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The Corroboree


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About Voakanga

  • Birthday 09/27/1952

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    This, that & the next thing!

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    Sydney, NSW

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  1. Hi all, I see that Oz Gardens are offering this species as a spore swab. Just wondering if anyone has any familiarity with it?
  2. I think you might be referring to the classic gout medication, Colchicine, which has been used to great effect on cannabis through soaking seeds in a colchicine solution; this results in polyploid instead of diploid chromosomal sets at replication; the argument being it gives rise to much greater THC content. Years ago I had polyploid weed, only once, but I can vouch for its extraordinary potency and hallucinogenic quality. Might possibly work on Sally as well.
  3. How did you go with your query, TheDudeAbides? Given the level of interest in the topic, and the availability of spore prints as well as the wealth of information on the net per techniques, it's not that dramatically a steep learning curve to get from newbie to having the skills to do what you need to do. Quite a few mycology supply shops now in the marketplace as well, catering for those interested in growing their own culinary fungi.
  4. Quantum_Reality, a very generous offer, and given I've just got my microscope back from China, where I had to leave it in storage in 2012 on my return to Oz, and itching to crank the big girl up again, can I put in a request for the 1x PE6 swab? My experience of spore images so far confined to the web, but keen to go real time.
  5. Great pic JR, let us know what the genus is please.
  6. No idea Jhono, but see if you can get hold of a copy of Gary P Menser's book, 'Hallucinogenic and Poisonous Mushroom Field Guide', (available through discreet searching on the net), and use the dichotomous keys provided; you may be able to at least key out to genera, which may at least give you some idea of what you're dealing with. Cheers, Voakanga (also from NE NSW)
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