think that you've already reached the conclusion that it's done and dusted. Up to you whether you need closure - Me? I would be getting in touch to close things off neatly cos otherwise I'd be stewing on it for months. Others would rather just let it slide and deal with the loose ends. Your call. Best of luck.
  6. Dear hippies, Thanks for a great day. Sharxx, Amz, Drifter and Ubza - good to see you again. Good to meet everyone else too. Thanks for the drink, Sharxx. That was very fine wine. Drifter, thanks for the cuttings. I really appreciate that.... most of my garden didn't survive my absence and thsi was one planyt I was definitely keen to get going again. Carl, thanks too for the brug and the pretty leaved succulent (I can't remember what it was called or used for, but it is very beautiful). Cheers again, all. It's been a while since I made a meet and Saturday was really enjoyable. I'll definitely try to make the next one.
  7. I'll try and make it. I'm not working and I'm not looking after kids. Could actually happen.
  8. Yeah, I don't know about Dynamo. Kris Angel you could often see how tricks were performed with camera angles and associates. Dynamo - I haven't been able to figure out any of the things he does. Mobile phone into a glass bottle? He's so unassuming as well.... maybe he's actually the real deal and the illusion is that he makes us think it's an illusion. Hmmmm.
  9. Yeah, me too. It took me a little while to realise it's only 2 images in rotation?? I think at least. Really looks like he's moving in a continuous line.
  10. Faces are everywhere. My favourite thing as a kid was watching the faces in my room. They were always happy and peaceful.... I see heaps of faces in your pics, Amz, and they're all beautiful. : )
  11. If you can make some friends in organised crime, you might be able to find a reliable source of bone... they may even pay you to take it off their hands.
  12. Ahhh, lol at that first pic NegativeDave. ^^^
  13. Yeah, Breadfilter has it right. It's video hits you're thinking of.
  14. Rage never gave you the artist and title at the end. I remember being upset about it when I was watching it in the late 80s. And then we didn't have online playlists or forums to ask peers. Once the playlist was up, I used it a lot until I got the Shazam ap. If they're worth nothing more, smartphones are worth it just for this ap.
  15. Once it's in the Perin court, it will get only stay with them a couple of months before they refer it to the sherrif's office. The Perin Court is pretty efficient and I doubt they'd miss passing a case on the the Sherrif's. I did a short stint about ten years ago working for Tennix (which was the company processing speeding tickets - soul draining work) and at that time, the period was five years after being referred to the Sherrif's office that warrants would be removed from the register. I don't think it meant that they actually disappeared, but that the Sherrif's office would not actively pursue those warrants more than five years old. After working there, I did my very best to evade a few warrants from parking fines myself - did really well for about 4 years and 9 months when a couple of sherrifs rocked into my wife's work (she had used my car and parked it out the front of her building) and told her they had business with me and wouldn't let her access the car until she had got me on the phone. Smarmy bastards didn't tell her what it was about so she and all her workmates thought I'd got into some criminal trouble, given the sherrifs dress pretty much the same as cops. Ended up having to cough up fifteen hundred bucks just so my wife could get home. Moral of the story. Respect the fuzz and the fake fuzz and do what they tell you, including paying $100 for parking out the front of your own house for 2 minutes in a spot that you're not meant to. I'm not bitter.
  16. Oh my god.... I just google imaged "fish teeth". I think I'm going to be sick!!!
  17. But look at the teeth. Surely fish don't have teeth like that?
  18. I, too, am able to bestow blessings. PM me (women preferred, but really anyone'll do)
  19. Well, whatever the specs are, I find it more than clear enough to enjoy watching movies and playing playstation on it. Really good value for money, IMO.
  20. Good article. They seem to be popping up more and more.
  21. Hiya Amz, Not sure of your budget so a little hard to recommend, but I got one of these about 6 months ago and have been really happy with it. http://www.jbhifi.co...d-tv-sku-84909/ The 32 inch version is under $600 and has 1080p and 100hz refresh rate: http://www.jbhifi.co...d-tv-sku-84927/ If that's still out of your budget, you could try going into a store and asking about last season's models that meet your spec requirements. Most places are keen to move on old stock and should do you a good deal. Good luck. [edit - I know you've had bad experience with Samsung but the products are good]
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