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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by glimpse

  1. glimpse

    Carolina reaper chilli seed

    Fruit of??? My loins perhaps? ......a tad steep me tinks but I do like chilli.........
  2. glimpse

    Happy Birthday Toast

    happy birthday mate! have an awesome day
  3. glimpse

    Acacia Acuminata (mystery variant) Giveaway

    ill grab 1 plz
  4. glimpse

    HBWR Seed Give Away

    ^^^^this also....big big thanks ban man
  5. WE're ALL in this TOGETHER

  6. glimpse

    phlebophylla and courtii seed giveaway

    woooot!!!!!! cheers pimento!! :D
  7. awesome brah, tis indeed a curandero's delight!!! one hundred and sixty nine dollars and zero cents
  8. glimpse

    Top 1 animal to bring to the ethno island

    not sure....but i did learn recently that one can make quite a tasty yoghurt with ones vagina if one has one.....and fortunately my 'kitchen appliance' came with a built in fully functioning vagina so narny narny nar nar
  9. glimpse

    Thai Tektites- anyone interested

    bigcheers mate, so many! my daughter is so stoked and i have to add your last post definitely sparked my own interest and they are very cool thanks brah, very much appreciated
  10. glimpse

    Top 1 animal to bring to the ethno island

    A cow with that shits rainbows
  11. glimpse

    Desert island kitchen implement

    sorry glaukus, my 1 item would actually probably be a machete............kitchen machete
  12. glimpse

    Desert island kitchen implement

    pffffffft, come at me bro! lol your going to need more than a piddly little motorised pepper grinder when you see the mad guns i develop pidalling like mad all day on my blender-bike and what if i've been breeding with my aproned darling......
  13. glimpse

    The good vibes generator

    a ton of love coming atcha matey so strap in and ride the waves
  14. glimpse

    Legality of Acacia confusa root bark NSW

    +1 lol,gold
  15. glimpse

    Desert island kitchen implement

    but duuuude,i dont want to live without fruit smoothies! and i'm already facing an eternity with no tacos.............so its about my will to live now, so nyer nyerny nyer nyer right back atcha'
  16. glimpse

    Desert island kitchen implement

    pedal powered blender
  17. glimpse

    Desert island kitchen implement

  18. glimpse

    Post awesome gifs here

  19. okeedookey lets see how this one go's..... post number 20 on this thread wins about 2000 secret garden open hybrid seeds from pims auction......simple 1 rule: you can only post a maximum of three times........................ so get your timing right *****overseas entries are welcome******* if this works out and any one out there still wants some more of these seeds, I will do a few more giveaways in coming days okay.....i think thats about it.............seconds away ROUND 2!
  20. glimpse

    Post a random picture thread

  21. glimpse

    Post awesome gifs here
