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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by chilli

  1. :D LOL reptyle you are losing your cool, you keep coming on here asking other people to do stuff for free that you either don't want to do yourself or don't want to pay for.. why not just use a free website template FFS? that's probably what the one you linked to is anyway. it's amusing how you think you can't be wrong about the future, I wonder what the gods think of that? LOL :D
  2. Cool comp tipz! I think the comp ends Thursday, auction ends Sunday?
  3. omg amz, is that the same mortar and pestle in shots 2&3?? your hand must be a pixies hand, or that lighter is freakishly huge!
  4. 10km is 4 points? wtf anyway, i heard you can appeal to maritime law and write your name in lower case letters to get out of paying pesky speeding fines
  5. it's ALT-J I find this site invaluable for JJJ music: http://www.jplay.com.au/JSite/SearchPlaylists.aspx
  6. Could it just be nutrient burn? Especially with all that new growth looking so good.
  7. Wo. is this a first for this in Oz? I have been so excited since coming back and noticing all these funky crests and monstrose coming out of the woodwork (still waiting for clone A and crested pachanoi to pop up) will you be revealing how you came by it or are you just going to be a cocktease?
  8. chilli

    Moving to PNG?

    Damn, how do I make the video appear in the thread?
  9. Still looks like it will be fun, but so not what I was looking forward too. Ultra keen to hear about the next bush doof from some of the sexy folk with their ear to the ground.
  10. is the 'lol' because it is not a cubensis?
  11. Wooooah, so cool amz.. that spiral pendant is amazing, the mushroom is so very cute and the mortar and pestle.. wow, neat stuff.
  12. History contradicts this. Get rid of the psychopaths and more psychopaths take their place. Look at what the Communists did, supposedly in the name of the common man.
  13. Haha you won't have to do much mate, you already look a bit like Jesus. Can I crucify you?
  14. was a bit put off by the new location, looks very concrete-y. I like being able to vanish into the bush to chill, but what will getting in and out be like with security, cops etc? have only seen photos of the location, so if anyone who has been there can say what they think it would be like would be cool. some non-forum friends are going Saturday night, what night(s) are crew from here going?
  15. Who said anything like that? Not me.
  16. Yeah. Male divinity defined by a man.. Wow that would be out of the ordinary! lol It is like responding to a video on aboriginal history by saying now imagine the same documentary by a white person about white history.. no need to imagine because there are already so many of those that it has defined society at every level! It is because of the dominant white paradigm that a focus on aboriginal traditions by aboriginal people is necessary and good and welcome. In the same way, the dominance of patriarchy in the definition and limitation of women has necessitated a focus on women by women... hasn't it? After thousands of years of religion being dominated by males talking about male divinities and killing women who dared to speak of god as female I think that it is pretty fair we give the idea of the divine feminine a go... Women ruling humanity doesn't sound so bad anyway, we can be like the bonobos and have sex with everyone all day.
  17. As far as I know, both THC and CBD have anxiolytic properties.
  18. I guess you are just joking, but getting high is incidental to the medicinal value of Cannabis as an analgesic, anti-emetic, appetite stimulant and anxiolytic.
  19. I am so flattered that you are impressed by me! You have me flushing red and giggling and getting moist in the general vicinity of my labia. When you get to as many posts as I have written you will no doubt impress people who have posted less than you in a similar fashion, by saying 'necrobump' at appropriate times and other such outlandish behavior. And don't worry, the Internet is big so there are lots of words which can be confusing. This is why God invented YouTube.
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