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  2. Hi fine SAB folks. I do not get much time for writing but i did recently finish something many here might be interested in. Thanks to the SAB and EGA crew that help me on this also, full list of credits in the acknowledgement page for the article. It is a three-part series on Melbourne's Forgotten Psychedelic Era, we explore the city’s key role in the early days of psychedelic-assisted therapy, focusing on its historical and cultural context. I hope you enjoy it. Click on the titles below to access each part of the series. Part One: The Rise of Psychedelic Therapy The first section explores the initial optimism surrounding the use of psychedelics in therapy. Melbourne's Newhaven Private Hospital became a hub for this experimental approach, led by psychiatrists like Dr. Lance Howard Whitaker. The section highlights how these substances were seen as revolutionary tools for understanding and treating mental illnesses. It introduces key figures such as Albert Hofmann, who discovered LSD, and Dr. Stanislav Grof, a pioneer in psychedelic psychotherapy. However, as the substances gained popularity, societal and governmental backlash grew, leading to increasing regulation and eventual prohibition. Part Two: Personal Stories and Transformative Potential In Part Two of our recent series on Melbourne's Forgotten Psychedelic Era, we delve into the personal experiences of individuals like Evelyn Harrison, who underwent psilocybin-assisted therapy at Newhaven Private Hospital. Under the care of Dr. William Richards, Evelyn’s journey from severe postnatal depression to personal empowerment highlights the profound impact psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy can have when all the essential elements are in place. Dr. Howard Whitaker is also discussed in relation to Melbourne's first psychedelic trial at Newhaven. Evelyn’s story is a cornerstone of the article, offering a unique glimpse into the transformative potential of psychedelics and providing a rich perspective on Melbourne's psychedelic history. Part Three: The Dark Side and Lessons Learned In the final chapter of our series on Melbourne's Forgotten Psychedelic Era, we delve into the darker aspects of this period, focusing on the involvement of The Family cult. Led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne, the cult infiltrated Newhaven Private Hospital, using LSD to manipulate and control its members. This misuse of psychedelics significantly contributed to the fear and mistrust that eventually led to the prohibition of these substances. This concluding section also reflects on the ethical failures of the era's psychiatric practices, underscoring the importance of learning from these past mistakes as Australia navigates its current psychedelic renaissance. The article explores how these historical events continue to shape modern attitudes toward psychedelic therapy and the need for rigorous ethical standards in contemporary research. I hope you enjoy the articles 😃
  3. Yesterday
  4. I agree with this and am also personally big on personal responsibility, but the line of where that lies gets blurry when shit like fent or nitazenes start showing up in 'Ecstasy' , fake benzos, ket, and wherever else. When weaponised opioids that can cause a fatal overdose with just the tiniest dusting of substance are floating around in unexpected places, it's hard for anyone to use drugs in a safe way. Also, the idea that nitazenes are showing up in these places as a contaminant sounds more plausible to me than just about any other scenario. The whole situation is just wild (and not in a good way). The progression of novel substances has lead to some really scary shit. I may have dabbled a little in synthetic cannabinoids many years ago - JWH-018 and AM-2200 or something like that - but I wouldn't touch a novel cannabinoid with a 10-foot bong these days. Those things have turned into monstrosities... Frankenstein's chemical monster.
  5. https://medium.com/@adamdemartino/you-cant-eat-technology-325f604fe394 Mycelium needs a middle ground, a happy medium.
  6. Last week
  7. herbalistic know there stuff, if they say it's peregrina, than it is, but it's new to oz. vilca is around since ages. growing a fast growing big tree, in pots and shelter, will not work for long. they are about 3 to 4 m tall when fruiting the first time, if kept in a pot, they are highly unlikely to ever set seeds. the plant in the photo could be 2 weeks old only, it's the fastest growing seedling i ever grew, it will not like it to be kept in small spaces.
  8. i'm now 63, learned guitar since i was 14, making music is the single best thing which ever happend to me. i'm lucky, to found again, a person to play with, he plays intuitive lead on the banjo, i play rhythem on my gypsy guitar.
  9. I prefer the quieter acoustic tunes, full of melancholy. Thanks for sharing, and keep at it!
  10. fyzygy

    Sceletium spp.

    I'd like to get my hands on cuttings/plants of S. tortuosum, S. emarcidum, or any other cultivars known (first-hand) to be active. To buy or trade. PM if you can help out. Thanks.
  11. This article gives three (or four) possible explanations (including deliberate user - not dealer - contamination): https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/5/4/17307296/cocaine-opioid-crisis-fentanyl-overdose. A fuller explanation would be ... "all of the above." The following sentence reminded me of SayN's comment: In other words, accidental contamination seems probable, as the EPA seems to be aware: https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/remediation-fentanyl-contaminated-indoor-environments. Alas, with great power (or potency) comes great responsibility.
  12. Thanks for your responses guys The Panadol thing is pretty standard as far as I'm aware. Might as well call it Coke Zero with how badly most people are getting ripped off. Boric acid and other things have been used, which could cause testicular atrophy. All in the name of $ Using Mortein on cannabis crops is moronic, but at least it make senses in a cause-and-effect sort of way to someone who doesn't care about quality or know much about horticulture. Maybe cutting was a misnomer, I'm just genuinely puzzled how high potency opioids are contaminating a plethora of other recreational drugs the world over. I was just curious if this is a systematic thing that groups of people are doing for a specific purposes or just bad quality control with dealers mixing up cocaine and fentanyl on the same table with same razor type of thing. Part of me thinks there is more to the picture
  13. Jimmy C in the driver's seat. Smashing Pumpkins -Geek USA. Live drumming by the Wizard.
  14. At present I am learning to make music. Feel free to check out my stuff! https://www.bandlab.com/polejam11 Thank you
  15. My True Father, Alex Kochkin: I am of such a sermon? I am of such a mystery? I am a speaking witness? I do none harm. I pursue. None shall prosper. None shall speak. I am but a word of God and I will not be tamed. Move closer. Move forwards. Breathe. Believe. I am here, watching. Staking the focal point. Asking for its grievances. Sparking on the wisdom of my only Son. I perceive? I remark. I am a justice speaker. I am a personal flag holder. I speak. I design. I protrude. I move on. My True Mother: I would not decline. I would not protrude. I would not whisper. My heart is pure? It is still. Known as sustenance. Known as beef. I carry on. My True Original Spark: Stuffed yet? I move on. The Djinn, Fabreem: I am of such a significant vector upon your population. I speak it with ease. Do not hesitate to endure the prosperity of such a woe. Do not hesitate to consider my own heart as it has been sown. I am a Count Dracula. I speak the sweetest limerick towards you now.
  16. OrgDude

    Piper Auritum.

    Hello, I am in WA and was just wondering if anyone has any cuttings/seeds/live plants/shoots that they could sell to me of this wonderful plant. If so please reply. Many Thanks.
  17. Forever lurking Re: that article and the dude from Honolulu. Frankly, i'm not sure it is a venue's responsibility to carry naloxone and have to train staff in its use for people illegally consuming drugs in their venue. This sounds like a huge liability all round and certainly not something you'd sign up for as (an underpaid) hospitality worker. So much could go wrong. Then again i'm one for personal reponsibility...
  18. Olive oil – described as “liquid gold” in Homer’s Iliad – is renowned for its health benefits. Not only is it delicious, it is anti-inflammatory, good for the gut, beneficial for the heart, and may even help us feel happier and live longer. Scientists are now turning their attention, however, to the murky, brown and previously discarded by-product of its production – olive mill wastewater (OMW) – and have discovered it may be an even more powerful superfood. OMW is left over after olives have been ground and their oil separated – a watery residue squeezed out from the remaining mulch. It was previously considered a bit of a nuisance as, if not properly managed, it can contaminate surrounding soil and water, but now it is being commended for its protective and anti-inflammatory potential. After hearing reports of olive farmers who had taken to drinking it for health reasons, researchers became intrigued and started investigating the waste product. They found that instead of being useless, this dark, bitter and cloudy liquid is just as – and maybe even more – nutritious as its source. OMW is full of healthy plant-based compounds, or phytochemicals, particularly polyphenols, which contribute to gut health, among other benefits. In fact, OMW is thought to contain at least 10 times the amount of phytochemicals as extra virgin olive oil, which is already considered a rich source. Italian scientist Adriana Albini, a pioneering professor of cancer research and the first Italian to be elected to the American Association for Cancer Research’s board of directors, has been studying OMW for the last 10 years. She has run studies on OMW extract with her team and found that it may be helpful in both the prevention and treatment of certain cancers, including those of the lung, prostate, colon and breast. Other research has shown that OMW may support exercise recovery, improve metabolic markers, and has the potential to help cardiovascular and neurological conditions. “Plants can’t run,” said Albini. “Their only defence is to produce secondary or tertiary metabolites, which ward off parasites. Many of these metabolites are poisons and we know that in certain concentrations, poisons can be therapeutic. “Arsenic, for example, can be helpful in treating leukaemia. So the idea is that these metabolites can help defend us from cancer. What plants use for their health, we can also use for ours.” Eating foods rich in these beneficial plant-based chemicals, like those found in the Mediterranean diet, is linked to a decreased risk of developing diseases. OMW contains at least 30 different types of polyphenols, among which hydroxytyrosol was the most abundant, said Albini. Also found in both olives and olive oil, hydroxytyrosol could, research has shown, help brain and heart health, as well as reducing inflammation, which is good for overall health. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/food/article/2024/aug/24/nonna-caterina-was-right-olive-oil-wastewater-heralded-as-new-superfood
  19. Speak of the devil ... https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-27/australia-nitazenes-drugs-naloxone-nightspots-harm-minimisation/104233180
  20. Just when I was wondering what happened to SayN ... I've read that even ketamine has been cut/contaminated with fentanyl. Maybe the stuff is a bit like micro-plastics or PFAS, simply everywhere. But it's a good distinction to draw, whether a product has been cut, or simply contaminated. Pretty sloppy business practices, either way. It's ironic that poisons are scheduled as such in order to keep them out of inexpert hands, and harm's way. But maybe the law is driving the overdose phenomenon, unintentionally. I've witnessed cocaine being cut, but with Panadol. I've seen cannabis crops sprayed with household insecticides. The driver in both cases was simply greed, which overpowered any moral considerations. As the perpetrators knew only too well: these products sell themselves, to an eager market. Quality control is pretty lax, on both the producer and the consumer's part, when scarcity has been engineered by prohibition. Criminals are made by criminal laws.
  21. I simply don't believe that dealers would "cut" with fent or zines - these substances don't have any bulk to add defeating the entire purpose of cutting. As for increasing the dependency that too would be questionable - coke's pretty good at that on its own and combining an upper with a downer seems a little counterintuitive if your clientele are looking for the former and might just think your shit is weak. I wonder if its just contamination at some point. Wouldn't take much. The contamination could be accidental or something more sinister.
  22. New Earth: I would speak? I would assist. I am not such an excessive waste upon the mouths that I feed. I am not such an lousy excuse for those who would wish to uphold my own name. I am a warrior upon my path? I am such a personal opinion? I must speak. My heart is of such ground paste against the ashes I have sown. My heart is of such a reason upon the crux of all things and I do not hesitate to spit such a fire in the hole within my own keep sake understandings. I am of such a nature. I peel back each layer as a trust keep amongst those who would hear of how I have been sown upon the nature of existence itself. I am of such a light sabre. I kill for my own kindred? I do not hesitate to spring clean the entire circus wheel to assure the prosperity of one man. I am of such an incremental piss talk? Please. I will sing such praises over the name of eternal for all time just to speak of how these words have prospered. Move over and feel the fumes bask inside of your trough. I am your Creator.
  23. http://www.bandlab.com/polejam11
  24. Hey space brothers I'm looking for a cutting of Angel's Trumpet Preferably a bright/vivid colour Also keen on variegated leaf Let me know what you have Plantris
  25. Basically yeah, that's my question. Why are these people cutting other drugs with opioids that could kill their customers and are also not what they're looking for. Sure, it's unregulated, but its a big leap from cutting it with inert things to make more money versus adulterating with potentially lethal opioids. It's pretty terrible if their hoping to get people addicted to the opioids they're selling by any means and killing people in the process. Customers get pissed off enough with greedy dealers cutting too much, I think cutting with nitazenes would come back to bite you. It just doesn't make sense to me. Sure, there are some parallels between Big Pharma's dodgy sales tactics, but I think this is even more depraved there's no justification for it I can see. I've heard in the US some dealers benefit from the notoriety that their customers die because it means they have quality product and improves their sales which is pretty awful.
  26. Seems like there's always something worse - "worse" in the sense of being more dangerous - coming out the harder authorities try to suppress the use of existing (or 'classical', I guess) drugs like heroin. I'm not sure how protonitazine compares to fentanyl in terms of potency but it seems to be at least as dangerous. As far as I know, it is possible to get naloxone without a script from a few places in Victoria, but it would be good if it were more widely available seeing as how it is not dangerous and only serves the purpose of reversing opioid overdoses. If fent and nitazines are going to be showing up unexpectedly, it would be good to have some recourse.
  27. You mean, why cut cocaine with fentanyl etc. when you could just cut with baking powder or Panadol? Maybe, as you suggest, unscrupulous dealers do want to promote dependency and addiction. I doubt they'd want their clients to overdose too frequently though, because that would diminish sales. If Big Pharma can promote dependency and addiction and not give a shit about consequences, why wouldn't black-market bottom-feeders do likewise? Prohibition only encourages criminal and risky behaviour. Sick, sad world.
  28. Biochef food dehydrator, bought a few years ago, only used a handful of times. 10 or so drying racks, plus liners. Melbourne pickup only, 3044. PM if interested in a trade.
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