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The Corroboree

The Dude

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Everything posted by The Dude

  1. I've found that some people are energy vampires, and yes they are always unconscious of the fact, it's like these negative energies are based around ignorance. They are energy or empathy vacuums even, they cannot resonate with you, only take more. My thoughts were that there may be a "ghost in the shell" when your local energy vampire is bombarding you with negative vibes and looking at you with those vacant eyes, where is the will of unconsciousness? Who pulls the strings of these apparently possessed puppets? Why do people "blank out" in their fits of rage? Where/what is this energy directing the person if it's not their conscious will? Demon possession? manifestation of unconscious processes? What's the difference? These vampires are part of our very own thoughts, those really draining thought processes, those ones where you are compelled more so than acting of your own free will. Meeka, Smashing Pumpkins are pretty cool! not me for liking em! Tool are absolutely amazing though!
  2. Incognito, I hardly consider myself intimidating nor have the desire to be, I can't even remember when or why I asked you this, probably in jest. I really doubt I got (genuinely) offended by your reaction, I might've joked that I should do some weights, but if I wanted to be intimidating I would've done that already, I'd bulk up and get some tattoos and shave my head and go around looking real mean... people tend to misunderstand me in general, my sarcasm and sense of humour. Maybe I was particularly self conscious about my perceived scariness at the time Torsten, I'm an immigant and I've copped crap for it... meh. One of the only freedoms we have in this life is how we choose to see things. I find most of these jokes funny although I wouldn't say them in a public forum because of the political correct prison that the larger culture is and I rather not get ostracised. I guess part of me doesn't want to hurt people's feelings either but then I think it's good to offend people, gives them the chance to let go of what it is they're getting offended by. People are quick to put on the front of the appropriate reaction to inappropriate humour without allowing themselves a genuine reaction first. "Am I allowed to laugh at this? Oh no it's got the J word, now I must express indignation and let them know the confines of acceptable humour" Synchromesh, because it's taking it back, by using a pejorative label of the minority within said minority it's taking away it's power to offend, it's using it ironically I guess.
  3. I don't justify any prejudice, I justify offensive humour as it can diffuse a tense situation, it depends on whether or not one chooses to be offended, I for one don't want to be constrained in a politically correct prison because others are overly sensitive. I'm not justifying laughing at Jewish people because of the acts of Israel today, I'm justifying laughing at anyone for any reason, especially if the reason being you're not supposed to, it makes it especially funny. The discussion on the term anti-semitic stemmed from the fact that offensive humour and bad taste would possibly pass for other demographics that don't have their own catchphrase. the "gay slumberparty" or "gypsy slumberparty" would be just as funny if history focused on these victims too instead of solely the Jews. As it is, collectively we see the holocaust as applying solely to the Jews hence that's the reference we get and laugh at. - Also, I find the term is misapplied because the joke wasn't making fun of other Semites, only Jews, the term anti-semitic was being used in an anti-semitic way (as it always is nowadays), so in the name of political correctness I had to interject. I'm justifying laughing because it needs not be justified. If people are worried that their moral code will be corrupted by laughing at immoral or offensive jokes then perhaps their moral code was quite fickle to begin with; people don't need lessons on moral righteousness from those so intent on protecting theirs from ... jokes. Jokes of these sort when one is a conscious empathic individual do not corrupt the individual to be part of the unconscious egocentric masses, who also find these jokes funny, whether or not it re-enforces negative stereotypes.. well, that's the double edged sword, it's like people that misunderstand death rap and take it to be a justification for brutality. So I can't share a laugh in bad taste jokes (that diffuse tension) lest some ignorant fool overhear it and see it as some white supremacist manifesto. ... Back to the topic of massive death and it's impact on the psyche. "Holocaust" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering", from Gk. holokauston, neut. of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" (see safe (adj.)) + kaustos, verbal adj. of kaiein "to burn." Sacrifices tend to feed a god, or a power structure, or an unconscious belief or thought-form. Post WW2 the new power structures we have around us now need constant feeding. It is the secret societies involved in occult rituals who continue with their holocausts all the time (on pagan holidays, amplifying the waveform with carefully timed impulses), it's important to remind people, repetition, repetition it's the name of the game, a ritual to create habitual thoughts, to remind the subconscious of the power structure. The conscious mind is disconnected from those deep seated emotions of horror and suffering that have caused deep cuts in the collective psyche, the memory is felt as an unconscious malaise. When such instances are bought to consciousness we recoil in shock, the intent is to literally horrify (and incapacitate) the masses. So if you laugh in the face of these mind control techniques of terror, the public will keep the edifice of hypocritical morality intact with a knee-jerk reaction self righteousness to make you feel like a piece of shit for laughing, you must hate the people you laugh at, you must be a hate-filled, bigoted, evil person. Laugh it off, fuck their control trip!
  4. They've displaced the native Palestinian populations which are Semites, and their expanding settlements keep on doing so. The point I was trying to make is that often the term anti-semitic is used to describe criticism of Israel, for instance to say that their apartheid occupation of Palestine is a violation of the Palestinian people's human rights is actually denying Israels right to exist and is the talk of white supremacist rednecks with an anti-semitic prejudice. The term is a bit of a joke as it has become a deflection against legitimate criticism of Israel, especially when the state inflicts harm on other Semites, it's just ironic. Today the usage of the term anti-semitic has become anti-semitic as it's excluding all semitic peoples apart from the Jews.
  5. The Dude

    After the crash

    ^^^Fiat currency, EVERYTHING they "own" is actually debt, they are leasing a bit of freedom knowing the cost will be total economic servitude to the bankers they're indebted to, ie: a forced labour camp, or the "shared wealth" of communism.
  6. I thought Semite was a racial not linguistic category... Regardless it has been selectively used only to apply to Jews, which is anti-semitic, excluding all other Semites.
  7. "That which offends you only weakens you. Being offended creates the same destructive energy that offended you in the first place- so transcend your ego and stay in peace." ~ Wayne Dyer
  8. The Dude

    happy 21st sheather

    Happy birthday fellow tripper!
  9. The Dude

    cool story

    I wouldn't be surprised if the story is true, fate has a strange way of interweaving peoples lives. Thanks for sharing the story!
  10. Also, thanks to the OP, these are powerful life affirming images; they present the vast multiplicity of life, the apparent insignificance of the individual, they all look like identical skulls, yet you know each life was unique, each of those skulls had an experience. Powerful images for sure!
  11. *sigh* Political correctness any? Offensive jokes are the funniest because you know you're not meant to be laughing at them, it is an extra release of tension. I guess we have these moral structures we need to support and when we let go of our self righteousness we can be free to laugh at the unlaughable. To laugh at something because it is in bad taste, to laugh at something because it is morally abhorrent and so foreign to our way of thinking so as to be evoke a chuckle. ALL bad taste jokes work this way. I personally believe that laughing at tragedy can be cathartic and it takes away the power that such instances have. The holocaust card has been (and will no doubt continue to be) overplayed, much like the 9/11 card is being overplayed. It seems the best way to promote violence is to say you're protecting yourself from it, a preemptive strike because an attack is the best defence, which starts the revenge cycle again. Also the population of Israel is hardly semitic, I don't know about the Jewish populations before ww2, it's just that the catchphrase of anti-semite is especially ironic when most Israelis are not Semites and in fact the populations they've dispossessed in Palestine are the Semites, yet nobody would call the terrorist occupation of Palestine an anti-semitic act. I find this self righteousness a bit of a moral facade, political correctness overdrive, where there was no ill-will towards Jewish people presented, just a joke made at their expense referencing a moment in history that involved them, so we can all get the reference and laugh. If Psylo wanted to be racist he would've said in the caption, "sucked in! they deserved it!" I can't find the video online, but I remember a Family Guy skit where Peter is presenting a pitch for a comedy movie where he plays a window washer who has just finished washing the twin towers, just as he gets to the top and has a look around what does he see but a plane coming his way, you know the classic situational comedy. Now this is pretty fresh in the American psyche, I'm sure many could've chosen to be outraged, OR seen it as the diffusing of a tense situation and a return to sanity instead of the fear mongering and talks of war that moral righteousness would justify before.
  12. "We always give the people their heroes.” - Albert Pike. I used to be young and naive once and believed in the greens.
  13. The Dude

    Fear and the Media

    It's definitely true that we crack the shits at others about what we hate about ourselves. We are afraid of our own shadow, this is projected onto a much greater shadowy figure; the omnipotent "powers that be"; the dark prince of illumination, Lucifer out of the darkness bringing enlightenment. It is only through this illusion of projecting a reality that we see as independent of ourselves, of creating a cosmic hierarchy of self and other, including all the angels, demons, gatekeepers, archetypes and avatars of god (which ever form they take) that are all illusions of separation, falling for the trap of seeing oneself as the result of the world not its cause - that we slowly learn how we're deceiving ourselves; we are our own personal Satan, and we also have the keys out of this prison. The master of this phenomenal world is one twisted being. I mean it's all pretty hectic being in the middle of it all, that's why ego death is a great moment of clarity and freedom, where these games are for a moment entirely abandoned. Slaughter the ego and have a laugh, you can't spell slaughter without laughter.
  14. I guess it's time other researchers followed in Sheldrakes work then.
  15. qualia, whatever promise an elected official makes need only be flipped 180 degrees to see what their real intention is. If any politician vowed to decriminalise weed I'd take that to mean they're about to ramp up the war on drugs so that even thinking about getting high will get you jail time, or a free attitude adjustment.
  16. I doubt the film makers would be referencing a made up study. From memory Rupert Sheldrake has quite a lot of data supporting his morphogenetic field theory, it's just one way to interpret the data, but it fits pretty well and the evidence is pretty compelling.
  17. I doubt the film makers would be referencing a made up study. From memory Rupert Sheldrake has quite a lot of data supporting his morphogenetic field theory, it's just one way to interpret the data, but it fits pretty well and the evidence is pretty compelling.
  18. The Dude

    Aniracetam importation

    A drug that helps the brains functioning and is virtually non-toxic is illegal, the intentions of our governments drug scheduling could not be made more apparent, the public should be fuming, if they were'nt distracted by tv and beer.
  19. The Dude

    Chemtrails over Newcastle

    ...well, you could make the assumption it's a chemtrail, maybe. Does anybody do soil samples or rain samples after a supposed chemtrail spraying? I know there are people in docos doing it but has anybody done it themselves? Anyway, I'm always looking at the sky, looking to see if it's just about to fall on me, and I've been happy to not notice any persisting contrails/chemtrails for a while -although it has been overcast and raining a little- until today, a nice sunny day got covered by these horizon to horizon trails. Maybe there's a bit of an operation going on around Australia right now? Maybe a global operation timed well to coincide with the bad vibes of the latest terrorist activity and corporate/government scandals? I don't know. Conspiracy or no, for a nature loving hippy, to see these things covering the sky is pure evil.
  20. If a piece of the pie is control of humanity then trying to get a piece would involve such terrorist acts.
  21. The Dude

    One reason forums are full of rage

    ...and a forum is a place to vent said rage.
  22. gotta get in quick to get the credit in this whole shared consciousness thing.