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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by -RC-

  1. I actually posted a youtube vid from Neurosoup which outlined this exact thing (DMN and all that) in the youtube vids sticky.
  2. -RC-

    Roadside Drug Swabs

    I have a mate who used to run a hemp foods store online, and was involved in the whole hemp foods application to FSANZ. Long story short he got his hands on NSW swabs to prove that the miniscule THC present in hemp foods weren't enough to be detectable. Of course this is just simple logic but you can't tell a fuckwit bureaucrat that. I'm pretty sure there was a mention of either Vit C or Ascorbic/Citric acid nullifying THC present in saliva if taken just before testing. Not sure now though, it was a while back.
  3. -RC-

    He's got my vote

    Uruguay's president nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize http://rt.com/news/uruguay-nobel-mujica-marijuana-849/ It's actually not a very hard thing to do in real terms, the difficulty lies in having an iota of common sense AND being a politician. The two so often occur in isolation from each other.
  4. ^^ Fucking great article. Thanks for that
  5. Shit, now I'm worried. What was once seemingly innocuous is now fatal. Does anyone know of any cases of death by masturbation?
  6. -RC-

    Meet up: Brisbane

    Thanks for the invite Red Unfortunately back at work now. Thanks for the chats and what not fellows
  7. -RC-

    Vic police sniff out drugs at Big Day Out

    OR.... People are taking larger amounts before going in hoping it will last all day. Harm minimisation in effect
  8. It's called harm reduction fuckwits, as in we aren't trying to put every poor bastard in gaol just for having a couple of joints. Gaol is harmful, get it?
  9. -RC-

    sore mouth since months

    Get off dairy, avoid caffeine and sugar for a bit too.
  10. -RC-


    Smell aye? I had a read, and perhaps it's related to what I'm talking about, but I've found it not so much to apply to infections or a cold or something, more like chronic conditions like depression, anemia, thyroid dysfunction, reproductive health issues, etc. Basically shit that you can't see, but that for me leaves an unmistakable vibe.
  11. Wow! Monica Barrat is on there AND Alex Wodak! Much respect for both of them, have had a bit of correspondence with Monica actually. Good stuff
  12. Do the inhabitants represent the Lollipop Guild?
  13. -RC-

    Greetings from TokenRasta!

    What up Rasta Enjoy this awesome community, and stay out of Babylon
  14. -RC-

    sore mouth since months

    I'd take mega doses of Vit C, B and magnesium. Start juicing, and if you can cook up some cannabis edibles, for the pain, if there is any, and to bolster your endogenous cannabinoid system. It's job is to reduce inflammation basically. Go with the lemon gargle, or salt water, and dodge the fucking flouride as much as possible. Any kind of topical approach will only be band aid stuff, until the underlying infection/cause is addressed. early nights and meditation ;) Good luck.
  15. -RC-

    'hidden mother' photography

    Eerie shit
  16. I want my FUCKING MONEY BACK!!!!!!!!!! Take that $88m and spend it on education or health you fucking imbeciles
  17. -RC-


    Just as a PS: I also vibe very strongly on first encounters with women who are sick. By that I mean usually when I meet a woman for the first time I can some how sense if they have some sort of illness, be it chronic, physical or mental. Not that I straight out ask them, but many times I have found subsequently that someone I thought might have had some sort of fairly serious, non-obvious condition indeed has. It is slightly lessened with males though, perhaps because the etheric body of women is so much stronger than that of men. I have found that removing flouride from my body, coupled with regular meditation makes all of this stuff a little clearer.
  18. -RC-


    I have been able to lucidly dream from a relatively young age. I can also tell when a television is on in my vicinity without seeing or hearing it, probably an EMF sensitivity? Lately I've been getting a bit of an aura thing happening (visually) with certain objects and people, but when I try to clutch at it consciously it fades... AND I can use coffee like ampetamine. Deja vu as well .... and a little bit like Distracted, minus about 55 Callouses anyone I can use smileys like there is no fucking tomorrow as well, and weed tends to bring out an avenue to connect sympathetically with animals, especially insects
  19. In the same vein: “Marijuana is Safer: So Why are we Driving People to Drink” – Steve Fox, Paul Armentano and Mason Tvert (2009)http://www.scribd.com/doc/30178916/Marijuana-Is-Safer Worth a read ;)
  20. -RC-

    Meet up: Brisbane

    Yeah, but don't change your plans just on my account guys
  21. No, but I have cried when watching films before, and I have laughed, and even clapped. Because they have an effect on me, emotionally at least, because I have taken that imagery in, at the very least on an emotional level. Again, my apologies to mutant for absolutely hijacking this thread, and unfortunately bot I can't really justify continuing to do so. So finally, images of violence, or anything for that matter, resonate within the human being. It is in our nature to connect with whatever we choose to take into ourselves. And before I go on I never said horror films negatively effect anyone, but myself. That said does it matter if I know it is only a representation of a violent act? Either way I will have at least some sort of emotional response to whatever the stimuli is, which to me means I have taken it in, on whatever level you would like to call it. Now if I find myself reflecting on a violent scene I have seen acted out in a movie years later, that to me means it is still bouncing around inside of me, continuing to foster the initial response I had to viewing it. If it was a funny movie I might laugh again. But what if it made me feel sick to my stomach? Therein, to me lies a potentially negative effect on my person/psyche/whatever the fuck you want to call it. I never said films are real-life, obviously they are depictions (at times) of it, but even so, if I didn't watch whatever flick it was I would not feel this or that way about it afterwards. Does that make sense? All I am saying is that for me that is no longer something I consider desirable. Please don't take it as a value judgement, and to be honest I will be reticent to bring such things into a topic of this sort again. Please re-read what I have posted because I feel you might have misconstrued some of what I have said, but it happens. My apologies again for the tangent nature of my post Hack, slash, maim and kill on
  22. Ironically enough I have probably played more violent games than anyone here, and I've seen my share of dead bodies, including children, namely my own. I've advocated for the R18+ rating for games for years, mainly from the perspective that games shouldn't be withdrawn from sale just because video games are perceived as being only for children, which is simply naive. All I was trying to say was that everything we expose ourselves to has an effect on us, perhaps less than eloquently, for which I apologise. As far as filling life with nice things, I think it is important to do just that. Life has a way of presenting you with opportunities to extend your comfort zone and confront you with the things you would prefer not to see. My point is I'm certainly not going to actively seek out fictional depictions of shit I'd prefer not to see, like women being bashed. I only have to turn on the news for that anyway. By no means does that mean I am denying their existence, which I think is what you were alluding to. This stuff exists, sure, but in my life I doubt I will live to see a human centipede or a chainsaw massacre. Hopefully not. I'm sure as shit not going to go out and see if I can have some sort of vicarious experience of it just in case though. Bring on flowers and rainbows /end hijack of topic
  23. Licorice tea?
