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Everything posted by shruman

  1. shruman

    Bridge x Peruv crosses

    Takes time, patience & resisting the urge to chop... I'm sure us Aussies will get there, I have some smaller SS x's I got from Herbalistics & I'm sure theres more out there...
  2. shruman

    Trade/ purchase gone wrong?

    Like Sands Through The Houglass... Let sleeping dogs lie... Glad to hear you recieved remunerationin the end quetzalt.
  3. shruman

    magic mushroom induced inflammation

    I have experienced the 'paralysis' it seems to be related to low blood sugar, lollies are the cure.
  4. shruman

    Wanted: Peculiar cacti hybrids

    Agreed, renting & collections can be a major PITA. I have an add in the classifieds with quite a few Tricho Hybrids some I think are deffinitey unique if that fits the bill : http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?app=classifieds&module=core&do=view_item&item_id=66 Good luck with the mutants.
  5. shruman

    jumbo cacti and madagascar

    I'm probly wrong but I'm not so sure on that being a Pachy, Looks very Tricho to me, those realy decent spines all the way up don't pachy get quite less spiney when mature?, the rib count looks a little low, general girth seems a bit slim, colour looks a little too vibrant, it does have a certain knobbliness but it does not seem as distinct as as what you see of pachy in habitat. To me it looks alot like what I have seen pics of validus from here in Aus... Like I said I'm probly wrong, I have only seen pics of Pachy at that size although I have seen Tricho's of around that size. Why do you ask if its specificaly Pachy flum?, do you have any other pics?, bigger?, closer? Gorgeous cactus at any rate.
  6. Thats looks pretty normal mate. The plant just did not have the resources to push all the pups so it focused its energy on the others & aborted those pups. If you cut the other pups your plant will most likely push those ones or when the plant is big enough to push another pup they usualy start growing again. Pups can look pretty mongy when 1st emerging. Nice crest.
  7. shruman

    4 less SABers for a while??

    $6000 / 700g = $8.57 per wet gram 10% of 700g = 70g of dry mushrooms $6000 / 70g = $85.71per dry gram $85.71 x 2g = $170 a trip. Police & Media integrity = WORTHLESS Realy?, they think people will swallow ubiquitous naturaly occurring mushrooms are more expensive than Coke/Heroin/Meth?
  8. Pretty sure females were already proteccted under the law PH. Its unusal in that males had to fight for a right aready afforded to females. I think its good. I think that Rabbi is full of shit, if they want to be circumcised jews they can decide to do it when they are able to make an informed decision. This does make me feel like a bit of a hipocrite though, I allowed my 2 almost 3 yr old daughter to get her ears pierced, she was realy excited about it & loves them but I feel the underlying issue is the same.
  9. HIPPIE BATHDAY!!! Avagoodwan OLD boy
  10. shruman

    Snu's Cacti Stolen

    SHAME I'm sure they will get whats coming to them & Snu will too Let us know if we can send cuts, I have some 2-3' cuts rooted plants of a few of those he is welcome too. Plant 2 does look a lot like yowie to me, 3 does ook rather unique aswell. Keep an eye on evilbay, maybe local markets too even drop a word to your local CSS.
  11. shruman

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    Thats no wuckers I appreciate your contributions. "I'm not sure how you read my words as an affirmation of organic over synthetic chems..." I don't. I posted that as an example of people who held strong opinions about their ability to discern between two very similiar (in that case maybe identical?) compounds & found their subjective opinion was not supported by the objective evidence. Like i said I appreciate your opinions, hypothesis & ideas & yours & others subjective experiences I just do'nt appreciate when you represent them as fact. Its not to hard to let others know it is your opinion... so they can put that knowlege in the appropraite place ;) I to have held opinions like yours maybe still do to some degree, I would like to see them proved or disproved though depending on the evidence.
  12. shruman

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    "I don't think you would be convinced even if I used these methods, given the example you gave." Well you are right I would not be convinced until I saw the results were replicatible, but if you did use those methods & came to the same conclusion I would give your subjective opinion alot more weight. "Epistemological hypochondria or chronic doubt may not be the most productive way of ascertaining fact." Please show me where I doutbed what you said?, I asked for evidence is all, since the only evidence you have is your own subjective experience & is not supported by the bulk of objective evidence in this area now I have doubt. "can be exported to the study of random people using psychedelics in 'double blind' conditions." You do not have to use 'random people' in a double blind, you can make your sample as specific as you would like ie you could use just one person who has continuously engaged with the plants and mushrooms over many years. I actualy think this would be the best place to start maybe with a little larger sample size. Also note the double blind I mentioned above did not use 'random people'. "This is not 'faith' but an old school method, one that has lasted the test of time given its concrete pragmatics." I do not think your methodology is 'faith' I think the conclusions you reach are based in faith. I think your methodology is very subjective. "While it is typically thought that spiritual proof is based on 'revelation' and scientific proof based on 'method', there are definite methods involved in yanking your third-eye open, tuning in, and bring-through knowledge about 'hyperspace'" While there may be a method for what you do the conclusion it is "yanking your third-eye open, tuning in, and bring-through knowledge about 'hyperspace'" is a revelation unsupported by the method & the evidence is far more heavily weighted in it actualy being a drug induced hallucination but maybe you know that when you asked "what way is hyperspace real"- a drug induced halucination. The mind is a powerful thing I do not know why people give themselves so little credit & insist it must be from some external source. I love that old quote about Maria Sabina someone who certainly "had continuous engagement with these babies and are generally solid in their views on things." who thought the spirit of the mushrooms was in the psilocybin pills Hoffman had given her. Heres an interesting eperiment Torsten took part in: "regarding DMT, I was part of an overseas group some years ago that was selected for a session on the basis of their stance on natural vs synthetic DMT. The others were all spiritual hippy types who felt they could definitely tell the difference between plant spirit and lab product . Of the 8 people only 2 managed to guess which sample was synthetic. One was a guy with fairly open mind about such things and the other was me. The other 6 all picked the synthetic to be highly refined Acacia or MHRB. It showed me once and for all what a wank all this spiritual plant stuff is - it just never stands up to any scrutiny. Don't get me wrong .... plants are magical, but just like mexican shaman can't tell the difference between synth and natural [pure] compounds, I really doubt anyone else can. And before everyone says that it is easy to tell acacia extract from synth dmt, that's not what I am talking about. I am talking about pure synth vs pure natural, ie where 'intent/spirit/gobbledeegook' is the only variable. In the test it just happened that these dmt gurus couldn't tell the difference between sources, but rather just between grades of products." http://www.shaman-au...=1 "Acacia courtii being virtually only nn-DMT was sourced from Snu's magnum opus Garden of Eden." Thanks for that, I'm pretty sure I know who did it, I just want to know the method they used to ascertain it was virtualy pure DMT.
  13. shruman

    P. Sub prints for trade

    "all bark is useful in one way or another" Is paperbark more useful than dog bark?
  14. You can't play snooker with an eight ball...
  15. shruman

    Huasca experiences, Santo Daime in Aus

    "Chacruna has a very different vibe to the acacias." How did you ascertain this?, through double blinds? I would realy love to see evidence to support this, I find it fascinating just how unreliable peoples perceptions are when establishing effects in a double blind, reminds me of this recent study done on DXM where 11 out of 12 thought they had been given a classic serotonergic halucinogen (eg they could'nt tell the difference between mushrooms & DXM): http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=31950&st=0&p=364962entry364962 "For instance, native Aus. subaeruginosa mushrooms (psilocybin) are much more similar to the acacias (DMT) than chacruna (DMT) is to the acacias, despite the difference in chemicals. The obvious logic is that both the native Aus woodlovin mushrooms and the acacias have lived on the same land for many many years and thus probably share the same hyperspace taverns and holiday destinations." Once again I wonder how you ascertain this? That would mean one would have to believe in hyperspace which is fundamentaly illogical, you can not prove this & instead rely on faith. "Chemicals have actions relative to unknown variables." Do you mind elaborating?, maybe an example?, &what you mean by that statement, where are you going with it? "is recorded as being purely nn-DMT and is still very very different to psychotria viridis or chacruna." Could you point me in the direction of this record & their methodology?. I am aware of it being there but just want to see the methodology.
  16. shruman

    Scam Or Possibly Scamola?

    Thanks for that guys, I'm still trying to figure it out but apreciate your input.
  17. shruman

    Scam Or Possibly Scamola?

    Hey all, just hoping to get a hand here, Got a couple messages on ebay about people apparently getting emails from me that I did not send. Hopefully someones got a better idea of whats going on then I. I let ebay know but they are notoriousy slow. do I need to change email passwords?, or get a new account? Heres one of the edited messages: "Hello there, I have received 2 emails from *my email* regarding digital-HD-eu oppurtunity to make a commisssion on there products or something, just wanted to make sure you have actually contacted me thru my email(hotmail account) or I have been receiving spam using contacts or names associated with my paypal/ebay account account, can you let me know please if these emails and digital-hd is legit emails from *my ebay account* seller on ebay or are the emails im receiving to my hotamil account that of someone impersonating yr *my ebay account* name from ebay...Thanks." Cheers
  18. "If we are going to ignore things like coincidence of cannabis and tobacco use" This also means we are ignoring things like coincedence of Heroin & tobacco use aswell. Is harm intrinsic from cannabis & tobacco use?, cannabinoids have been shown to have anti cancer properties perhaps they could negate the cancer causing effects of tobacco when used together. The same can not be said for heroin. I do not think this is black & white & much more research is needed. With the links to psychosis I think it is very important to remember that cannabinoids have been shown to be very effective treatments for psychosis. While I tend to agree there may be a link between cannabis & psychosis wether this is from causation is certainly not clear. I do think that Cannabis like other drugs (alcohol being one) could increse the risk of a person experiencing psychotic symptoms If they were predispostioned toward the illness already but that is a long way from causation. I think we all agree the answers were complete crap & the question was also flawed. I do'nt consider these are even genuine questions, its politics at its finest, he knew she would stonewall so the question was only to make her look stupid with the meagerest of hopes she would slip up. Its a rhetorical question with a rhetorical answer any many ways. He did go on to define his question better or change it completely depending on your point of view when he asked about there addictive nature which is certainly not subjective.
  19. shruman

    Baby Alice

  20. I agree totaly Zac about the context & how we define things. We posted at the same time so I missed your post. Cannabis is not addictive though, well not in the same way as Heroin as Cannabis lacks the physical dependency component that makes Heroin addictive. Cannabis is addictive in the ambiguos sense ike gambling is addictive were there is cleary no physical dependency. Definitions. "Addiction itself is simply a minor inconvenience and nothing more if you have unrestricted access to good quality product at a low price and the product doesn't cause other harms. So to imply that it is an intrinsic harm in itself relies on assumptions about these things" See i realy do not know. I would not consider having to inject myself 3 times a day or risk extreme sickness & withdrawals a minor inconvenience. I would not consider nodding of in the middle of conversations or falling asleep on the toilet for 4 hours or what have you a minor inconvenience. It makes it very hard to maintain any sort of a normal relationship & I would not find that a minor inconvenience from either side. I know this from experience of living with Heroin/Poly addicts. I'm sure I would not consider any of it a minor inconvenience realy it greatly intefers in what most people would consider a normal life although i am sure there would be many addicts that would consider all that goes along with addiction to be a minor inconvenience. "There are no simple answers, and it would require citing research and explaining what metrics were used in determining which caused more harm" Nutts rational scale to assess the harm of drugs is a good starting point but this sort of thing is realy in its infancy.
  21. I see your points aswell The sad thing about Heroin is the addiction causes so much harm to the community that cannot be overlooked, A large part of this harm is mainly caused by its illicit nature though, which I'm sure you are well aware of.
  22. "well if you are talking about marijuana being smoked, then yes it would be...it could cause lung cancer..." This has not been conclusively proven. It is important to remeber that some cannabinoids have been shown to be anti-carcinogenic. Even if Cannabis did cause cancer I think most people would consider the extremely high risk of Heroin addiction far more harmful then a comparitively small risk of an increase in the risk of cancer. So for most people the question is very simply answered with a "Yes" "Heroin in its pure or pharmaceutical form is not dangerous , unless one is administered the wrong dosage. Therefore yes marijuana is more dangerous." Cannabis used in a vaporiser poses no risk even if one is administered the wrong dosage. While heroin always has an extreme risk of addiction. Therefore Heroin is far more dangerous. Are you vying for the top job? ;)
  23. shruman

    Chilo or Chilen?

    Does anyone have access to this paper: "Population variability in the genusTrichocereus (Cactaceae) in central Chile Trichocereus has 4 species in central Chile. Population analyses indicate that introgressive hybridization has occurred betweenT. chilensis andT. litoralis in the Valparaíso and Santiago coast ranges. A taxonomic key is presented." http://www.springerl...451157536240876 Theres a little more at the page.
  24. shruman

    Chilo or Chilen?

    Nice! Theres always more to learn. Was it in Helianthocereus originaly?
  25. shruman

    Wanted - Trich Scop Seed

    They like the four winds the old scops do'nt they, I have seen a four rib one about the size you mentioned bogfrog with some nice wiggles aswell. I have 3 or four of them the biggest is only about 1 m though. You need to geneticaly distinct plants to ke seeds, clones can not pollinate other clones. I'm not so sure how much genetic diversity between most scops there is in Aus, they look very uniform & it makes me wonder if it has not been vegetively prop'd like the Pachanot (or Predominate Cultivar) I would not be at all suprised to find out if that were the case & although they may just be a very unifrom species. I have never had any luck with traded pollen & no of noone who has & I have sent a fair bit of it out. If your going to do it your technique I think has to be down pat. I only ever used cotton buds put in a ziplock & stored in the fridge between shipping & atempted pollination. I was experimenting collecting just the pollen in a jar & drying with salts but got side tracked. Pretty much do'nt worry about it any more because of the lack of results, fresh is best. There have been quite few pics of apparent scop seedlings posted here that came from Hamiltons over the years, maybe someone could find there source?