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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/10/12 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    YES OMG YES!!! A hint to anyone yet to experience this. It will NEVER be worth your while to raise this topic in any context. Just keep buying it ...
  2. 1 point
    For the last 4 or 5 months I have played around with grafting absolutely love it, I have had some failures and some success, thought I would post some of the better ones. T terscheschkii on T spachianus TBM on T spachianus and Cerues sp The spach graft is starting to pump both are 2 months old. T pachanoi on T spachianus 2 month old graft. The pach had serous spider mite damage when I got it and was a shitty yellow colour so I grafted it to see if it would kick and as you can see by the colour its getting better all the time. Cereus monstrose graft on Echinopsis barrel (Hamiltons hybrid) 4 months old graft. I bought this monstrose on Ebay and it didn't seem to want to grow so I took a 2 cm cutting and grafted it to the little Echinopsis not expecting much but it has gone nuts. I was lucky enough to get some T bridgesii J3 seeds from PD, they germinated 15th of February. I grafted one to Pereskiopsis soon after its doing well.
  3. 1 point
    Hey guys. The last couple of days I've been tackling bit by bit the health of a tree under which I want to plant some Psychotria's I have on the way. The main problem was that this tree has been mauled by lots and lots of aphids, and I didn't want them nibbling at my Psychotria's once they're in. The whole process has actually been kinda fun, and pretty simple - using only some things from the kitchen and a hand sprayer bottle. So I thought I'd share what I've done here if anyone was interested. First, I sprayed all the aphids and nests I could see with a solution of 60% white vinegar in a hand spray bottle. I've read that this can burn some kinds of plants, but this tree doesn't even seem to have noticed. Then I removed the bits that were beyond help with some garden shears, and the ones that were just covered in dead aphids. Then today, I put a stockpot of water on the stove, and boiled half a jar of minced garlic in it for...15 to 20 mins I think? I then waited for that to cool, then submerged and filled the spray bottle with it a few times, giving the whole plant a good coating - from the reading I've done apparently aphids can't stand garlic. Then the last thing I did, I actually did to keep ants off the tree - aphids leave some kind of a residue that ants love, and so ants will protect the aphids from other predators....I misted a wide section around the whole base of the tree with plain water, and then dusted liberally with cinnamon (which apparently ants can't stand), and the water helps the cinnamon stick, forming a coating all around the tree which ants (hopefully) can't get past. I'll post on here after a week to let you know the results EDIT: the cinnamon does seem to be working quite well. The ants already on the tree can't seem to get down - they just turn around whenever they hit the spice.
  4. 1 point
    ' stressed, not babied, bogan clone
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    good to see such a major story run by australian news outlets rather than something as banal as the pm falling over,
  7. 1 point
    Duty free smokes. I found out about this the hard way. Doesnt bother me too much because I dont smoke so the decision was simple- declare them and then bin the other 8 packets out of the carton. In Indo its only $10 a carton or so anyway so its still cheaper. The guy I was travelling with decided to pay the duty and he reckoned it still worked out to be around 50% of the price he would pay in Aus. Good point about the declaring as much stuff as you can to avoid searching- I wouldnt want to bet my life or freedom on it though. I have had the same experience a couple of times where they just have enough of looking at all your declared goods and send you through but have also been sent to the xray before too.
  8. 1 point
    Sounds like a pretty interesting plant I like the title of the thread too :
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    @ OpticalIllusion, Thanks mate, been in touch Sally D about the Nexus. If i can get some cuttings going ill send you one.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Found this very well written article about the issues involved in the US (written for Harper's magazine in '97) http://michaelpollan.com/articles-archive/opium-made-easy/
  13. 1 point
    seriously... YOLO generation? that's gotta be the most cringe worthy term I've heard in quite a while.. may as well be 'the, like totally random generation' or 'the OMG totes magotes YOLO bro, generation' you'd think if you were doing a lot of acid you would come up with something a little more creative than such a painfully corny meme then again didn't the author say just one kid said that? now he's saying a whole generation labels itself such.. sorry chnt but i can't take that one seriously!
  14. 1 point
    The domestic violence argument that men are stronger than women is nonsensical. We're not talking about a test of strength or endurance, we're talking about a test of brutality. My ex was extremely brutal and violent, and while I may have been able to beat her at an arm-wrestle, I don't see what this has to do with the abuse I suffered. She used to punch, bite, slap, and kick me all the time. What do you suggest I did with my slightly greater strength to avoid this abuse? Does my additional strength mean that I am inherently less susceptible to physical injury and psychological trauma? Or are you saying I should have been able to physically restrain her so that she couldn't hurt me? Do you think if she went to the police with bruises on her wrists, from being held down, my explanation of holding her down to protect myself would have been accepted? Saying men are stronger than women seems like an argument winner to so many people, but no one can ever give an explanation as to how this extra strength should be exploited by a man to prevent abuse by a woman. And when men do use their strength to overpower an abusive woman, they are told that they are in the wrong precisely because they are stronger. So really, I would like to know how exactly this extra strength should be employed by a man against his female attacker that a. will prevent him from being harmed, and b. will not result in him being labelled an abuser. When my ex would threaten me with knives, how was my strength relevant? Does being stronger make me more resistant to knife attacks? Or should I have also picked up a knife to again level the playing field? Is a man with a knife more dangerous than a woman with a knife because he is slightly stronger? Again, I want you to state, in very specific terms, how being a man makes it harder to be a victim, and how being a woman makes it harder to be a perpetrator, and how strength has anything to do with this. This may be your perception, but it's simply not true. Men are far more likely to be victims of random attacks by strangers. It may be true that the perpetrators in this type of situation (though not in domestic violence cases) are more often male, but this is irrelevant. It is not the victim's fault that the perpetrator is male. A male victim cannot be held responsible for the gender of his attacker. So why do women so often expect to be treated as though they are more likely to experience this sort of violence? Women will often ask men to walk them somewhere, with no consideration for the fact that the man has to somehow make it back alone, and is far more likely to be attacked than the woman ever was.
  15. 1 point
    I hate them because of how much extra toilet paper they use
  16. 1 point
    Hi Santiago, I'm not sure I know what you're getting at when you talk about 'not resolving anything', I just thought it would be nice to have a bit of background info on the site as we don't have anything and yet there's a lot of info about Khat cultivation. Many people in Australia love this plant and I love the history and use so I just thought I would bung it up here for anyone who doesn't know but would like to. Khat is a great stimulant, equal to or better than coffee (which is my favourite drink), heaps better than tea or mate, and it's not something that's likely to cause much serious addiction, at least not any more than tea, coffee or mate already do. I think mild stimulants like these cause little harm unless the person has a poor heart or circulatory system (which is sadly quite common in our culture) but a good run will cause me more upset than your average strong coffee or chew on Khat leaves. Most of the legal issues with it, I believe, stem from the fact that our culture doesn't chew, it sips.
  17. 1 point
    Livingstone Daisy (Dorotheanthus bellidiformis) My favourite ornamental flowering plants hands down And a birdwing butterfly vine (Pararistolochia praevenosa) flowers opened this morning.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Nice photos.. I'm not really interested in the seeds but just felt like sharing these anyway.. These are probably my favorite 2 plant photos that I've taken.. http://i.imgur.com/91bm9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UwsBh.jpg I messed with the color of the 1st one and accidentally saved it.. so it lost some of the detail.. but oh well
  22. 1 point
    I was determined to win this great competition, and so I begged my girl if I could show that photo of her in the pool, and finally she said yes. We thought it was a nice way of cheating, getting the votes of young guys and such, and I asked her if she would let me take more if we were doing well, as a little tasty offering to up the votes. She said she would when the weather got warmer, but I'm not sure she will if she thinks a frog (cute though it is) is getting more votes than her finest attributes!?! Anyway, he's some Kino to sweeten the deal.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I've posted this before. I will put more up soon
  25. 1 point