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Jesus On Peyote

Lost Tribe Of The Amazon

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Found this on the firefox news headline thing, not sure how many people use it so thought ild post it.

Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil

One of South America's few remaining uncontacted indigenous tribes has been spotted and photographed on the border between Brazil and Peru.

The Brazilian government says it took the images to prove the tribe exists and help protect its land.

The pictures, taken from an aeroplane, show red-painted tribe members brandishing bows and arrows.

More than half the world's 100 uncontacted tribes live in Brazil or Peru, Survival International says.

Stephen Corry, the director of the group - which supports tribal people around the world - said such tribes would "soon be made extinct" if their land was not protected.

'Monumental crime'

Survival International said that although this particular group is increasing in number, others in the area are at risk from illegal logging.

The photos were taken during several flights over one of the most remote parts of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil's Acre region.

They show tribe members outside thatched huts, surrounded by the dense jungle, pointing bows and arrows up at the camera.

"We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist," the group quoted Jose Carlos dos Reis Meirelles Junior, an official in the Brazilian government's Indian affairs department, as saying.

"This is very important because there are some who doubt their existence."

He described the threats to such tribes and their land as "a monumental crime against the natural world" and "further testimony to the complete irrationality with which we, the 'civilised' ones, treat the world".

Disease is also a risk, as members of tribal groups that have been contacted in the past have died of illnesses that they have no defence against, ranging from chicken pox to the common cold.

STORY - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7426794.stm

PICTURES - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/7426869.stm


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wow see the pictures? how freaky do they look... i wonder if they're always painted like that... i really really hope they are just left alone to do their thing. That's so cool

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I hope they one day get to spear down one of those pesky flying machine elf skulls; just so they can prove they really exist

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thats some funky ochre they got goin, alot of indigenous tribes paint themselves with ochre paints for various reasons one being that ochre has metals from the earth in it which have certain properties in relation to entering and perceiving the local environments and subtelties and being closer to the earth, and like coz you look nice! :wink: Or before a war/battle sacred rituals and dances and the like which no doubt the ochre colouring/designs etc relates knowledge in regards to the culture/area and who knows what other funky jazz

Hopefully they will be left alone... but mens greed far exceeds there care for fostering less fortunate or should we say those lucky enough to still live there lives in a more suitable/proper way as taught to them for generations etc

reminds me of the story of the Huaorani tribes how the oil companies penetrated so deep to these tribes now emplys then to cut cedar and special mahogany, anyway a group of nine Huaorani men attacked and killed 26 men from the Tagaeri tribe(on whose land the cedar and mahogany grows) apparently as revenge for a previous murder but really were employed by the scared loggers with the lure of bullets and gasoline no less... so they could log there safely, twisted stuff turning people who are family against each other...

and the men who fought the loggers and road workers for their land remind me of that saying - that we must have somthing to die for before we could think that we have something to live for

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It's not ochre, from the bbc article

These men are trying to drive off the plane from which these photographs were taken. They are firing their bows at the aircraft, which had returned to fly over the settlement for a second time, after making a first pass some hours earlier.

The men have large bows made from forest hardwood, which they use to hunt for animals including tapirs, monkeys, deer, wild pigs and other small mammals.

They have also painted themselves with the red dye, urucum, commonly used by tribes in the Amazon. It is made from the seeds of a fruit similar to the horse chestnut. The seeds are ground into a paste to form the dye.

The body paint is most likely a show of aggression, possibly in response to the plane's first flyover.

So they weren't even wearing it the first time the plane went over.

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'The men have large bows made from forest hardwood, which they use to hunt for animals including tapirs, monkeys, deer, wild pigs and other small mammals.

They have also painted themselves with the red dye, urucum, commonly used by tribes in the Amazon. It is made from the seeds of a fruit similar to the horse chestnut. The seeds are ground into a paste to form the dye'

Should just drop smallpox vaccine they well just fine except for the rivers and hardwood trees which are commercialy valuable.

So wiped by smallpox is the first step.

And Corp piggies claim for the mineral rights.

Land, rivers, gold and silver, oil.

I, not a communists or a fascist or a capatalist.

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Saw this on another forum... And just to highlight the stupidity of some people I thought I'd share this response:

I showed this to a bloke at work, and he was bemused as to why the tribe was so "pissed off" at the helicopter. I didn't even respond. Then one bloke said they were definately cannibals, which was followed by a young lady who was adament that they should taken to a Western country to be placed in "something like a zoo" so we can "study" them.


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I always thought that people who live in native tribes would be really skinny, like when you see old photos of aborigines, but those guys look pretty healthy, one even looks a little chubby. Must be heaps to eat in the amazon. I really think this is really amazing to see. Man they must be pretty freaked out by the planes, i think i'd shit myself. Actually that happens in our society too, i know people in the mountains who shit themselves when a helicopter flies over as well ;)

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i read an article from the early nineties, when there were more tribes living a tribal lifestyle. the article claimed that they were all exceptionally healthy. it said that they always gave rich foods to the children. also, they ate lots of organs and stuff which we tend to avoid.

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