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withdrawl clinic


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a jolly good day!

a refuge for withdrawl excists, send any questions to the privat message folder.

in case you had enough of acohol, cannabis or nicotin, i assure you m support and a place where to do it. taking drugs is good, abusing them isn't.

time to be free again!

the feeling not to have to buy tabaco or alcohol is a very rewarding one.

you can have even very little willpower, i will make you quit.

don't use your body as a smoke stack or alcohol disposal unit, it ain't worth it.


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Ok so if i wanted to quit something, i goto you, and i stay at a resort kind of place while i go through withdrawls, interesting.

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withdrawl clinic:

a refuge for withdrawl excists, send any questions to the privat message folder.

It might be helpful if you gave everyone here some idea as to your background and experience, the methods you use to ease people through sometimes medically dangerous transitions, and a description of your facilities :)

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I have a problem.

I spend all my money, whenever I have any, at the used bookstore near my house.

I'll go in, spend all my money on books then go to the ATM for more money.

I need a new bookshelf I have so many books.

Somebody please help me, for I am a bookwhore.

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I have a problem.


I spend all my money, whenever I have any, at the used bookstore near my house

Seems i have a bad case of this as well :D

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Yep, me too. But the thought of going into withdrawls, possibly being stuck somewhere with no books or internet connection gives me the shudders. Does this mean I need to consider treatment?

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I can do without the internet, it's just books I need.

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Hmmm do you have any qualifications? I might be confused but I thought that anyone with any kind of qualification in anything knows how to spell a bit better than your displaying in that post.

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trying to answere all the questions.

1, i am a bookworm aswell, books represented my first addiction, so parents beware if your kids like to read all the time, or have to read befor bedtime with all costs, lol.

2, apo you could build a bookcase here whilst visiting, how does that sound?

3, the place i invite you to, is a privat house.

there are very close, very good facilleties around though, including pool, squash court, golf course and fishing, just to name a few.

musical behavior is especialy encouraged.

but it depends from case to case, for some people hyping up with music would not be a good idea...

4, i got no qualifications what's so ever, only succsessfull cases!

at this moment i would not take on dangerous cases like h withdrawl.

5, library is in town, aswell you are invited to read my books and to use the home computer,

unless you want to cure yourselfe from pc addiction, lol.

6, the whole thing would work on a very personell level, lot's of talks and activetys!

all work would be done one to one only, unless you bring your partner aswell, which you are wellcomed to do, but only if she or he needs treatment aswell.

7, addictions can be swiched off and re directed,

towards healthy activetys!!!!

8, dl we know each other, but have minor problems,

don't blow my cover, but let me say i would love to stop you using tabaco, look at the puss in your eyes in the morning, that would go away and your lung function would increase! and sorry dl for beeing so direct, but there is no room for mediocrecy if going through withdrawl.

9, elfspice stoped smoking after only meeting me, many years ago. i don't know if he started again.

no other references will be given, sorry.

10, i work with a methode which avoids relapses and psychologigal cravings.

11, i got basicly only very little finacial interrests.

standard fees same like in a share house apply (cheap rent plus household kitty).

if you feel i helped you, i am sure you would show me some graditude anyway.

12, last night i chewed salvia d, but i assure you it was only in my dreams, and i mean real dreams, and not disclaimer oriantated.

so you might even learn how do it the astral shamanic way, whilst cleasing yourselfe.

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umm isnt it dangerous running a withdrawal clinic without any qualifications?

i would presume you would need a license... even those drop in centre dealies had some sort of license i thought?

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I prefer to think of myself as "one cigarette closer to death" and "alcohol processing unit" ...there is a difference you know.

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isnt it dangerous running a withdrawal clinic without any qualifications?

i realise WC you wont be treating heroin addicts, but withdrawl from alcohol addiction may be more dangerous. withdrawing alcoholics often go into delerium tremors (DT's), this is a condition usually treated w/serapax---does that give you an idea ov the difficulties involved w/alcohol withdrawl?

having said that, i wish you sucess w/this venture.

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Well i might as well throw my 2c worth in , here goes.

WC good for you , any one willing to help a fellow deal with addiction and withdrawal deserves praise , if for no other reason than you are having a go. :) I helped a freind go through a Meth withdrawal years ago and i have no qualifications , he is still greatfull for all i did. What did i do ? I listened , supported , put up with alot of crap and anger and basically became a prisoner of my own house for a few months.I must say it was a team effort with all members of the share house almost rostered around the clock to keep him company and guide him in his time of need.

So even if just one person finds this useful it's worth it .

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i have an addiction to spamming ethnobotany message boards, can you help me stop doing that?

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I smoke elfspice! :)


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If you think heroin withdrawal is too dangerous for you to treat, perhaps you don't realise that serious alcohol or benzo withdrawal (unlike h-withdrawal) can often cause convulsions and DEATH. I'm completely serious, go look it up in one of the BOOKS you like so much but haven't learnt high-school spelling and grammar from.

You could be held legally responsible and go to jail for manslaughter if you are accepting payment as a treatment provider in this case (and something about your posts makes me doubt you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart).

While I accept that friends or family (who recognize their limitations if they're not trained medicos with benzos on hand) can often be the best people to look after people in these hard times (and I greatly admire those who help their friends in this way, they are very lucky to have you) , people who want or need professional assistance should not seek it from a wealthy but illiterate profiteer with a country estate.

As a drug-dependant and a friend of drug-dependants, I would ask you reconsider whether you are acting in the interests of your own concience/freedom, let alone that of your "patients".

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Sorry if you're more altruistic and more understanding of the issues involved than I've given you credit for, but at least realise that:

1) Even the best of trained treatment providers as well as the most loving of friends have a very low success rate in giving long-term "cures" for serious addictions (and the ones with the best records are generally those whose clientelle are selected to eb the most likely to quit on their own, or with any other mode of help).

2) While it's maybe true that if:

"even if just one person finds this useful it's worth it"

what about if even one person dies or self-harms in your care, (or chooses this over a program that would have helped, is not helped by yours, gives up hope of finding help and later dies or just stays miserable in their addiction)?

I'd say the possibility would make it not worth it for "very little finacial interrests" or the self-satisfaction of believing yourself to be a great healer.

Aah, fuck it, I doubt you'll pay attention to my ranting. Please though, do consider whether you should be treating alcohol, benzodiazepine or barbiturate addicts when there is life-threatening medical issues which you are apparently unaware of.

I'm happy if you've helped people to stop harming themselves with drugs, but you ought to be aware that (particularly with non-life threatening withdrawals) the difficult bit isn't stopping for the few weeks of a program like yours. I've quit my own drug of unchoice for weeks on many occasions, but I'm no great success story. If you haven't followed up with all your patients over the years after treatment and found that they've remained happily unnaddicted, you shouldn't be so quick to call them successes. You can stop a physical dependance by locking someone in a room (with no sharp object or hanging points) for a few weeks- it happens all the time in jails. They aint cured.

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Rant over now

I had a few more things to say but I'll spare him and the rest of you, and try to not get a worse reputation as an angry asshole. (Deep breaths..)

Peace and love and empathy

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I agree tryptameanie, as a current poly drug addict and ex addict I can atest that the true strugle comes after withdrawls, staying free is the hard part. Being "a dry drunk" is such a good description for this.

I also thought I would add some words for "WithdrawlClinic" from someone who may have been in a similar situation.

I have a bit of experiance in this feild, I have worked for a few diferant harm-minimization and drug-users groups in the passsed like Vivaids and Ravesafe in melbourne and did 7 months of my Cert4 in Youth Work and Community Services, so I ended up being the "unofficial" after hours crisis worker for a large group drug addicted friends/crew (mostly I.V Meth and Heroin users) and the responsiabity was/is awsome and long term.

All Im saying, on a few different levels, is be careful of what you offer peple W/C...

I think offering your help on a board this way is a little gungho' and asking for finacial rewards is a bit much, what goes around comes around, be happy with that...

If your serious just do it via referal, through your social group and offer to be there for people when they need you. if you find thats not enough and you feel you have more to offer then join your local drug-users-group/support-team or do a course on community work and youth services, this certificate then branches out into specialist feilds like addiction, crisis managment, councilling, psychology etc...

I thought I had an idea of what I was doing before I started my course but after a few months I knew I had a LOT to learn. what you do and how you go about it can have/leave such a major effect on the person your trying to help and I guess the most important thing, everybody is differant, you can never know what to expect and a lot of the time there are mental health issues involved as well.

Dont assume just because you think something is a "light" drug or has an "easy" withdrawl that another person will feel the same way. what seems like a pebble to one person feels like a mountain to another.

As an example, W/D's from heroin were far more painful than withdrawls from meth for me but I did far more damage to my surounddings and carers withdrawing from Meth than I did Heroin because I was in total psychosis.

On another note, I didnt realise how much of myself I was giving and in the end it was like I was directly exchanging every bit of good/positive energy for dead/poisoned energy and wasnt able to recoup. Even now, 3.5yrs later (after moving to QLD) I am totally drained of all energy reserves and keep lapsing in to serious depression every few months or so.

Unfortunatly I have never found anyone willing to do the same for me so its like I keep sapping energy from people around me unintentionaly, so these days I am looking towards other means of finding a path back, or should I say forward. This has lead to a lot of my interests in ethnobotany.

Then there is the legal aspect.. do I even need to go there..

(sorry this is so long and if it isnt formed very well but I only just got back from MardiGrass and need to sleep..)

[ 05. May 2005, 15:40: Message edited by: AndyAmine. ]

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ElfSpice still smokes :P

in case we talk the same person,

i must admitt beeing too hasty using him as a reference. i mentioned him because his name sounds so good and i miss him badly...

aswell i hoped mentioning him, might get him to contact me...

however an other reason is that thinking back to when i met him the following thing happend...

i told him i stopped smoking tabacco a while ago after averaging around 60 rollies per day.

i did not have any non smoking talking sessions with him at all, but regardless he stopped smoking. i clearly remeber him saying wau i allways thought i would have withdrawls but i didn't. for the time elfspice and i where friends he did not smoke.

he gave up with ease just because he followed my example...

now when i had the idea to help people stopping addictions, his case crossed my mind first, so thats why i named him.

salvi, if you have contact with the real elfspice (first name starts with d)than say hello to him for me...

and another thing, if somebody relapses you can hardly blame the person which first iniated the abstinance, but your comment goes towards that direction...

btw another thing salvi, you and my alter ego are very good forum friends.

now @ tryptameanie, critizizing my spelling equals foul play, english is not my mothertounge and i am dyslexic aswell, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I GOT NO TALENT TO HELP PEOPLE THAT WHANT TO STOPP NON DANGEROUS WITHDRAWLS LIKE STATED PREVIOUSLY.

i took all you said very much at heart and feel very misunderstood and

withdrawl my offer to help any of you.

my alter ego is since many years member of this forum and is very aquaintted with your style of posts.

i learned something here, that most of you think helping with withdrawl must be done by a flashy institution without spelling mistakes.

all i say is that i have this talent, to help and i am sure i could have helped, but as said the deal is off, stay stuck where you are...

your reply does hurt me, but i don't take it personally as i know our personallety very well.

my tip to you, have more aya & tryptamines because you need them, by no means have you reached superconciousness as you once claimed you had.

if your german spelling and grammar is halve as good as my english i give you 2kg viridis for free,

you dominating tall poppy...

btw, i didn't feel like reading your crap so i don't know what you said.

but why somebody should die in my care if i take only non dangerous cases is beyond me.

same for alco wh should delirium be a problem if i only take non dangerous cases?

anyway i feel like i am your punching ball, and don't like this so good bye 4 ever.

i tried to help, but got kicked in the nut's for it, ok i understand.

and doubting the financial issues....

gee, no wonder you are on drugs...

@andyamine, thx for your reply as said before i withdrawl my offer...

but btw, believe it or not i did/do help you with your withdrawl in other ways....

and you had only praise for me.

mod's close this topic please, as i tried to help people with non dangerous withdrawls, but allmost everbody projected ther hardcore shit onto me.

i am free, but you are not, what a pitty...

...aya farts will fill my rooms, because i have to debrief after all your projections...

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i think your taking it the wrong way

"non-dangerous" withdrawal cases dont exists... addictions make people behave irrationally... non-drug ones such as gambling.

It's good and admirable to be a support but to claim a clinic you are claiming actual medical help which it sounds like you are not qualified for.

that doesnt mean you cant help people... but sounds like it should be more of a supportive role rather than a solution.

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It happened again :(

I went to the shopping centre for lunch with the guys from work and ended up spending $50 on 2 parts of Dantes "Divine Comedy" and Miltons "Paradise Lost"...

Someone please help me!

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