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The Corroboree


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  1. I should have yopo seeds late spring. my one is outdoors in the ground and can handle cool winters. I live on the northern rivers, NSW.
  2. Hey, Large red khat, tricho's in 30 to 50 mml pot, kolanut tree in 40mm plus extras that are beautiful. Northern river, north NSW.
  3. Normal. It has TPM in mix mix.
  4. For the tropical growers. Please DM for deets.
  5. You rarely see fertiliser used around the dairy farms around south east QLD. If you see dead thistles in the paddocks it will be a spot spray by the farmer, No mush luck around that.
  6. young datura leaf looks nearly the same. Must of be a million seedlings throughout the crop.
  7. DM for more info. Thanks
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