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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by simhanada

  1. simhanada

    Meet up: Melbourne

    I should be able to make the 29th. I got my hair did yesterday.
  2. simhanada

    drum n bass

    And some old skool melbourne
  3. simhanada

    drum n bass

    DJ SS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cdfP3qAO1g Kenny Ken!
  4. Nirmanakaya Chulen is imbibing the elements through food and pills. Sambhogakaya Chulen is imbibing the elements through the pills. Dharmakaya Chulen is imbibing the elements through the breath.
  5. simhanada

    queensland election

    In Victoria we finance it by fining the poor, homeless and mentally disabled that use the system.
  6. simhanada

    "Button""""" grafted cacti on eBay

    should of reminded us they were finishing ;) marketing marketing! It seems people like pictures of flowers ;) If you're putting more up then stick a ruler or lighter or something to provide scale in the pics.
  7. simhanada

    Avatar raffle

    7, 18
  8. simhanada

    Meet up: Melbourne

    I grabbed it from the Facebook feed, not the website.
  9. simhanada

    Meet up: Melbourne

    still hoping to make it but some last minute stuff has come up. for those that do here's a couple of things from the gardens facebook feed that may be of interest. from today(friday) from monday
  10. The Tibetan buddhists have a practise called Chulen where progressively they develop the ability to live off energy.
  11. simhanada

    Serious Lophophora plants for sale!

    awesome! beautiful lophs prier. Would love to know what one would set me back but doubt I'm in a position to buy.
  12. simhanada

    The Random Thread.

    Thriving since 1960, garden in a bottle: Seedling sealed in its own ecosystem and watered just once in 53 years http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2267504/The-sealed-bottle-garden-thriving-40-years-fresh-air-water.html
  13. I recently scored myself the 13 vol set of this but haven't started on it yet. Sounds like it was a worthwhile investment.
  14. simhanada

    Meet up: Melbourne

    sounds great, I'd come along on either the 17th or 18th of jan too if we have a meet then. But if theres more energy for the weekend after I say go with that.
  15. simhanada

    Meet up: Melbourne

    long weekend, some may be heading away? maybe weekend before or after?
  16. simhanada

    Youtube vids

  17. simhanada

    300 post giveaway

    great giveaway, I'm in too
  18. I thought the lower the number in the prize draw the more elaborate the prize pool? May be wrong congrats winners!
  19. simhanada

    Favorite Albums of 2014

  20. simhanada

    Who's at EGA?

    There's a few of us around. I may be the only person in a pink *cough* salmon hooded top so I may be easier to find!
  21. simhanada


    Juggling too. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0002669
  22. simhanada


    I've enjoyed posit science's http://www.brainhq.com in the past. My only problem is discipline and sticking to a program.
  23. simhanada

    Post EGA Super Plant Meet

    details are now in the first post ;)